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Breaking up the ring. (A-Rank NQ)

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Breaking up the ring. (A-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 6:46 am


Kaito got a mission to go and find an underground fighting arena, he is to get names of people taking part in the fights and the people that are placing bets on people. He looked at the group that hired him to help them with this and then he sighed and turned himself to a woman and got the uniform they had for her that was to help work as her cover in the underground fight area where she would be walking around to have herself take bets and their member ids and stuff so she will have info and make the most of it. Kaia walked and looked for the way to the underground area she has the uniform stashed in her personal domain. She needed to make sure that she isn't found out so she finds a safe place and ditched into a closed hall and swiped her hand and the uniform was on her.


Breaking up the ring. (A-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 6:46 am


She started walking around and a manager handed her a special stone that people that are placing bets can touch and their bet be recorded to keep them responsible for themself and the stuff they bet if they were to lose and she was not sure what all that stone could do and if it might be able to weed her out if she wasn't careful and she sees hands raise wishing to make their bets and he was very rich looking when she got close to him and he put his hand out and touched the stone and bet a shipment of slaves on the next fight that the champion would win and take the pot. Other people were betting and they all were making big bets and she wondered if these were bets against certain other members that were around also betting. Kaia was not going to back down and she kept her nose to the grind getting the bets in.


Breaking up the ring. (A-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 6:46 am


One of the managers was saying they were sorry to her for having to cover so many places as a few of the other women had called in sick so they were hard pressed to get all of the bet taking done and some of the people here for it were not being that kind to them as they trade in women and a few had left her tips for her hard work and her looks which Kaia let out a giggle to and said she was going to keep at it and not slow down. Kaia got a look at the fighters as she went around a corner and one of them was her brother who was here to challenge the champion of the underground and Kaia sighed but she kept moving as she was not going to draw attention to her self by talking to the man as she was busy.


Breaking up the ring. (A-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 6:47 am


She went and got the last of the bets from the people that had wished to bet. She then went and watched the fight with the manager and the few other girls that had showed up for their shifts. She had let Revy out at that moment to go and find the records having made her invisible as her magic had no circles so no one was any the wiser that she had casted a spell. She watched as her brother and the champion were fighting fiercely. The girls seemed to be interested in her brother saying they wanted him to win and Kaia was glad to hear that his brother had fans that were cheering him on. She hoped he won as well cause for the amount of jewels and slaves that were being bet she was wondering if that means her brother gets a slave from this fight.


Breaking up the ring. (A-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 6:47 am


She doubted it as he probably won jewels and respect more than he would gain people. She watched as her brother found an opening and gave a mighty thunder filled punch that sent the champion reeling and then her brother got in and then worked the other man's body and Kaia was glad she wasn't fighting him he had clearly been working on his technique. Revy was able to get the records that allowed her to get names to ids and she was passing info into a small portal ring that Kaito had made for her if she needed to borrow a weapon in a tough spot. Kaito had been getting better at his smithing skills and his jewelry making as well, he was trying to be more than muscle. She knew that her guild master would be proud of her for her hard work though he can't remember her name even.


Breaking up the ring. (A-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 6:47 am


Kaia watched as her brother ended the fight and won to the cheering of a lot of people in the crowd. She wondered if he was also here as a fighter to try and bust this place. She hoped that Revy had been able to get all the proof they needed and hoped that she got out of there as the manager walked into the office and hit the button with the winner on it to pay out the bets and Kaia watched as the stone she was holding lit up and then sent out a light to the people that won the bets and how much was won and lost and she was shocked at all the zeros and amount of servants and slaves that switched hands. She went around and started offering drinks to people that had lost the bets they were looking at her and seemed to get in a better mood as she was pretty.


Breaking up the ring. (A-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 6:47 am


Now that she had all the proof she needed she was going to get out of this place and the manager walked up to her and gave her pay from the shift and she took it happily and she hurried on out of the area while changing into her normal clothes and she was sure that she wasn't made out to be a fake as they had too much going on all at once to even think about thinking there was a mole and she went toward the org that had hired her and she called Revy out and she handed over the names and the bets as well as some other info that she had found but Kaia had to admit it was hard being a woman working in a place like that where she was just being undressed with their eyes and some of them probably sizing up how much she would be worth as a slave or if they could buy her. The org pays them for them time and work and off Revy and Kaia went.
(180) (1114/1000) (Exit) (50% Wc) (20%ring,10%guild, 30% Relic.)

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