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Night Light [Liana]

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Night Light [Liana] Empty Thu May 03, 2018 4:48 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @liana | CLOTHES  

  One Kimono a day keeps the fashionista away... This particular light blue article had a wide, tight obi, wrapped tightly around her waist and resulting in a flattering cleavage; far too flattering, she'd think to herself whenever she looked down. In all honesty, Alisa tried a good bit more than one kimono a day, but kept only her favorite ones to wear again at a different time. She knew not when that time might eventually arrive, as indeed she lacked that many chances to wear a Kimono aside from the usual hot springs. Hot springs as a whole meshed with eastern traditions well enough that people often adopted that style of clothing to wear as bathrobes, particularly among women.

 Not at this festival though... Alisa knew this tradition had been imported from eastern lands, where simply lazing around under blossoming cherry trees drinking sake counted as a proper, yearly festival. Not that Alisa disapproved, mind you, there are far worse things in life than simply sitting around doing nothing but looking at colorful petals and mulling over the vicissitudes of life:
 "What more lovely traditions could they bring over...?", mused the sculptress, sandals clopping along the cobblestones with every step she took, promenading towards the pier on a cool spring evening. A gentle breeze caressed the woman's cheeks, fluttering her hair along its way and inevitably drawing her hand along to tuck a loose lock away from her eyes, so she could better gaze up into the sky.
 Would there be fireworks tonight? Alisa knew not, and yet not knowing only heightened her antecipation. She knew she'd get to see fireworks sometimes before this festival came to a close, but, whenever might that be? Who knew, she might even see them tonight, a beautiful feast for the eyes the likes of which few sights could ever measure up to.
 The mere idea of being surprised by unexpected fireworks brought an impish, almost childish smile to her face, all but leaving the mature woman - wise beyond her years - laughing playfully to herself as a child might. Out here, with naught but the churning waves beneath, the starry skies above and bustling crowds far away, Alisa felt well and truly at ease, resting her hands on the wooden railing as she looked off into the distance...

Strength is also Beauty

"With Spring comes renewal..."
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Night Light [Liana] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Night Light [Liana] Empty Sat May 05, 2018 4:45 pm

The Nature's Bonder
It was going to be quite the night; she already knew. After traveling alongside her teacher to Orchidia and getting a good night's sleep, the following night was to be used for more time to be spent amongst both females. In order to strengthen their relationship, not only the one they have of student and teacher, but the one they are trying to build up. At least Liana is trying, she's still not too sure about the Vollan.

Just to match with the festival's theme, one the young Sylvaine obviously admires and is very fond of, Liana brought with her a light green qipao dress with an opening over the top of her chest only to expose a little of the young adult's plump and softly pale cleavage. In it were leafy and flowery designs of many colors, mainly white and brownish ones, the elf having been smart in sporting something that fit the occasion.

"At the pier, huh? How sweet..."

Liana mumbled to herself, remembering that Alisa had planned with her for both to meet over at the pier located near the festival's main spot. It wouldn't take long for her sandalled feet to guide the way towards the place of meeting. And eventually, from the distance, those emerald orbs of hers quickly glue upon the leaning frame of her teacher.

"There she is." She muttered.

Once the gap was closed, she'd send the female Vollan a brief wave after calling out the latter. "Heeeeey!"

Ultimately, a spot was taken right besides the obsidian-haired sculptress, a sweet and warm smile plastered across her features as she leaned a single arm over the wooden railing, keeping the opposite hand pressed down against one side of her waist, the one not facing the railing.

"You look wonderful." She complimented with a light giggle, the exposure of her favorite part obviously not being missed by that closet pervert gaze of Liana's. "Blue suits you really well."
324 words | @alisa | clothing


Night Light [Liana] Empty Sat May 05, 2018 6:05 pm


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @liana | CLOTHES  

Indeed, Alisa had yet to figure out what she wanted beyond simply doing her own thing. Spending time with her student came naturally, and all those other things that occasionally happened came just as organically. Liana seemed thoroughly intent on having the sculptress as a lover proper, but little did she know this sculptress - who had claimed her fair share of lovers throughout her life - valued her much more as her first pupil than she ever could otherwise. No fireworks came to greet her, instead, the greeting Alisa awaited came from behind her:

"Araa~...", Alisa twisted around just enough to look and welcome her with a delighted smile, the girl's sweet voice drawing her attention quickly enough. She pulled up the loosening kimono a bit further over her shoulder, not over a particular dislike for this pleasantly cool breeze, but to avoid any inelegant, accidental exposure. Even if Liana might like that, this was neither the time nor the place, "Good evening Lia... You look just as lovely in green~"

She took a moment glossing over the girl's choice of wardrobe, a tight green Quipao neatly hugging, heightening her youthful hourglass figure. The blonde's choice of eastern wardrobe seemed a bit different from the usual Kimono every festival goer seemingly favored, and even though they came from two completely different countries, Alisa didn't care enough to mention it. Though Alisa admired the girl's beauty and how well she pulled off green, she settled on her eyes of jade quickly enough, those tender, shimmering pools of innocence belying a hidden side. Looking that way, Alisa obviously spotted the girl looking into her cleavage and immediately narrowed her eyes accusingly:

"Hmmm, now where are you looking~?", she'd tease with that throaty voice, pressing her arm a bit closer to her chest, about as much as she could without causing a wardrobe malfunction. Clearly she couldn't have worn such a light Kimono this tightly, but now that she did, Alisa would pull it off, as she always did.

...And also use its sex appeal admire those cute little blushes Liana so often got. Yes, she'd much prefer to admire the ravishing sight of her elven student, and spend a pleasant spring night by her side...

Strength is also Beauty

"With Spring comes renewal..."
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Night Light [Liana] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Night Light [Liana] Empty Wed May 09, 2018 4:58 pm

The Nature's Bonder
"Thank you~"

Liana chimed at the compliment offered by her teacher. Of course, while she picked her outfit mainly to match with the theme of the festival, the girl also did it in order to impress the female Vollan, something she has to do if she wants to guide their relationship further, into something much more special than just a bond between a pupil and their tutor.

Either way, she settled herself in the environment, eventually looking up at the skies as both her arms now rest against the railing, her head lifted and those greenish orbs of hers pleasantly observing the beauty of the night. At the same she'd respond to the teasing comment of her teacher, in a way that would make it seem like she was commenting about the landscape which blessed them by the pier.

"It's a great sight, you know? Impossible not to look at." The young adult giggled in the end, blushing faintly. She still wasn't used to being sweet and romantic, it seemed, being a closet pervert and all, and obviously shy when trying to act like the complete opposite. "It really is a cute night." Liana adds, briefly glancing over to her side, back at Alisa, smiling in her own innocent and warm manner. A hand would slowly slitter its way across the railing, until she neared the other's, with the ultimate goal of gently placing the former atop the latter.

Then she mumbled.

"And to be able to spend it with another cute girl is the best thing Spring could have ever gifted me. Don't you think?"
266 words | @alisa | clothing


Night Light [Liana] Empty Thu May 10, 2018 10:44 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @liana | CLOTHES  

She'd been getting more confident as her power grew... That or she simply grew lewder. She didn't mind though, she always found the girl cute; otherwise she'd never have felt this torn in two, her heart being tugged at from two entirely different directions.

"Good save sweetie~", praised the sculptress as her smile softened cooly, giggling playfully as she reached out to pet the girl's hair, softly stroking her cheek as she pulled away. That cute blush yet gave her away, but she avoided a more accusing, possibly embarassing reaction, not without entertaining her teacher along the way. Her words pulled the tall woman's gaze away, up into the sky, and therein it lingered, admiring the bright, starlight night in all its glory, "One of the prettiest we've had in a while..."

As she stargazed, Alisa thought back to the events of that night, and the slivers of doubt... Had she truly made the right decision? Had she passed the wrong message as a result of that decision? She didn't know, and for the most part avoided thinking on that for too long. With the past long gone, they had but enjoy the present they created, and look forward to the future. Liana was a lovely, girl, mostly proper but occasionally saucy, a young talent ready to bloom. The warmth from her hand radiated up her arm as they touched it, Alisa only allowed this kind of contact with a few people:

"So any cute girl would do huh?", quipped the sculptress once more, raising an eyebrow as she looked back into those shimmering jades once again. As she teased her, she tilted her head, returning that affectionate hold and slowly gliding her thumb along the girl's hand...


Strength is also Beauty

"With Spring comes renewal..."
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Night Light [Liana] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Night Light [Liana] Empty Sat May 12, 2018 9:56 am

The Nature's Bonder
With all the affection offered by her own teacher, the recently made adult Liana obviously couldn't resist the urge, as a closet pervert herself, one who is slowly bursting out of such a bubble, to do some naughty things to the female Vollan, especially with the kind of garments she's sporting, certainly ones meant for teasing certain kind of individuals.

Like the elf's kind.

Either way, the blonde accepted all of it in kind, moving closer and closer, until she halted by the older woman's side, leaning her head over and ultimately hoping to rest one side of it against the other's nearest shoulder, closing her eyes. "Warm..." She mumbled, moving the hold being held between both of their hands over to the opposite side of Alisa's waist. All the while, Liana's free arm wraps around her teacher's lower back, in the end forming a gentle side embrace of sorts.

"If I could, I'd stay like this all day with you... You just make my heart melt, Ali..." She stated, smiling pleasantly and merely hoping to rejoice in the moment they were having, one that the elf clearly didn't want to see the end of. Though, of course, it's not like they both desired to stand in the same spot for too long, as there were certainly more fun things to do while the night is still young. And with that in mind, she opens her eyes and glances back up at the female Vollan.

"Any plans for tonight though?"

She asked, those emerald hues of hers glimmering with the bright lights which surrounded them, the smile of an angel plastered across her features as eagerness was clear.
278 words | @alisa | clothing


Night Light [Liana] Empty Sat May 12, 2018 5:01 pm


WORDS: 320 | TAG: @liana | CLOTHES  

If all perverts looked this cute, Alisa would have kicked far less people throughout her life. There were better, far more entertaining ways of punishing a cute pervert, but in this case, the pervert in question had become her only pupil. This undeniable affection took form when Alisa guided the girl closer, resting a hand around her shoulder:

"My... Cute~...", uttered the taller woman, leaning in a planting a sweet kiss on the girl's forehead, filled with protective affection. Basking in the girl's soothing warmth and loving words, the sculptress merely smiled tenderly at this display of Lia's more innocent side, then kissed her forehead again.

Of course, innocence didn't last long, as Lia had soon looked at her with a hint of that eagerness Alisa often held herself responsible for, earning an amused giggle:

"Is that really all you think about~?", teased the sculptress, narrowing her eyes but nonetheless not shying away from the elven beauty, merely peeling away enough to properly look into the girl's eyes, twirling a golden lock around her finger playfully, "And here I though you'd want to stroll around and enjoy this lovely night."

Alisa felt comfortable with this kind of physical relationship. The polyamorous sculptress favored them over the traditional romantic relationship, though she still preferred one she had a strong bond with in the first place, ideally with a bit of sexual tension mixed in. Liana gave her little of the latter, but made with troves of the former. But in the end, this same powerful affection made her hesitant, as to whether the two of them wanted the same things out of their relationship. People seldom do...

However, she fully understood she wanted to spend time with the girl, like this, and simply grow closer and closer to this girl. And she had a pretty good idea of what the elf wanted at this point, she recognized that look well enough.

Strength is also Beauty

"With Spring comes renewal..."
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Night Light [Liana] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Night Light [Liana] Empty Sun May 20, 2018 11:19 am

The Nature's Bonder
There was just no end to the love and care that Alisa demonstrated to her student. The latter could only bask in it, rejoice in every single second that it was given. Today was a moment for them to spend time together without any kind of interruptions. Just like not too long ago, during their date, this one was just about the same, but in an even more romantic and sweet environment. The elf couldn't ask for better.

As the older woman correctly guessed the meaning behind the look of eagerness in Liana's eyes, the blonde giggles faintly, only tightening the embrace shared between both females, smiling brightly like the happiest person in the world as her head nuzzled a few last times against the other's nearest shoulder. "Of course I want that...! It's a festival, we can't leave here without at least enjoying what it has to offer, right?" The girl states genuinely, continuing to glance up at her teacher.

"But I was just wondering if you had anything else in mind, or whatever you'd like to do first. I'm fine with anything. I just want to make you happy, Ali. So I'd love for you to be the one to guide us along. What do you say?"

She finishes, eventually taking a more direct approach, standing right in front of the Vollan, whilst keeping her arms around her back, and then fully diving her head straight in that bust she adored so much, stuffing her entire face in its mushy softness.
253 words | @alisa | clothing


Night Light [Liana] Empty Sun May 20, 2018 12:58 pm


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @liana | CLOTHES  

 Of course there wasn't. Alisa cared for the cute little elf, for her joy and well being, for that treasured purity of hers. Even now the lewder sides of her personality seldom detracted fromm this innocence she adored. She'd already come out and confessed her feelings to Alisa that day, and though the sculptress knew not which answer to give her, she yet felt that same affection as last time, perhaps more even. And partly for that reason, the tall woman found herself unable to resist teasing the girl's shyness with her budding lewdness, narrowing her eyes as she smirked:

"I sure hope you're not hoping to do that in public~", admonished Alisa, stern but playfully, sharing a giggle with her blonde student as she kept twirling a shimmering golden lock around her finger,"Or else your lewdness must really be spiralling out of control~"

Despite her witty little quip, the sculptress undoubtedly got her point across. To enjoy the festival, the actually needed to be outdoors, at the festival itself... And not cooped up indoors doing... Other things. Not that Alisa objected to those things, after all, she scarcely ever met someone she liked enough to share her intimacy with. She did hope she wasn't responsible for turning making her this forward though, diving headfirst into the artist's pliable cleavage, as it squished and shifted to accomodate her:

"Oh~ You're really turning into quite the exhibitionist if this is how you want us strolling through busy streets.", teased the sculptress, giggling at the ticklish sensation on her bosom, shifting, squeezing it slightly as her hand went back to petting the girl's hair, "Come on then~", she'd urge, hopefully drawing her gaze upwards, "Let us see what manner of surprises this festival has in store for us~"

She'd finish her invitation with a tender peck to Liana's forehead, before guiding her away from the pier by the hand, towards where they'd find all the food stands and whatnot. In short, the heart of this festival by night...


Strength is also Beauty

"With Spring comes renewal..."
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Night Light [Liana] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Night Light [Liana] Empty Mon May 21, 2018 6:31 am

The Nature's Bonder
The elf blinks. She was a bit taken back by Alisa's comment, but then again, like always, it was all teasing. She sighed in relief at her first words upon realizing that such was the case. "I-I'm not that lewd...!" Liana still complained, even with a gentle tone, yet just like her teacher, she obviously didn't make it to be taken personally at all. Merely a brief act of tsundereness as she ultimately hoped to force a giggle out from in-between the older woman's lips. It was always pleasing to see that smile of the sculptress, one of the other features that the young Sylvaine truly admires from the one who accompanies her that day.

In the end, once her hand was grabbed and she was eventually led away towards the busy streets of the festival, Liana leans away, pressing her own hand tighter against the other's, no more acting like a boob fiend and instead wearing a joyous smile as her continuous glimmering gaze scanned their surroundings once they started to approach their destination. So many stands, with so many different kinds of dishes, and other various products like clothing, accessories and games.

"There is just no end to the fun that this festival brings, is there?" The blonde mumbles over to Alisa as they continued to walk across the path. Eventually she'd glance back up at the sculptress, curiously tilting her head to the side. "Is there anything that attracts you? Maybe we could go eat something, or play some games, or even buy some clothing. I wouldn't mind searching for more beautiful landscapes like the one by the pier though. We could even grab an ice cream along the way." She suggests.

There were just so many things that they could do and all of them were just few steps away. This oughta be fun!
308 words | @alisa | clothing


Night Light [Liana] Empty Mon May 21, 2018 12:00 pm


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @liana | CLOTHES  

That soft, gentle little whine only made Alisa snuggle the girl a bit tighter, visibly stricken by her cuteness. Alisa did indeed giggle, as well as lean in and plant another soft kiss to the girl's forehead: "You really are too cute for your own good Liana~", concluded the sculptress, petting her hair as the pulled away slightly, just enough to let the two walk side by side in a far more graceful fashion.

Liana understood this desire on Alisa's part as well, pulling away instead of grasping at every opportunity to plunge her head in the taller woman's cleavage. Instead, she followed after the sculptress as they headed off from their lone corner to mingle elsewhere. Naturally, she'd avoid all the more crowded spots, but soon, the dim, silver lighting from the moon gave way to the faint, but insistent orange glow from the eastern styled lamps, hanging overhead as they approached the festival itself. Indeed, they had no shortage of activities to choose from among the myriad games, and if they felt peckish, they could grab some grub at any of the food stands, the mere scent enticing their noses in their direction:

"There really isn't...", agreed Alisa, nodding as her eyes took in her surroundings, one hand pulling the shoulders on her kimono a bit further up, before it threatened to slip too far below the treshold of grace and elegance. As the blonde looked up at her expectantly, Alisa merely hummed, reaching one hand to her chin as she cast that interested gaze towards whatever game stands she could find, "Hmmm... They have a ring toss game, or perhaps a shooting one. Any of those strike your fancy~?"

They had quite a few others they could choose from, but for the time being, Alisa didn't feel up for one of the plentiful scooping games. Between fishes and toys, balls and yo-yos, she'd seen enough scooping to last a lifetime. But in the end, she deferred to her younger companion for input, loking curiously into those jade green eyes as she awaited her pitching her two cents.


Strength is also Beauty

"With Spring comes renewal..."
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Night Light [Liana] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Night Light [Liana] Empty Mon May 21, 2018 1:51 pm

The Nature's Bonder
Gosh, Alisa did look really sexy in that kimono of hers. From the cleavage part going down along her curves and even splitting up a little by the sides of her legs. From time to time, as her teacher looked away, the blonde couldn't help but study the older woman up and down, gulping faintly each time she spotted an area which drove her into further imagination. Though, there was no time for that. Today was to enjoy a genuine time, not one overfilled with lewdness and naughty thoughts just because her mind is perverted enough to bring about such.

As the female Vollan shared exactly what attracted her, the blonde looked over to spot those two same exact games. They were both immensely interesting, surely something Liana had never tried before. Then again, it was obvious, as she spent most of her childhood and teenage life in the woods rather than in actual towns and villages. She is still somewhat inexperienced when it came to modern festivals and similar events.

Yet, it never hurts to try, does it?

"Why don't we play both? We can start with one, then pass to the other. We have plenty of time, after all. The night is still young." The elf suggests, smiling expectantly as she reverted her attention up at Alisa, eagerly awaiting another response.
223 words | @alisa | clothing


Night Light [Liana] Empty Mon May 21, 2018 4:35 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @liana | CLOTHES  

Of course, she knew the girl was taking sneak little peeks at every chance she could get... Alisa spotted her every so often, casual and knowingly smiling at the girl, but the most basic logic gave way to a simple assumption: If only caught her a certain number of times, then the real amount of times she looked must undoubtedly be much higher. Alisa didn't mind of course, quite the opposite, she occasionally giggled at the endearing sight of Liana gulping every now and then.

Alisa had seen this games on festivals very much like this one, as growing up close to Orchidia meant she'd been in this festival for a few years. She expected Liana to be just like her, but the way she looked at all those festival stands made Alisa's brow raise, a hand sliding down and resting on her hip:

"You... You have seen these kind of games before, have you not?", asked the sculptress, barely concealing her bewilderment. If Liana confirmed it, Alisa simply shrugged it off with a little chuckle, "What a lovely plan~ Somebody needs to teach you how to play first and foremost.", another giggle escaped her as she playfully winked at the elven cutie, but nonetheless her eyes would eventually drift to the game stand and the teasing look softened into one of concession, "Or so I'd say, but you needn't do anything but point and shoot here~..."

She'd pet her luminous blonde hair, watching as those golden locks beamed off the soothing low light from the festival, as she walked up to the game stand. The owner merely greeted her with a smile and allowed Alisa to pick up the toy gun... A water gun as it appeared.

"Just think of it like firing a spell...", she'd say, pressing the but to her shoulder and lining the sight with her eye. Breathing deeply, Alisa took aim, revealing an extensive mastery of shooting technique. Of course, technique isn't everything and she obviously lacked experience. When she pulled the trigger, the high pressure squirt was a fair few inches off target. But that didn't seem to bother her. Alisa corrected her aim and fired a second shot without flinching, now properly correcting the aim and firing yet another stream, cleanly hitting one of the target plates, "Like everything, it takes some getting used to~", she'd smile confidently, holding the gun upright and offering it to Liana, "...But keep relax, and control your breath, and you'll be fine."

Strength is also Beauty

"With Spring comes renewal..."
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Night Light [Liana] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Night Light [Liana] Empty Thu May 24, 2018 4:05 am

The Nature's Bonder
The elf scratches the side of her head once she was confronted with the fact that she hasn't ever experienced games like those. Probably due to the way the older woman asked her, as if it wasn't normal for someone to not know how to play them or for someone to have never heard of them. Sure, Liana might have had an idea that there were some sort of games in festivals or she wouldn't have suggested for both to play them, yet she has never touched or tried anything like that.

A new experience that it was going to be. And what a better teacher to show her the way than the one she's accompanied with?

Of course, the blonde would confirm it with a shake of her head, proceeding to follow after Alisa over to the first game stand, the shooting one it appeared to be. "Like firing a spell..." She mumbles to herself, merely observing the woman offering to start and taking the gun in her hands. The young Sylvaine watched carefully as a high pressure squirt was released from the water gun's hole. The first one went off the target, though, as the Vollan attempted a second time, the first target plate was hit, an accomplishment being made.

"Alright, let me try it..." Liana stated upon being offered the gun, assuming a stance along with it akin to that of the sculptress' own. But by her shoulder and the sight aligned with one of her eyes as she shut the other. Just like she was told, she tried to stay as relaxed as possible, taking a deep breath and letting it out before ultimately aiming at one of the remaining plates. The first shot was taken then, a complete failure. It went even under the target, though she wouldn't stop there. "This is harder than you made it seem..." The elf half-teased, smirking a little as she attempted a second time. Eventually, as she got the hang of it, she was finally able to hit the second target, smiling a bit wider as she did so.

"I did it!" She announces, pulling away the gun and extending it back to Alisa. "You do it again!" Liana stated, folding her arms when the gun would eventually be taken back and now intensely observing her teacher for whatever reason. She was up to no good, wasn't she?
399 words | @alisa | clothing


Night Light [Liana] Empty Thu May 24, 2018 12:22 pm


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @liana | CLOTHES  

That look had a fair amount of cuteness to it as well, but more importantly, if Liana had never played such festival games before, Alisa's priority had to be introducing her. Her festival baptism, with water guns. Thus when she took both shoots, Alisa all but made sure Liana was paying attention. She needn't look though, she knew the girl accepted every excuse she got to keep her eyes peeled on her teacher, and thus she simply moved slowly enough for her to see.

When Alisa handed her the gun, Liana took the same stance quite readily. She placed her body and her weapon exactly the way she should, or, at least, as close as she could get after merely watching. Every person was different however, thus more than mimicking the sculptress she'd gradually find whatever worked best for her. but not right away:

"Ufufu~ Relax, take deep breaths and loosen your arms. The more you tremble, the less accurately you'll fire.", though she couldn't help but giggle, she rested one hand on Lia's shoulder reassurily, pulling away only when the time came for her to make the second shot. And surely, the next time she easily pulled it off, "See~? What did I tell you~?"

Alisa resturned that wide smile, though Liana had a suspicious look on her face as she offered the gun. Alisa accepted it, but not without pointing that out to her cute little student:

"And whatever might you be up to now~?", challenged the sculptress, narrowing her eyes one hand went to her hip. She held her ground though, confident whatever mischief her student might be up to would be paid back with interest, "No matter~"

And with this, she took her stance once again, and took aim at a different target. This time, both shots hit two targets with relative ease, the second more so than the first one. Clearly she too was getting the hang of it with every shot, feeling the weight of the water pumping rifle, until even the shopkeeper looked a little nervous... At this rate these girls could get as many prizes as they wanted.

Strength is also Beauty

"With Spring comes renewal..."
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Night Light [Liana] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Night Light [Liana] Empty Tue Jun 26, 2018 10:22 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @liana | CLOTHES  

Unlike what the word might suggest, moments like these spent with her one and only student were few and far between, and naturally Alisa wouldn't want them to end anytime soon. In a way, even a game like this counted as training, and though Alisa understood it and went to great lengths to hide it from Liana, the blonde elf was smart enough to pick up on it if she so desired.

The more battles they fought, the more pressing the need to drill as much of her skills into the cute blonde, even if she'd avoid discussing the war itself for the most part.

Grimoire's war with the crown was one thing, a matter that only involved the guild due to their loyalty to the Kingdom. In the end, Blue Pegasus had its quarrel against the dark guild now in power, whose conquest of the kingdom was little more than a setback. Alisa felt this way at least, and she knew Finn shared her mindset, with his vengeful drive exceeding even hers.

And though she'd never want to drag Liana into her vendetta, she knew battles like the one in Crocus could happen again, and she may happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time...

Thus, she'd much rather enjoy the festival as they'd been enjoying the past few days - without any mentions of makeshift training - wondering how much longer it would last, and perhaps where might they wander to afterwards. Alisa for one had no clue, but she had a good one as to what Liana desired... Before they noticed, the crowds would start further dispersing, heading towards somewhere with a better view of the firewords. Perhaps they should change the setting, leave these festivals in favor of a fancy pier like where they stood before. Who knows...?


Strength is also Beauty

"With Spring comes renewal..."
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Night Light [Liana] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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