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Amaforth Breaking Dawn [Targa]

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Amaforth Breaking Dawn [Targa] Empty Today at 11:20 am


Ittindi was in a chipper mood today, the autumn day had the leaves in full fall. There didn't seem to be many on campus today, Ittindi had learned of a newer student on campus and was on his way to find them. He hoped it was another college of destruction student, most had left the school as of late. With part of this academy being backed by the Rune Knights and the council he felt obligated in its success. The empty classrooms an all to real reminder of their failure.  He was wearing one of his new favorite suits, a purple three piece with a white tuxedo button up shirt that’s had small vertical frills.

He'd wander around the halls until he was outside on the steps of the spire that was the college of destruction. Ittindi hoped to spot them either on their way into any of the college buildings or perhaps he’d be seen and approached. He’d sweep off a part of the steps from the dust and sit down. Pondering if he was to early or to late to see the fabled student.  The advantage of the college of destruction was its tall spire and steps proved to be a great vantage point to see the rest of the academy.

Ittindi one would think you’re desperate, for all you know this student might be another demon. You already have befriended so many of us do you wonder if you’ll ever have any human friends?

Ittindi would ignore Naki in his head, he assumed that the individual he was looking for wasn’t human. Otherwise, why would his demon taunt him? Still Ittindi did hold out a small bit of hope for at least the new student not being a demon.  Ultimately, a good person or a well-mannered one would do fine. While he waited, Ittindi would twirl his dominator pistol, otherwise he’d find cleaning work to do. Better to not show people his obsession so early, it wasn’t something others found admirable. He’d continue twirling and throwing his dominator up in the air while thinking about his time in the Rune Knights having to prove himself as an odd butler.


Amaforth Breaking Dawn [Targa] Empty Today at 2:42 pm

Monopoly Suit:

Targa adjusted her top hat and straightened her tie as she walked across the campus. The crisp autumn air welcomed her, and she found pleasure in the changing scenery, different from the places she had been before as of recent. The towering academy, with its tall spires and grand arches, stood before her, a beautiful presence against the backdrop of the turning leaves.

As she approached the steps, a man called out to her and asked if she was the new student. He needed to register her and note her magic before she could enter and meet the other students, teachers and staff. Targa raised an eyebrow, unsure if his intentions were to be helpful or if he had his own agenda. Nonetheless, she decided to engage, recognizing the opportunity to meet someone new, especially from the College of Destruction. A brief smile played on her lips as she introduced herself, tipping her hat and spinning her hand in a flourish with a bow.

The woman had mastered the art of charming others through years of socializing. Whether this instructor would significantly impact her journey remained uncertain, but he seemed reasonably agreeable. She confidently described her Crash magic, acknowledging that she was here to train with it and gain a greater hold over it. However, she just now realized this academy might be filled with fresh perspectives on such destructive magic, which could present an interesting challenge.

The man's comments about destruction magic's declining popularity prompted a quiet chuckle from Targa. She acknowledged that regardless of its popularity, destruction had a way of making itself necessary, though she meant this in a practical sense. There was power in understanding how to bring things down, allowing something stronger and better to be built in its place. This was the essence of her Crash magic, or so what she convinced herself it was.

The man would let her into the college and she would see not many people moving about. Maybe they were in class, or this college just didn't have many students. It was then she spotted a dapper man wearing a purple three piece with a white tuxedo button up shirt that had small vertical frills. She was also in a stylish tuxedo so she would approach him.

"Hello, I'm Targa. Targa Tab Talham, and I just enrolled in the college. Might you be one of the teachers here? Or a fellow student?" she said with a proper noble tone, a tone she had picked up watching her sister navigate the courts of nobility.

WC: 424

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