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Gang Warfare 3

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Gang Warfare 3  Empty Thu Oct 17, 2024 9:56 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had helped a person who was an underworld boss in Central Fiore. It was a tough place to deal with activities here, especially when the Rune Knights were around. Still, he had gotten Drakkon involved, and he was grateful for that. Still, it seemed like that wasn’t the only thing he needed help. No, there was another gang that had been a thorn in the side for quite some time. It seemed like they were trying to tear them apart while things with the Rune Knights got really bad for his associate. When he had collected his reward for what he had done, it seemed like he was asking more favors.

The Devourer was fine with that, but he hoped that the man had understood what he was getting himself into. He would owe him two favors now if he had wished for this to continue. When the man agreed that he understood this, then Drakkon accepted the job.


Last edited by Go D. Drakkon on Thu Oct 17, 2024 10:08 am; edited 1 time in total

#2Go D. Drakkon 

Gang Warfare 3  Empty Thu Oct 17, 2024 9:58 am

Go D. Drakkon
This brought Drakkon and Hai to move to their next destination. When he accepted this, his client had given him the address where he could find these troublesome people. This was going to be a bloodbath, but at the same time, anybody he deemed worthy would have a chance to stay alive and join him in Joya. The Dragon and the Dragon Slayer had made their way to their destination without a problem. The people there had moved away from him as they were more afraid of Hai than Drakkon. The physical appearance of Hai was not something they were used to.

That was fine with him as it made traveling easier for him. Hai didn’t care what anybody's thoughts were as he ignored the little insects. When they got to their destination, Drakkon looked at Hai and wondered if his son was ready to take these guys all out.

“Are you ready?” He asked Hai.


#3Go D. Drakkon 

Gang Warfare 3  Empty Thu Oct 17, 2024 9:59 am

Go D. Drakkon
Hai heard his father and then looked at the door in front of him. These guys didn’t guard it or anything. They seemed like they had a huge ego if they didn’t think anybody would just let them be all this time.

“Yes, Father. We can take them all out.” He said to Drakkon as he roared.

The roar was loud enough to get the attention of the men that were inside. They were confused about what that was and went outside to check it out. When they got outside though they saw one person there waiting for them. Drakkon and Hai fused together and were now getting ready for the attack. Drakkon didn’t say anything but ran toward the group who had come to check out the noise. When he got to them, his Yamato and his Enma were out of their covers and in his hand. It was then he would slice through two of them as they would fall to the ground.


#4Go D. Drakkon 

Gang Warfare 3  Empty Thu Oct 17, 2024 9:59 am

Go D. Drakkon
It was an easy thing to do as he looked at the others. They had taken their guns out and they had shot at Drakkon, but the Dragon Slayer had activated his defense spell when he sensed danger. It was multiple attacks, and he was covered in translucent fire that made armor wrapped around him. He cut the people in front of him down as they were surprised that their gunshots did not hit him. Drakkon pushed their bodies away from him.

They were strong and brave, but they were pushovers and nothing more than grunts to him. He walked over and through the door, which allowed him to be inside of the construct. The people in there had heard the noises, the gunshots, and the screams, so they were preparing to see who would enter.

When they saw it was one man they laughed a bit and shook their heads because those guys were pathetic. Drakkon rushed toward the closest one to him, and he cut him up without much effort.


#5Go D. Drakkon 

Gang Warfare 3  Empty Thu Oct 17, 2024 10:00 am

Go D. Drakkon

Drakkon moved on to the one next to him and when he had tried to cut him, the man had dodged the attack barely. The Devourer saw this and he had a smile on his face. He pushed forward to the man and he swung Enma with full force. The man had done his best to block the attack, but Drakkon was far too strong. It would break the weapon that he clashed with and he pushed the guy he was fighting away from him. He looked over to the others and he rushed toward them.

He cut these people up like they were nothing. They were scared but tried to fight against Drakkon. Still, even with their effort, it was not enough for them to do anything for him. He didn’t touch the guy who had lived through his attacks yet, but while handling everyone in this place, he bumped into another who was able to by the skin of his teeth survive Drakkon’s attack.


#6Go D. Drakkon 

Gang Warfare 3  Empty Thu Oct 17, 2024 10:08 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon looked at the remaining people who were there, and he smiled at them. Enma’s will would come out and it would affect everyone in this place. The two who he had deemed worthy had been harmed as well. They knelt to the ground from the attack, but unlike the rest of them were still fine. He moved over to the ones that he was going to take out and used his Yamato. It was then he had attacked in a wide-scale area, cutting up those that were around without hesitation. The screaming that had been let out in this building could be heard from the outside.

There was blood splattering everywhere as he looked to see that there were only two of them left.

“You two are strong. I can assume you were at the top of this gang? I have an offer join me, and the Yakuza Clan, push what I want, and live, or die right here. Your choice.” He said to them.

They looked at each other and then looked at him. They were spared and were going to be joining this man in a gang that was much stronger than them. Drakkon would get his jewels from his associate and now two favors were added. He would cut through the space in front of him taking his two new members to Joya.

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