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One of Many Steps?[Open]

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#26Phoebe Rainsworth 

One of Many Steps?[Open] - Page 2 Empty Wed Mar 28, 2018 11:19 am

Phoebe Rainsworth
At least she could let go off the smaller mineral bottle and she looked at what Regis was doing, holding on to her own bottle, moving it slowly up and down to indicate the drinking process that she wanted to see Regis do. She wouldn't push him, she wouldn't push the bottle, yell or do anything else, she just gave the silent instruction from time to time and smiled at him with the most easy smile that she believed she had in her ability. Persephone was a bit nervous too, not because of the herbs going wrong, but what if nothing happened, would she have anything in mind, "Don't expect too much," The Goddess started, "All that can happen is that he gets a shock a very bright moment of no pain, perhaps speech, depending on the curse, but that's not even a hundred percent sure. As long as nothing bad happens, we can go on with this." The Goddess mentioned in Phoebe her mind, which made her lilac eyes turn a bit bigger and stare at the bottle, something bad?

She didn't move, she only watched, talked to Persephone in her mind, what would be the options, what would be the consequences, positive or not. She could only wait, that's why she was so patience. In one moment he drank it completely and she stared at him as the bottle was empty, "And do you feel anything?" she couldn't help but ask, dumb of course but she was nervous as well.

One of Many Steps?[Open] - Page 2 VZmj2zD
#cc99ff ~ Phoebe Italic~ Baal

One of Many Steps?[Open] - Page 2 Empty Thu Mar 29, 2018 5:50 am

It seemed Regis has stopped moving. Even the twitching he normally did was stopped if anything for a moment, it was almost unsettling he had not moved for almost 5 minutes, Internally his mind and thought were starting to feel the effects of what he just drank.

But it seemed just as oddly grim he had stopped his head twitched a few times and it seemed he started looking around just slightly, Regis realized it wasn't was large as he hoped but he felt less pain. The burning was gone for the moment. "R-relief..." It was almost unable to be made out it was still pretty rough sounding and rasp sounding voice was like a withering and barely hanging into sanity or life."W-who,are you-u??"It seemed he could only speak a few words at a time.

But he had so many questions most likely simply questions, after all his mind was the same and such but he just still barely felt that continuing pain. But even if little words and with stuttering it was something for him."W-why do I b-burn?"He sounded even if withered and ill, confused."W-why do I-I feel...con-confused?"Regis stopped talking for the moment but his fingers twitching still seemed to happen, as well as the head twitching.

In the end for this moment, It showed Regis was still in pain, still confused, still mostly was still suffering from everything he was normally just felt slightly less aching. Regis still was he normally was just gaining something odd in terms of a feeling that returned. He looked up at the sky when looking around him again, He did not know what to expect next at this point talking had been something he hadn't done in a while.

#28Phoebe Rainsworth 

One of Many Steps?[Open] - Page 2 Empty Sun Apr 01, 2018 4:07 am

Phoebe Rainsworth
Phoebe was holding her own hands, very tightly around the bottle of mineral water that she had used as an example for Regis to understand that she meant drinking, moving the bottle towards her own lips before as an indication. Now she was just sitting there still, not saying a word at first, listening to Persephone as he had just finished drinking. Finally she couldn't stop her own curiousity and ask if he felt anything. Not the right yes or no question but it could be answered by either. She had to be more specific, feel anything. Of course he did, but she meant the efect of the potion that she had made with Persephone her help. He didn't move, not even sway, tilt, twitch, anything, he sat still and it gave her a very scared feeling. Persephone tried to calm her down but it was difficult when Phoebe already thought the worst has happened.

But that's when the answer was not a yes or a no, it was a word and she had almost jumped up had her muscles not been forced down to sit as quiet as she could and had albeit not even the ability to jump up that quickly, so she simply stared with big lilac eyes at Regis. Her brain finally registering the word he said; relief. She dropped the bottle and held her hands in front of her mouth, to be quiet, not squeel in excitement but even Persephone was baffled, he was able to talk now? This was but the first version of many that she had in her mind, but if this worked already this well, she should make more for a later point. "I'm P-Phoebe." She could say on time, so surprised that she was barely able to function leave out to introduce herself.

Slowly the second pair of questions came and she looked worried, her happiness quickly making place for worry and still a bit of sadness, she had fixed a little thing but the pain wasn't gone yet. Perhaps a bit, "I don't know, someone must have cursed you or anything. I was trying to find a solution but it's very difficult." But now that they knew it was a burning feeling, Persephone seemed to be thinking about other things as well, "We can't keep on giving him potions though, we need to wait, perhaps a couple of weeks to be sure that the potions won't mix in the wrong way." She didn't want to say too much and let him have this moment of clarity for himself, "I hoped that the pain would be reduced by the potion of herbs I made." she looked at her hands, suddenly feeling she was back on square one of the game of life, that she started to play thanks to Victor. "I don't know anything about you as you have not been able to speak. I knew your name is Regis and that you are hurt."

One of Many Steps?[Open] - Page 2 VZmj2zD
#cc99ff ~ Phoebe Italic~ Baal

One of Many Steps?[Open] - Page 2 Empty Mon Apr 02, 2018 5:11 am

It seemed Regis almost just went quiet again. Like he was trying to think of what else to ask, What else his thoughts where connecting. As well as some part he was trying to remember were gone."Thank you-u for not leaving-g me to just die, Phoebe."It seemed like he wanted to piece that out first."Any other person I-I try to re-recall seeing....r-run...s-scream...or I-I feel more pain."He might still sound in pain and suffering but the shift in his tone could tell he depressed by such events.

"I-I thought you would have l-left by now."
Regis seemed to admit."I-I don't remember much else around me, O-only memories I carry are just P-pieces." Very confusing pieces and fragments of his memories."I will b-bare it, Even if less of it for now."Regis seemed to think it would continue no matter what, already it seemed sad that Regis was just going to deal with it such pain and life.

But it seemed he was able to carry a thought still."I-I am scared to-to see the blue haired lady again."Regis mentioned this was most likely be an insight of his fragmented thoughts."I-I only R-remember being in a house, B-blood...P-pain, That is all."Regis sounded like he knew there should be more like pieces were gone, He knew he was confused and piece were gone he just did not know what to piece together, Or if it would be a good idea for Regis to truly know and have it pieced together for him to learn. It might break Regis' barely holding on to reality mind and heart. For not he sat quietly.

Last edited by Regis Karlinius on Wed Apr 04, 2018 3:49 am; edited 1 time in total

#30Phoebe Rainsworth 

One of Many Steps?[Open] - Page 2 Empty Tue Apr 03, 2018 6:09 am

Phoebe Rainsworth
She almost felt sentimental when Regis thanked her and Persephone tried to keep it at away, there was no need for that but still, she didn't know well the both of them had not know what happened to Regis and they also had not suspected the effect of the potion. They had both, mostly by Persephone her influence, expected a pain relieve but that the man was able to talk made Phoebe her heart jump a little. She held her own hands to stop fumbling with them, having already dropped the bottle. But she didn't even hear it, she could only stare at Regis. "You couldn't help it. It wasn't your fault." Or well not for as far as they knew, the curse or whatever it was must have done something horrible. A flash of her memory, from how his skin looked underneath the armour, showed up in front of her eyes and she wondered if the potion had already fixed a bit from that. But that might ask too much from a simple potion like this. "I need to think about when we could use it again." Persephone muttered in Phoebe her mind, making the black haired woman nodd automatically.

She gave a small, soft smile towards Regis, "Last time you left me." she said with a tease, she couldn't help it but hoped it would make him feel better. "But I am still willing to help, this is the effect of the first time but what if we try a couple of times more, later of course." Perhaps she should offer him a place to stay, depending if this reasonable fase stayed, that would be better and could help him take care off himself too, but how long would this last and would it last? "Perhaps I can help you figure out answers, even with pieces, there might be things to find?" She had no idea what it would mean all and what he would have to bare, but if she could do something else.

"Calm down Phoebe. We can't do everything at once. We need to first start at the beginning, the potion now works, we need to make sure if Regis wants that it keeps working and work out a way to make him better."

Persephone was right, unfortunately. And besides, there might be just things that he could better figure out by himself, but she was just so excited. That's when she was surprised by another memory that Regis could talk about, "The blue haired lady?" In a house, with blood and pain, that definitely didn't sound right, would that have given him the curse? Who knew, as it seemed that Regis didn't at this point. Perhaps with more herbs later, Persephone wasn't sure about that but now Regis had already surprised them.

One of Many Steps?[Open] - Page 2 VZmj2zD
#cc99ff ~ Phoebe Italic~ Baal

One of Many Steps?[Open] - Page 2 Empty Wed Apr 04, 2018 4:51 am

Regis seemed to try and quietly think a bit more."Blue-e hair.....blue clothing, Meta-ll pole...M-more blood." Regis did not realize but he seemed to be mentioning a fight."I rememdering...A w-woman screaming.....A small c-child. A loud snap." Regis was starting to wonder why he was slowly mentioning such things but these fragments confused him greatly more and more."A d-door, locked...trapped."Regis was starting to mention how he got out it seems. If the pieces could be fit into place."B-break through door with leg...roam freely since then e-eating animals..."It was the pieces of how he got free but very far from clear. but one mention might have to do with his sometimes stop moving leg. Maybe he had forced that leg though the door too hard and is trying to recover but he just kept moving.

"I will t-try to s-stay....B-but I can not promise."it seemed Regis started to understand how his mind was starting to work but was going to try anyway."I-i don't k-know how I could keep it i-if i would be willing to p-promise."Regis also seemed to still have some kind of logic with in his thoughts as well, But it was something he would try to do in the end.

Maybe it was because Regis only seemed to just have only her to trust at this point and in his broken mind made him unsure who else to trust who to think or be around. Overtime this could change but for now Regis just felt safe having trust in one person at person, he just hopped nothing bad happen to her."B-but you are the only one around w-wiling to help me....I will not stray too far away..."It seems when he spoke and had the way too, Regis wasn't all that horrible of a person.

#32Phoebe Rainsworth 

One of Many Steps?[Open] - Page 2 Empty Mon Apr 09, 2018 6:20 am

Phoebe Rainsworth
A loud snap.. the way he said it, with no emotions that she recognized apart from a sort of distress and pain, it still gave her the shivers, crying, blood? What could make a sound that was considered a loud snap. She didn't want to think about it, but her shoulders went a bit up and a shiver went down her spine. She simply looked away, trying not to focus on what she felt, this wasn't her nightmare at this moment, she was only here to help. Which was a strange thing to think as she had stopped doing that, or she wanted to and Persephone had pushed her to find the right allies. She had not heard Persephone complain yet that Regis wouldn't be a good ally, so apparently it was all fine for now and she could do whatever she wanted.

Phoebe actually didn't want to hear what had been going on in the event of the blood, the pain and the loud snap but she didn't force him to stop talking. The man was confused and if he was getting memories back and he needed to say them out loud, who was she to say he had to shut up? So he had been locked up by the blue haired lady and he had managed to get out by kicking down the door, interesting way of how that worked. She let the mentioning of eating animals away, she wasn't a vegetarian and Persephone didn't see the need into that nor that killing animals was bad, but both didn't like to consider how..

Phoebe made a small joke about how he left her the time before, and she nodded when Regis explained he couldn't promise to stay with her, "I know and that's okay. I will find you again. I think you can have the potion once per month and we have to hope the effect stays." She hoped she was understandable for him because what if it didn't and next month could be a whole other struggle? She didn't know, she would figure it out at some point there were first 30 days before it would be the next day and she would have the potion ready before that, she would find him, she was sure of that. She had found him again after what had to be six months, so she was sure that if she would look hard enough, she would find him again. There wasn't a tracker spell but who knew. As he said he wouldn't stray too far away, she was reassured that she would find him whenever necessary soon enough.

"Feel free to find me if I'm not with you alright? We don't know yet how long this will take effect but I keep an eye out." She said and she wondered if she should like write her address or something on a patch of his armour so people would know how to contact her, but it felt a bit rash. She would have to see through the days, weeks, months perhaps even a year what would happen. "Is there anything you want to do now?" Did he actually sleep? She had found him asleep last time but did he sleep enough, restoring a human body also needed a lot of sleep, like a switch off.

One of Many Steps?[Open] - Page 2 VZmj2zD
#cc99ff ~ Phoebe Italic~ Baal

One of Many Steps?[Open] - Page 2 Empty Mon Apr 09, 2018 6:34 pm

With the settling quiet Regis just looked at the ground in front of him, trying to figure out what his mind truly wanted for this moment what all he felt like he needed to do. It wouldn't be much long of a thought for him he just wanted to rest, he wanted to try and sleep and see if his pain would go away. "I do-nnot care wh-here but I wish to sleep."he seemed to just have that set out."I do not know what else otherwise."he seemed to try and force himself not to stutter and it seemed to strain him slightly but he made his point.

"Am I safe h-here?"Regis seemed comfortable even if its crude and not the best idea."Y-you can leave m-me here and re-return later if n-needed."Regis seemed to try and not to be a problem or what else could be in his mind. Maybe he was just too use to be outside and sleeping. An unknown amount of time being left as he has been he was use to various different things. Regis just seemed like he was fine where he was now.

"I d-do not need to eat, no-r drink...j-just sleep is all I wish."Regis he even felt comfortable where he was sitting so much when he just looking around for a place to just kind of walked over slowly over to a wall to just lay on to sleep, Even before it seemed like she would get to answer him Regis seemed to already fall asleep here he was on that part of the street quietly peacefully.


#34Phoebe Rainsworth 

One of Many Steps?[Open] - Page 2 Empty Thu Apr 12, 2018 3:44 am

Phoebe Rainsworth
Phoebe wasn't actually that much surprised, perhaps a little as she had wondered shortly before that if he would sleep, considering that she had seen him asleep in Magnolia had been totally forgotten for the seconds before that question. She nodded shortly as she had no intention to force him to do something else because she wanted to, apart from that her mind was blank. She was surprised when he asked her if the location, the abandoned park that they were now was safe. She looked around, she had been here only once before and at that point it had been empty as well, "I would believe so.' was why she answered, there might always be someone coming around and stare at him, perhaps a child and that might bring consequences but as the place really looked empty and she had come here to fix the trees and it had given her the same atmosphere, she doubt it at first. She nodded, "Shall I come every day, to see how you are?" She asked, already making that decision in her mind, while Persephone was still calculating if she would be able to give the potion soon again, getting to the point that it might have to be once a month and not sooner.

She didn't get up from the bench when Regis did and watched him before she finally stood up and left him, "See you soon again." she whispered in case he was already that fast asleep as happened last time. With an unsure feeling, Phoebe left the park to grab some more of the ingredients at the herb specialist and to head back to the inn where she stayed.


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#cc99ff ~ Phoebe Italic~ Baal

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