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♫ Project Insurgency: The Seeds of Chaos [Epic]

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♫ Project Insurgency: The Seeds of Chaos [Epic]  Empty Today at 2:48 pm


Name: Project Insurgency: The Seeds of Chaos

Difficulty: Epic

Participants: Zariya

Story: From establishing herself as the Queenpin of Dahlia's underworld, to her dominance over Hosenka’s black market, this is only the beginning. Having successfully united much of Fiore’s eastern black market under her control, her sights are set on something far greater: the complete takeover of the world. But this next phase of her legacy will be more intricate and demanding than her previous conquests.

Her plan begins with a rebellion, an insurgency that will grow in the shadows. The dark races, the vampires, demons, werewolves, dark elves, fallen Nephilim, Duergar, and all other creatures of darkness, have long been persecuted, and now, with the resurgence of the church and the void’s ominous rise, they face even harsher scrutiny. Zariya recognizes their shared struggle and knows that by uniting these creatures of the night, she can ignite a movement that will reshape the world.

To accomplish this, she must rally them not just in defense of their existence, but as a force to reclaim their place in the world. Her influence will spread like wildfire: secret meetings with other shadow leaders, clandestine pacts, and the silent elimination of key political figures and nobles who stand in her way.

Zariya is not just preparing to seize the underworld and black markets, she’s planting the seeds of chaos that will eventually consume the world itself, building an army of the outcast and the damned to overthrow those in power and create a new order under her rule. The age of the creatures of the night is coming, and Zariya will be its queen.

Rewards: Mythic Custom

  • Uplift & embolden the Dark races.
  • Stir the pot and spread rumors of a pending Insurgency throughout the country.
  • Kill some politicians & Nobles.
  • Destroy Some minor churches.
  • Establish the Akudama Syndicate Stronghold as a Safe Haven for Dark Races.
  • Solidify Zariya the ruler of the Black Market & Underworld in the Western region of Ishgar.
  • Discover an unknown land

Required Progress:  6 A-rank and 6 S-rank quests, or the equivalent of 27.000 words.

♫ Project Insurgency: The Seeds of Chaos [Epic]  86545

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