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Logos Lowlancer

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Logos Lowlancer Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 9:46 pm



Name: Logos Lowlancer

Age: December 25th, X773 II 23

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Demisexual.

Ethnicity, Father: Fiorian.

Ethnicity, Mother: Sevenese.

Class: Sentinel.

Race: Werewolf

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Dragon Order

Tattoo: Left side of the neck. Mint green.

Face: A.I generated.


Height: 5'6.

Weight: 147 lbs.

Hair: Maroon.

Eyes: Red and Brown.

Overall: Logos Lowlancer, a lean and agile figure shorter than most, stands out with his porcelain skin contrasting against his vibrant maroon hair. Muttonchops and a goatee frame his face, while a long, cardinal ponytail cascades down his back. A lock of hair persistently escapes, falling across his eyes, revealing a contrast between them. His left eye is an almond brown, and his right eye is as red as his hair. His typical attire consists of a sleeved white shirt, sleek black trousers, and a dark leather glove on his left arm. A flowing red cloak drapes over his shoulders, and a brown buckled belt clasps his waist.

His voice is low and almost croaky, like he constantly just woke up. Despite that, he loves to talk, always willing to get to know the stranger next to him. 

Extra: N/A.


Personality: An aspiring archeologist and historian at heart, you can almost always find Logos in a museum, whether as an attendee or trying to give his own tour to other guests. He is fascinated by the cultures and languages of ancient people. Logos believes that, as a whole, life is cyclical with only a few variations. History is always repeating itself and shaping the future. The only unique thing is how we get there, and that to him is dependent upon the people. Every person who lives has an effect on the way civilization goes, no matter how small. Because of this, he is always willing to listen to a story and uncover anything that piques his interest.

Others have described him as friendly, yet he can often become longwinded. He tries to remain conscious of it and catch himself, but gets carried away in his own rave. When he is not thinking of the past, he is often practicing his martial arts or out window shopping. He typically shops for art pieces, building kits, and journals. He especially admires retro futuristic art and also enjoys putting together model trains. These hobbies are important as he feels they ground him to the present. Most of all, he enjoys scrapbooking; he sees it as keeping all the events of his life together and also one of the few connections he has with his parents. While he isn’t particularly fond of them, he still cherishes the little connection they do share.

New to his work as a wizard, he still takes his magical practice and the safety of his future teammates very seriously. He prefers to work in a small group or even in a duo, but understands that some requests call for more people. For him, it’s a matter of making sure that he always is able to have eyes on his partners, and while there is safety in numbers, it’s easier to lose track of individuals in a larger group.

  • Languages: He loves learning new languages when given the chance and conversing with the native speakers.
  • Sandpaper: One of his lesser-known quirks is his slight obsession with sandpaper. He really likes the way the texture feels and likes to fold them into origami pieces. Preferring the shape of a flamingo for his origami.

  • Neighbors: While he usually loves company when he is out and about, he prefers his home life private. Unfortunately, most neighbors are nosy.
  • Flirting: Logos isn’t interested in casual flirting and sees it as a waste of time. If someone interests him and they are compatible, he would rather just go about it as a matter of fact situation. Are they compatible? Do they have similar interests or goals? Could he share his home? If all of those yes, he will simply ask them directly, no flowery words.

  • Exploration:  He wants to explore previously thought uninhabitable places and perhaps find a settlement of his own making. Making a name for himself and becoming part of the history he loves.

  • Churches/Holy Water: When Logos was a child, his aunts had him baptized at a local church when he was around 5. He hated the feeling of being held underwater, and since then it has lived in his mind whenever he enters a church. He does his best to avoid them unless it is related to some type of archaeological site he wants to venture to.
  • Failure: Like most people, Logos has a fear of failure. For him, its a fear of failing to protect his teammates during a mission and a fear of failing to make something of himself, disappointing his deceased aunts.


Distribute 30 points over the attributes below with at least 1 in every Attribute.

Strength: 8

Speed: 4

Constitution: 5

Endurance: 3

Intelligence: 10


Magic Name: Titan Magic

Magic Element: Arcane

Magic Enhancement: N/A

Magic Description: Titan Magic is a magic that utilizes Supplementary-type and Self-Buff-type spells combined into one, allowing them to create a monstrously big body around them. They may also use regeneration to regrow their gigantic body allowing them to battle on as long as their neck is not crippled or hindered; the only thing they can not heal is their neck.


History: Logos was born to two young explorers they had met on an expedition together, and what was supposed to be a fling birthed him. Neither ended up wanting him, and so he fell into the hands of his aunts, Iris and Shu, who had recently left a dark guild. She married her guildmate, but they couldn’t have children, so they decided to take in and raise Logos as their own. 

Logos grew up in a log house on the outskirts of the White Oak Forest. Logos was a big fan of the scenery and the space he had to play as a kid. It all excited his imagination. He didn’t mind not having a mom and dad like other kids. His two moms were more than enough, and even as he got older, he didn’t really care about his birth parents. To him, he wasn’t missing out on anything; in fact, he felt he had more than some. He had general schooling in a smaller town and did relatively well. Always interested in history and arts and crafts. After school, he would often paint with his aunt Iris before she became bedridden with sickness. It unfortunately became terminal and affected her mind. Causing her to forget most of the people around her. All he could do was try to comfort his other aunt during this time and help around the house. 

Then the accident happened. Logos had noticed one day that she had been feeling better and could even remember some; his aunt Shu was out at the time, and he was supposed to keep watch and make sure his aunt was taken care of. Aunt Iris had asked Logos if they could go on a walk through the woods, and for the last year he had only remembered her sick and in bed decided to oblige. Together they went on a walk through the white oak forest, but it proved to be too much strain on Iris’s health, and it got to the point she couldn’t stand much longer. After trying to carry her, he realized he wasn’t able to and had advised her to stay there, and he would go and try to get help. He backtracked to the log house and luckily found that Aunt Shu had been back and looking for them. As he explained the situation, she told him to stay put and rushed to her wife’s side. She was gone for a couple hours and returned by herself. Clothes torn with blood on them, and a hollow look on her face. Eyes sunk deep in her skull. Logos had remembered thinking how much she looked like Aunt Iris right then. After a few weeks passed, Aunt Iris never came home, and it took a while for Shu to tell him that she wasn’t coming back home. 

The next few years passed by relatively peacefully until he was 19. When his aunt finally told him the events of that day. How his aunt Iris had died but probably made one last push to make a memory with him and the grief that had consumed her when she found her corpse where he left it. She explained how she “blacked out” and woke up deeper in the forest surrounded by bodies of elves and how a child looked back at her like a monster. She had wrestled with her condition and that Logos would do the same as well. But when she got back and saw him waiting, it made her hate him. For the next few weeks, even though she knew it was wrong, she blamed him for her wife’s early death. Eventually she realized it wasn’t his fault; he was a child, but it didn’t stop how she felt. As time went on, the wound healed little by little but never completely. Logos could sense this but never spoke it, doing his best to continue making her happy again. Hoping one day he could see her genuine smile again. 

About a year later, he did get to see that smile. It was in a letter she left him while he was out finding work. He wasn’t there when his aunt Shu had passed away, but he did bury her and eventually sold the property. It was at her funeral that he saw his father for the first time. He was surprised he was there; he only had heard about him, and he never showed his face around before. He waited for the funeral to be over, paid respects to his aunt, and left. Choosing not to introduce himself as he felt him a stranger and didn’t care to know the man in his grief. 

For the next few years, Logos would visit museums and study history and linguistics. He would also look for odd jobs here and there. Which led him to Pergrande and the doorsteps of the Dragon Order. 

Discord: P3ndragon

Reference: Who referred you here? N/A


Logos Lowlancer Empty Yesterday at 6:16 pm

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These are various events going on at this moment. The Chilled Out Summer, Void Caverns, and Halloween Haunt.

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