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First Generation Dragon Slayer Magic: Earth Starter Spells [WIP]

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First Generation Dragon Slayer Magic: Earth Starter Spells  [WIP] Empty Today at 6:52 am


Name: Earth Dragon's Roar
Rank:  D
Mana Cost:  25
Requirements: Earth Dragon Slayer Magic
Type: Offense
Element: Earth
Range: 5
Cooldown: 1
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user inhales a fairly large amount of air as the mouth and chest puffs up, followed by a magic circle appearing in front of the users mouth. By using this spell, the user releases a beam from their mouth, in the form of a destructive blast composed of shards of rocks.

Name: Earth Dragon's Armor
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Earth Dragon Slayer Magic
Type: Defensive
Element: Earth
Range: Self
Cooldown: 1
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user claps their hands together as a magic circle below them appears in order to manipulate the earth around them, creating a rock armor that can be used to block incoming attacks. This spell acts as a shield that covers the entirety of the body giving the skin a hard rocky appearance. The spell will stop and deactivate if it receives 2x rank in damage.

Name: Earth Dragon's Strength
Rank: X
Mana Cost: 00
Requirements: Text Magic
Type: Text
Element: Text
Range: 00 Meters
Cooldown: X Posts
Duration: Instant or Sustain
Effect: Text

Name: Earth Dragon's Glide
Rank: X
Mana Cost: 00
Requirements: Text Magic
Type: Text
Element: Text
Range: 00 Meters
Cooldown: X Posts
Duration: Instant or Sustain
Effect: Text

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