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Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa]

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#1Káilètte † 

Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] Empty Fri Mar 09, 2018 10:49 am

There Arisa was, sitting at an outside patio that belonged to the store she was residing at on the second floor. They didn't mind since Arisa didn't really bother anyone, she kept to herself. Her eyes of golden hues looked at the sky over the large parasol of red and white to see the sun which matched her eyes. She wore black sexy capri's as they had cut-out and tied diamond shape designs on the outside of the pants. Her shirt was a V-tied white shirt that fitted against her small waists and was nicely tied over her neck. Over her hair she wore a bow-tied ribbon that floofed her hair with volume upward and went downward like a curved waterfall. For her feet she decided just white short socks and sneakers in case she had any running to do today.

There was no chaos today out there. Ever since there sat a new king the drama went down - or for now as they could be hiding... The people who are against freeing the slaves, against freeing the people... against the death of their high seated king that allowed such cruelty. She sipped her tea and as she relaxed she thought, 'Wonder what to do today... Perhaps the mission I've been holding onto.'. It was soon time, but for now she watched the people, the humans and those who pretended to be humans walk about in this fine city of riches and unknown chaos that will destroy the politics she cared not so much about.



Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] Empty Fri Mar 09, 2018 11:22 am


WORDS: 220 | TAG: @arisa | ALISA &LUMEN

The last mission had been productive, though not exactly fun... Rather, it proved insanely boring, not to mention exasperating once you mixed in annoying, incompetent delivery men. Would today's mission be any different? Only time would tell... Alisa slept in a bit later than usual today, knowing she'd meet Ari for yet another mission and the pretty angel didn't like early mornings nearly as much as the sculptress did. She hadn't worn anything official except for Junketsu in a mighty long while, but she couldn't really wear her favorite armor today.

"Disappointly enough...", she thought, sighing, but a single look at her own, curvaceous reflexion pushed aside every sliver of doubt, bringing that smile back to her face. She did truly love this outfit, and couldn't help bringing a hand to her hip, shifting her torso slightly for a better look. The heavy winds whipped her hair around behind her, threatening to send that heavy coat flying... But failing every time.

Thus, she pressed forth, glancing to her left at Lumen, who simply followed her merrily, not the slightest bit bothered by the strong, chilly winds... They'd subside eventually, right? Constantly brushing her hair behind her ear as such might get repetitive after a while, but soon enough she caught sight of a familiar blonde sitting outside a patio, and waved at her...

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#3Káilètte † 

Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] Empty Fri Mar 09, 2018 12:02 pm

Oh such a delicacy. The people that roamed and the animals that crawled for survival of this planet. So beautiful the people were yet so dark that the people seemed to be. Everyone had a dark side, just like all had a light side no matter how small or large. Arisa sipped her tea once more as she felt the breeze of the upcoming spring. It was getting closer and the time was arriving of when they first made love. Her heart started to beat of when she remembered how semi-recently that he told her how he really felt. Was that real? Or was that drunk off of wanting someone's touch? There were many possibilities.

Her finger traced the lining edge of the table that she was sitting by, golden eyes gazing at the road. Within moments, Arisa saw Alisa - the woman that was her best friend... her's alone right? Arisa would go crazy with jealousy if she found out Alisa found someone more important than her... Possibly... Was she going insane already? It was the year, the time nor the day to do so as the 'curse' of hers was never to be lifted off of her. Kuria- Arisa... A glitch of mentality and thought upon who she was. Who was she? Her head shook to shake off the thought and got up. Slowly she walked towards the edge of the balcony and waved back with a calm expression on her face like some judging Queen. Her eyes cornered to the left to ding the bell so the waiter could get her tea. With that she hopped over the balconie's railed fence and to the ground that was two stories. As soon as she stood up with balance she walked to Alisa. ''Morning, Alisa.'' she simply spoke with a wave and finally her hands slid in her own Capri pant pockets.




Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] Empty Fri Mar 09, 2018 3:26 pm


WORDS: 460 | TAG: @arisa | ALISA &LUMEN

Breakfast huh...? Alisa had already learned not to have breakfast too early for Arisa frequently waited for her to eat hers, and she ate far too much for the sculptress to simply sit comfortably watching her eat. She could get by with a glass of orange juice otherwise, and simply wait for the moment she finally met up with her sister to eat properly. Seeing her launch herself down the balcony, Alisa closed the distance and greeted
the girl with a warm, affectionate hug under the wind's firm caress, Lumen greeted her too with a gentle, girly wave. Unlike Alisa, Lumen's clothes showed a fair greater amount of skin, yet her outfit seemed equally fit for battle, allowing freedom of motion for a girl whose only offensive option was fighting with her bare hands.

"Oh...? Good morning Ari~", Alisa finally spoke, cool and kindly, reaching over and pulling a chair while Lumen did the same. She sat next to her best friend and looked into her eyes, knowing that alone would yield clues to her condition. Nonetheless, it didn't hurt to ask right, "How are you feeling today...?"

She rested her elbow casually on the table, hand on her cheek as she appreciated her best friend's ever ravishing beauty. She always looked pretty even on her darkest days. Still, had something gone wrong with her relationship? Alisa should ask the angel more about her lover, knowing the health of her love life often correlated to her own mental health...

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#5Káilètte † 

Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] Empty Fri Mar 09, 2018 4:53 pm

Arisa felt arms of warmth wrap around her own goddess-like body. It kind of shocked her a little, but her eyes didn't motion any difference than her calm expression she already had. Noel's warmth is all she wanted, all she lusted for, but was that really the truth? Was she feeling something else? What was the real desire that her heart seeks? She didn't know and wasn't sure if she'd ever find out. Alisa let her go and went to sit on a chair which sounded nice, to just relax. She looked around and saw a waiter of some sort. Arisa didn't really care of the detail of what he looked like. ''Hey?! Order please.'' she said as she smacked down against the table.

The waiter jumped shocked and turned around bowing. ''Y-yes mi'lady.'' he said and walked towards them with a notepad. ''What shall you two ladies get today?'' he asked and had a goofy smile. Arisa's calm expression scared the poor boy as if Arisa was some dominatrix, gazing down at him. ''I'd like an orange juice and eggs mixed with ham and onions please.'' she ordered simple and small. He nodded and got Alisa's order. Next he left with those orders and her undivided attention went back to Alisa. ''I'm alright, I suppose...'' she spoke trailing off and looking away. Her lips formed a small frown and wasn't sure about herself anymore... not at all.




Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] Empty Fri Mar 09, 2018 5:07 pm


WORDS: 700 | TAG: @arisa | ALISA &LUMEN

Even now, Alisa still believed her warmth could reach past this girl's inner darkness and soothe her restless soul... Not now, most certainly not overnight, instead she'd do so gradually, over the course of many years if need be. Yet only a genuine affection for her best friend could make this possible. The angel peeled away from her eventually, urging the waiter over to their table, startling him to action. Alisa and Lumen both snickered at the sight, the former far more discreet about it, nonetheless admiring Ari's demanding demeanor. One of her prettiest sides really...

"A coffee and an éclair for me, some macarons for her.", Alisa followed, smiling gracefully at the waiter, her amusement starkly contrasting with Ari's stern demeanor. Somewhat hoping to better keep up with the blonde's ravenous appetite, Alisa went for pastries instead of her usual croissant, "Well, I'm glad to see you recovered some of your appetite at least..."

'Some of it' being the operative words, as a healthy Arisa would have eaten five times as much as what she ordered now. She still looked far better than she did the other day when she ate... Well, pretty much nothing at all really. Shooting a casual glance to where the waiter would soon come from, Alisa's eyes shifted back to Ari soon enough, raising an eyebrow:

"I trust every thing's alright with your lover too..."

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#7Káilètte † 

Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] Empty Fri Mar 09, 2018 5:37 pm

''Indeed...'' she spoke with softness and in a calm manner. Her eyes gazed downward while her hands rested on her lap. She was so unsure of herself and the things that were happening in her head, her thoughts and dreams. Arisa didn't know what was real nor true anymore. 'You'll find out soon enough.' spoke a voice in her head. 'I still don't understand the voices... Are you me, but not me at the same time?' she wondered in her head. As she was trying to think of the logic of this her head started to hurt to where she brought her left hand to her temple to rub it.

'Why does it hurt? It hurts so much just thinking about my memories!' she thought and screamed her in head. Her head shook while now both of her hands were against her temples to rub out the pain. Soon enough the man waiter appeared to set down their food and drinks. Arisa let go of her own temple to grab the orange juice and took a couple of drinks. It felt cold and clam through her veins and body with the vitamins of C that refreshed the feels. 'I must... Something has to be the cause of this... someone.' she thought and then looked at Alisa. ''As you can see... I'm not sure anymore... I feel like he wants some space... a lot.'' she started and looked away. After a couple of moments she looked at Alisa again. ''And no, that's not what I want of course, as I'd prefer marriage and well... nevermind.'' there it was. Arisa was about to speak out the huge secret that no one knew... No one.




Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] Empty Fri Mar 09, 2018 6:03 pm


WORDS: 1050 | TAG: @arisa | ALISA &LUMEN

As Ari got that contemplative look on her face, Lumen looked at her curiously, like she was about to say something. Hell, even Alisa had that look for a brief moment, before she remembered how she'd seen it before. For whatever reason, Ari had been struggling greatly the past few days, ever since the battle. One might think her mind had been the greatest, most debilitating casualty in this war, yet Alisa knew better... Whatever weakened Arisa now probably had little to do with the battle; she wasn't the type to care about some random guy seizing the trone from a king she didn't even like.

"Ari...!", Alisa called out, almost commandingly, frowning with a focused, worried look as she drew her best friend's attention back down to earth. Reaching across the table, the sculptress seized hold of the blonde's hand, not letting go. She looked up to find the waiter with their breakfast, noting how he'd showed up just in time.

Lumen almost lost touch with reality once macarons were placed in front of her. She dug in with gusto, while Arisa did the same with her orange juice. Alisa followed suit, taking a good long gulp of her coffee, before listening attentively to Arisa's words.

"You can't control someone else's feelings...", Alisa said simply, shaking her head, knowing that no matter how much she talked, she couldn't convince Ari not to fret over things she couldn't control, "But from what you told me, this man isn't the kind who'd settle down with anyone, yet he did so with you. Whatever he feels for you is real, though he likely has a different way of showing it."

Alisa had no qualms munching down her food with one hand and keeping the other free to hold Arisa's; but if her friend needed both Alisa would let go and return to sipping her coffee normally. She'd lean back on her chair and cross her legs, taking a deep breath, noting displeased how the angel had a knack for worrying Alisa far more than she'd normally accept...

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#9Káilètte † 

Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] Empty Fri Mar 09, 2018 6:43 pm

Arisa gazed at Alisa with an expressionless statue look that was quite unreadable. She didn't know what to think truly, but all the same... this wasn't exactly the same Arisa. Arisa, the girl who was always happy, confused and tried to be everyone's friend. Slowly, she was decaying into someone new. Perhaps like her creator, her so called mother or maybe it was what she was meaning to be. It was a mystery all the same. Simply Arisa flipped her blonde hair and took a spoonful of her food and nommed on it. It tasted good, felt warm against her tongue and her body enjoyed the healthy food.

She listened to Alisa's claims, but this part of Arisa wanted to question her thoughts. ''But what if you could? If I could control... him or at least have him at my side more than once a month if not more than a month.'' she spoke with a wave of a hand and took a drink of her orange juice. ''Marriage is important to her, to me and so is having a family, my dear. If he can't accept it then I suppose she'll keep on hiding things from him, - I mean I will...'' she glitched a little with that. She didn't know what all to say as there were disagreements between her and the known Arisa. Rather or not that it was accepted by her 'best friend' was questionable, but it didn't matter in the end. Sighing softly she was finally done with her food and drink, still quite thirsty.




Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] Empty Fri Mar 09, 2018 7:28 pm


WORDS: 1370 | TAG: @arisa | ALISA &LUMEN

Yes, Alisa could obviously tell Ari was changing. She spaced out more easily, and when she did it felt harder to get her back to the real world. The sculptress had seen her when the darkness within took over, she'd fought her even. Hardly a pleasant sight, especially for someone who felt nothing but love towards the angel, who saw her as a sister... Yet she'd never give up on her. Even now Alisa didn't give up on anybody she considered family, even those who'd already perished... Starting with her mother, and everyone else she'd lost... Her guild master most recently. And God forgive whoever held responsibility for that death, cause she sure as hell wouldn't.

"Well, if you could control his every action, he'd no longer be the man you love now, would he? If so, that would mean you only like him for his body, and plenty of people look alike... If you did only love his figure, you could find a replacement easily enough.", Alisa shrugged, quickly dismissing that option with a quick shrug, knowing Ari cared about her lover far beyond that... In which case, she could never control him without corrupting who he really was, and thus she'd achieve nothing. Yet Ari's next words came filled with wierdness, inconsistency... She spoke of herself in the third person, "There is only you, Ari... Nobody else can control you no more than you can control your lover. Only if you let them... Nay, only if you want them."

Alisa finished her meal quickly enough too, for she had eaten far less than Ari. Lumen took a bit longer but in time she too finished all her macarons, licking her lips delightedly. With this out of the way, Alisa paid for both their meals and stood up, readily asking the troubled blonde:

"So... Whatever mission have you picked for us today?", inquired the scultpress, placing both hands on her hips...

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#11Káilètte † 

Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] Empty Sat Mar 10, 2018 12:51 pm

Arisa's mind was being quite the chaotic bunch. She didn't know if it was herself thinking or someone else - who was she..? She tried to listen to reason, listen to Alisa's advice and words, but they weren't quite getting to her. She wanted Noel for herself and herself only, but it was out of fear and love, right? 'Don't listen to that woman... She doesn't know what she's talking about.' spoke the darker toned voice in her head. Who should she listen to? Her eyes winced in pain as her head started to hurt even more. 'This hurts... so much!' she thought in a screamish way. A small tear escaped her right eye only and then opened her eyes to gaze at Alisa. She was getting mentally exhausted, but first she had to get this mission done.

''Right... The mission.'' she spoke softly and calmly. Her eyes closed once more and took a deep breather to try and relax. Her hands clenched against her thighs as she felt frustrated. 'What was is again?' she thought and then opened her golden eyes again to see Alisa. ''I believe we have to meet up with Lady Merlin for some task infomation.'' she spoke and explained so little, but it was enough to get started. She was beginning to forget the things she was told about the mission so she at least now remembered the start of it. Arisa hoped that her memory wasn't disappearing again or was it different? Was she forgetting false things and will slowly remember facts? She didn't know.... no one will...




Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] Empty Sat Mar 10, 2018 4:32 pm


WORDS: 1600 | TAG: @arisa | ALISA &LUMEN

Alisa knew her words would probably not reach her... They seldom did, and love was hardly a rational thought one could analyze and evaluate... One can't choose who they fall in love with, any more that they can choose how they do it. Ari was purely monogamous too, which made it harder, made it completely dependent on that one man's opinion of her. Alisa couldn't stand this thought, even though the romantic in her wanted nothing more than to believe in true love. Once she saw Ari shed a tear, the sculptress gripped her hand even tighter, asserting her presence in the only way she actually could now, knowing her friend was struggling now more than ever.

The mission would distract her though, and as she sifted through whatever information her mind could yet process, Ari eventually explained how they'd need to meet lady Merlin again:

"Hmmm, her... I do hope she hasn't hired any more incompetents to work alongside us~", commented the sculptress, smirking as she avoided dwelling in the annoyance she dealt with on that particular mission. Now that they'd finished their meals, Alisa once more paid for it with a bundle of jewels on her table, and Lumen promptly stood up, brushing her hands down her short violet hair, adjusting it under the wind's constant beating, "Let's see what she has for us today, shall we~?"

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#13Káilètte † 

Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] Empty Sat Mar 10, 2018 5:24 pm

Arisa walked with her friend, Alisa while thinking of what they talked about. Her eyes cornered and then looked forward. There were possible things that could happen, but how was it going to effect them? The people around them didn't matter, no one else mattered right now in her heart other than Noel and Alisa. Everyone else... Her eyes lowered as her gaze followed the patterns on the ground. She felt like a little girl who skipped passed every crack to make sure nothing was hurt... Such a silly superstition yet apart of her felt like a child... to believe in such things.

Soon enough they were by the large building of white. It was quite tall and sure enough it was going to be where they were needed to be. Her eyes looked straight forward as to look for Lady Merlin in which in the stories it reminded her of some other person named Merlin. The person was a guy, very magical, but he had a tendency of messing up everything. He could summon dragons, defeat the huns and bippity boppity boo you too. There were so many things that could happen, but for now she was to find this woman who had the same first name. She continued walking with Alisa and entered wherever they needed to go and therefore they had the sight of Merlin lady.




Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] Empty Sat Mar 10, 2018 5:59 pm


WORDS: 1900 | TAG: @arisa | ALISA &LUMEN

The three of them walked across the windy streets, and every time Alisa looked at Arisa she saw the girl absently looking forward onto the horizon... Was she thinking about what Alisa told her...? Or was she once more lost in her inner turmoil, worried thoughts of what her lover thought of her or their relationship? The sculptress couldn't help leaving a hand over the angel more often than not, frequently just resting on her shoulder and reminding her how she was right there, next to her... How she'd always stay next to her, supporting Arisa in whatever way she could think of.

"So... Here we are...", stated Alisa, glancing up to admire the tall white building, thought not as intently as Lumen did, the latter's lips parting slightly with that same look of awe she always got when she walked by. Alisa smiled at Ari, motioning for her to follow as she walked inside.

Last time, Alisa didn't mind letting Ari stay outside, yet now more than ever she refused to leave her best friend to her own thoughts and would gently tug her by the hand if she tried to lag behind. Fortunately, the sculptress found no such need as the blonde followed promptly, walking alongside the sculptress into the building, and from there to the client' study. Alisa wondered if she'd have them fight some enemies this time, for once justifying the high rank of her missions, but once again, no such request reached her ears. There, they'd find Merlin had a simply request for them. To enchant an amulet that she could gift her beloved daughter, Luciel... The younger, aloof mage who had also hired Alisa at some point, usually for lower ranked missions.

Did she put them up simply so she'd assure a competent mage would handle her tasks...? And yet she hired incompetent deliverymen to handle her package... Go figure.

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#15Káilètte † 

Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] Empty Sun Mar 11, 2018 10:54 am

Her head tilted and gazed at Alisa as she could see the distaste for this mission. True, it's been awhile since they battled against someone for a mission and this was the second highest mission rank. Most would think that there was to be some kind of fighting, but there wasn't. It seemed like some simple delivery chore like the mission in Baska. Baska and Crocus were two different places as one was more of a valley-like town and Crocus... it was a huge city of wonders. Arisa herself hasn't even explored Crocus to its' full glory if it had anything left.

She grabbed the amulet herself from Merlin with a calm expression, shrugging as she looked at Alisa. ''I mean... We're getting paid.'' and that was all that mattered to Arisa. Usually she cared about the person and the mission, but what was the point? No one noticed her for any of the goodness she did other than herself and perhaps Alisa for some of it. She walked towards the study and grabbed the tomes. They were weird looking with some carved in symbols, shapes of them were indifferent, but other than that they looked like pretty rocks. Arisa gathered them all and turned to Alisa. ''Alright... now we...'' she was going to say, but then at the corner of her eyes she saw the book. ''Oh!'' she said in surprise and reached for the book to put in the white bag she grabbed before they moved away from Merlin to grab the stuff. ''Now the spell once we put all this stuff in order.'' she described and looked around. 'But where...' she wondered and walked away from this area and onto the next. She knew there was some large area in this place where they could organize all this.




Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] Empty Sun Mar 11, 2018 2:42 pm


WORDS: 2200 | TAG: @arisa | ALISA &LUMEN

  "Indeed~", Alisa noted, admiring the amulet for its beauty, hoping her inevitable botched enchantments wouldn't ruin it. Especially considered that would ultimately cause them to forfeit their reward, "And we don't have to listen to anybody's complaints either. We've defenitely had worse missions than this one~"

That said, the only real issue one might have with this particular job was boredom, especially someone with no talent or interest in enchanting. Otherwise, it looked pretty straightforward. The ever busy Merlin gave them not only an amulet but also a book on enchanting, and an adequate workbench where they might complete the job in peace, without anybody around to disturb them.

Quite nice of her, Alisa gave her that much credit.

Of course, they still had to find the tone: "Enchantments for Longevity & Perfect Health... Right?", she asked Arisa, as if to confirm her best friend had heard the same title the sculptress did. At the same time, she'd browse through all the books and eventually pick out the one they needed. Lumen helped them search too but in the end it was Arisa who interjected first, and Alisa turned her way, "Oh, you found it~?"

She'd read books on enchanting before but never spent too long analyzing them, as that alone implied an intention to use them... Intention she obviously lacked, instead preferring magics she could use with only her body and mind, magical spells to surprise unwitting foes who might otherwise have her pegged for the average martial artist.

"Hmmm, let's see what kind of spell we need, shall we...?", she looked at Arisa, and then at the book before them, and pulled up a chair.

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#17Káilètte † 

Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] Empty Sun Mar 11, 2018 3:05 pm

She was happy that Alisa found the positive side of this mission. Arisa was negative most of the time, sure, mostly when it came to love and the people around her. She couldn't help it though as there were many obstacles that triggered it all. 'I rather... see her happy than myself.' she thought and continued on with what she has already done. The tomes, the book and now they were to find the spell that holds the key to succeeding most of this mission other than her own two feet and hands that now held onto the book and tomes. They were to cast a spell, but what kind exactly?

She sat with Alisa and nodded to give clarification of her finding the right book. Flipping pages... Flipping pages reminded her of that time in the manor when she was reading her 'mother's' book in the manor with Yasuki. She wanted to find out who she really was in the past, now, but she still didn't get much information out of that book due to the fact most of the pages were missing and covered with old stained blood. ''Mmm, well... I believe Merlin said some magical eternal changing spell of some sort.'' she spoke quietly and flipped through the pages. As a fast reader due to reading so many books, she was able to find the page quite efficiently. ''Here we are.~'' she spoke and slammed her pointing finger at the spell. ''Let us see...'' she spoke and started to ruffle through the bag of tomes to sit them down, amulet in the middle and then it was time to speak the spell. ''Vialla La tairree, Una ma una! Slimba entana wa Ganche.~ (Hear my calls, All is all! Slumber eternal with change.~)'' she spoke of what it said. It started to glow and then it slept. Arisa slowly and carefully put it back in the gifting box/bag and got up. ''Aaalrighty then! Time to go.~'' she spoke positive-like. The chant reminded her of the chants they did as a child... They weren't good chants though unlike this one.




Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] Empty Sun Mar 11, 2018 3:56 pm


WORDS: 2500 | TAG: @arisa | ALISA &LUMEN

All that time watching Ari, doing her all to keep her happy, not for a moment did Alisa wonder the thoughtful angel might actually feel the same way towards her. Rather, the simple of though concerning whether or not she did never crossed her mind for a second, and neither did it affect Alisa's own action. As for the spell in question, Merlin had indeed mentioned some form of eternal charging spell, but nothing specific. Owing to her vagueness, this gave them free reign to choose whichever enchantment fit those parameters:

"I see...", she answered, running her finger along the lines of runes, narrowing her eyes and analyzing the scripture. With the three sets of eyes on the pages, eventually one of them pointed at the right spell, "Should be somewhere around here..."

Alisa would attempt the enchantment herself had she been alone, not as if she'd have a choice anyway... But here, with Arisa next to her, she'd much rather let her sister give it a try herself, perhaps she may even discover a raw, untouched talent in the magical field of enchanting? Answers only the near future might hold, but then they wouldn't even have to wait long to find them. So, she awaited patiently, eyes glued to Ari as she chanted the spell inscribed, with Alisa herself having little idea where she was chanting it correctly. They did everything else right, so hopefully the spell cwould work:

"So... Did it work?", asked the sculptress, raising an eyebrow when Arisa showed no signs of wanting to test the spell, crossing her arms somewhat doubtfully, "The necklace looks intact, so we can always try again if that didn't work the first time."

Hopefully, Ari would test the enchantment, but if she didn't Alisa would simply shrug and trust her best friend to have done her job:

"Luciel's study right... It should be about...", her neck turned left, then right, and finally Lumen pointed in the adequate direction. Alisa nodded, "Exactly, that way should be the quickest path."

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#19Káilètte † 

Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] Empty Sun Mar 11, 2018 4:19 pm

Alisa seemed to want to try out the amulet, but they were specifically told to just to the enchantment spell and show it to Lady Merlin. It was common to be curious and wondrous of an object and spell you've never heard of. People get curious about everything and anything these days. It was in the matter of surviving that curiosity. She shook her head and chuckled. ''We were told to bring it back to Lady Merlin once we were done with the enchantment. That is that.'' she spoke, tilted her head to look at her dear friend who could just be her sister. Her bright golden pupiless eyes doused Alisa with her stare.

''Let us go.'' she said simply and got up. Her gaze went straight and forward to go down the hall and to Lady Merlin. ''It is done, Lady Merlin.'' she spoke calmly with no expression. Lady Merlin took the wrapped up Amulet to check it out. Her eyes looked at Alisa and then Arisa. ''Mmmm..'' she thought and then looked back at it, tapped it. ''It seems to be a success. Good job. Now....'' she started to say and handed it back to Arisa. ''Can you two deliver it to Luciel? Much appreciated.'' she said and went back to her work obviously assuming it was going to be a yes. Arisa shrugged, looked at Alisa and then straight to walk towards the hall and to the library where she most likely was.




Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] Empty Sun Mar 11, 2018 5:06 pm


WORDS: 2750 | TAG: @arisa | ALISA &LUMEN

As a rule, she disliked leaving it to her boss to verify whether or not her work had succeeded and she had to do it again. Plenty of things one could and should do for themselves, for educational purposes if nothing else. But Ari seemed adamant in letting lady Merlin judge the untested work first and when she asserted that desire, Alisa merely shrugged. She could always insist, and had she done the enchanting herself she'd have defenitely tested it. But as Ari had done it, whichever alternative she picked was ultimately her prerogative.

Thus, Alisa and Lumen stayed silent when Merlin examined the amulet Ari enchanted, and the sculptress hoped they wouldn't need a round two. Sure, she wouldn't really mind enchanting it herself (though she preferred not to) but it seemed needness for such a simple task:

"Very well, she'll have it shortly~", Alisa smiled nodded, and walked off with her best friend, holding the door for her as she guided the way to Luciel's study. Now that Lumen had mentioned the path, the sculptress clearly remembered after all the missions she'd done for the young blonde now, and as such had no issues guiding Arisa to them...

Then again, perhaps Arisa had worked for this same client or one or another occasion? The dark haired woman turned to her friend as they walked, a curious look in her eyes, looking for a good few moments before finally asking:

"I don't suppose you've helped Luciel before on one or another mission...?", she'd inquire, seeking simple, idle conversation with Ari than any concrete information

For after this little delivery, they'd have finished their job and be free to collect the money and find something else to do.


Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#21Káilètte † 

Enchanting The Amulet [Quest: Alisa & Arisa] Empty Mon Mar 12, 2018 12:16 pm

Arisa gathered what was needed to continue on their mission and walked off towards the other client's area. She forgot her name already as their name didn't really matter. She knew what the girl looked like and that really mattered if you forget people's names. If she forgot their name, it meant they weren't important enough or so she thought. Her heart pounded calmly as she trailed on, walked through the path from the open door that was opened by her friend, Alisa. Alisa seemed to always have her back and it honestly did help out in some occasions.

Her eyes wandered to search for this woman who Alisa then said what her name was. 'Oh right...' she thought and made a small smile while walking. ''I suppose I have, I think so anyways.... I don't remember.'' she said calmly. Arisa was guessing herself and her answers as she wasn't quite sure. She knows she has heard of her and seen her before, but not sure if she has helped the girl or not. Once they got into the building the client was hiding in, she looked at all the books in the area. 'Where could she be?' she wondered. Luciel... That was her name, but where was she? Once they kept searching for awhile they finally found her by some books. ''Here you go.'' Arisa simply said, passed it to her and went to get their reward. Fianlly, after that they left to do some other stuff.




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