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La Grange [Social | Judina]

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#26Judina † 

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Empty Sun Mar 31, 2019 6:31 am

Judina †
So it was not as long as she thought however, Judina did need a break from wearing the metal armor which was another positive situation for her so the break was also good. It seemed the small town feel was always the go to which she did not mind, it would be interesting to see what else some one else could become here.

Getting off the machine Judina seemed to take a moment and just simply clapped hand together and it seemed with in that moment all of the armor just worked like moving water, a puddle of metal so to say and just like that Judina had it shape into a metal box on the back the motor cycle, with the cloth pieces that where decorative with in there, Opening it and placing the metal crown she worn in there as well. The dark blue clothing she wore just showed Judina was comfortable. Or just felt warm in the armor, one of the two.

"Makes me wonder what they have here, It is always an interesting adventure."Judina mention, seemingly back to the normal off duty rune knight she was currently."Who knows if the tea is good I could send my younger brother this way...if I ever find him again." Which she knew he was fine so she did not sound so worried about it more just thinking ahead time if she were to find him again

"But much like many wonders in life, We won't know until we go."
Which she just spend a moment as well stretching out too, even if it had not that long Judina seemed to just to be sure anyway. Even if she had taken that armor off before it just showed how much time she might have spent in it to want to wear it less sometimes.

Having clothing just matching hair, seems simple and easy to work in terms to keeping it look nice. That or she was lazy to find other colours that looked nice for something she wore under her armor. But it was just pants and short sleeve shirt that just covered her shoulders, With very edge of  scars she had on one of her arms being covered, only if you were picky and really look could you notice the edge or very end of this scar. But having prepared herself as she see fit, Then quietly followed behind as she seemed to normally.

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Alexss10

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Empty Fri Apr 12, 2019 2:23 am


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @judina | BIKER

 Indeed, whenever she looked at Judina she couldn't help but raise a wary eyebrow, wondering how in the world she coped with that heavy, restrictive armor not turned even more so after getting thoroughly waterlogged. Alisa merely faced the temptation of unzipping her bodysuit further, and indeed she could always do so. She could, however, not do anything like what the girl just did, eyes widening, lips drawing into a smirk as she admired that display of metal magic in all its glory:

"Mmmm, that is quite the convenient magic~", she noted, arms folding under her full, generous bosom, cupping her chin as she watched the woman pack away her armor on the back of the bike, "...Can't help but wonder what else could you do with it."

She didn't exactly expect Judina to answer that, she hadn't even asked a question proper knowing a mage wouldn't so eagerly reveal the inner workings of her magic to a woman she'd only just met. They had a far more appealing choice of conversation at hand in any case, and she soon turned on one heel, brushing her long, drenched hair behind her, scooping it up in a ponytail and gently squeezing out what water remained.

"Croissants and doughnuts no doubt...", mused Alisa, glancing towards the window and immediately spotting those two staples of Fiorian bakery. Hardy the only options avaliable mind you, between those and the éclairs and quite a few varieties of cake, thay had quite a fair number of options to choose from. After getting caught in the rain like this, only a warm mug of Latte could heal with ailed her, "Most importantly, they have shelter; what we truly, really need right now... Something to eat is just a welcome bonus~"

And so, on they went inside the Café, Alisa for one showing little interest in lingering around outside. She could deal with the cold, sure, but saw absolutely no pleasure in it, especially when getting completely soaked as such, where even the slightst breeze shot a chill all through her body. She avoided asking about those scars on Judina's shoulder, though she very quickly noticed how they did nothing to detract from her beauty... Reaching the nearest table for two, she took a seat and motioned the girl to join her:

"So... What would you like to have~?", she inquired, all too curiously, resting her elbow on the table and cupping her chin


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#28Judina † 

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Empty Fri Apr 12, 2019 3:26 am

Judina †
Maybe it was just the mind set of Judina she did not have a lot of large of varying different thoughts about it, She was just rather simple thoughts about it. So with that it would show easily as she explained it."Well sometimes I would think it like controlling water for when doing what i do with this armor."But Judina also seemed to be the lady not only the type that seemed to have focused on that part she seemed to have tried to learned many things."Vastly different then some other things I use to train in."

Sometimes she wondered if people remember she did have other things to wear then the armor, But people only really saw her in that armor."I use to focus hand to hand combat, that was a while a go long a bit before becoming a rune knight."she had a feeling it would be a bit of a minor detail, at least minor detail at this point in her mind it might be not as minor to Alisa since they both were different people."I have not really had too many things in terms baked good and such."Which was many other things could be the reason why she had not."I can only go so far in thought with work  sometimes."

"But I know what I wish to have."
With a peaceful and content smile on her face maybe so many things she wear her in small ways, Judina did not seem to give herself give into a lot of details of food or drink."I am not a super picky woman, So green tea and maybe one baked good by it self would be fine for me." Judina seemed to be use to being slightly but unintentionally vague with some answers, might have to do with a few different brothers she had, sometimes answers were vague to save food being taken from her.

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Alexss10

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Empty Thu Apr 18, 2019 1:30 am


WORDS: 420 | TAG: @judina | BIKER

"Ufufufu~... That speaks to you skill far more so than any softness of the raw materials~ I could have said the same about my own magic.", despite not actually mentioning what magic that was, the lithomancer would have no qualms with actually answering that question if prompted, but she had just as little interest in simply springing up the nitty gritty details of her fighting style without any specific inquiry. Showing was always so much better than telling, in about every way she could think of, "So you dabbled in other fields as well...? Quite the versatile mage you must be"

She doubted the girl would actually go as far as wielding two elements, magics as such were few and far between, even rarer than those like Alisa's that combined the influence of two separate elements. Yet few other combinations proved quite as effective as a complete fusion of body and magic, physical prowess with arcane one. Alisa trained hard to hone that fighting style, knowing that while any mage had it as an avaliable option, few could actually overcome the difficult challenge of attaining it:

"Used to...?", she noted, brow raising once more as she hung off on two specific words, knowing she might feel a hint of disappointment if she heard this talented girl had abandoned her focus on martial arts, "Feels to me, with the kind of magic you have you could easily excel as a magic fighter, but as as far as combat styles go, that is one of the more difficult roads to choose. If your magic is lacking, a strong mage could prevent you from ever getting close... If your martial arts are inferior to your opponent's, getting in close will leave you in their ideal range."

As a martial artist, Alisa rather easily got lost in theoretical talks of combat and strategy, almost as much as she would in a sparring match proper. And with a Rune Knight as her conversational companion, she could indulge in that little taste more openly than she otherwise might:

"You talk as though you didn't have any time off~ I understand being a Rune Knight is a full time job, though who could properly function without adequate rest?", added the sculptress, cocking her head slightly, smiling at the nearest waitress and beckoning the girl closer. Instead of simply answering Judina, she turned up to face the pretty looking blonde and ordered outright, "Then I'll have a mug of coffee and a toasted Croissant~"


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#30Judina † 

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Empty Thu Apr 18, 2019 6:09 pm

Judina †
It almost got her to think if she had anything else that suffered aside from hand to hand and magic was fell behind, aside from maybe sleep from time to time, But it was not anything she could think up right away."All life's many lessons are yet to be revealed, Unless fates call has arrived for it."She mentioned for a moment."Oh so the words of my mother are, When her children worry about things too early."She sometimes wondered how she remembered all of these things, But their was a time and place for everything Judina thought to herself.

"Hand to hand and Magic....I am sure their was not much else I needed, But a part of me does worry it maybe not enough."
Judina also mention but, it would not be a huge shock that sometimes maybe she would carry some doubts. But then again Judina seemed to just let herself carry these things alone, It could be maybe easily picked up she just does that and deals with the stress alone, unhealthy but for the better of others so she would say if brought up."Eventually I will figure out the middle ground."She mentioned rather sure about it, then again having that faith to try and such would help her.

But Judina would try to keep in good spirits."I manage some sleep, Only peaceful moments otherwise is still Meditation in woods alone, Maybe I just have not worn myself out yet."But really not looking forward to if that ever happen but not mentioning it either."A cup of green tea with a small amount of honey, As well as a Blue Berry Muffin."She at least knew what she wanted even if it was not what she first thought when walking in."But even with the stresses and things I have had to deal with as a knight, Meeting the other knights and other people around it have been wonderful." Even this moment was nice for Judina but it almost seemed like it was a no brainer to mention that as well.

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Alexss10

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Empty Sat Apr 27, 2019 2:47 pm


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @judina | BIKER

The way she spoke almost implied she'd never humoured the idea too much, and indeed many a mage fall into the mental trap of assuming their skills and might depend solely on their magic, often neglecting the crucial foundation of having a strong body to back those arcane capabilities. All the more so for a Rune Knight...

"That depends on a lot of things, really, namely how much you can do with the two of them, and how much more or less than you can your opponent manage.", encouraged the sculptress, though not without highlighting how little one could rely on strict notions. As always, whether or not her current power sufficed would depend on the level of her opponent, the terrain, even the weather, as well as the strategy backing the battle, "Indeed, you'll reach that middle ground without even realizing, once you train and gain enough experience."

Of course, without adequate rest her journey there wouldn't prove nearly so easy. There were other ways of course, other methods to further one's growth, some of them far less obvious, harder to notice than those most people immediately thought to. Thus, hearing Judina mention meditation made her smile widen:

"Meditation huh...? Good choice~ I do that often enough as well, great way to keep a clear, focused mind. Do be careful before going around wearing yourself out. It can strengthen you if done right, though if you do it carelessly it'll far more easily weaken you in the long run.", she added, sensing her new acquaintance may be experienced in training her mind and magic, her body far less so. Not that Alisa could do much more beyond simple, if not vague pieces of advice, chuckling softly her stated fondness for the Rune Knights, "Ufufu~... I can imagine, I've met quite the interesting handful of knights myself~"

Indeed, quite a fair number of knights had a good head on their shoulders and a strong enough moral compass. Alisa would tell them they'd chosen the wrong organization, but there was a certain merit to be found in trying to be the change one would rather see the world. The Knights had indeed changed a lot since the last dynasty fell, and she knew much of the credits for that laid with the knights Judina mentioned.


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#32Judina † 

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Empty Tue Apr 30, 2019 3:37 pm

Judina †
taking a moment thinking about it."I have met a few, But I can admit I don't know many as I seem to work mostly alone out of my own slightly horrible at socializing nature I have, I only open up in small groups or just with one person." Which would explain Judina's nature and how she acted Judina would even would explain."I generally only became friends with one knight, Only just recently started to open up to the maybe 5 others, It has been interesting." Which she admitted that part.

"But also a bit unsure for a woman like me."
She continued on."I am unsure what to do and what to say to them, It leave me rather unsure of myself." It showed even the proudest and sometimes most hard working type of knights sometimes knew very little things."I can work with them effortlessly, But trying to talk and socializing normally outside of work seems to be so....odd of me it could make me panic." No one was immune to their failures, Judina seemed to just admit it."I don't know how to talk to the other female knights, What to talk about the male ones, It is a bit difficult for me and borderline stressful."

She let out a sigh and seemed to relax."But, I will throw myself into it like I do work until something goes horrible for me." Maybe that was a horrible from other people's views but Judina seemed to be wanting to stick to that and risk burning herself out even if she was most likely being some where near and close to one, being clueless that she was, But she did not care either. That was just how Judina was and seemed to be sticking too.

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Alexss10

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Empty Tue Apr 30, 2019 4:32 pm


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @judina | BIKER

"Aaah, a loner, hmmm~...? I'd tell you there's strength to be found in numbers, though...", added Alisa, flashing an understanding smile as she rubbed her temple, truly looking as though she was speaking from experience. Indeed when she herself set out to work on her own, few, if any people could deter her from her course of action, even close friends. She had her own reasons of course, preferring to rely on her strength than that of others... Alas, in recent days her motivations had shifted, and she mostly just wished to shield her loved ones from danger she alone was more than capable of handling, "...that would be quite hipocrytical of me."

For the most part, Alisa just listened. Unlike some people may assume, she didn't have ravishing women pouring their hearts before her as such, and for this keen, attemptive artist, such rare treats were a thing of beauty, to be savored and cherished to the end:

"Insecurity does you more harm than good. Being terrified of failure will only make you fail more often...", replied the sculptress, shaking her head and sighing, knowing that little she said would actually influence the girl, in the end only she could overcome her own weaknesses, "...Just try it, is the only advice I can give you really. True, you'll feel like you're failing, especially at first... But good friends won't think any less of you for it, quite the opposite. They'll appreciate the attempt more than feeling as though you don't really care for them enough to speak to them off duty."

Alas, the girl had already realized most if herself. Flashing the waitress a smile as her fine smelling coffee was placed before her next to a well toasted croissant, the lithomancer nodded at the knight, tucking a loose black lock behind her ear, picking up her cup and blowing softly on the faint, steamy trails forming above it:

"For what it's worth, I very much doubt anything horrible will happen. I'm willing to bet dinner over it so, If it does, come see me and I'll buy you a nice full meal~"


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#34Judina † 

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Empty Wed May 01, 2019 4:07 pm

Judina †
She raised an eyebrow."So your a betting woman then? Alright then, I will agree to this. If I am wrong I will buy you dinner and one friend of your choosing as well can come to this dinner, As well as have their meal paid by me as well. Place will also be of your choosing."She was adding to it."After all why not have fun with it?"Judina might not realize what she just threw herself into and what would result of it She was just making a friendly bet that she would honor.

"hipocrytical or not, Honest advise even if you not follow it, Is a lot more helpful in my view then most assume."
There was maybe a bit more of it too."I would rather you tell me I am a fool, than lie to me to make me feel better about it."Judina finished off that part.

When it came to their drinks Judina did not pick up a spoon when she wanted to make sure it evenly mixed to her liking. But she seemed to have a humble reflection in her mind that seemed to entertain her."I often remember, That my younger brother when he did not know how to control his magic use to almost freeze his own drinks trying to cool them down for himself."She mentioned like it helped her as well. But touching the tiara she had on her head still to formed a spoon from it and started mixing it."Sometimes I wonder, what my life had been like if he has not been around, much like my sister Káilètte and my brother Regis."So with that she then took her first drink of her tea and let go of the spoon, For the moment it just float there on it's own.

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Alexss10

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Empty Sat May 04, 2019 12:32 pm


WORDS: 320 | TAG: @judina | BIKER

Alisa scratched her head, brow raising with a baffled look in her eyes. Bringing a friend? Really? And here she though the whole point of going out for dinner with Judina already had that covered:

"Now if you're buying me dinner, why in the world would I need to bring another friend? By all means Judina, you'd have earned yourself my full attention and then more~", teased the sculptress, winking playfully at the girl, nodding at her words and yet not without feeling that clear sliver of amusement at how she went about it. Though nothing quite surprised her as much as the next reaction, having her brow raising quite intently as she took an experimental sip from her coffee, keeping her eyes on the knight the whole way, "I'm positively surprised you'd think so. Most people would readily dismiss anything or anything they disagree with."

Indeed, Alisa saw it differentely, attempting to understand and absorb anything, any teaching, any new concept she could potentially make use of... And after properly making it hers, then and only then would she decide whether to keep or discard it as she moved on to fresh pastures:

"Ufufu~ Oh the woes of ice magic~ At least he's better off trying to warm his goods than a firemage would trying to turn ashes back to whatever they once were~", chuckled the sculptress, taking a good, long sip of her cup of coffee, all but stinging her plush, luscious lips softly with that searing heat before enjoying a slow, shallow taste of her brew. She partly understood his pains as a crystal mage, of course, crystal didn't necessarily bring about that frigid cold that turned evertything into a popsicle, "Oooh~? Ari's your sister hmmm~? Biological, oooor~?"

Now hearing this really piqued her interest, leaning into the table slightly, brow raising as she held Judi's gaze, her face lighting up slightly as she all but addressed her as a relative in turn.


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#36Judina † 

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Empty Sat May 04, 2019 2:47 pm

Judina †
At this point, Everyone but Judina might realize what exactly she did not understand right away, This was the social part she lacked and felt it was more a higher bidding game then just another risk of a one on one meal for a later date. In fact when that part came up Judina seemed to stumped."Ohh....here I consider it more of a bid for me to meet more people and break that starting awkward social bubble if some one else I knew was there as well."She then stopped for a moment and said."It is a bit of an odd plan, Unsure if it would actually work."She finished that mention.

But the bit more serious and other parts of the conversation would come forward between the two."My father always wanted any of children to be open minded like that, Most of us got in our mind to be always try to learn in that manner."She wanted to say he was harsh but he was not, Just quiet and often spoke little, Was more action then words."Be open to many things, Even if harsh the better intentions mean true caring, One of the first things he ever spoke to me one on one about when I use to have childish break down."Most people would be embarrassed about thesethings about their childhood, Judina seemed to be different about it.

"Adopted into the family, Even then my mother raised my brothers and I to always view her as just our sister, I know Waylon and I still care and view her that way still."
That part maybe one day would be interesting to throw on either one of her brothers or Ari herself. But Judina seemed to be truthful and honest about it."My mother some how managed the four of us and did her best to make sure Ari was never out of place, Some how much like the rest that were her kids, None where left out."It seemed to make her smile but seemed like she had not really seen them in a fair a bit of time."I will find them eventually again as well and give them a hug, For they are people I am trying to protect and better these lands for as a Rune Knight."It showed Judina's motivation for doing all of this work as a Rune knight, Her heart was in the right place.

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Alexss10

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Empty Thu May 09, 2019 12:24 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @judina | BIKER

"Which i'd very much argue you'd have an easier time doing with one or two people you already know than throwing complete strangers in the mix~", winking knowingly, Alisa chuckled and pitched her own too cents, taking a little nibble off her croissant when the girl explained where had that notion come from... Not from herself, clearly, but from her father, "I see... Mind you, not everything your parents teach you must fit you like a glove."

Yes, the apple may not fall far from the tree, and yet it most certainly doesn't fall on it. Of course, Alisa may doubt such a plan, but'd hold on to no certainties either. On the other hand, she'd much rather have a single person before her to focus on, whose eyes to gaze upon just as she was doing now:

"Ufufufu~ Your father does sound like an intersting man...", nodded the artist, glancing off for a moment and thinking back to her family. Indeed, hers too valued open mindedness, but never to the point of drilling into her. Alisa just seemingly matured in that direction, just like her father and uncle. That said, hearing about her relationship with Ari intrigued her first and foremost, for she'd never really spoken much about of her own family. She and Arisa had however seen each other as siblings in a long time, which made Judina a part of her extended family again, "You should keep an eye on her. We both know just one or two people aren't enough for that handful~"

Giggling cheekily, Alisa flipped her hair gently behind her, taking another nibble of her croissant and sipping her coffee. Very much regaling in knight's tale, she cupped her cheek and smiled softly, readily probing her for more:

"Adopted hmmm~...? Well I expected as much but... When did you first meet her?", she inquired once again, musing on what she didn't know.


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#38Judina † 

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Empty Thu May 09, 2019 3:59 pm

Judina †
With that spoon she left floating back it, She reached over and put it back where it would normally be on the table and she then said."Fair enough it will just be between us then."She seemed to see her point, in thought it was also mentally a bit better for her too most likely."I was not always this way, Little Judi, as my mother would say was quiet a hot headed littler girl I have been told, Use to get jealous easily."How she was not embarrassed by much stories of herself could be left to wonder. If Alisa ever met Judia's mother she would most likely have more stories then that what she mentioned.

"My father was an interesting man, But some days i wonder if he actually speak, He seems almost mute with how quiet he is normally."She could admit but maybe that was the interesting part  of him but she had a feeling there was a lot more to him."But I never really learned much about him aside from him being my father, family seemed to manage to keep to himself rather well."nonetheless It seemed she was lead the right way.

"I often lose track of her, even if not blood I will always be there if i can for my sister."She started off him."Handful or not there isn't much I wouldn't do for her."She even admitted that effortlessly, like none could change her mind from that."My ties to my family will beat out anything my work may wish, But that is just how I work."

So they would continue on."I met her when I was quite young, I was rather envious at first from what I was told because she was getting attention when i felt some one else should either myself or Waylon, A bit childish and rude of me considering the ways life goes." But that was not entirely what she could mention."But as i opened up, seeing how rather close she was to Waylon and even Regis in some manner, I grew attach with a bit of help from my mother."

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Alexss10

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Empty Sat May 11, 2019 9:34 am


WORDS: 330 | TAG: @judina | BIKER

"Ufufu~... Passionate young lady hmmm~? I'm certain she's still around there somewhere~", teased the sculptress, raising an eyebrow and looking intently at the pretty yet socially detached knight in front of her, partly hoping she could have met her younger self to better appreciate the contrast between the two. Judging by her description of her father, it did sound as if she'd come to resemble him lately, "Well, that disappointing. Sounds like he'd be proud of the woman you've become~"

And how could he not? Sure, Alisa knew very little of this girl and her life but, she did seem to have quite the homey, down to earth family who'd feel a measure of pride in their beloved daughter rising up the ladder of the Rune Knights. Even one like Alisa who felt quite cynical of the organization as a whole, one skilled enough to advance through its ranks defenitely earned the merit the position entailed:

"She likes it that way, sadly...", nodded Alisa, a sympathetic tone as she smiled at the Knight before her, only recalling the last time she'd met the only woman she ever called a sister, "She's the type who'd draw all that attention without even trying~"

It had been far too long... After two years of not seeing each other and barely having time to catch up at the truly worst possible place, Alisa longed for another chance to see her best friend once more. Who knows, perhaps the tides of fate would guide the two together sooner than she might think, and yet, she could only sigh at this unpleasant notion, wondering how much longer she'd have to wait:

"Compared to you, i've known her for quite the short while... No more than a couple of years really...", noted the sculptress, inbetween nibbles of her croissant, shaking her head and shrugging, glancing away as her faint smile brightened, "I guess we just hit it off... I hardly remember exactly why we became friends, but that's the magic of it, hmm~..?"


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#40Judina † 

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Empty Sun May 12, 2019 10:03 am

Judina †
For some reason Judina just couldn't stop herself when she said it."Maybe the magic in some manner comes from you in some manner."Which was true, At least in this knight's eyes anyway."I could assume it is something that comes from you as a personality as well."that was just her but Judina could maybe be a bad guess at people she was still learning in some way. But trying was all she needed.

realizing she vastly forgot she had a muffin and then quietly pick it up and just tore a small piece from it she seemed to feel like she should be worried about Ari now."Ari as my little sister always been a bit stressing to realize she easily is hard to keep track at time, Makes me wonder she always managed this game of hiding away for so long."She paused and ate the piece she tore off and said."Or maybe I am just a really worried older sister to her...one of the two." She did seem a bit worried about seemed to sweep it away quickly.

"But I should not worry too much, Much like I tell everyone...I will see any family sooner rather then later."she would take another piece of her muffin out of it and quietly munch on it for a moment It was no longer odd but Judina felt content with that reality, Even if it should shift eventually."When things slow up, I can too so to say."She sounded hopefully and sure of this herself."I was not expected to be the rune knight in my family, My father assumed Regis would have. But I know my father is happy, Same with my mother. But then again, Hopefully youcould say the same for either of yours." She for once asked about her family and not her own, She almost felt like she had an ego about it just being her unintentionally.

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Alexss10

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Empty Tue May 14, 2019 1:29 am


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @judina | BIKER

"My, such a flatterer~... Still, I'd most certainly hope so~", she giggled cheekily, winking at the dark haired knight before taking that one last nibble of her croissant, letting the faint, toasty sweetness of the bread wash over her tastebuds, humming in delight at the rich flavour. She all but giggled once more, even with her mouth full, reflexively raising a hand over her mouth the moment the girl described keeping track of Ari as 'stressing', "Yes, that is indeed the best way to word it~"

Ari didn't make it easy for either of them, or anyone else for that matter. Just like Alisa, she really liked her mystery, perhaps a bit too much, and felt safer the less people knew about her... Even her loved ones...

"Yes, I suppose you're right.", Alisa acknowledged, brushing one of those long, silky dark locks behind her ear, sighing as she nodded and smiled, "She may turn nearly blind to everything else when she falls in love, but... She can take care of herself."

Therein laid the heart of her concerns, knowing an unscrupulous charmer could easily exploit the girl's romantic nature, especially now that she'd lost her memories:

"Who knows...", shrugging, Alisa shook her head and glanced away, off into the distance as she really hadn't seen her father in years.

She'd spent the bulk of her adult life hunting for leads of where he might have gone to, hunting after the Dark Guild who killed her mother... In this case, the two were one and the same. Would they have liked to see the woman she'd grown into? Her mother most likely wouldn't, hell, not even her father... Some footsteps aren't meant to be followed, is what she'd knew for sure he'd say... In the end she sighed once more, those ruby red eyes returning to Judina's as she answered her question, trying to downplay just how little she actually knew, and the implications behind that lack of knowledge:

"I'd hope so too, but I'm sure I'll find out eventually~"

No doubt, this was why Judina's family history enraptured as such...


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#42Judina † 

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Empty Wed May 15, 2019 5:41 pm

Judina †
Realizing she stuck a harder hitting moment it showed right away Judina felt a bit uncomfortable about it. It seemed to make her feel a bit uneasy for a moment about it. Judina being herself however then quietly reached over and put her right hand on her shoulder. She was worried yes but said to her."Even if I could wish to hear and learn what they would think, Your only showing and proof in the end should only be for you for your actions in life for what they end up achieving  my dear friend."Judina with that peaceful friendly smile she always gave some one when they were down to try and bring a smile on their face for once.

Judina then would see, Even if this would more tester her then Alisa. Judina seemed to be more of the merry soul to try and bury sadness."Do you need a hug?"She asked she sounded serious about it, Alisa might just have met her and they did not know a lot of one another, But Judina had no reason to be worried it seemed.The better question now is would she say yes? Judina expected a no for some reason and would be fine with either.

Nonetheless that offer stood more to see if it was needed and to make Alisa feel better. Judina was still a happy lady sipping away at her tea and eating her muffin. she was unsure what else to mention to her. But what would be an interesting question so she would ponder for a moment, At least the awkward has passed and she had it out of her system, Hopefully nothing would spike it back into her mind.....knowing Judi's luck it was simple to do that, It was something this knight would work on.

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Alexss10

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Empty Sun May 19, 2019 11:27 am


WORDS: 320 | TAG: @judina | BIKER

She could tell the girl's mood darkened the moment she heard Alisa's response, she quickly dismissed it a wave of her hand, letting Judina know she wasn't so sensitive as to have a blatant vunlerability like that:

"Indeed, it doesn't matter much in the end... And even of the actions you did take you could surely say exactly the same.", she concluded, looking into her eyes as she finished what remained of her coffee, sharing her own two scents and returning that smile, "Only the actions you take now truly define you, after all."

In the end, she always prided herself in seeking the way forward at every step of the road, though it took her far too long to realize how much of her adult life had indeed been spent living in the past. Alisa couldn't help glance away for a brief moment, once more falling into the trap of looking back, only for her brow to rise, wine red eyes shifting right back to Judina's as she heard quite the unusal proposition:

"Mmmm, I wouldn't say need, buuuut....", chuckling softly, Alisa uncrossed her legs gracefully, standing up from her table her looking at the girl with a cool, welcoming smile, "How could I refuse such a gracious offer~?"

Of course, she likely suspected a girl like Judy inevitably expected a negative answer, just as much as Alisa doubted she could hug away the problem, hell, even she figured she'd pretty much learned to cope with it already... At the same time, she also saw her new friend's desire to help and met her half way, taking the girl's hand the moment she turned to her and motioned up from her chair, pulling her into a tight, warm embrace, until the very softness of her full bust prevented them from reaching closer as it pressed against Judina's. Sighing gently, she let the gentle knight's warmth fill her as she held her, gripping softly to her back...


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#44Judina † 

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Empty Mon May 20, 2019 5:13 am

Judina †
She would slowly finish off her cup of tea and what she had left while she listen. Starting to think some of the way Judina herself was starting was reflecting on her, Or Alisa knew already and she was kind of clueless both were possible but not something for the moment needed to topic up on the intention was already shown and already seemed to be on the mind.

At least where she viewed it as unusual. Getting up from the table as she did Judina explained one thing."My mother seems to even hug strangers who seem depressed I always found it odd. Even if you aren't a strange to me, You could have said no and I would understood." But Judina seemed still rather delighted with this moment anyway, Maybe this was just as much for her as well as Alisa. Judina would not admit that part but it could get out of her easily.

Nonetheless that moment of quiet when they both seemed seemed to even out what they could carrying on their mind, So at least what the hopeful knight would think anyway Judina was a bit too either foolish or naive sometimes and never really realized it since she was a bit stubborn that way.

So with in that moment with that feeling of hands on her back, Judina at least did the same as well it  showed to be helpful well she believed, But that is all this Rune Knight needed was just that feeling of  doing right anyway, Who knows really it could be just that hug is for the both of them in reality but Judina could not admit that because she just thought it was for Alisa and helping her maybe feel better slightly, It made Judina feel like she understood and was getting comfortable as well.

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Alexss10

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Empty Sat May 25, 2019 4:09 pm


WORDS: 320 | TAG: @judina | BIKER

No doubt there was something unusual about it. Alisa did enjoy the girl's warmth a fair bit more than she'd admit... Even though they'd just met, there was something homely and non threatening about the pretty, peaceful knight now caught in her embrace. Alisa doubted she could hug away her problems but she got the nudging sensation that Judina seemed to measure her own worth in her ability to make people feel better; the kind of caring selflessness that could easily lead you straight into unscrupulous hands... Her words on her mother all but confirmed this, and in turn Alisa merely squeezed her a bit tighter:

"Huh... That does seem somewhat odd, and possibly dangerous but, your mother might be on to something there~", chuckled the sculptress, holding the girl close enough for her gentle warmth to seep into her, her hand gliding softly up and down the girl's back, "...What do you know~ That feels pretty nice."

Feeling that silky softness of her hair, that pleasant earthy scent until a calm, delighted sigh returned to her face. She found herself gently running her fingers inbetween the soft strands of her hair, silently noting the kind of beauty to be found in moments like these, and she knew only people was peaceful as Judina could so easily provide them to people they'd just met. After all, she could count with her fingers the amount of people who could put her heart at ease as such. Had she been an assassin sent to kill her, she'd have probably already died. All but giggling at the amusing, ludicrous thought, Alisa eventually sighted relaxedly, releasing the caring knight from her grip as she looked into her eyes:

"You give wonderful hugs Judina... Has anybody ever told you that~?", cocking her head slightly, even after peeling away from her Alisa yet left her hand on the girl's arm, a mere lingering touch in the aftermath of the comfort they shared


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#46Judina † 

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Empty Sun May 26, 2019 6:29 am

Judina †
Maybe just maybe Judina did not realize how helpful or possibly needed this moment was. Then again Judina did not seem like a planer, more a do it now and think later. Which maybe she needed to try and change for it has yet to fail her. Then again if it did  most likely would not change her she was still kind of just that way.

But Judina just kind of had to point it out."I am not the greatest at such a thing, I am only merely copying it from some one who would know this better then I would." Or this woman did not give herself enough credit as she could for anything eventually she should but that has yet to dawn on her, Or it would happen some how just yet she does not seem the type too, She also might not have notice she did not either.

But she did still have a sense of pride for a moment even if she was shaking off the slightly surprising part of her hair was not expect but she had a feeling it was just with in the moment helpful it did feel oddly nice as well

"You would be the first, Most people whom I have hugged have been family even then I could only name two people aside from you at this point."
So not often did she hear it and did not truly had to think about it either maybe just most of the time being the knight she was kept herself in that normal knight like behavior."But I do now however know I do, I can keep that in mind that I could do it now and just not worrying about it in my mind."It was most like showing that Judina doubted her own way of showing affection, Or work was always on mind.

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Alexss10

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Empty Sun May 26, 2019 10:07 am


WORDS: 330 | TAG: @judina | BIKER

Nothing wrong with living in the moment, after all, not at any moment did Alisa imagine she'd end up embracing a girl she'd only just met, inside a random Café as they sought shelter from the rain:

"Well, some say copying is the greatest form of flattery but... To most people, that's just how you learn~", noted Alisa, readily dismissing any of those notions, waving her hand before her as she chuckled. Judina's merit was hers and hers alone, if nothing else for choosing the right person to learn from. Not many can make that decision after all, and thus she had to give credit where it was due.

She looked cute about it too, once Alisa so boldly stated her own feelings on the matter, finally releasing the girl from her grasp. She wasn't too surprised to hear nobody had actually every praised her as such, wondering just how many people had ever given Judina the chance to begin with:

"Ufufu~ Seems to me most people are either shy or outright blind~", praised the sculptress, winking playfully at the girl who claimed to have only ever been hugged by her direct relatives. Thoroughly wasteful and perhaps a bit sad, but Alisa hoped the peaceful girl wouldn't let that get her down, "Indeed, you'd do well to~ Though make sure to keep in mind, not to hug every random stranger you meet... Some have... Less than friendly intentions~"

Scratching her temple softly, she hoped the girl wouldn't feel any particularly strong desires to follow her mother's teachings to the letter. Casting but a cursory glance outside, her smile widened into a curious smirk as she finally saw the pouring rain dying down to a mere trickle:

"Hmmm, seems like the rain is finally subsiding... Come on, let's find somewhere else to go.", she chuckled, nodding towards the door and placing a couple of jewels on the table. Once the two of them had finished their respective meals, "Before it starts again~"


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#48Judina † 

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Empty Mon May 27, 2019 2:56 am

Judina †
The rain had passed so to say, So Judina would walked over and finish the things she had because there was a small amount of each of her items left, then slowly taking a moment to leave what the total amount of the bill was. As well as leaving a bit extra for hopefully the person that served them both.

So Judina then said."Alright let us be off then."Judina said since she was prepared to leave in a rather short and reasonable time frame. At least to her so. It could show time management was important to her and she tried to be good at managing it.

At least the rain was gone and she could be outside again, Walking out of the place they had been stopping at it. It left Judina thinking that she was better at understanding people far more than she first assumed, It was only her failing herself. If only she could remember this more often and it not really impair her as often as she worried about it affecting her, But for now really too much to worry about now since this moment all these worries were just at a pause, which was nice.

Walking over to were she left her armor or the shaped piece that she had of it and put her hand on it and it started going back to the armor she wore normally. Neatly and perfectly like she she had it before shaping it to something else beside the bike, The air is nice and relaxing again and she for the most part was just waiting for Alisa, Unless she was already either behind or somewhere else close by. Or she went that quickly which could have been weird hopefully that was not too rude if it was the case.

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Alexss10

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Empty Wed May 29, 2019 12:16 pm


WORDS: 250 | TAG: @judina | BIKER

Ah, fresh air... As delightful as the scent of freshly poured coffee could be, there was nothing quite like the purified air after the falling rains cleansed everything away, leaving only a faint, lingering earthy scent. Her bike stood there sheltered from the rain, thankfully the storm hadn't gotten too fierce or the overhang wouldn't have helped much in the end. Alisa got out first, holding the door for her knightly acquaintance, stepping outside and pulling up the zipper a bit tighter, warding off that damp, chilly breeze as she approached the rental vehicle:

"Hop in~ I don't know where you're staying, but I can give you a ride wherever.", said the sculptress as she once again straddled her motorcycle and gripped the handlebars. Lacking either the sun's gleam or any prospects of hitting the breathtaking speeds she'd reached a while ago, she felt no need to slip on her sunglasses, and instead merely smiled at Judina, watching her once more proudly display her magic, "Who knows, perhaps you'll show me what that magic can do in battle one of these days. Sounds like something I'd enjoy seeing with my own eyes~"

Lest the girl outright refuse her offer of a ride, she'd calmly wait for her to hop on before leaning into the bike, her thighs squeezing firm but gently on it as she revved up the engine, eyes on the road as she raced off at last, wherever the winds may guide her...

[Thread end]


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#50Judina † 

La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Empty Thu May 30, 2019 2:51 pm

Judina †
She seemed a lot more interested in other things now, Judina did not seem to blame her either. Judina was not the super curious part but since Judina was more then willing for a friend."Consider this a promise then for the next time I will do something about your curiosity."She seemed more then willing, Only unsure how to show really most likely showing it off to her."But I am unsure if I would show the best of it, Because I am not good at the thought of fighting a friend even if its a spar."She admitted that she was getting back on to the bike which might be important to remember. It would seem like a disappointment at least in Judina's mind anyway.

But since she was offering Judina would go on the machine one last time, After all she was not as nervous about it now."Just take me to center of Orchidia, I can find myself back to the to the building where the rune knights have a call hub set up."Which is all she needed to mentioned to go. Simple enough but Judina was just happy with how this day turned out, Making a new friend a lot of a relieving of a thing for Judina a lot more then she assumed. Then again maybe things were just taking longer to realize to this woman then she first assumed. She hopped in some way with Alisa they would remain friends for life in some way.

This was not something she considered a foolish dream, but a high hope in which she would try her best to achieve, She did not think she generally made friends too often even if it was easier then she first heard and her mind thought it was. Alisa proved that it was a chance to move forward.


La Grange [Social | Judina] - Page 2 Alexss10

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