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Silver City I. [NQ]

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Silver City I. [NQ] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 9:33 pm

The moon hung low over Myras, casting a pale light over the Silver District’s pristine streets. The polished cobblestones gleamed like freshly cut diamonds, reflecting the wealth and power of the aristocrats who lived here. Immaculate marble buildings lined both sides of the road, their facades adorned with gold-leaf trim and decorative sculptures. Not a speck of dirt dared to blemish the surfaces, as if the district itself demanded perfection from its residents. But beneath the polished beauty of the Silver District lay a darker truth.

Rhea knew it well as she stood in the shadow of an ornate archway, watching the soft glow of lanterns flicker through the night. The Silver District might be flawless, but its wealth had been siphoned from the Lower District, where the people struggled to survive. A faint sigh broke the stillness. "You know, this place really gives me the creeps," Lector muttered, his wings tucked close to his body as he perched on Rhea's shoulder. His small frame was tense, and his pink face twisted in distaste. His usual cocky demeanor was tempered by an uneasy silence.

Rhea, who had grown colder and more measured since her meeting with the moon, gave a small nod, her eyes fixed on the path ahead. "Yeah...me too, friend." Her violet locs, now shock-white, fluttered lightly in the breeze. “It’s because this district wears a mask,” she said quietly, her voice low and edged with a certain calm. “It hides the truth behind polished walls.”


Silver City I. [NQ] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 9:35 pm

Lector made a grumbling noise, half-agreement, half-complaint. “Wish they'd send more food and fewer statues.”

“They would rather let the people down below rot than tarnish their reputation,” Rhea replied, a flicker of bitterness passing over her otherwise unreadable expression. Her once-golden eyes had turned an eerie gray, flickers of blue within them, as though the storms of her Magic had been muted along with her former warmth. She felt the weight of her God Hunter dagger pressed against her side, reassuring her of its presence.

Tonight, however, was not about bloodshed.

The mission had come in quietly enough, a whisper in the back alleys of Myras. A woman named Penelope, one of the aristocrats from the Silver District, had been secretly slipping into the Lower District to help the people there, bringing food, clothes, and money to those most in need. In a city where charity was seen as weakness, Penelope’s actions were dangerous. And someone had noticed. Huron. Rhea had heard of him before, a wealthy merchant who had a reputation for cruelty masked by charm. He was one of the many who had grown rich by exploiting the artisans and laborers of the Lower District, and he didn’t take kindly to anyone threatening the balance that kept him at the top.


Silver City I. [NQ] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 9:37 pm

Now, Huron had hired mercenaries—residents of the Lower District desperate enough to do anything for a few coins—to stop Penelope from interfering in the fragile system of oppression he had built.

“Let’s get moving,” Rhea said, her voice steady, yet cold. Her boots barely made a sound as she began to walk, Lector remaining silent beside her. They made their way through the Silver District, slipping into the shadows where the light from the lanterns didn’t reach. There was a calmness to Rhea’s movements now, a quiet precision. Gone were the days of brash action. Now, every step and every breath had purpose.

As they reached the edge of the district, the polished streets gave way to rough, uneven cobblestones. The air grew thicker, heavier with the stench of sweat and smoke. The Lower District loomed ahead, its narrow streets tangled like veins, leading deeper into the heart of poverty. Here, the lanterns burned less brightly, their flames struggling to pierce the darkness that clung to the alleyways. Penelope was waiting at a small crossroads, a simple brown cloak drawn over her elegant gown to hide her identity. Her hands were full; small bundles of food and goods meant for the families struggling to survive in the shadows of Myras' wealth.


Silver City I. [NQ] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 9:39 pm

Rhea approached without a word, her figure emerging from the shadows like a wraith. Lector, ever watchful, perched on her shoulder, his sharp red eyes scanning the surroundings. Penelope jumped slightly at the sight of them but quickly relaxed when she recognized Rhea’s face. “Thank you for coming,” Penelope whispered, her voice soft and filled with quiet determination. There was a kindness in her eyes that seemed at odds with the world she came from. “I... I don’t know how much longer I can do this alone.”

“You won’t be alone tonight,” Rhea replied, her voice gentle but firm. She glanced down at the bundles in Penelope’s arms. “We’ll make sure these get where they need to go.”

Penelope smiled, the lines of tension easing from her face for a brief moment. “Thank you. Truly.”

Rhea said nothing, but gave a warm smile and nodded in acknowledgment. There was no need for excessive words. Not tonight.

Together, they moved deeper into the Lower District, the winding alleyways growing more maze-like with every step. The buildings here were different in comparison to the Silver District. Crumbling facades, broken windows, and the smell of decay hung in the air. The streets were alive with people, faces etched with desperation, some huddled in doorways, others moving quickly through the shadows, always on edge. They made their way quietly from door to door, Rhea and Penelope handing out food and small bundles of goods to the waiting families.


Silver City I. [NQ] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 9:42 pm

The air was thick with gratitude, though the people were wary, their eyes shifting nervously as if expecting something to go wrong. It wasn’t long before Rhea understood why. Lector, always attuned to danger, perked up suddenly, his eyes narrowing. “Something’s off,” he murmured, his ears twitching as he scanned the area. Rhea's grip tightened on her God Hunter dagger. She didn’t need magic to sense the tension building in the air. There were too many eyes watching them now, too many figures lurking in the shadows.

“They’re close,” Rhea said softly, her eyes scanning the alleyway ahead. “Huron’s mercenaries.”

Penelope looked worried, clutching the remaining bundles tightly to her chest. “We can’t stop now. These people... they need this.”

“Do not worry, Lady Penelope. They’ll get it,” Rhea said, her voice calm but carrying an edge of steel. “But first, we deal with the mercenaries.”

Rhea motioned for Penelope to stay behind, handing the last of the bundles to Lector. “Keep her safe,” she murmured to the small Exceed, who nodded, taking the bundles with a grumble before fluttering up to a nearby rooftop to get a better view. The alleyway ahead grew narrower, darker, the perfect place for an ambush. Rhea stepped forward, her dagger gleaming faintly in the dim light as she moved silently toward the approaching danger. She didn’t need her Dragon Slaying magic. Not tonight. Her skill with the blade was enough.


Silver City I. [NQ] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 9:45 pm

The mercenaries appeared suddenly, five of them stepping out from the shadows, their eyes cold and hard. They were poor men, dressed in ragged clothes, but their desperation had been turned into weapons by Huron’s money.

“Well, well,” one of them sneered, a burly man with a scar running down his cheek. “Looks like the lady’s got herself a bodyguard.”

Rhea didn’t respond. Instead, she let her cold gaze speak for her. The silence stretched, heavy with tension. “You don’t need to do this,” she finally said, her voice low and calm, but laced with a warning. “You don’t need to be Huron’s dogs.”

The man laughed, a harsh, grating sound. "You think we’ve got a choice? It’s either this or starve. Besides, Huron pays well.”

“Not well enough,” Rhea replied evenly.

Before the man could react, Rhea moved. Her body was a blur of motion, faster than the mercenaries could follow. She closed the distance between them in a heartbeat, her dagger flashing as it struck the first man’s arm, sending his weapon clattering to the ground. He howled in pain, clutching his arm as Rhea ducked beneath his wild swing and drove her elbow into his gut, knocking the wind out of him.


Silver City I. [NQ] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 9:49 pm

The others hesitated for only a moment before rushing her. But Rhea was ready. She sidestepped the first attack, spinning gracefully as her dagger sliced through the air, cutting cleanly across another mercenary’s leg, sending him stumbling. Her movements were precise, calculated, every strike landing with brutal efficiency. There was no wasted motion, no unnecessary violence, only the cold, sharp edge of her blade and the quiet resolve that guided it.

Within moments, three of the mercenaries were on the ground, groaning in pain. The remaining two circled warily, their eyes wide with fear as they realized they were outmatched.

“Go,” Rhea said, her voice cold and unyielding. “Before I decide not to be merciful.”

The men didn’t need to be told twice. They turned and fled, disappearing into the shadows as quickly as they had come.

Rhea stood still for a moment, her dagger glinting faintly in the moonlight. She wiped the blade clean on her sleeve before sheathing it at her side. Lector swooped down from his vantage point, landing lightly on her shoulder. “You didn’t even break a sweat,” he commented, his usual cockiness returning now that the danger had passed.

“I didn’t need to,” Rhea replied quietly with a cocky smirk, her eyes scanning the alleyway for any remaining threats. Satisfied that they were alone, she turned back toward Penelope, who had watched the entire scene with wide eyes.


Silver City I. [NQ] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 9:53 pm

“Is... is it finally over?” Penelope asked, her voice trembling slightly.

“Yeah...for now,” Rhea said, her voice softening as she approached the woman. “Let’s finish what we came here to do, hm?”

They continued delivering the remaining goods to the people, moving through the district with quiet determination. The tension that had gripped the air finally began to ease, replaced by a sense of relief as the people received what little help they could. When the last bundle had been delivered, Penelope turned to Rhea and Lector, her eyes filled with gratitude. “Thank you,” she whispered, her voice barely audible over the night’s stillness. “I couldn’t have done this without you two.”

Rhea gave a small nod, her expression softening just slightly. “You’re doing more than most people in your position would,” she said quietly. Then, Lector chimed in. “Right. Keep doing it. These people need you.”

Penelope smiled, though it was tinged with sadness. “I will. As long as I can.”

As the night wore on, Rhea and Lector made their way back toward the edge of the district. The silver of the upper city glimmered in the distance, a reminder of the clear dividing factor that separated the people of Myras and those who hoarded wealth.

1,600+/1,600 (20% WC reduction guild level 3)


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