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V. Helmet of the Dragon Monarch

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V. Helmet of the Dragon Monarch Empty Sun Oct 27, 2024 3:36 pm



Name: Helmet of the Dragon Knight

Slot: Helmet

Type: Heavy

Class: Mythic

Quantity: Custom

Element: Darkness

Durability: 6x S-rank


A magical suit of armor that has been rumored to be custom-crafted by a legendary blacksmith in Pergrande. The armor is quite heavy, to the point a normal person would likely find themselves crushed underneath its weight. However, in truth it is meant to draw forth the latent power slumbering in the Dragon Monarch's body.

Measurements: A full plate helmet



Bonus: +80 Strength, +100 Endurance
Drawbacks: -80 Speed


  • Rough Scales: The user gains a 15% increase to their Endurance

Points Breakdown

  • Mythic- 60
  • Heavy Armor
  • +1 S-rank constitution (16)
  • +100 Endurance (20) +20 Strength (4)
  • +15% Endurance (20)

Total points Acquired: 60
Total Points Spent: 60


V. Helmet of the Dragon Monarch Empty Sun Oct 27, 2024 8:00 pm


@Ryuko has used a Mystic Coupon in their inventory to claim the Helmet of the Dragon Knight!

V. Helmet of the Dragon Monarch GPIjkMz

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