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The Starting Line [Atani]

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#1Abel Klein 

The Starting Line [Atani] Empty Today at 12:05 am

Abel Klein
Abel crossed his arms, staring at the fresh and new recruits (for this area) from across the yard. Among them half were slacking off, a quarter looked scared out of their wits and the rest were a mix of excited or proud. He smiled to himself slightly. These were much better than the last batch. Most of the time you'd be lucky to have just one who looked like he was happy to be there! In a good mood now as he watched the trainer try to get them all to do an excessive amount of push ups, he decided he would begin his morning exercise as well.

Abel, a chaotic and freegoing soul, was not really one to have a routine. Exercise was an exception. Not only was it good for his goals and his job but it also kept the higher ups off his back - at least he was following ONE of their instructions. He wandered down towards the training building, thinking of the other benefits of traning. It certainly made him live longer and was no doubt an asset when it came to his interactions with women. But was it really worth the routine? There were upsides but it wasn't nice having to do it every goddamn morning, minus the rest days they all took twice a week. Abel failed to realize that he went through this exact train of thought every time he was about to do this. Nothing changed then, nothing changed now. He changed into his training clothes (a tight tank top and longish, baggy shorts) and made his way into whatever mess of equipment the Rune Knights generously called a gym.

Of course this was far from their main headquarters or anything but Abel would have hoped that for such a major city Magnolia would have at least a bit more. Unfortunately what they had was only about as impressive as any of the gyms in the city of Magnolia itself - not that it was horrible, but he would have certainly expected better for the main force of the law in Fiore. Perhaps all that bribe money wasn't being used effectively. Sighing, he decided he'd leave his internal jabs at the organization for later and changed into his gym clothing. He went for simple and effective, a somewhat tight t-shirt and a basic pair of shorts. Best to leave the dressing up for later. And so Abel's eyes scanned the gym, looking to decide which machine to take on first. It was a tough choice to make - which one had a crowd? Which were in use? Which looked like they hadn't been cleaned for a month? Which were beside people he'd prefer to stare at for motivation? Choices, choices...

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