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Test the Waters [Quest: Alice]

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Test the Waters [Quest: Alice] Empty Mon Mar 26, 2018 10:57 am

It didn’t work, he clearly wasn’t around the beach and again Alice realized that finding Jupiter all by herself was a ridiculous task with the size of Hargeon and the places where people could be, now she was on the beach, he could be in the centre of Hargeon Square and they would obviously not see each other. She was a bit exhausted from the sprint she had taken before but tried to catch her breath, she had ran to one side of the beach for Jay and then to the other side in the hope to find Jupiter there with his mysterious cousin. Now that she thought about that would a cousin be a jolteon as well, perhaps they were in beast form as Jupiter would possibly be the only one that would be able to change into a human. So she should look for the beast version of her companion instead of for the human part. She already did both but the reasoning made it easier to figure out that it would be either of the two and not both. She made her way, quickly back to Hargeon town’s square as it now was bothering in her mind that they might be there. She also longed to go to the woods behind the hospital but as she tried to avoid that place because of the bad memories, she would leave it until the last resort. She tried to walk as quick as possible, while still being able to look around and find the people that she needed to find or well she had no idea if she would have to look for two Jolteons, so she simply described Jupiter only when she asked people if they had seen a creature like that. Alice was highly aware that something could have gone wrong, still convinced that Jupiter would able to hold up against a lot of people, it had happened before.

She had not talked to anyone anymore about it, except for the inn keeper in Magnolia, Clara, as she had stayed in Clara her inn when she was in Magnolia and had cried a whole evening with Kon gone and Ophelia taken from her. Ophelia her poor little friend, killed by a Grimoire Heart mage. Did a companion count as those that were ready to be killed, the way that the new emperor had mentioned. Alice doubted it, Ophelia had been but a little child of a companion, whom she had raised from her Cleffa being into the Clefairy and now she was gone. Killed because of Alice her inability and that happened a lot more but if she was the only one that would be heart because of that she wouldn’t mind, the thing was that she had too many people to worry and care about, with the inability to do so. She took a deep breath, it was no time to sit down and mop about being a bad parent or something, not at this point.


#8e1ed ~ Nastasya

Test the Waters [Quest: Alice] Empty Mon Mar 26, 2018 10:57 am

As she arrived in the Town Square she didn’t spot a golden little animal or well she wouldn’t call him little but still, she looked around, catching her breath by taking slow deep breaths through her nose. She annoyed herself with her thoughts and she should stop that. No one would be helped if she would go mental in her own mind. She looked around and walked away from the fountain on the square to find other places to spot people. As she did, she noticed Raina, someone she helped feeding fish, with Chelvaric. That felt already like ages ago, it had been around summer or the start of autumn and look at her now here in Spring. She walked over to Raina to see what she was doing, getting water samples from the lake where they had helped feeding fish. ”Hi there Raina, remember me Alice?” she asked to make sure to start a conversation and of course when Raina did immediately ask after Jupiter but the scientist denied seeing such a creature and she let it go for the moment and ask Raina what she was doing. So she listened trying to keep her mind to the conversation when Raina explained that she was getting water samples to test the water clarity of the town to make sure it was all good. She offered to help, thinking it wouldn’t take too long and she helped Raina take a few more samples, such as from the fountain that she had just left behind and some others and as they headed back to Raina her lab, something Alice had not seen before, the red head looked around, following into the clean looking lab. Everything ordered, coded with colours and symbols and stacked on and so on. She was almost afraid to touch something, scared it would fall over and be lost. But she simply followed Raina around, listening to her explain what was the need for the water to be tested on and helped her note it down for a couple of hours as it took some to wait and show the results. She had to sit down and relax, which was difficult with her mind still on Jupiter but apart from that it was nice to relax for as far as she could. Finally when the tests were done, by waiting an hour extra, Alice stood up and noted down the last things for Raina. Raina paid her and asked to visit her again tonight because she could use some help with another task and Alice couldn’t help but say yes, perhaps she could convince Hecate to come along and talk about the issue, at this point perhaps they simply had to trust Jupiter to show up whenever he found his cousin and was ready. Because that was it; maybe he had not found his cousin yet? It was a difficult thing but she realized she should do something else than look for him all the time, all around.


#8e1ed ~ Nastasya

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