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Destruction of a Raven, Table Turns.

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Destruction of a Raven, Table Turns. Empty Today at 6:27 pm



Lumikki of Iceberg


"Eerie befalls the one to hear a raven’s song"


    Lumikki’s normal flock cluttered much of nearby twisted towers. Perched on top of the structures as they watched their mistress wander upon the path. She was making her way to the clearing set aside for training. Where some found the indoor training grounds to be either useful, Lumikki would rather the space outdoors. Freeing her from the worries of and limiters as she practiced some new spells in her magic.

Wearing a rather short and simple dress. Her pale white hair pulled back in Icebergian braids and a tight ponytail. Lumikki silently walked the grounds and searched for a spot to suit her fancy.

That sky was rather clear, the sun far from its highest arch. Her birds mumbled among themselves as they kept an eye throughout the grounds. Lumikki herself, was rather in her thoughts. Mulling over many of her usual magic spells; but with the changes after Iceberg, she felt even her magic needed to be born anew. As if she never quite noticed before how much she was out growing her older spells. Many a tribute at the time to the myriad of members she worked beside. Now they felt limiting and stale. Like they no longer suit her as much as they chained her to old times and work. There was a need for something new. A step away from the stillness of the frost and more into the transitions of the dark unknown. And so, Lumikki pondered over her budding ideas for forms of spells and the ways they could better serve a purpose. Now carrying her guild as its master, there was no need to flash them in her spells anymore.

But then that begs the question. Who is she now, and what would she want? How exactly would her magic reflect her now, and all the things she went through. It also felt like a growing ordeal. Like the path she was heading in the time. Now, she could only wonder, how to do it all new.



"Get lost in the gaze"

Destruction of a Raven, Table Turns. Nerili11

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