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Rym Oto

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#1Rym Oto 

Rym Oto Empty Sat Oct 15, 2016 7:50 am

Rym Oto


Name: Rym Oto

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Class: Overseer

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Lamia Scale

Tattoo: Bottom of Right Hand

Face: Leonardo Watch|Blood Blockade Battlefront


Height: 6’2”

Weight: 156 lbs.

Hair: Black

Eyes: Glowing Electric Blue

Overall: Rym is a tall kid who only opens his eyes when he is using his power. He usually has earphones in listening to his music and ignoring everyone else

Extra: - His earphones dampen his magic so he doesn’t lose control randomly. His magic is stronger with them off but has a possibility to stun him.


Personality: Rym is a very QUIET person. He may seem ANTI-SOCIAL but when you get to know him he’s actually quite FRIENDLY. He is very LOYAL and DEFENSIVE of his friends and guild members. When it comes to jobs he is a HARD WORKER. Rym is mostly a BACKLINE FIGHTER. Because of all the hardships in his childhood he has TRUST ISSUES. He is a LONER but will fight with someone if need be. He has devoted himself to being HELPFUL to others.


  • Music: Rym seems to have an affinity for music, writing and singing. He writes songs and listens to music most of the time. The only time he ever takes his earphones out is when he is using his powers or something serious is happening.
  • Competition: Rym is extremely competitive with anything and anyone. If you’re doing the same thing as him and he can make a challenge out of it, he will try to beat you. No matter what.


  • Eggplants: Rym has a very weird and oddly specific distaste for eggplants and can’t stand anything about them. He’s gone so far to say they’re “the wrong shade of purple.” No one can explain it.


  • To be heard: All his life Rym was never heard. At first this was a choice, now it’s a lifestyle. In an effort to improve his confidence his number one goal is to be heard by everyone and for everyone to know the name Rym Oto.


  • Public Speaking: Just because Rym is working on his confidence doesn’t mean he’s ready to speak in front of an entire crowd and talk.
  • Being Alone: Growing up an orphan Rym has been alone most of his life and he never wants to return to that way of life. He always has to have someone in the room with him or he'll have a major breakdown.


Magic Name: Vibration Magic

Magic Element: N/A

Magic Description:  This Magic allows Rym to manipulate, generate, and perceive different vibrations to impair or kill foes. Unless properly protected Rym himself can be damaged from his own spells. He can also manipulate the vibrations to create walls to protect allies and himself. He can also use the vibrations to shake different objects. The vibrations are visible as electric blue ripples. While using his powers his eyes glow. The brightness of the glow is dependent on how strong his spell is. He can also use his magic to a defensive extent. Using vibrations Rym can bring up nearly invisible walls to block attacks. He can use his vibrations to catarize wounds.


History: Never look back, that’s what he always said. Every new place is always temporary. Never look back on the good times, and definitely not the bad one. Leave your memories behind. Clean break. Heh. That was his motto, his mantra.
Every time he left a home he forgot his friends and left them in the past. He made no connections. He made no friends. Why should he? He never needed anybody and never would. Anyone who would get close to him he would push away. For he knew it was just a matter of time before he left. He hopped from place to place. All around the world never finding somewhere permanent. Until he found one city. A place he would eventually call home. Filled with magic (and that’s not just a metaphor) he fell in  love with the place and even started to adopt some traditions.
He started practicing magic and it wasn’t easy. Learning the magic was easy, in fact, he was a natural. His teacher had never seen anyone so proficient in that kind of magic. Controlling it was the hard part. Training for years he finally mastered the art, and just like any other town, he left without a trace. Roaming the lands looking for an adventure, Rym was the kid who was never heard. Until now.

Last edited by Rym Oto on Tue Nov 29, 2016 1:09 pm; edited 18 times in total

#2Rym Oto 

Rym Oto Empty Sat Oct 15, 2016 7:50 am

Rym Oto
I'm Done

#3Rym Oto 

Rym Oto Empty Sat Oct 15, 2016 7:52 am

Rym Oto
Also, I didn't know if two classes were allowed kind like having half of what each class gets. But if it's not allowed just a berserker would be fine


Rym Oto Empty Sat Oct 15, 2016 1:18 pm


Template needs to get fixed and you can only have one class.

#5Rym Oto 

Rym Oto Empty Sat Oct 15, 2016 2:19 pm

Rym Oto
fixed i guess, chose berserker as my class.

#6Rym Oto 

Rym Oto Empty Sun Oct 16, 2016 11:02 am

Rym Oto
Done and Ready to Be Graded?

#7Rym Oto 

Rym Oto Empty Sun Oct 16, 2016 2:23 pm

Rym Oto
Fixed and Ready to Be Graded Please

#8Rym Oto 

Rym Oto Empty Mon Oct 17, 2016 5:06 pm

Rym Oto


Rym Oto Empty Mon Oct 17, 2016 7:10 pm

Your magic should have stuff added in about the other types of spells overseer can use, as they can use more than just defense and supplementary. Also, remove all mentions of sound from the magic, only use the terms vibrations or something of the like.

Personality and History could both use some expanding. I'd say about double what you have now. Shouldn't be too hard, though!

Second fear is a bit weak, gonna need you to switch it or add a fear more like the first one that can be encountered often in day to day situations.

#10Rym Oto 

Rym Oto Empty Mon Oct 24, 2016 6:38 pm

Rym Oto


Rym Oto Empty Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:19 am

You can't have your earphones related to your magic because there are no holders, feel free to still wear them though just remove mentions to magic.

Please fix your magic description so it mentions these spells and only these spells:

-Self Buff Strength
-Self Buff Endurance

#12Rym Oto 

Rym Oto Empty Tue Nov 29, 2016 12:50 pm

Rym Oto
Bump diddly bump bump. I haven't been here in a while

#13Bianca Fleur † 

Rym Oto Empty Tue Nov 29, 2016 3:16 pm

Bianca Fleur †
Congratulations, this application has been approved.

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