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Destruction of a Raven, Table Turns.

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Destruction of a Raven, Table Turns. Empty Mon Oct 07, 2024 2:27 am



Lumikki of Iceberg


"Eerie befalls the one to hear a raven’s song"


    Lumikki’s normal flock cluttered much of nearby twisted towers. Perched on top of the structures as they watched their mistress wander upon the path. She was making her way to the clearing set aside for training. Where some found the indoor training grounds to be either useful, Lumikki would rather the space outdoors. Freeing her from the worries of and limiters as she practiced some new spells in her magic.

Wearing a rather short and simple dress. Her pale white hair pulled back in Icebergian braids and a tight ponytail. Lumikki silently walked the grounds and searched for a spot to suit her fancy.

That sky was rather clear, the sun far from its highest arch. Her birds mumbled among themselves as they kept an eye throughout the grounds. Lumikki herself, was rather in her thoughts. Mulling over many of her usual magic spells; but with the changes after Iceberg, she felt even her magic needed to be born anew. As if she never quite noticed before how much she was out growing her older spells. Many a tribute at the time to the myriad of members she worked beside. Now they felt limiting and stale. Like they no longer suit her as much as they chained her to old times and work. There was a need for something new. A step away from the stillness of the frost and more into the transitions of the dark unknown. And so, Lumikki pondered over her budding ideas for forms of spells and the ways they could better serve a purpose. Now carrying her guild as its master, there was no need to flash them in her spells anymore.

But then that begs the question. Who is she now, and what would she want? How exactly would her magic reflect her now, and all the things she went through. It also felt like a growing ordeal. Like the path she was heading in the time. Now, she could only wonder, how to do it all new.



"Get lost in the gaze"

Destruction of a Raven, Table Turns. Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Destruction of a Raven, Table Turns. Empty Mon Oct 07, 2024 5:43 am

Ittindi was waltzing through the Amaforth Academy, not a thought in his mind. He had recently come into some rather powerful artifacts he wanted t o show off to his mentor. There weren't many people he could speak about his magic, he knew that it was time to share it with the Young Master. After their most recent duel at the arena, it was obvious that he'd need to use his magic to keep up. His hubris at thinking he could eventually defeat him with his gun, dispelled when he learned that he could avoid the armor piercing function. It also made him realized he needed to work more on his spells and spearmanship as a result.

His gun training would have to be with weaker foes, as he walked through the different training rooms, he didn't see any signs of Lady Lumikki. Even after moving through the different staff rooms he had no luck, that's when he heard a raven on the roof of the building. Walking outside he'd finally see his mentor, she was dressed simply today, while Ittindi was in his Mock Monopoly suit. It felt odd not having it, so he had custom ordered a dozen tuxedos that looked similar. Ittindi would wave at Lady Lumikki as he approached, speaking loudly.

”Lady Lumikki, I was looking for you! I wanted to show you my new armor, it helps with my magic as well. What are you up too by the way you're not in you're usual elegant attire.”

Ittindi was more comfortable speaking his mind around Lady Lumikki, she seemed to discern his meaning whether he spoke it or not. No doubt it was from their similarities, Ittindi wondered if eventually Lady Lumikki's guild leading style would mirror Lady Judith's. They both seemed to care for their guild members, though Lady Lumikki used her invisible servants.

Ittindi also thought to himself with the weather outside it'd be a good test to see what the temperature control was like when he was fully immersed in the armor. Perhaps he'd try a couple exercises too, see how the breathability goes when he was panting. Ittindi would shudder for a brief second, randomly he could swear he felt a heartbeat in his necklace. He had been told of an ancient blood ritual that helped with rebirth when he had purchased it from an antique vendor in Minstrel. Naki had assured him that this would work favorably with their magic and his change in species. Even though none had been able to classify him besides being a modicum different than a regular human.

WC: 433


Destruction of a Raven, Table Turns. Empty Mon Oct 07, 2024 5:24 pm


Lumikki of Iceberg

"Eerie befalls the one to hear a raven’s song"

”The Rune Knight approaches, the one from you lessons.” Lonu uttered in a soft voice, all the ravens noticed Ittindi as he wander over since the very moment he appeared beside the building nearby. Lumikki was so lost in her thoughts to notice for herself, so the gentle warning did wonders. By the time Ittindi’s voice echoed above the empty field, she could turn over to meet him. A soft smile playing along her lips as she often adored seeing her good friend whenever he was around to work through his magic as well.

Greeting friend, ye got more spells to work through too?—Huh, armor? Oh that sounds interesting~” Lumikki’s head tilted down, her hands gripping loosely on the hems of her dress before she just as abruptly let it fall back down. ”Didn’t want to wear something to long in the case it get in the way of me spell crafting.” With the vision pointed downward, one could notice something particular. Where one usually had one shadow, it almost appeared as though Lumikki had two. It would be something that someone could easily brush off, it’s not rare for light to come from two sources—even if there were no reasonable cause for it now— but the thing that was jarring was the white shadow occupying her right side.

”If ye have an armor to show, did ye come to the College of Destruction to test it? Speaking of…where is it?” A bit bewildered, Lumikki looked Ittindi over. Even when training, he often looked as sharp as one would on an outing. The commitment to appearance was one of the things she grew to enjoy about him. Oddly enough, it was not often that she encounter another with a strong sense of discipline. For the Demoness who struggled often with her compulsions, having pillars like him proving his grit was refreshing. Like the Dwarves back in her home city, ever did they they push through.


"Get lost in the gaze"

Destruction of a Raven, Table Turns. Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Destruction of a Raven, Table Turns. Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 7:19 am

Armor no helmet on though:

”I was hoping you’d ask…BLAMO….hmm maybe I need a better phrase, I’ve never been one for catch phrases….I’ve been waiting to use this one on the Young Master eventually.HRMPPHHHHHH…Don’t confuse your Rank with my Authority. Then I’d like pull out a gun and shoot or something elegant. Anyways you said spell training, I could help for once.”

As Ittindi said Blamo, he’d activate his armor, the purple black amalgamation would cover his body leaving only his head exposed, he didn’t want anyone who was passing by to think that Lady Lumikki was in an actual fight with a demon. He’d flex his muscles and hop up and down to make sure the fit was as snug as it looked. The armor was something he had acquired from a merchant from Talaz Lagar, something he wouldn’t mention after she had responded negatively to Sir Brone’s armor.

Ittindi had a defensive spell he had been working on for some time. He had learned that he could call on his ancestors and the spirits of Naki to protect himself or others. Another original spell from Ittindi, it seemed that he would have to come up with the most powerful spells of his arsenal. As the others didn’t typically reach the power he had, it made him wonder if his death was approaching sooner than he wished.

”What kind of spells were you thinking of training Lady Lumikki?”

Ittindi was curious, from what he had heard from his Young Master, Lady Lumikki could freeze you in place with her magic. He wondered if with his ancestral full body defense would he be able to resist it.  He’d hear his grandfather speaking to him, mixed with a voice he was unfamiliar with. It seemed that his attempt was combing spirits from Naki and his ancestors, as the screaming started from his ancestors Ittindi knew he had messed up.

Banishing all the spirits in his mind, he’d refocus, a simple breathing exercise in 2 out 2. The idea of permanently ruining someone’s eternal peace was a frightening thought, but Naki chimed in his head telling him that what he did was temporary. That in their final resting place very few beings could permanently tamper with their souls or spirits. Taking a deep breath, he’d attempt to communicate with his ancestors again. This time he’d clearly hear his grandpa’s voice unperturbed by Naki spirits, then other family members would chime in. He was building a fortress of family, now to combine them with the strength of the avatars.

Ittindi would pause in his thoughts looking over to see what Lady Lumikki had planned for her first spell, all he needed to do was combine the leftover spirits and plunge his hand into the ground pulling them from the underworld. Or whatever people preferred to call their designated afterlife, death came for all it didn’t matter what the name of where they ended up. All were just guides to be used by an avatar of death such as Ittindi.

WC: 501/ 1,100 Ancestral Defense


Destruction of a Raven, Table Turns. Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 6:24 am



Lumikki of Iceberg


"Eerie befalls the one to hear a raven’s song"


Charmed by his words, Lumikki chuckled. Her laughter halted for a moment as she gasped—but her merriment won over her wonder as he kept going. ”Rather dazzling if ye ask me.” The Demoness now pacing around him with a piercing gaze. Her curiously was as clear on her face as the glasses were on his. ”Almost absolutely Abyssal~ I’d of gotten it confused if I didn’t chance seeing a fiendish thing like this on the Angel before.” She only had a moment to see it before in the skirmish prior. Now that felt so long ago, that she entirely forgot about it. Eventually she’d stop just right before him. Her small stature craning enough to look right at him. ”But leave it to ye to find such interesting things.” Her lips curled back in fiendish smile and she’d take steps back to see him again proper.

”Aye! This time I’m quite in need of yer aid. So much so, that ye’ve become a godsend. Lumikki suddenly clapped her hands together and took quite a few more steps back. As she did, her wings unfurled, expanding in full. ”Quite the range actually. I’ve got both a hex and curse to test out, a few snares to sort, dabbling in healing—would ye believe it, and in a place like this no less—and lastly, a few I hope could hurt. Do ye think ye could handle the brunt of it?” The question was a tease and he’d know it. There was no doubt in her mind of his talent, and if there had been, it died the moment he bested time and avoided her spells.

Unaware of his internal dilemma, Lumikki would invoke a small one of her own. She could feel the tundra swelling from within and she’d rile it up. As the inward storm picked up in ferocity, so did she on her wings. Rising only a few short meters into the sky, Lumikki readied her spell. It was as if her body understood, black mist crept from her lips and hung in the air. Condensing all around her and chilling the atmosphere. The temperatures around them plummeted, while a lavender magical circle flashed under Ittindi’s feet. With the push of her wings, a dark mist gale twisted around him, clinging onto the flesh of his armor as a thick layer of rime crept along his frame and holding him tightly in place.

Blissful Death learned (1036/1000 75% wcr due to maxed int)

”Not like I figure ye’d try to slip away, but I can’t expect that from everyone in a fight; can I? Still….I’m curious of how ye’d try to get away….” A smirk played along her lips, flashing her fangs—that is if he could see her clearly from the position he was in, and in one graceful motion Lumikki pressed her fingertips together. This was not the gesture that triggered her spell, that would come soon however, but for the moment she was simply collected her energy. Easy was it to disperse, that was the nature of snow and shadow. To stretch about for as far as they could, but for the moment, she wished to condense it into something more….impactful.

”Yes, yes, gun indeed.” The mage nodded her head as if agreeing to something, perhaps it was the charm in taking a shot. ”But admittedly I’m still old fashioned, as ye’d expect from the Dwarven raised.” As she uttered those words, Lumikki extended her hand in the gesture of a gun. She held it there outstretched for moment, the pointer facing right toward him. If it looked silly at first, that would not last for very long. As all her mana was now coagulating at the tip of her finger. Its hues were black, lavender, blue—flickering about just before the magical circle flickered before her. From which a two pieced bow began to manifest, her black frost was rapidly pulling all the moisture in the air and shaping it. Both pieces harbor their sets of wings that occupied the inverse side. One doubled wing in the right, the other left.

The curved pieces hovered in the air for a moment, with the larger of the two in from and holder of the left most wings. But the details of the base were shaping to be quite intricate in its mindful angular display and carefully placed runes along the shaft.

The segmented pieces pulled apart and aligned themselves beside her. Readying themselves to take the shot as they angled themselves to point right toward Ittindi below. And then, that was when the real magic began to happen. The dark, surging frost of Lumikki’s magic was beginning to come alive and shaping itself into an arrow. It formed in the space left for it within the two arches, shimmering and pulsing as it awaited the moment to be let loose. Lumikki held onto the spell for a bit longer, forcing it to condense even more.

Finally, when she was finally satisfied, another grin tugged at her lips and a devilish sparkle flickered in her eyes. ”Time we test the armor!” She bellowed, and in that very moment the Demoness cocked back her hand like a gun that’s been shot.

Thats when the arrow ruptured. With a small implosion at the tip, it crash forward and darted down below much like a focused beam of light with rings wrapped around it like fractured rays. It rushed down, eager to collide into the ground and all within its radius as it appeared like a falling black star.

Evening Star Late Night Punisher learned (513/500 75% wcr due to maxed int

"Get lost in the gaze"

Destruction of a Raven, Table Turns. Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Destruction of a Raven, Table Turns. Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 5:44 am

Lady Lumikki would complement his newest armor, and he felt a tinge of pride, though the flattery would stop as she started summoning her strength for her first spell. Ittindi would do the same, diving deeper into death this time. Ittindi and Naki’s resolve in death made the place more of a vacation spot then the afterlife. The spirits would try to pull him to something permanent, but with his tenure Ittindi would beat them away like flies. He had a decision to make, while it was possible to call directly and find his ancestors, he had a decent amount already around him in the physical. All he really needed was a way to create a more physical connection. Something that he had been taught about ghosts is that they used the souls of others to fuel them. He would try to replicate such a method but only take a portion of these souls’ power they’d be able to regenerate it in no time flat.  Grabbing one or two while staring down others, he’d bring himself back to the physical his hand shooting down into the ground. The seal appearing shortly after, he could feel the slimy ectoplasmic nature of the spirits, magic was a terrifying thing indeed. His ancestors were now scared as he fed them energy through other spirits to create a physical shield around his body. It still failed to stop Lady Lumikki’s spell.

Another magical symbol would appear underneath him, and while Ittindi could dodge it, when one didn’t fear death what’s the worse that could happen. A decision he’d regret, while his magical spirits could protect him from damage, the cold was another thing entirely. First he could see his breath, then his breath seemed to be crystalizing? Or was it Lady Lumikki’s spell his whole body was encased in ice. He could use his mana to break out but he wanted to see if his spell held against what came next.

He thought her finger gun was a jest at his reliance on guns, that was until the mana started to build up. His ancestor’s spirits quivered as even in their hardened transparent state they could see the impending doom heading towards them. Ittindi trusted in his magic abilities, Lady Lumikki wouldn’t want him as a mentee otherwise. The blast collided with the ground? Ittindi couldn’t tell as debris and mana destroyed the ice around him though it quickly reformed feeding of Lady Lumikki’s mana.  His shield barely held the spirits crying out for their home. Ittindi wished no harm upon them, especially considering one might be his own Memaw.  Ittindi would use his mana to break out of the ice trap, surprised by the sheer amount he had to will into his body to unfreeze. Shivering, Ittindi’s teeth still chattering would shout at Lady Lumikki.

”Thattt--thattt might be the firstttt….and hopefully the last time I see an ice explosion.”

Ittindi’s teeth slowly warming up as he tried to shout at Lady Lumikki. His spell held up well enough, but that meant she had yet to unleash her full power. The ancestral spirits were getting close to a roar in his head begging for release, he’d either need to feed them more mana or dismiss. Their was still some durability in the spell, but not enough that Ittindi would want to stand still in the same position for the next bullet. Dismissing his spell, he’d see the spirits float back down to their natural resting place. One even thanked him for asking his ancestors for help, that it was wise to seek enlightenment from one’s elders.

Ancestral Defense Trained.

Lady Lumikki while not older than Ittindi in age, she had a longer experience as a demon, and the way she interacted with magic in the world was like his. He was impressed by her freezing spell, Ittindi needed something similar, he had been practicing so much on his miasma he had forgotten other fundamentals of magic. A binding spell, what would that look like for him? He didn’t have much time to posit, they were still training, and he had other ideas. A spell that would push those back, not as useful in a fight against his Mentor but he was thinking of more physical ones, after the Darkfang fight he realized he needed a better way to deal with large groups besides his rocket launcher.

”Does it feel different for you when you’re harnessing destructive energy versus binding?”

With others Ittindi would often find ways to elegantly state his questions, with Lady Lumikki it was like he was back in the servant quarters. She had a way of making it known she was the authority but that she was approachable was that also the way of the dwarves? Why did Ittindi find it so hard to make Human friends? Was he the freak?

Yes Ittindi this feeling is how we push others away, do you feel it the need to belong. I want you to feel what you thought was never real, let go of everything else. Feel it like you’ve felt it all along.

Ancestral Defense Trained
Go Away You! 247/1,100


Destruction of a Raven, Table Turns. Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 3:21 am



Lumikki of Iceberg


"Eerie befalls the one to hear a raven’s song"


The spectacle was pleasantly flashy. Shards of ice flecked and soared every which way, their surfaces catching the light and painting the scene below in hues that enchanted her. Like a dazzling show that pointed the lights in all directions. And at its core, was the condensed and sheer black cold. Pouring straight down at her desired location with Ittindi at the center.

When the black mist and snow crystals cleared, the clad butler was back in view. His body shivering as a byproduct of her sudden frigid lock. Though it seemed he was free of it now, and what more, hardly bothered by her test spell. ”Hopefully the last, ye say? I don’t recall planning many more, but I can’t promise me other spells don’t have an explosive speck in ‘em.” A chuckle fell from her lips as she was pleased to see his grit was true. Knuckles furthest from her mind, she only saw Ittindi for the potential that he was. It was like every time she saw him, death draped him with more power and regalia. If she was not deeply satisfied with her magic and frør, the Demoness could find herself envious. But the cold she wields proceeds the chill of death itself, after all, it was from the cold and dark nothingness that bore the realms that exist now and all within them.

”Oy it does. If I were to compare it to yer voice for example, the place in yer chest or the pressure ya need to conjure a laugh is far different from on of a yell or screech. Yet both come from fundamentally the same core.” As if this was a superb opportunity to explain it further, Lumikki held her hand out for just a moment. Channeling the mana required to test her next spell. ”When I intend to snare me enemy, I could feel the tug and hold in me very soul. As if they act like muscles one would exert in a grab. Tense at first, but it washes away rather quickly like an owl with a talon outstretched and ready to snatch their mouse. The desires weaves into the mana to bring forth the desired effect.” At the mention of a talon, Lumikki would clutch the very air before, in the direction of her pupil below. Doing so triggered the effect, and a circle now flashed right in front of the Rune knight. Before he could react however, a massive frost talon emerged. Its black sheen infused with cyan hues and light shining from within to look like a ghastly appendage from the tundra itself.

It seized him in an instant, much like the last spell, locking him in place. Though his arms were left free is he could use them. The grip was tight, but not intense enough to crush. No, he was simply in another hold.

”Much like the clutch of an owl—the yearning to hold down their prey—I can shape me magic to manifest that desire. Does that clear that matter by chance?”

Destruction of a Raven, Table Turns. Giphy

Faltering Prayer Learned (507/500 75% wcr due to max int)

Hoisted slightly off the ground, Ittindi was on his toes. ”But we haven’t tested the armor yet.” Her comment came off matter-of-factly with a hint of playfulness. Her tendency to toy around often proceeding her. This new spell was one she was mulling over for quite some time as it was well way out of her norm, but that only excited her more and causes her lower-most set of wings to quiver in delight. The real question now would be—what form should they take on. And it would be that inquiry that kept her still and silent.

Whips and lashers, spikes and spears, a claw or a drill…Lumikki was a Demon in nature, an existence that made her quite malleable. The Abyss that tore her body to shreds on her rebirth, replacing her blood and flesh with its chaotic and ever shifting Obscura. It went from tainting her mana, to becoming the thing that coursed her veins. Even this presentation was but a facade. She was no longer this small in stature. Instead, she was a Raven Demon in full. One that stood five meters tall should she show it, the excess of her being only condensed in her small form.

It would be this shapeshifting aspect of hers that inspired the creation to this spell. One that unleashed the binds of her structure, so that could change it at will how she pleased. And so she focused hard on her lower-most wings. As if she was trying to unravel thread and see to it that the garment falls apart. And even though she changes shape often, she was surprised to see just how hard it was in this isolated case. It was like trying to snatch and tear a string from a shirt on the first swipe with long nails to pincer the thread, and the struggle was frustrating her.

In a split moment, she retired her thoughts. Choosing to rely upon her instincts and desires instead, letting her form come undone however felt right. Her wings began twitching until it started to shake violent and erratically, as if her efforts sunk into feather and flesh, turning what was solid to near liquid and undoing her body. It bent and snapped, twisting in a myriad of different ways. The black and dark blue of her feathers now receding while the base smoothened like a cord, and veins showing shimmers of bright cyan running through, all coming to a point. A magic circle flickered beneath her for but a second, followed by four vine-like tendrils slithering through the air toward the privy butler in her snare. Their serpentine moments were fluid, the bright cyan barbed spikes at the tips now acting like heads that pierced the air and shot fast. For a moment, they whipped about in a round about way until focusing on their mark. With all four converging to impale him at once. ”Should the armor fail ya, know that I plan to practice me heals as well!” The lashers met at one point as they bent to pierce through the fleshy armor.

Destruction of a Raven, Table Turns. Img_0913[/url]

Darkstalker Learned (515/500 75% wcr due to maxed int)

"Get lost in the gaze"

Destruction of a Raven, Table Turns. Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Destruction of a Raven, Table Turns. Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 5:39 am

Ittindi wasn’t disheartened by Lady Lumikki’s admission that their might be more explosions in his immediate future. That was ok, Ittindi was more interested in her explanation of magic, he had a harder time using his emotions to fuel his magic, but it was what Naki required. The human experience was something that Demons sought to emulate, or was it that they all bore the same humanity?

Pointless ponderings Ittindi, focus on belonging. I’ve seen your memories, use a powerful one for your first time trying a new school of magic. You know which one.

The story flowed through him as powerful as mana, the only time he felt he belonged, besides when he was with the Young Master or deep cleaning. It was a hot one, a spring day, a perfect day for shoe shining. He had raised enough money to pay for his own food for the whole month, he remembered that smile as he raced home sweaty, tacky and in mismatched shoes their mouths opened wide to embrace the wind and circulate air…one of the few times both his parents smiled and were proud. Being the 10th child in a family was not a happy existence, hand me downs had been tattered beyond belief not that Ittindi minded, it helped encourage more to look down for his shoe shining’s. He wouldn’t be weak like the others in his family, sure tears and anger could get you further with his parents. Ittindi saw what they ignored for their own selfishness, each tear every scream dug their parents deeper into destitution and an early grave. The day turned out even better when he was offered an apprenticeship at the Shi manor in his night shift.  He made the announcement at supper to his parents and family. For the first time instead of the usual feigned excitement, they were all smiling joyous even, his father popped a bottle of their only alcohol one of the sweetest cups of wine Ittindi ever indulged in.  The sweet grappa a drink he only indulged in, in private.

As the first of many tears would drop onto Lummiki’s gripping spell as Ittindi dove deeper into his emotions completely zoned out of the physical world. They say the death of a child is the first time they worry about their parents, was Ittindi ever a child? Not in his memories at least.

That night the praise he received, the whispers of the new things they could afford with one less mouth to feed. Ittindi promised many things, one of them he kept to this day; to send money back home. He never received any invitations to family gatherings, no one came to his Butler induction, not a single bout of congratulations for the Rune Knights no matter what rank he reached. All he had of his family’s love; in a single memory of acceptance and a handful of prepackaged cards that they’d all sign and occasionally send to him on holidays. He still got a pang occasionally, seeing a child or Rune Knight that reminded him of a family member. He had given up on writing or trying to establish a connection after so many failed attempts, Ittindi cherished each letter regardless the only thing that traveled with him besides his collection of clothes. A simple reminder for Ittindi that one day he’d be worthy of the love they had for each other, that feeling of belonging and family.

That was love to Ittindi obligation, dedication and above all discipline. Though with Naki the obligation seemed harder to keep every day, the demon claimed that love was supposed to be reciprocated. Demon talk, what would they know about love, all they did was enforce the cycle. Ittindi used to think with this power he’d be able to grasp death understand more, but even now he just borrowed powers. He wasn’t even worthy of death each time he came back the disdain on the man God’s faces he saw. None were Illumin, he knew that’s when he'd finally be at peace. What a death his final one would be perhaps it’d be saving Lady Lumikki? The Young Master? Rune Knights? Or maybe something greater then that. He was unworthy of anything at the moment, he’d prove everyone wrong nature, fate, none could stop his ambition.

That’s when he’d look around, when had he been captured by Lady Lumikki? When had the spikes tried to impale past the armor, it’s form holding up against the attack. The vague memory of Lady Lumikki telling him she’d be testing his armor. How much time had passed? And most importantly when and why did he start crying?

Before you lose that feeling Ittindi, quick cast your spell.

Ittindi would remember as he flicked his index finger in Lady Lumikki’s direction, normally a large magic seal would appear, but with his armor, Lady Lumikki would see his finger and then a 52 cm projectile headed her way at 40 m/s. Should it connect she’d be pushed back  30 meters. Ittindi was impressed with his spell either way, thinking he wouldn’t need to trudge up such feelings in the future. It was indeed powerful enough that the spell seemed ingrained in his being. At least Naki was right about one thing.

”Lady Lumikki, do demons have parents?”

Go Away You! Trained


Destruction of a Raven, Table Turns. Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 6:29 pm



Lumikki of Iceberg


"Eerie befalls the one to hear a raven’s song"


As her lashers slithered through the sky, and just before the point of their convergence. Lumikki witnessed something that baffled her. Ittindi in the moment of her attack, had began to cry…. The tears were subtle at first, just a trickle; but soon came down rather heavily like he was told that something precious had been taken away. Her face scrunch, reflecting her bewilderment, and for a slight moment, she turned her head away. It was not enough to halt her, nor lighten the strike, but she wasn’t unmoved either. And as she gazed upon him with curiosity and worry, the  Rune Knight would raise one of his free hands and point right towards her.

Lumi ever vigilant, reacted quickly when the gesture proved to be a trigger for an illusive spell. Never having witness a spell circle she could not perceive, the lines that dotted toward her betrayed his attempt to cast. Proving something was indeed coming her way should she stay where she was.

”I owe it to him to let at least let one thing land…” She would mull over to herself, head tilting in thought while her wings still flapped rather erratically. Her upper-most pair were far more than enough to carry her weight, but her lasher were something she was still getting used to, even with their retraction. The Demoness did not have the gesture or sensation down quite yet to maintain her grace, but she’ll recover soon enough to try the next thing. However before the lower-most pair had the chance to shift back. The tendrils still receding before trying to flatten again. Lumikki in an attempt to try another spell and save herself some damage, pulled in her arms and tucked her chin in.

The gesture was a tinge risky, she was not ready to keep flying in this state should she cast her next spell. But who was ever fully certain battle. What better time to test such risks than right now. And even if her wings did not beat down perfectly in the moment, with her magic, she should still be able to hover in the moment.

Lumikki hands clenched tightly, almost clawing at her chest. A magical circle flashed in front her, while Ittindi’s spell was now only a few meters away. Cutting it close, her wings wrapped again. Only this time they took on a more defensive form. Folding forward and covering the Demoness from his sight. Two of her four wings began shaping like a shield. The wings interlocked like black steel plates with an icy cyan sheen, the excess feathers protruding like daggers as if they were warning to fear the Harpy on approach.

Just as they settled and hardened enough for the attack, her other wings reformed and kept up her stride to maintain hovering in place. That was when the strike occurred, but not quite how she thought. There was no damage in it, no destructive force. Yet it was powerful enough to push her back all the same for what she could surmise to be thirty meters or so.

Destruction of a Raven, Table Turns. 31981624307_60ebad286a_h

Shield Maiden Learned (515/500 75% wcr due to max int)

For the moment, it seemed the shield was wasted but she learned a lot through it all the same. As Lumikki’s wings loosened, the feathers come apart and the base softened enough that she could move her upper set easily once again. They pulled away to revel a smirking demon, far too amused by his gesture. Her face breaking out into a giggle as she relaxed her posture enough to fix her disheveled hair. The cyan hues of her feathers receded and the wings fixed themselves to how they were before, now all beating in sync as she hovered in place.

Just before she was shoved so far bar, for a moment, Lumi was able to catch something uttered. Ittindi with another odd thing to say. She’d ponder the point of it, while sorting her spell. Hoping that she could prepare an answer just before her swift return but for now, too far away to be heard, she will have to hold her tongue for a little longer.

Before she could settle on the trip back, Lumikki lingered. Her body tensing as she condensed her mana again to prepare for the next spell from her potential arsenal. She could feel it crackle within her, demanding to take form. She held on for a bit a bit longer however to be sure she collected just enough.

Truth be told, despite her preparing the mana, Lumikki was not fully sure how to shape the spell just yet. The form did not come to mind. She only knew that she wanted to answer him back with a projectile of her own—maybe many now that she thought more about it.

How many more became the new question, not even sure yet about its shape. Yet for every ticking second that went by, a feather of frost manifested around her and dropped lazily. A product of her excess mana pooling around her and mixing with the air. She was not to sure of this, her thoughts being elsewhere, but she noticed a few falling down, it dawned on her. How for a raven of her likeness, she never made many feathered spells. With her realization, a few came to mind and just as swiftly, Lumikki acted on it.

Pulling her arms back in one smooth motion, Lumikki allowing the rest of her mana to drain accordingly. In the upward direction of her magic’s flowed an arch of feathers formed. Freezing the moister in the air and hardening the ice to a dangerous degree. Though they were made as feathers in mind, they had an arrow likeness. Resembling a volley ready to fall from the heavens and impale her foes. And they would hover around her like a static halo, awaiting the moment they can be loose.

What a refreshing change, Lumikki thought to herself. After all, they call for spell work today was to make more spells the felt like her. And even after she finished testing this one spell, there were two left she had in mind to bear the feather motif as well.

Star Shattering Nightfall Learned (510/500 75% wcr due to maxed int)

Of course, for the moment, Lumikki was not done. Satisfied with the presentation of her new spell, she still had to test it. A feat that would not suit her here. Not as fast as she was now. And so it was time to sort a way to spirit her back, much like her other dashing spells but more suiting of her more matured magic and something with a more promising range than she had mustered before.

And this would not take her long to think over, she had an inkling of what she wanted in mind. The Demoness tensed her body, all muscles feeling as if their springs were wound tightly. The fingers of her talon-like hands curled and stiffen as well. As if she were readying herself to swipe at a foe and her posture hunched a bit as if she’d pounce.

Holding in her mana again, like she was squeezing it into a ball and finally, leaning forward would channel the spell and release her springs. The magic circles barely formed when the excess of wings shot from her ankles and head. From which they will all push her in a single direction beating down all at once with the assistance of her main wings as well. Pushing the wind in a powerful swipe that did not end on a single bear, Lumikki was propelled forward for what seemed more than half of the distance she was pushed back, leaving a trail of feathers with hues of black, purple, cyan, and blues behind her. Falling in the wind like confetti from a celebration.

Closing the gap was quite fast, though not the fastest the Demoness has ever moved. Still it brought a sense thrill to her, and she could feel her blood pumping through her veins. The halo of feathers, her volley, trailed just behind. Managing to keep up in speed. And the moment she stopped in place, her feather rather continued. Their mark was set when it was Ittindi who she faced.

They sung in the air, whizzing past her and down toward him. Each feather choosing their end, but containing it all within a certain area. Their ice shards and trap magic exploding upon impact, similar to her spell before but just not all at once. Rather it felt like an interval, the sensation of heavy rain falling and hitting your skin. Though not as nice and soothing. The shards threatened to cut all around them as they collided to the ground or man in his symbiotic suit. And as they kept falling, Lumikki would hover closer and prepare her voice.

”Aye they do!” She’d call to the man weathering her storm. ”Of typical origin as ye’d expect. And from a myriad of other ways too. I remembered once, reading the stories of how became of man. If ye’d care to look into it, they came from an assortment of ways. In me case, from those of Norse, they’re but mud reforged as many other stories would also lead ye to believe. Or perhaps like in some, there was only divinity for their source.” Lumikki took a moment to readjust her posture and as she spoke, she pushed back her bangs once more. She pressed her legs together and pulled them up like she was sitting in the air. Her gaze soften as she awaited the dust and snow to settle for her to see him clear again. ”All to say, Chaos is like ancestor to me as well now that I’ve been reborn. But for a time, I had a Demonic father as well along me own.”

A-2-B Learned (610/500 75% wcr due to int)

"Get lost in the gaze"

Destruction of a Raven, Table Turns. Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Destruction of a Raven, Table Turns. Empty Tue Oct 15, 2024 4:15 am

Ittindi would be surprised by the effect of his spell as it launched Lady Lumikki backwards. It of course did no harm, Lady Lumikki had managed some kind o defensive spell though it proved fruitless against his magic. With how fast she moved, he wasn't sure if she was surprised by his spell or not. He had a couple other spells in his arsenal, next was his weaker version of a mask shield. It wasn't a spell that required much emotional effort after mastering a stronger version. He'd channel his mana, it flow until it condensed at his arm. The oni mask that appeared this time had the appearance of a  fanged beast, it appeared to be demon baboon. Ittindi did like its imagery, it reminded him of one of the Joyan tales he had read while in the country. He had been trying to learn more of their culture since it seemed that his Demon Soul came from an alternate universes’ version of Joya.

With Lady Lumikki so far away, it didn’t' seem likely they'd hear each other unless he shouted. She sent a message of her own, when her magical feathers of snow would be ready to impale. Ittindi knew that his shield wouldn't be able to hold, but he had another thing he wanted to try besides his spells. His new necklace, needed a practical application. His shield sturdy 1x1 meter on his left forearm, normally he'd protect his vitals. Instead he have his armor go back inside him, and protect his head but nothing else. Letting the feathers purposely plunge into his vitals before the explosion. Time to show Lady Lumikki another part of his powers as a giant blast exploded outwards from Ittindi to a range of 32 meters, considering the distance he pushed her back and that they weren’t standing next to eachother she should be unharmed.  It'd be the usual fade to black, before he revived himself. Though this time he'd feel reinvigorated on his way back, the metronomic beating of his necklace bringing him back at full capacity and any damage to his body was mostly healed.

Shield Mask I trained 355/250


As Lady Lumikki rushed towards him, with feathers in her trail, another ice trap. Ittindi didn't worry about it, he was focused on one of his last spells he needed to train. His armor withdrawn, his spell circles would become visible again. Another spell that was a reduced version of one his more powerful. His mind completely focused, tears wiped clean, Ittindi would resonate with Naki, and his other avatars. There were so many, this time a women, she was dressed in the traditional Kimono of a commoner. A funny sight seeing a common women fight for the side of death. The only more appropriate avatar would be a leper, her Kusarigama a weaker more appropriate chain to what Ittindi envisioned.  There would be times that he would need to have weaker spells for training, sparring or simply sparing the life of a weaker criminal. His form of justice embodying something more apathetic than his colleagues, the harm mattered to him more than the law. Just as manners and cleanliness mattered more than any law the Rune Knights could establish.

”That’s what caused the tears, thinking of the few times I earned my parents love. I wasn’t sure if you or Naki could empathize, but I see you can. That explosion is something that triggers on my “death”. I wanted you to see its proportions in case its needed at another time. I recently acquired another artifact that helps my resurrection process though, I’ll have to keep where that one is a secret. I only have one spell left, a pretty basic one, are all your attacks so avian like? I realize I’ve never actually seen you use to many spells.”

First the spell circle would appear half a meter in diameter around Ittindi’s hand as a chain would emerge. Ittindi would throw it straight at Lady Lumikki as the blade sliced through the air. He was sure that she’d be able to block or dodge such a simple spell. After it made some kind of impact instead of dissipating, The chain as if controlled by a ghost would redirect to try and slash her one more time before disappearing.

You have truly mastered being an avatar of death Ittindi, usually my disciples have died after learning so many spells from me. Instead you continue to make more, I look forward to what inventions we can pass onto the next avatar.

Kusarigama III trained 401/375

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