They would first look around the aquarium, with the many sorts of fish that Alice couldn’t even name but Hecate seemed to know a few, they basically had lived off fish as they had lived in Hargeon and she told heroic stories about Jupiter sometimes stealing fish from the fisherman to be able to feed her, and while it did sound cute, Alice tried not to judge on the stealing part. They were beasts at that point, not able to turn into human that happened when they were with her and they seemed to be okay with that, okay with handling groceries and paying for them... and she lost her track of thought so she turned back to listen to Hecate and suggest to sit down and stare at the aquarium as that was what they were paid to do while eating from their Thai food. Hecate agreed and the two of them took the chair and table a little away from the spot too far too the left to sit down and watch. She wasn’t sure if it was an easy job but it sure as hell did calm her down a little, running around all day and so on, she looked forward to being reunited and able to calm down for the rest of the day and days for that matter. As Hecate kept her eyes on the aquarium, even while eating, Alice simply focused on the food. She was done with running about and after this would head to the hotel and sleep, for she was able to sleep without waking up in the middle of the night and that sure as hell felt fantastic. She yawned even when she thought about it. Once they finished food, she wrote down everything Hecate said about the observation about the fish, she was rather specific but she couldn’t write, never learned it, though she could read and that made it okay as Alice had to write down what she said. Once Hecate agreed with the notes and they cleaned up their mess and put the table back, Alice went to feed the fish. There were clear instructions with how much and how and that made it a lot easier than Alice had expected at the first instance and it was rather satisfying.
Now that the two were done they talked a little about nothing, waiting for Raina to return. Once she did, Hecate handed over the detailed logs that she had basically made and Raina read them and thanked them before paying them and Alice stood up to leave, she was glad that it was over and she hoped that the answers would be there in their hotel room, another note perhaps? She didn’t know what she expected, but everything except really Jupiter and the fight that occurred, but she could see in both her companions faces that they were rather happy to be together again and she let them be for a minute, sitting down in the bar of the hotel.
Wordcount: 1003/1000