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To Nanuq [Train Travel]

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To Nanuq [Train Travel] Empty Tue Sep 05, 2017 5:54 am

Eva packed up her bags early that morning. As per what they decided, Hanase was going to travel straight to Crocus while Eva decided to travel north up to Nanuq and Oak before coming back down. She had decided that to get some training down, it was best if she could get some experience all by herself rather than being trailed by her overprotective manager, whom, recently, had developed a deep disliking to Eva’s responsibilities as a Rune Knight. He saw that she was being overworked and in more than one occasions, told her to take it easy, only Eva never listened. Bidding farewell to him, Eva went into the train, her bag on her shoulder.

To Nanuq [Train Travel] R1pERCr

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