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Sirius Concerns[Fiora]

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#1Fiora Sylvari † 

Sirius Concerns[Fiora] Empty Thu Jun 29, 2017 10:13 am

Fiora Sylvari †
Fiora had just arrived at Oak Town after some long travels. It was bright and sunny out with not a cloud in the sky. No humid made it almost a perfect summer day with the sun shining bright. Fiora had gotten a request offer from the guild that would need done with one of the main people in the Oak Town that helped out dark guilds which was Phantasm family that was notorious throughout Oak town because they helped out dark guilds behind the scenes and they also they hid it well which made them dangerous because they never got caught. Fiora looked at the paper and it seemed like it was a basic mission for someone of her skill level which she could complete easily as she was a member of Grimoire Heart and could was trained for these type of situations. It seemed that there was spy leaking all the info She had arrived at the gates and would walk in the mansion and be greeted by one of the butlers for the family. Her body was dressed up in the mason clothes for the mission to find out this spy by playing as one of them. The butler would lead them to the castle walls which were in the back of the manor and they had the other masons already hard at work. Fiora would stretch a bit before heading over to them to get her orders. She would use her sharp tongue and womanly figure to win these masons over. One of them would spill the beans eventually.

"Woman! Get over here and hold this ladder!" a burly man would scream at her as she hustled over and would get a firm grip on the ladder. There were some mend up on the wall laying some foundation and bricks to make sure the wall was sturdy and it wouldn't fall like last time. The burly man explained that since she was small she would be of no use carrying the big bricks that the wall needed so he made sure she had the easy jobs that wouldn't hurt her small frame. She was picturing the man dead in her mind as he patronized her but she had to keep it cool for now and complete the mission it was an easy task that could be completed easily. The men would lay brick by brick as she held the ladder. She tapped her foot as minutes went by and she was still doing the same thing. However, two men started to talk which made her ears perk up. They were talking about how they hated working for the Phantasm Family and that they hope they got taken out soon by another family. it wasn't anything to go off of yet but she had a lead on the person that was betraying them. Fiora went to the man who was in charge and asked him to be reassigned to where the two suspicious men were. The man agreed and moved her over to their group to get more equipment from the shed.

Fiora walked to the shed and pulled out some more equipment they needed for the job. One of the workers left to inform the boss leaving her with the man who was talking smack about the Phantasm Family. "I hate them too you know. The Phantasm Family does nothing for this town." she said. The coworker agreed with her quickly and explained all the bad things they did in Oak Town. As he was explaining it, he let it slip that he worked with a rival family and was going to sabotage the wall they were building so they could attack it as a weak spot and take out the leader of the family. He realized his mistake and told her not to tell anyone. "Don't worry your secret is safe with me" she would say which was a lie. Soon after the work was done in the mansion she would then go to the mansion and would tell the head of the family which one was the traitor. He was pleased with her work and would give her the money for the request as it was finally finished and the mole was found.


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