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Orchidia Station to Marigold Station [Train Travel]

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Orchidia Station to Marigold Station [Train Travel]  Empty Sat Sep 02, 2017 11:15 pm

The Rune Knight of the Magic Council Salem who just moments ago found himself just chilling in the streets of the river town Orchidia, was now making his way to the train station that found itself located in the town. This being one of Salem’s more random, and spontaneous decisions like his more recent decision of his upcoming journey across Fiora. But this one was more of the fact that Salem was completely bored out of his mind in the town today and was looking for something to do. And it would seem his idea of a little walk through the town would not go over to well. With the streets of the river town Orchidia, being completely covered in people, leading to Salem getting slightly uncomfortable do to his current surroundings. Thus leading to the Idea of Salem going to the train station, as the young magic scholar figured that if all the people were crowding the streets going to all of the little different stands and stores all lined up and down. Then no one would actually be at the train station of the town.

This being a slightly crazy theory, but it was the best one that Salem could come up with at the current moment. Especially while he continued his walk to the train station, figuring that even if he was wrong the station would be way less crowded then that of the streets of the town. And this was something that Salem was sure of. Reaching the station Salem would come to see that just as he figured the station was mostly empty though, not completely empty as it would have a few works and other travelers coming in and out of the city. Looking around Salem would see that currently the station was preparing to load for several trains all over Fiora, one of which standing right in front of Salem said South Fiora while the other next to it said North Fiora.

Looking at the sign Salem could only start to feel the rage of his past coming back into him as he took several steps forward walking his way onto the train that stood before him moments before its doors closed shut alerting that the train was now on its way to South Fiora Marigold Town.

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