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New acquaintance [Selena]

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#1Káilètte † 

New acquaintance [Selena] Empty Fri Oct 21, 2016 6:33 pm



Crazed Mother Nature

New acquaintance [Selena] _meiko10
The area was wavering with beauty and coolness throughout the winds that carried leaves and petals of nature. Arisa slowly walked upon the sidewalk as her face was into her book. Her golden brown eyes looked down as she carefully pushed up the bridge of the glasses up with her right hand. After that she would let her right arm dangle against her side till she needed to turn the page.

The area of Crocus was quiet unlike the shopping area with the stalls. Over her book she was reading a brochure of Crocus as she has never been here. There were so many places she has yet to try. The food, the library and even the area where they play music. She felt somewhat excited, but no one would be able to tell from her calm facial expression.  

Quickly Arisa would look over her book and brochure to see that there was a table beside a cafe. ''That looks nice to sit.'' she spoke to herself softly and calmly. Slowly she walked, ignoring those around her as she then sat down on a chair. The chair was made out of fine wood, painted white with a carved flower in the middle of each chair. The table was round and glazed as the wood was shining and smooth. Her eyes took a simple look as there was a flower in the middle, beautiful and alive.

Softly she took a simple breather and looked back at her brochure and book, multitasking. Moments passed as she would then close her book. Finally she wondered if something new would come up, more adventure.



#2Selena Maelstrom 

New acquaintance [Selena] Empty Sat Oct 22, 2016 6:18 pm

Selena Maelstrom
It was Atumn. Leaves were falling in a blur of brown and yellow and red all along the ground. Selena was still in crocus on her forced vacation from the Rune knights, although now she was far more calm then she was previously in the week. Before she was all rolled up and frustrated,  but she had somehow made the most of the situation. Most of her time was spent just taking a stroll and randomly meeting mags along the way. Some were strange others less so, but each leaving a permememt imprint in her mind.

Reaching the counter of the cafe Selena's trance was broken instantly. The smell of coffee and pastries reached her nostrils as she was slowly coming back to the world at hand. Earlier that morning she had decided to go on a nature walk as the leaves in some parts of the Holy Capital had began to shed. The sound of crunching leaves always appealed to Selena and the variety colours were a joy to see. Despite all the pleasures there was inevitably a nip in the air, hence the reason she took refuge in this cafe. "Hmm,  A mocha and a Chocolate muffin please." Selena said, her uncharacteristic happiness coming through. She usually wasn't like this, but the morning had left her in a good mood. Taking her newly aquired confectionery to go Selena made her way outside.

The moment she stepped outside a small gust of wind blew. The wind was slightly cold causing a small shiver by those not wearing the appropriate attire. Selena was wearing a nice slim jacket over a sweater and vest, insulting enough heat to keep her body temperature comfortable. With her cobalt eyes, Selena looked around to see if there was any place to sit and enjoy the nature around her. Her gazed then fixed on a white table and chair with a dainty design. There was already a woman there, but not seeing any other good seating close enough to her current location Selena felt it best to sit there. Approaching the table Selena would reach out and tap the woman on the shoulder, the bag with her muffin inside hotting of her shoulder blade. "Excuse me, miss. Is that other seat taken?" A soft voice asked. Selena brought her cup to her lips and took a small sip as she waited for a reply.

New acquaintance [Selena] BLlZQ5m
#3Káilètte † 

New acquaintance [Selena] Empty Sat Oct 22, 2016 6:48 pm



Crazed Mother Nature

New acquaintance [Selena] _meiko10
As time was wasted, she gripped her book as she a soft sigh escaped her lips. Her free hand lifted up the bridge to organize in position. Arisa's golden-brown eyes would look at the book, wondering if she would adventure and live like the character in the book she was reading. The girl lived such an adventure. There was some good, some romance, but a lot of bad. It made her want to finish the book, but it felt a waste to finish it in one go.

Soon she would hear a voice and some steps that would come up to her. Her head tilted up to see a blue haired woman, wondering if the seat was taken. Her hand stopped gripping the book and lifted her pointing finger over her lower lip as she was thinking. 'Mmm, perhaps she'll entertain?' she thought. 'You are quite bored. I wonder how she'll entertain you.' a darker voice spoke within her head. Her eyes fixed upon the woman's eyes as she made a small smile. ''It's not. Would you like to accompany me?'' she questioned calmly yet soft.

She would continue to eye contact as thoughts kept roaming. It was like some weird thirst devoured her yet she was still in some control. Rather she sat down or not, she would put her elbows on the table. Her chin then rested on her hands as she tilted her head a little. ''Name's Arisa, yours?'' she introduced and then questioned curiously. She was always curious as Arisa liked to always know people for her own reasons..



#4Selena Maelstrom 

New acquaintance [Selena] Empty Sat Oct 22, 2016 7:10 pm

Selena Maelstrom
"If it's not too much trouble." Selena replied with a gentle smile. Walking around to the other end of the table, Selena placed her bag full of muffin down on the table while she took anothe sip of her coffee. The muffin bag almost blend in with the perfectly white table, if not for the line and creases on the bag. The woman across the table introduced herself as Arisa. "Nice to meet you Arisa, my name is Selena." Selena then layedher cup down and offered her hand out to shake.

Selena took her cup of coffee back into her hand and brought it up to her lips again, taking a large sip. The heat and warmth from the liquid coursed through  Selena's body perking her up. A small gust of wind blew through the streets gain, catching a few leaves and bringing them with it as it soared up. The leafs looked as if they were dancing some forgotten dance, the small rustle as they moved filled Selena''s heart. Something about this time of year just made her melt inside. Selena sighed happily as she watched this simple occurrence unfold and still be memorised by it, laying down her cup once again Selena sighed softly as her hand 's now reached towards her bag full of muffin. "I love this time of year, don't you?" Bringing the bag closer, she took out the muffin and used the mag as a plate. Taking the paper away from the Base of the muffin to eat it easier Selena''s eyes met Arisa''s book. "What ya reading there? Anything Good? " she questions, breaking a large chunk of muffin off and placing it in her mouth. The soft texture of the confectionery filled Sleena''s mouth. It was soft and fluffy and with a hit of chocolate in the mix. Selena slid the paper with he muffin on top over to Arisa, trying to offer it to her without talking as her mouth was full as she waited for a reply to her question.

New acquaintance [Selena] BLlZQ5m
#5Káilètte † 

New acquaintance [Selena] Empty Sun Oct 23, 2016 12:10 am



Crazed Mother Nature

Her eyes looked at the woman who later introduced herself as Selena. It was rather a pretty name and perhaps she was pretty inside. Slowly she bit her lower lip on the left corner of it as she thought and wondered. Her brown short hair would slowly move with the wind and her eyes would then look at the moving nature, the leaves. They were colored like her eyes, Autumn of yellow/gold and some orange/red. Her lips would curve into a small smile, nodding. ''The beauty of nature shows in all seasons...in their own way.'' she'd say softly and calmly. Her facial expression stayed calm as she talked to Selena.

Soon after that simple fiasco she would hear Selena ask what book she was reading, making her chuckle. ''A book about my mothers past...a large life that was lived and yet.....'' she started and then looked at the book, gripping it tightly. ''There are novels of her life....private ones.'' she started as if she was getting lost in thought now, thinking of what she has read so far. ''I envy the adventure, but not all that she has went through.'' she spoke once more and then looked up at Selena. ''I'm into knowledge and adventure far too much... I wonder if I'm what my mother was...'' she spoke quietly then, looking at her book.



#6Selena Maelstrom 

New acquaintance [Selena] Empty Mon Oct 24, 2016 8:25 am

Selena Maelstrom
"Hmm I suppose you're right." Selena said with a smile, taking another sip if her coffee. She thought on these words for a while. She did in fact loved each season in its own right. Summer for heat, Winter for its beautiful ice and snow, Spring for the new flowers and plants in bloom and for the rejuvenating rain. Yeah Arisa was right, nature did show its beauty in its own way in each season.

Breaking off another bit of her muffin Selena listened to Arisa describe what her book was about. Selena herself liked to read, but never made it a priority and judging from the way Arisa was handling her book she seemed quite keen. It wasn't until Arisa said that it was a book about her mother and her adventures that Selena realized it was that book she was so keen on. Selena's eyes slightly widened as she listened. It seemed as though Arisa's mother was quite the adventurer and lead a full life. Arisa though said she envied it, more than likely meaning she didn't do much that thrilled her day to day life. "Sounds quite interesting." Selena said, returning to her muffin to devour more of the confectionery. Arisa then said that she was far too into knowledge and adventure. Selena swallowed hard at what Arisa said next, "Was" , past tense. With a slightly concerned face Selena placed her cup back on the white table looking straight at Arisa who seemed to have her head lodged within the book. "Oh so is your mother no longer with us then?" Selena then said a little bluntly. There was some concern in her voice, trying to sound sympathetic, but Selena knew first hand that if one had lost an important person it was easier to get over them quickly. A chilling wind blew as she asked this. Selena cupped her hand s and placed them on the table for some warmth as she waited a response.

New acquaintance [Selena] BLlZQ5m
#7Káilètte † 

New acquaintance [Selena] Empty Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:22 pm

Her eyes laid on her book very lazy-like. Her face expression stayed calm yet her lips curved into a somewhat frown. She remembered some stories her mother told her and yet something was off. The woman that was sitting with her questioned about it as to if her mother was really not with the world anymore. Honestly she wished she could answer that question, but after reading a lot of the book it made her question. Her brown medium hair would sway left and right slowly with the wind as her eyes got lost looking at the book. Was her book really true? About the whole soul thing? Did her mother just leave her body spiritually/soul-wise and go into a new one? If so, then why didn't she come back to her?

These questions haunted her now, but who knows for how long. Her eyes and head lifted up as to look at the female. ''I'm not sure to be fair. Quite more complicated then even what I know...'' she spoke softly and then shook her head, noticing how down-feeling this topic was. Quickly she gripped the table and sat up straight making an assuring smile. ''So what do you do, Selena? Hobbies, guilds and all that stuff.'' she questioned, tilting her head a tiny bit as she rests her right cheek on her hand.

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