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Orchidia Station to Baska Railways [Train Travel]

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#1Leyaria Venerak 

Orchidia Station to Baska Railways [Train Travel] Empty Mon Jul 31, 2017 4:58 pm

Leyaria Venerak


The Struggling Demon

Arriving in Orchidia Station, she figured that things would have been better, that there would have been something to which she could have done or other wise attempted in order to make it so that the nagging feeling within her body would subside, but there was no indication that that was going to have happened. Instead, the feeling only got worse and worse, the more and more she attempted to fight against it, the more and more it seemed that what ever itw as that was doing this to her was getting stronger, as though it was compelling her to continue with this, to go in the route that it was directing within her. Even more, the constant feeling that someone was trying to talk to her did not help in the matter at all, if only just further and further making her convinced that there was something else that was with her, but by all indications there was only her and Geth, the two of them having been forced to travel with one another in what normally is a welcoming scenario. Now though, the pain that radiated through her body made her wonder if she could even make it through the next train ride as the sounds of the train coming from the area arrived and approached, it being very clear that she was in pain, but as the train came closer, suddenly it seemed as though the pain subsided. Whatever the reason, she seemed to have been calm by the time that the train arrived in Orchidia, to pick her up and send her towards her next detination, Baska Town.

Internally Conflicted

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