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Gang Warefare 4

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Gang Warefare 4 Empty Sun Oct 20, 2024 8:36 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had been in Era for quite some time as he kept causing havoc right now. He was trying to make sure that he would get this man to owe him everything that he had owned. He could tell that there were a lot of things happening in this place. It was also the hardest place to have control over and that was due to the Rune Knights that were stationed here.

Still, there was another thing he wanted him to take care of. What was it this time you may ask? Well, he was working on a shipping thing that was coming to his place. He didn’t want the meetup to go wrong, so he decided to get Drakkon involved. The man was happy to accept and it seemed like the person that was involved had a history of being someone who would betray people when he got the jewels for the buyout.  


Last edited by Go D. Drakkon on Sun Oct 20, 2024 8:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

#2Go D. Drakkon 

Gang Warefare 4 Empty Sun Oct 20, 2024 8:38 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Hai and Drakkon were together as they had made it to their destination. It would be the place where everything was going to be taking place. The two of them were scouting out the place as they looked around. It seemed like this place was as shady as ever, but he understood why. If people had seen this transaction, then there would be bloodbaths of the innocent, or better yet the Rune Knights would somehow get involved.

His client’s people were there waiting for the arrival of their seller. He was on a rooftop with Hai and the two of them had used their noses to make sure that nobody had gotten behind them or even on the roof with them. It seemed like things were going well and they were just drinking together and waiting.

“Father, when are you going to take over his gang?” Hai asked him.

Drakkon laughed at him when he heard that because he was not going to be doing that.


#3Go D. Drakkon 

Gang Warefare 4 Empty Sun Oct 20, 2024 8:42 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon looked over to Hai he had a serious look on his face as he stopped laughing.

“Well, the reason behind that is because I don’t plan on taking over. I plan on making him fall under me. He will be the leader of his own gang, but he will do what I want eventually. It takes time, but we got this. Now let’s continue to watch. If we showed up too early, he might notice me and then won’t do anything he wouldn’t normally do.” He said to Hai.

The dragon understood what he meant and he wouldn't say anything else. Instead, the two of them would relax, and wait patiently. It was then they would appear. They seemed very sneaky with their walk, but it was something the two of them could see without a problem. It seemed like once they got there everybody nodded out of respect for each other.

It was about to start, which was a good thing, and he couldn’t wait to see what chaos would be brought forth by this.


#4Go D. Drakkon 

Gang Warefare 4 Empty Sun Oct 20, 2024 8:45 pm

Go D. Drakkon
The two of them continued their drinking and it seemed like things were going smoothly, right? Well, once the group he was working for had seen that their product was all there, they had closed everything and they would move toward their seller and they would move the bag full of jewels toward the group. The group had one of their guys check the bag and confirm that everything was there.

It took a while, but once he had confirmed that everything was there, he looked back at his boss. He nodded and then he had taken a gun out. Drakkon saw this and he laughed as this was getting interesting. He just couldn’t help it, and it was in that man’s nature. Hai was surprised and he shook his head because this was their time to make their appearance.

“Alright Hai, let’s make our appearance to this man.” He said as the gunshot had been heard from everywhere.


#5Go D. Drakkon 

Gang Warefare 4 Empty Sun Oct 20, 2024 8:49 pm

Go D. Drakkon
After the gunshot, there was a roar from the sky. The people who were trying to take advantage of this deal were stunned and were looking around to where it had come from. Hai had merged with Drakkon, and the Dragon Slayer had jumped off the roof and he would freefall. Once he got close enough to the ground, he would flap his wings to stop the impact of the gall. He landed on the ground as he looked at the man that was with the gun. It seemed like he had shot one of them, but they would live to see another day.

Their eyes widened when they saw Drakkon was here, and he had shot his gun at Drakkon. The son of chaos dodged the attack without a problem, and he had a smirk on his face.

“You really are a scum. You can’t even do this without trying to take advantage of your buyer. You don’t deserve to live am I right?” He said as another gunshot was made, and he dodged that shot as well.


#6Go D. Drakkon 

Gang Warefare 4 Empty Sun Oct 20, 2024 8:52 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had taken his blades out and the man’s eyes widened when he saw this man.

“Why are you here? Drakkon you shouldn’t be here. Why are you helping him, he isn’t part of your clan.” He said to him.

Drakkon had a smirk on his face as he ran to the man. He had tried to shoot Drakkon, but he was too fast, and there was nothing he could do to touch him. It was then that the devourer had gotten in front of the man. He was shocked, and he could see his life flash before him. That was when Drakkon swung his blades and cut the man’s head off without a problem. When it dropped the men with him started running away, but Drakkon took them out swiftly with his blades.

They had all dropped dead, and he looked over to the guys. He would shake his head as he would put his Enma away. He would then open a rift to take them to their base. Once there, they would treat the one person wounded and he would get paid before he created another rift and left this place.

193|1028 [50% WCR]

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