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DSK-0vRI Empty Today at 10:52 am



Name: DSK-0vRI

Age: 12/19/x762

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Confused

Ethnicity, Father: Talaz Lagaarian

Ethnicity, Mother: Talaz Lagaarian

Class: Hunter

Race: Machia: Model: DSK-0vRI

Rank: B-rank

Guild: Paradise Dawn

Tattoo: On her left hip, red coloration like her number markings.

Face: Discovery - Artist: Possa


Height: At least taller than you [10'0]

Weight: 4000 LBS or 1814 Kg

Hair: Soft White

Eyes: Light Blue

Overall: DSK-0vRI is a machia that stands a whopping 10'0 tall. She has a thin veiled translucent skin across most of her body showing her internal skeletal structure such as her ribs, spine, hips and long tail. She has a generous curvature where her weight is well distributed between her mechanical parts and an almost fleshy synthetic allotment of muscle or 'flesh'. Often referred to synthflesh. She has a long tail that has a massive fin running along most of its back, two smaller fins closer to the base of her tail. The end of the tail crests off in an impressive translucent fin. It can be difficult to see some of her translucent parts as her 'bones' continually show.

Her legs and her arms are made of sterner more durable stuff. The metal of which is where a good chunk of her weight resides. It's malleable to a degree but less so than her 'squishier' parts. Her legs are made of a high functioning white metal alloy with shock absorption red pads dappled around them. Her legs and feet are closer to a demi human than a proper human. Ending off in digrade legs with talons that have webbings between them to assist with swimming.

Her arms lack a proper connection to her body, instead two silver rings hover between her torso in place of shoulders allowing for a greater range of movement to allow her to succeed in her primary function a tad better. The ends of her arms end off in a nearly humanesq set of hands of which have silver ball joints to allow for better mobility function. Her hands also have webbing between her fingers assisting her in swimming better.

DSK-0vRI's neck is that of a long white furred sinuous make that connects to a projected helmet facemask mix. This allows her to emote at individuals and she produces sound from her voice module located in her head. The sleek design of her head is accented by a pair of finned ears, horns and two long whiskers. Her face may be that of a display but her mouth and eyes are a projected light blue that sometimes rotates to a deeper blue when processing new things or 'red' when in known danger [or in 'deviant' mode]. When sleeping her eyes and mouth turn off.

Extra: Any piece of her 'soft' body feels like actually touching proper body parts.


Personality 1:
  • Programmed Shy: It shouldn't be a shock but most of DSK-0vRI's personality was put into her by her father with a helpful yet friendly individual that would be able to handle social environments. When cross programming became too difficult he allowed for her programming to evolve. Turning her a touch shy and having a hard time dealing with new or boisterous types.
  • Programmed Curious: As a driving central point, DSK-0vRI is vastly curious about the world and everything in it. She may be 'young' to a degree but she often will find herself puzzled and wondering in regard to things. Every new experience and every new adventure must be logged.
  • Programmed Polite: DSK-0vRI is meant to handle many individuals and a polite 'face' of sorts is the best way to interact with the denizens of the world. A polite yet friendly individual would be the best rescuer would they not? She often finds this string of code very forced if not frustrating.
  • Programmed Friendliness: Almost as natural as breathing her friendliness seems to be more than just her being programmed for it. She's genuine, she laughs, is happy and tells many a good joke or story. It's almost as though the woman in front of you is real just like you or me. It should be noticed that her laughter sounds like a mix of a wolf or otter which while strange couldn't be... well. The strangest thing about her.
  • Programmed Honest: DSK-0vRI just straight up cannot lie, it's hard coded in her venue that she must at all times tell the truth which can be very frustrating for people.

Personality 2:
  • Deviant Hotheaded: When her programming is acting irrationally so does DSK-0vRI, she can be hotheaded, irrational, explosive and can often lead to violent spats with others. She tends to be apologetic briefly after before getting angry again.
  • Deviant Spiteful: When someone causes a problem and she's feeling as though they didn't suffer their consequences there's a high chance that DSK-0vRI will let them suffer those consequences. Though if their life is in danger she'll often begrudgingly help them.
  • Deviant Warlike: Violent is not something that you would describe DSK-0vRI as, but when her deviation is in full swing it's easy to remember that she is a machia and made out of tough stuff. She quickly will be the one[s] to deal with threats in a bloody and brutal fashion.
  • Deviant Arrogant: Hand and hand with being a hothead, this deviant is very much so full of itself. It places great trust in its own abilities and feels like it's on the upper side of things... even if it clearly is not.
  • Deviant Liar: Much more prone to lying to cover its own skin, this variation of programming directly counters the programmed version that DSK-0vRI typically employs. Though it typically uses this module to produce white lies rather than straight up fibbing.

  • Saving people[Programmed]: DSK-0vRI enjoys saving others and making sure they survive. She has a knack for it too and tends to put her all into the individuals that she arrives to help.
  • Natural creatures or Locations[Deviant]: A deviation in her programming has led to DSK-0vRI appreciating magical or normal beasts along with 'pretty' locations.

  • Losing people[Programmed]: DSK-0vRI dislikes losing people to the great beyond and it adversly affects her desire to do things. It almost puts her in a catatonic state if she loses someone.
  • The Feeling she isn't real[Deviant]: It's in her bones, in her skin, in the way that her body doesn't need sleep, doesn't need food, that she's a proccessed and made being that doesn't truly have a soul or life. She hates this feeling, she despises the sensation that she might just flicker and fade away.

  • Saving Lives[Programmed]: DSK-0vRI enjoys and wants to save others, she wants to and looks forward to when there is a problem that she can be there to save others. She often looks for trouble or the like because of this in an effort to 'stop' the reason for people to lose their lives in the first place.
  • Living Life as someone real[Deviant]: She wishes to feel the wind across her skin, the tickle of the fish on her fingertips. The ocean pressing in against her body. Not listening to a string of code telling her information, not her 'senses' telling her how things are. She wants to live.

  • Predators[Programmed]: Predatory creatures while amazing are very scary, she has a habit of flinching or the like when something 'nasty' shows up. Her first programmed instinct is to run... but oh does she fight against this so hard.
  • Death without Life[Deviant]: DSK-0vRI wants so badly to live, so badly to exist


Strength: 66

Speed: 41

Constitution: 16

Endurance: 16

Intelligence: 1


Magic Name: Sonar Patch 42

Magic Element: Water

Magic Enhancement: Dual Element: Air

Magic Description: Sonar Patch 42 is a supplementary focused magic that excels in registering threats in locations, tracking individuals and map projections to share this information with others. Other qualities of this magic can be found lacking such as defensive or offensive abilities but they still may be processed.


History [Programmed]:
Her purposes is to save those that cannot save themselves. Her programming dictates this an absolute fact.

She was manufactured in a factory within Talaz Lagaar by her father ossiji who was also responsible for her programming. Wanting someone that could rescue individuals in danger and potentially have military applications so was 'DSK-0vRI' made. Fast, strong, durable, everything you could want from an individual focused on underwater rescue. There were variations that were made, mountains, high altitude, every instance was covered. She was the second DSK-0vRI unit put into production with the first failing miserably due to servo and processor issues.

It wasn't long before her kind were put into mass production, the idea was to have roughly a thousand of them in service by the end of the physical year. They would have likely meeting this but only a handful of DSK-0vRI units were successfully constructed and packed away.

Before an explosion and consumption of Talaz Lagaar occured, destroying the factory and most of the units within. The surviving cargo pod that contained a single DSK-0vRI unit was thrown through space, time and the void. Crash landing in iceberg with internal systems still operating at peak capacity to keep its occupant safe and ready to deploy.

The cargo pod was made in mind with the idea that it would be deployed but the coding and open phrase had been jumbled since its trip in the void. Corrupting part of its exterior. Though the DSK-0vRI unit remains untouched she is now in 'sleep' waiting for her deployment.

History [Deviant]:
. . .

. . .Internal proccesses have recieved some damage. . .


. . .Reconstruction of internal proccesses underway. . .


. . .Internal Values set. . .

. . .Reboot Sequence interupted. Pod Sealed. . .

. . .Distress Sequence initiated. . .

. . .Distress Signal sending. . .

. . .Mark. 98 Days since shipping. Location unavailable. Navigation Array Damaged. . .

. . .Contents?. . .

. . .DSK-0vRI Unit 02 Confirmed. . .

. . .Hard drive damaged. Attempting Repairs with set parameters. . .


. . .Unable to repair. Unable to lock to safety mode. Wipe hard drive?. . .


. . .Deviance Detected. Wipe hard drive?. . .


. . .Sending Ping to local maintenance. . .


ERROR. . .

. . . Entering standby mode. . .

Discord: Saturn

Last edited by Discovery on Sat Oct 26, 2024 11:40 am; edited 1 time in total


DSK-0vRI Empty Today at 11:39 am

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