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Keryth Torvan

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#1Keryth Torvan 

Keryth Torvan Empty Sun Dec 30, 2018 9:29 am

Keryth Torvan


Name: Keryth Torvan

Age: Nineteen | May 4th, X768

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Ethnicity, Father: Fiorian [Athalran]

Ethnicity, Mother: Fiorian [Athalran]

Class: Rogue

Race: Wood Elf

Rank: D-Rank

Guild: Lamia Scale

Tattoo: Left Deltoid - Black

Face: Kirito - Sword Art Online


Height: 5' 10"

Weight: 57 kg

Hair: Black

Eyes: Black

Overall: Keryth is an odd one among the Wood Elves. While most Wood Elves have light-coloured hair and eyes, both his hair and eyes are completely black. This set him apart from the rest of his kind during his early years at the outpost. Keryth is lanky and extremely thin, and this makes him very light on his feet, helping him during all his sneaky activities. He is always wide-eyed and smiling, giving him a very innocent look, and he exploits this to its fullest potential. His long and pointy ears are very close to his head and are usually hidden behind his neck-long straight hair. The young Wood Elf keeps himself well-groomed and is extremely up-to-date with fashion. He aspires to be a rich nobility and spends way too much time picking the right attire for the right occasion. However, whenever he is out doing his shady business, he usually wears a simple black t-shirt and black pants to keep himself less visible in the dark. His armour and gear go over his black attire, and he strives to keep them as less flashy as possible.

Extra: -


Personality: Keryth is the last person you would want to watch your back. The Wood Elven boy cares not for anyone but himself. He is a thief to the last bone and has no honour. Everything he does is for his benefit, and if he is willing to help you, that means he is expecting something from you. You get nothing out of him for free, unless maybe if you are dying. But even then, if it means he has to put himself in danger to help you, he wouldn’t take the risk. The young Wood Elf had grown up to be extremely sceptical of the world. He believes no one is capable of truly caring for another person, and he shouldn’t either. His view of the world is more towards pessimistic pragmatism.

Even at such a young age, money---or lack thereof, during his childhood days---had had quite the impact on him. According to him, the entire world runs on money, and whoever accumulates the most, has won at life. He had witnessed the luxuries, privileges, respect, and admiration that come with being loaded, and had made it his goal to become the richest nobility in the continent. This obsession with wealth and status quo had made his moral compass extremely wonky. More than to say he doesn’t care about the others, it would be accurate to say he doesn’t even think of others when he is chasing after his goal. This is especially true when it comes to people who are not significantly powerful or wealthy. He only dedicates time to those who could possibly give him something of value.

Nevertheless, despite all this, the boy is soft-spoken and respectful towards everyone under normal circumstances. After all, he wishes to be nobility, and he can’t be famous if people don’t find him charming. This is not to say he pretends to be nice; he genuinely wants people to like him. Only, he won’t do anything out of his heart to actually deserve it.

To Keryth, fighting is an absolute last resort. He always attempts to wiggle out of harm’s away without having to rely on violence, mostly using his wonderful innocent act he had mastered over the years. However, if it absolutely comes down to a fight, he does not hesitate to go all out. He tries to avoid taking any lives; not because he values it, but mostly because murder charges are a lot harder to evade compared to thievery.


  • Money: Anything he does, he does for money. He is tired of the second-hand rags and toys he grew up with. He wants the best and best costs money. So long as he doesn’t get too involved in anything extremely messy, the Wood Elven boy doesn’t care what he has to do to get the money.

  • Admiration: Having served the elites of his race for more than ten years, he had witnessed the amount of respect and admiration they receive. Keryth believes he can achieve such a status if he accumulated enough money.


  • Rune Knights: He wants quick and easy money, and that never happens when he does everything legally. So, when he does end up doing something shady, these pesky righteous cops come in his way, all the time. Keryth finds the Rune Knights extremely annoying and often pulls pranks on the naïve ones, just because.

  • Scars: Keryth does not like scars; not on him, not on others. Especially if they are on any of the very visible parts, like face and hands. He thinks scars will make him look scary and ugly, and that will affect his chances of becoming famous among everyone.


  • Nobility Status: His ultimate goal is to become a noble and have an extremely luxurious and easy life. He hopes to accumulate enough money to build his own castle, have personal servants, and throw parties for his elite group of friends. The goal is all he cares about; it doesn’t matter to him how crooked and shady the journey to the said goal might get.

  • Reclaiming the Golden Dagger: He is the thief. No one steals from him. Besides, it was a gift from his best and only friend, Zyra. He vowed to find the one who stole the dagger from him and take it back, no matter the cost.


  • Poverty: An empty wallet is one of the worst nightmares for Keryth. He would probably go hungry for a week if it meant he had to give the last penny for a slice of bread. It is literally his compulsion to keep some money in his purse at all times, no matter what the circumstance might be.

  • Incarceration: It’s not easy to become a nobility when you are known throughout the country as the worst thief. He fears getting caught by the cops and being imprisoned, thereby ruining his chances of gaining respect and fame among the commoners. He would do anything to escape the binds and keep his reputation unblemished.


Magic Name: N/A

Magic Element: N/A

Magic Description: N/A


X768 - X785:
X786 - X787:

Reference: Hatsuharu's Alt #2

Keryth Torvan Signature2
#2Keryth Torvan 

Keryth Torvan Empty Sun Dec 30, 2018 9:53 am

Keryth Torvan
Refunds & Reclaims

  • Magic: NA
  • Weapon: Dagger of Time (Refund) [1,250,000J]
  • Off-Hand: Rogue Dagger (Refund) [0J]
  • Head: NA
  • Body: Rogue Rags (Refund) [0J]
  • Relic: NA
  • Race: Reclaim (Elf -> Wood Elf)
  • Companion: NA

Attribute Reallocation

Total Points: 10

  • Strength: 6
  • Speed: 1
  • Endurance: 1
  • Constitution: 1
  • Intelligence: 1

Other Changes

Weapon Masteries have to be cleared, as Wood Elves don't start with Intermediate anymore.

Keryth Torvan Signature2

Keryth Torvan Empty Sun Jan 06, 2019 8:35 pm


This character application has been approved.

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