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Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private]

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Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 Empty Fri Jul 26, 2019 11:53 am



“Well, certainly I’d be the last girl to judge another for showing such interest~” Humming gently as she drew those digits up and down and enjoyed the privacy she had, while she was a playful flirt this level of teasing might have been close to the limit even for this teenage temptress in ordinary circumstances. Feeling no restraint, however, with only the fish and maybe a lucky diver to see her movements, she couldn’t help but indulge the thrill of showing off for her girl, and apparently, she also managed to also draw the dark diva into the act as well.

She’s such a show off… Afraid she isn’t getting enough spotlight, hm? The coiling smile that she wore curling only tighter as the woman opposite her seemed to mimic her motions so sublimely, even as she enjoyed such a generous view, Sofia couldn’t help but wonder about just why she couldn’t resist the chance to tease her in return. The White Empress always seeming to have such a sense of competitiveness when it came to glamour and vanity, while it was certainly something that the sapphire siren did not hate given the treats it afforded her, it was interesting and amusing to note as well.

“Heeheehee, almost sounds like you long to have someone sleeping in your own, my dear~?”  Something about her disposition seeming to drive her toward being that little bit of a show off, or perhaps more than a little really, Alisa seemed unable to restrain her urge to demonstrate her own delightful ‘gifts’ whenever she was provided with an opportunity. It almost seemed as if she was so used to being the centre of attention that, on some level, she craved it regardless of circumstance.

“Hmmmmm… To be honest, Basil inspires an image of some stuffy old man with a bushy moustache or something?” The Valerican vixen certainly intrigued by the behaviour of her voluptuous vision, sadly, she did not think much of the first offering her fellow femme had to name their little pet. Basil seeming like a boring name that seemed to conjure only the image of some outdated aristocrat or something, even if she had known the meaning that the minx opposite her had attached to it, the mermaid was unlikely to let that sway her decision.

“I think he or she needs a nice, elegant name that would suit whatever they end up becoming?” Not really one to fall in for names like that and wanting something that felt a little more glamorous and unique, as she hummed and toyed with a few ideas in her head, Miss Serena flicked her feet and slipped into a slightly intimate position with her lover.
“Something beautiful for a girl or refined for a boy?” Rounding her ravishing raven haired girl with a loud purr and snaking her hands around the waist of the woman to put Alisa almost in a ‘spooning’ kind of position, the siren hummed gently as she held onto her girl and spoke in and innocent whisper, guiding them together through the water at cruising speed with her mafic so that they might take in a few sights whilst they settled this little issue…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 Empty Fri Jul 26, 2019 3:31 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

Yes, Alisa loved competing and she most certainly loved the spotlight, in a way. But while Sofia's thoughts were very much correct, her motivation laid in something else entirely, something owing to the irrestible chemistry she shared with the beautiful blue vixen before her. After all, nothing thrilled Alisa quite as much as simply standing before a lover she had such strong feelings for, constantly striving to get a rise out of one another:

"Hmmm, I'd most certainly not dream of objecting~", she teased, cheeks reddening with visible interest, licking her lips subtly but oh so sensually as she watched Sofia's every motion, feeling her pulse rise ever so softly at every turn. But just as her lover so carefully noted, Alisa couldn't quite just watch without yearning for a similar rise from her wonderfully alluring lover. And so her fingertips trickled teasingly up her own arm, all the way to her clavicle in a gesture that would have looked almost dainty, if not for the way her forearm sunk softly into the inviting valley between her firm, pillowy breasts, "Though I have a hunch you wouldn't really get much sleep in that situation now, would you~?"

As she cocked her hand cheekily, Alisa's fingers rose up just enough to barely brush her, just enough to set off a visible, eye catching quiver for her lover to admire. To her credit however, no amount of teasing made her lose focus from the very pressing conversation at hand, carefully noting her objection to the first name suggested. Granted, Alisa had pretty much tossed out the first name she thought of which somewhat sounded like a mythological snake, and very much echoed Sofia's own concerns the moment she heard the name out loud. She didn't bother asking whether Sofia got the reference to the mythological creature, after all, Alisa knew her lover well enough to understand such a petty little detail wouldn't sway her against a name she disliked. But, this is why they were brainstorming, right?

"Hmmm, you have a point there, he's far too young and cute for a name like that~", she noted, eyes shooting down into the sandy bottom, catching sight of rather conspicuous flatfish. Transfixed, she hummed as she mulled over the next option, stroking the bottom of her bubble as she followed the fish on his path, until another, very different school of fish passed it by. Mesmerized by their bright, vibrant blue scales, Alisa instinctively thought back to their cute serpentine friend, and almost immediately, her knowledge as a sculptress of gemstones came through for the next suggestion, "Oh, how about Lapis~? There's quite a few lovely named gemstones with a similar shade to your new friend~"

Her plush, pink lips drawing into a smirk, she rose an eyebrow as her eyes fell on Sofia's shimmering aquamarines once again, wondering - quite optimistically at that - how would her ravishing mermaid receive this particular suggestion. Even if she didn't, there were quite few other gemstones they could look to for ideas after all~


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 Empty Sat Jul 27, 2019 11:43 am



“Ooooohhhh~?” The corners of her mouth curling like a cats as she imagined the notion of taking a nice snooze atop those wonderful, soft mounds, despite how inviting the idea was Miss Serena couldn’t help but tease her companion a little bit all the same.
“Such generosity, my dear~ Am I the first person you thought of for such a gift?” Squeezing her naughty little Lisa into her arms and purring softly, despite the playful manner in which she responded to such an idea, the nymph was rather flattered by the realization that in the mind of her enigmatic enchantress there was no better partner for such antics then her.

“You like feeling me there that much, hm?” Their flirtation so natural but something beneath it seeming that bit more sincere since the disaster with the demons, a bit more open, even though they were the type of women to always leave a hint of mischief in what they said they had learned to see past and project the real feelings underneath that bit better.

“Can’t imagine anyone else snoozing there? Not even little Lumen~?” Sofia, for her part, certainly loving the idea of taking a nice nap or perhaps embarking upon a more wicked little endeavour from the comfort of her lover’s luscious bust, as she carried the two along through her magic the minx hummed gently as she took advantage of their positioning to lift her hand to the breast of the woman as she squeezed that body into her own. Nothing too risky per se but a gently little show of her intimacy for her lover, though she didn’t tease the area too much as she continued her spooning swim, the sapphire siren certainly hoped it would act as a little display of her affection when their lips were so cruelly denied a glorious union.

“Lapis~?” Enjoying the pace from here on out so much that she barely paid attention to anything other than the woman in her arms, when Alisa spoke up with her second suggestion, Miss Serena found herself both surprised and rather more impressed than the last.
“Hmmmmm, that’s not bad…” The mind of the minx immediately turning toward the implication of the empress on this occasion, given her love of water and the colour blue the sapphire siren certainly enjoyed the idea of linking her cute little pet to a gemstone that represented it so well; the Lapis Lazuli.

“But how about Lazuli?” Quickly using the proposal of her partner however like a stepping stone to something else, however, when the full name of the opaque gemstone fired up in her mind, she immediately realized the second part of it seemed more pleasing to her ears.
“It feels a bit cuter, and carries the same theme~?” Certainly Lapis seeming like a nice name but Lazuli feeling like it had a sweeter feel for a familiar, it had a sort of mix of playfulness and yet the same elegance as the former particular, making it that bit more appropriate in the opinion of this young swimmer…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 28, 2019 8:04 am


WORDS: 520 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"I'll admit, the thought may have crossed my mind at some point~", chuckled the sculptress, more amused by the notion that outright excited by it, in stark contrast to the affectionate hints her beloved Sofia recieved when Alisa recalled the blue haired vixen sleeping there. Arching her back softly, she made sure to give her a nice, little tease as she quipped, "Good to see I wasn't the only one~"

Alas, that frisky touch certainly surprised, pleasantly so as her brow raised visibly in response to that tender touch to her firm, well rounded breast. It was, however, quite the receptive area in the first place, enough for a low, tender little purr to escape her lips as she felt her lover's silky soft touch sinking oh so tenderly into the plush, tantalizing flesh. The kind of touch that brought back all the tempting little memories they'd made together, enough for her to shift her torso teasingly back and forth, as if kneading her lover's palm with that supple softness, while her fingernails tease the back of her hand in near unison, cooing softly as she guides her lover closer, pressing her tightly against her.

"Though from the sound of it, I can tell just how much you enjoy it~", she noted, giggling as she soon found herself holding her lover tighter and tighter, until her adventurous hand might end up trapped between each of their doughy mounds, "No wonder I find you happily sleeping there every other night~"

As delicious as it felt to tease one another as such, the two seductresses quite easily kept their eyes on the prize, bouncing names back and forth in an effort to find a fitting one for Sofia's endearing baby. Whether or not she'd take to other gemstones as potential names, Alisa saw no need to even muse on that thought when her first one caught her attention so quickly. Instead, she found herself admiring the blue in her eyes like the most wonderful of them all, giggling as she nodded:

"Right~? I had a feeling you'd like that... Something in your eyes no doubt~", winked the sculptress, her hand sensually caressing up her lover's back, her fingers twining through the strands of that lustruous blue hair. Her smile widened knowingly as she felt her lover right on the edge of accepting that lovely little suggestion, but instead her brow rose as she actually came up with an even better alternative, "Oh, you actually managed to make it sound even better~ Ufufufu~ With a name so beautiful, I'm sure our adorable Lazuli will defenitely remember it~"

Clearly, Alisa had already taken to the name, using it without a second thought as she gazed lovingly into those big, beautiful eyes, until she couldn't help but gently squeeze Sofia closer, wrapping her arms tighter around her waist. Brimming with affection for her lover at the thought of picking a name together, Alisa couldn't help but bring her bubbly helmet closer to her lover, until Sofia's warmth far outweighed any disappointment at their inability to kiss:

"When we woke up this morning... Who would have thought we'd end up picking baby names so far under the sea~?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 28, 2019 11:45 am



“Heeheehehee, well, since you love it so much I’ll make sure to indulge you a little more, then~?” Licking her lips softly at the invitation that she was given by her gorgeous goddess, Sofia purred softly as she explored that softness witch which her wonderful woman was so very generously endowed, trailing a teasing finger around the largely exposed bust of her lover and shivering as she felt just how much more inviting it felt with the wetness that surrounded them. It was like having an extra, even more delicious layer of icing on top of an already mouth-watering cake.

“And I you can feel free to use my own ‘pillows’ as well as you want, my sweet~” The enjoyment she could get from the proposal of her partner also seeming like it would be half the fun, as Alisa had seemed to point out they were more in the habit of letting Miss Serena enjoy that sweet snoozing in the valley of heavenly delight, the girl herself couldn’t help but wonder about the prospect of the reverse. There feeling such a strong sense of intimacy about offering up her own chest to her beloved to enjoy in a sweet and casual fashion, the sapphire siren couldn’t help but shift her position a little bit and ‘climb’ up the body of her black beauty just enough to offer her that sweet feeling for her own in their submarine setting, as if she wanted to feel that was like.

“It sounds so cute, huh? Our little Lazuli…” Purring softly as she found her own little suggestion for the name seeming to meet with approval and praise from the fox she clung to, Sofia smiled as she made a mental note to start calling their pet by his new name as much as she could from now on, hoping he would get accustomed to it soon.
“Heeheeheee, oooh, suits too… Lumen and Lazuli roll off the tongue quite well, hm?” Giggling gently as she realized that, seemingly by accident they had given their choice of moniker have a nice little alliterative poetry with the girl who babysat him now, it was nice to think that their ‘children’ had a nice spot of symmetry going on, even if it was somewhat accidental.

“Ohohoho, if I knew that was going to happen I would have been even more excited~” The foreign femme even more amused when Alisa joked about their plan for the day, Miss Serena could only give a playful little chuckle and then confess that right now there was nothing she would rather be doing.
“Picking lovely names in my favourite place with my favourite girl as well~” The little task they had been set to one that had rather entertained her despite how brief it had been, with the company of the White Empress by her side she had found that any moment felt much more enjoyable, and with her setting making things that much sweeter the Valerican vixen felt like she had found some sort of paradise.

“It’s like today has been a gift from heaven?” So very moved by the bliss that she felt in the moment that Sofia even felt compelled to ignore the ‘barrier’ that stood between them and the kiss that she had been craving for so long, whether it was intentional or instinctual the girl found that when she lunged for it she just happened to find an effect that she hadn’t expected with the spell she had performed. Never anticipating that their bubbles might merge when she pressed them together with such desire in her heart but certainly exploiting the opportunity once it had been presented to her, as the layer of air that surrounded her head mixed with Miss Vollan’s, all that the siren could do was thank her lucky stars and then lunge for the softness of her lover’s lips, kissing her girl with a pent up passion that showed no signs of abating any time soon…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 Empty Tue Jul 30, 2019 3:32 pm


WORDS: 700 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

It felt quite amusing that they each felt the need to offer the kind of sleeping spot they'd been graciously enjoying since day one, but such was the nature of their teasing, where even the sweetest, most seductive little treat could be used an expression of affection and attraction all in one, until the sculptress couldn't help but lick her lips, subtly as her eyes glanced down at the squished mass of cleavage:

"My, you sure make the most tempting offers don't you~?", noted Alisa, and yet her eyes glimmered with visible interest, judging by the way she leaned in ever so softly, back and forth, as if sampling Sofia's offered softness with her own sensitive bosom, "Who knows, I might take you up on that far sooner than you'd think~"

She could almost wonder just how had she refrained herself from indulging this long, but for the most part, Sofia had always been all to hog the sculptress' own. After all, she'd woken up to find her lazily snoozing on her breasts all too often, and found the sight far too adorable to refuse, merely stroking the girl's hair, entranced by her cuteness:

"Our little Lazuli~...", Alisa repeated, almost entranced as a little giggle escaped her lips, a sound far more girlish than her usual elegancing, evidencing the sheer affection beaming off her as she gazed upon her lover as if they'd only just named their own child, "My, we really do have a talent for names don't we...? Something to keep in mind, I'm sure~"

Marvelling at the beautiful blue vixen who she worked so wonderfully well with, Alisa sighed in delight as she took in that ravishing sight, delighting in the vivid mental images she all too easily painted in her thoughts, giggling as she thought about the matching names of their two companions:

"Ufufufu~ And I'm quite certain they'll agree straight away.", yes, it most certainly didn't escape Alisa, just how attuned she was to Sofia and vice versa, to the point they'd end up conjuring up such matching names for their endearing companions. At this point, she scarcely felt any need to mention it, instead letting her fingers run through the silken strands of her lover's hair, fingernails teasing up and down her spine, twiddling with the string of her bikini, "And I'll bet you the two of them will work together as wonderfully as the two of us~ Hopefully they don't get up to too much mischief~", giggling as she peeled her eyes away and towards the surface, almost as if she could possibly catch sight of the skyship miles up in the air, "Who knows, maybe Lazuli will keep an eye on Lumen~"

Indeed, this little moment felt even more thrilling than either of them could have imagined if they'd discussed it beforehand. Alas, their spontaneity was far too delicious to ignore, almost as tempting as the luscious set of lips in front of her, making Alisa bite her own as she squeezed Sofia close, that ever present frustration welling up as her pulse rose, every ounce of instinct clamoring for her to claim them. How she wanted to kiss her... Even knowing she couldn't, she found herself pressing the bubbly helmet against her lover's, only to gasp as she found the barrier between them melding into one, yielding to their mutual passion as she lunged for

"Mmmmn~... Sofiaaaa~", cooing her lover's name as she gasped, her nails dug softly behind her back as her tongue snuck out quite readily, teasing Sofia's out to play with playful little licks, "An endless succession of gifts, one after the other~", she corrected, all but purring breathily as she punctuated her words with another, sweet little peck to her lover's luscious lips, suckling on that plush, perfect pout, teasing it tenderly between her teeth. Her cheeks colored with a vivid shade of red, Alisa looked utterly smitten by the vixen before her, caressing her cheek, thumb stroking those tender lips as she bit her own, "To think you'd keep such a cheeky little treat from me this long~"



Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 Empty Wed Jul 31, 2019 6:48 am



“Wellllll, when it’s you, I can’t help but want to give more~” The words of the water witch like a whispering groan as she clung to the lips of her lover like they were equal parts metal and magnet, Miss Serena found that while every chance to kiss her girl was sweet, none seemed to suit her taste more than they did in this moment. So cruelly denied for so long that she almost felt as if she had forgotten just how soft and smooth the perfect pout of her partner was, she barely gave even the space to pass a hair though as she spoke as she hung from that heavenly kiss, her arms wrapping tighter and tighter around that heavenly frame of Alisa Vollan as she pressed her body deeper and deeper into it.

“Heeheheee, you think I knew I could do this~?” A soft chuckle making her body reverberate as the White Empress implied she had been in some way keeping this ‘function’ of her spell a secret from her for a gain she could not comprehend, as she suckled on that softness and shared her tongue in a rather eager display of affectionate addiction, Sofia was all too happy to clear up the fact that this aspect was as new to her as it was to the woman nearby. The result they had found entirely unexpected by the woman who cast the spell, perhaps in some small way she had managed to remould her spell while using it to exploit her desire or this was always something she had been able to do all along and never realized, but whatever the explanation it would have to wait. There were bigger concerns right now.

“Ridiculous, I could never stay away from your luscious lips for this long without a big reason~” The sapphire siren feeling rather like a bottle of champagne that had been shaken and shaken and shaken until it had finally managed to push that snug little cork out, now that the pent up passion inside her had been released, it showed little signs of slowing up any time soon. That mere feeling of being able to express herself fully like a spark that had created a fire that would burn through any forest in but a moment, even with the ocean around her Miss Serena felt like her passion would never be quenched. Hell, with the two of them together like this, they might even just boil every last drop away without even stopping to notice…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 Empty Thu Aug 01, 2019 11:35 am


WORDS: 450 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"Mmm, that's gooood~...", heaved Alisa, whispering breathlessly into the kiss as her tongue snuck out to mingle with Sofia's, slipping past those plush, ever inviting lips as she sought out out her lover's rather greedily, quickly evidencing how much she too had been yearning for such a passionate kiss for far too long, hinting at the depth of frustration for her inability to indulge, "With you... I'll take everything you have to offer and then more~"

Down here, with a whole ocean to themselves and nobody else, she found it far too easy to lose herself in her love for the beautiful vixen next to her, even as her mouth peeled away from hers every so often, after giving her tongue a playful little suckle. That glistening string of saliva connecting the two never quite seeming to vanish as either of the two seemed all too eager to renew this passionate dance of tongue, and Alisa for one couldn't get enough of her taste, or the playful little lines they gave each other as they basked in this mutual, irresistible love:

"Ufufufu, It would be quite the breathtaking surprise, wouldn't it~?", she noted, winking knowingly at her lover as if understanding completely if that just so happened to be the case, biting her lip as she drunk deeply of her lover's gaze, looking into those eyes as her hand caressed up and down her arm, drawing playful little trails with her fingernails, sprinkling that heart racing flavour of their kiss with a cheeky tingle of sensation to her irresistibly smooth skin. In the end though, Sofia made quite the fair point as even the sculptress could only nod and yield to the force of her argument, "Well, I can't really argue with that, can I~?"

Nor could she help the way her heart racing at these words, all but skipping a beat as she pulled Sofia tighter against her, squeezing lovingly around her waist until the wonderful mermaid could very well feel how her heart pounded incessantly against her chest. Her cheeks reddened the longer she hung close to her, feeling her whole body growing warmer, butterflies fluttering deep within as if they'd only just shared their very first kiss. Thoroughly smitten by her beloved, Alisa took her sweet time, savoring every heart racing moment as she leaned in and gave that luscious bottom lip a tender little suckle, teasing it between her teeth as she giggled:

"After all... Not even I could possibly hold myself back to that point~", noted the sculptress, passionately leaning into her kiss as if to drive her point home, slowly letting even that beautiful ocean floor fade from her focus. Every ounce of her attention completely devoted to her beloved girl, her arms snuck around her once more, with little concern for whatever they were actually supposed to be doing down there, "And now... I bet that's one aspect of your spell you'll never forget~"



Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 Empty Thu Aug 01, 2019 12:43 pm



“ Ummmmmmph… Mmmmmnnnnn… Alissssssaaaaaaaa~” Gasping and groaning and whispering her lovers name in an almost hissing purr as she indulged her want for those luscious lips and even more, while Miss Serena smiled at the clever comebacks and comments of her coquettish companion, she spared little focus to come up with much of her own to answer it. Enraptured by the moment, the chance to let loose that pent up desire that she had been holding onto ever since she saw her perfect partner in her stunning swimwear, maybe it was because the new turn in their relationship had seemed to make her feel more even in it or maybe because she simply couldn’t hold herself back any longer, but the blue beauty was ravenous with her desires and just a little bit aggressive with her motions as she explored the soft skin and flawless figure of her lover with her fingers and her nails.

“I might have to cut the tour short…” All of her want for this woman laid bare as she clung to her, pressing her body into that sublime shape while she squeezed her beloved close to her, even though Sofia only managed to open her eyes just a fraction as she fought against her urge to suckle on those lips to speak, one could easily see the dizziness that was plain in her gaze and also the desire.
“I can’t help myself now, you taste too goooood~” The cheeks of the teenage temptress burning, hot enough that the White Empress could probably feel them as their faces merged and massaged one another as the dance of their passion continued, with how comfortable she had become with her feelings and want for the woman she felt no need to hide any aspect of her love, not even in her words or the deeds that seemed to say even more.

“Let’s find somewhere I can enjoy you to the fullest, my dear~” The latter never more obvious than when she let her fingertips crawl up the back of her black beauty and cheekily drew away the soft string that kept her bikini nice and secure over her bust from her lover, allowing the knot that held the skimpy little item to melt away in one smooth and sensual motion, while Miss Serena eagerly replaced at least half the support she was offered with her hand.
“…Taste every ounce of that deliciousness you hold~?” So often used to letting this wonderful woman take the lead with her but right now feeling a sense of power and determination to claim her companion as her own on this occasion, as her palm massaged the fullness of that sweet and soft orb the sapphire siren continued to whisper, keeping her gaze and lips locked to those of her lover as she kicked her legs gently and used just a little more magic to send the pair of them to the surface…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 Empty Sat Aug 03, 2019 2:22 am


WORDS: 510 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"Ufufufu... That's quite alright my love~", she reassured all too readily, planting soft, butterfly kisses inbetween her words, travelling along her lover's cheek, down her neck, giggling as she gave a greedy little hickey to remember this moment by. All but driving her point home with that throaty purr, those wine red orbits gazed up at her admiring every reaction, "I'd say the tour has served its purpose wonderfully, wouldn't you agree~?"

No need for words yet really remained, each of them puncutated by soft coos, lustful gasps and playful giggles, Alisa all but trembling as the girl so easily reached out for a handful of her luscious softness, nibbling the girl's neck as a lustful purr escaped her lips:

"Mmmmn~...!", without warning her answer shot right back like an arrow to her lover's lips, suckling softly on them as she leaned in and shifted her torso left and right, as if massaging their girl's adventurous hand with her bosom, letting her enjoy that soft, doughy flesh molding to her touch, squishing out between her fingers as that touch brought wonderful, excited tingles through her whole body, "Haaa~ My darling Sofia~..."

Down here, beneath the flowing waves... She saw her lover in a whole new light, all but beaming as her hand slid up and down her curvaceous torso, that tender sense of touch kneading and sampling her firm softness with the kind of deft, kneading caress only a sculptress could muster, merely sampling her curvaceous figure as she stood at the edge of ravishing the ravishing beauty right then and there.

Throwing every last ounce of restraint to the wind as her hand reached lower, Alisa squeezed that delicious derriere, delighting in the way her fingers sunk into that supple softness, until she could admire the firm, sporty tone hidden underneath:

"Took the words right out of my mouth, hmmm~...? There's simply so much to enjoy~", purring lovingly, the smitten seductress couldn't help but tease her more as her heart raced at the debauchery to come, her finger slipping under the edges of her lover's bikini, tempting the treshold of her modesty before carrying on down, caressing her shapely thigh and guiding her lover's leg around her waist.

Almost as if she wanted every inch of contact she could before letting the them part. Peeling away from Sofia at that moment, with her heart threatening to pound out of her chest as it heaved visibly with every aching breath... It felt undoubtedly like the hardest endeavor Alisa undertook in a long while while. But she endured it in the name of a higher cause, seeking her lover's hand as she briskly guided her away from the ocean floor, towards the nearest landmass she could find:

"Come... Let's see if we can find ourselves a cozy spot~", she spoke, biting her lip hard as she peeled away, striving for as much contact with the beautiful mermaid as she possibly could, with little regard for an adequate ability to swim.



Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 Empty Sat Aug 03, 2019 1:01 pm



“Mmmmmmm…” Groaning as she found the realm of dreams slipping away from her mind like a tide that was draining away from her fallen form, Sofia Serena let out a gentle hum as she found herself waking from an unexpected but much needed nap with warmth around her, and not just from the summer sun either. Instinctively snaking around the red hot body that was draped across her own, and in the moment the only thing that was really, the sapphire siren purred softly and didn’t even bother to open her eyes for the moment.

Mind blank and feeling completely satisfied by the moment, while she had no idea how long she had been asleep for, right now that didn’t care. The Valerican vixen perfectly comfortable with her circumstances, while some might have not found such joy sleeping in the open air without a stitch to cover themselves up, Sofia currently felt rather delightful really. Naked but feeling like she didn’t have even a single ounce of vulnerability or really any kind of care in the world right now, all she could do was bask in the bliss she continued to be fed by as she let a slow and soft set of hands explore the curves and soft skin of her lover.

The sun starting to sink down toward the horizon once the passion between the pair had subsided enough that they had slipped into a gentle and rather entangled slumber under the shade of a nice palm tree, the duo had been lucky really to find this place out in the middle of nowhere. A nice, isolated little island out in the middle of nowhere feeling like the perfect place for the paramours to let their passions loose, or as perfect a one that they could have found given the desperate desire that had coursed through them, even if passers-by had managed to grab a glimpse of the girls and the sinful little deeds they had gotten up to in this open environment they had not noticed, and largely would not have cared either in the moment.

The privacy they had discovered enabling all kinds of wickedness between the two of them, whilst it would be indelicate to describe what the dishy damsels had been up to since we last saw them, sufficed to say that every ounce of pent up passion had been spent by this point. Making an unashamed effort between the two of them to drain every last drop of delicious desire between them until they were both left spent, all that remained now for the time being was a feeling of contentment the likes of which seemed like it would never be matched in that moment, and also no shortage of affection.

“I love you, Alisa Vollan~” The latter fact perhaps having the greatest influence over what the princess was prompted to say next, with sweet and soft words to someone she did not even know was awake or not, Miss Serena confessed something that she felt was the perfect time to confide. After all, she felt so safe and secure right now that nothing in the world could challenge her, and also even more in love with the wonderful woman she held than ever as well…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 Empty Sat Aug 03, 2019 3:21 pm


WORDS: 550 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

...Alisa all but purred as she snoozed over these wonderfully soft yet firm, cozy pair of pillows, lulled into a blissful, afterglowy slumber with the drumbeat of her lover's racing heart. Such a long, passionate marathon under this hot, sweltering summer sun has a way of helping a girl onto a peaceful, fulfilling nap. Out here, all alone, lying on these soft, warm sands... Alisa had no thought in mind, no vision in her dreams outside the beautiful blue mermaid whose bosom she now laid lazily upon, nuzzling the cozy pillows as her arms wrapped tighter around her waist. Even now her body yet throbbed with the last pulses of that blissful afterglow, humming in delight as she felt those loving hands exploring her soft, curvaceous form, she instinctively pressed herself deeper against her wonderful girl, her supple, luscious bosom molding to the shape of her torso as she kneaded her as such, her smooth, alabaster skin caressing as much of the girl as she could reach at any moment:

"Sofiaa~...", muttering her lover's name as if sleep talking, barely concerned with the slick sheen of sweat forming wherever their bodies met, Alisa could only draw her long, shapely leg tighter around her as she enjoyed her peaceful, late afternoon snooze.

It took those magic words to truly start awakening the lazy, lovestruck sculptress, her lips widening into a smile as a giggle escaped her lips. Inhaling deeply, she breathed in that salty scent of Sofia's, sniffing the lingering hints of sweat like the sweetest fragrance in the world. The unique perfume of her beloved girl, a supreme feast for the senses as she slowly rose from her slumber:

"Mmmmm~...", cooing softly as she stirred from her slumber, Alisa nuzzled her way up from her resting place with a kittenish delight, seeking the way up with her plush, receptive lips, until properly greeting them with a loving, yet almost chaste kiss, then another, and another one after that. And with each, she felt more and more awake: Soon her hands began to wander, caressing up and down the sides of her torso, tracing her curves, and finally suckling Sofia's bottom lip between her teeth as those shimmering wine red eyes opened at long last, "I love you more, my wonderful Sofia Serena~..."

With a low, breathy tone, she looked deeply into those enrapturing blue eyes, her cheeks yet reddened, her body yet incensed from mere proximity to her lover's, as if just the right touch was all they needed for their feelings to spiral into another endless round of lovemaking. Instead, she settled for pressing her bare, well rounded bosom against the water mages, delighting in the softness of her skin and affording them the faintest measure of modesty. Their bikinis had been discarded somewhere, they wouldn't really miss them anytime soon. After all, a single look around revealed how they were very much alone on this island, letting Alisa:

"...Even on a wonderful island like this, under this beautiful sunset... Yours is still the most beautiful sight my eyes have ever gazed upon~...", uttered the sculptress, an unabashed confession of unending love for the girl lying lazily underneath her, admiring the way her long, silky blue draped around her head as her hand finally slid up to caress her cheek.


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 Empty Sun Aug 04, 2019 5:57 am



She probably doesn’t know it but… The lips of the lady curling all the more as she heard her lover let loose her own name in that husky and seemingly unknowing fashion, only now did the foreign fox deem the situation worth opening her azure eyes, and as she did she found the sight before her even more wonderful than she had imagined. Certainly appreciating the voluptuousness of the vixen she was cuddling with but in the moment finding something even more appealing about that slumbering form, with all of her usual sense of confidence and mystery slipped away by the tides of sleep, Alisa looked that bit much more like a girl than a woman when she was like this.

She’s at her best when she’s all cute like this? The White Empress so peaceful and just a tiny bit vulnerable as she rested upon her bust, it was almost like she a side to the character of her companion that she only dared to show to her most trusted loved ones, and that only made the sight even sweeter. There nothing at all wrong with the effortless grace and charming confidence of Miss Vollan when she was awake but this rare glimpse at her feeling like something that was a treat only she was meant to see, it was like waking up to a girl that you could fall in love with at first sight, and in that moment Sofia certainly did do that. Every side to this black beauty was amazing.

“Heeheehee, good morning sleepy head~” Blinking when the little confession she had made was not only returned but amplified, though she wasn’t sure why the idea of having Alisa tell her those three little words still caused redness to stir in the cheeks of Miss Serena, and that was without even considering the kiss that she both received and returned. The heart of our heroine seeming to flutter that little bit quicker as those husky and honeyed words left the lips of her lover, perhaps it was because she was so unaccustomed to getting to the kind of point in a relationship to hear them very often in a sense she would accept or simply due to the fact that she doubted Alisa had said them to many people, she couldn’t help but feel a little bit flustered by such a sweet statement.

“Or evening… Looks like we uh, took quite a while with all that?” Sighing softly as she peeled her lips away from her lover with a slight sense of hesitance, while the air around them was plenty warm, Sofia couldn’t help but notice how the sky had turned to more a tone of orange than blue beyond the face of her fine and foxy friend. Shrugging a little and giving no short giggle as she realized just how long a stretch of time had passed by since they set out on their little ‘tour’ and just happened to get waylaid in such a heavenly manner, as she leaned in close and nuzzled the lips of the White Empress affectionately, the sapphire siren let out a soft sigh of satisfaction and laid herself back down into the sand that was her bed, enjoying the simple moment of relaxation.

“Ooooooh~? Always the poet, aren’t you my sweet?” Not given long to rest in a peaceful fashion at least before she was made to chuckle again, as the artful words of Alisa slipped through the air like the sweetest notes of an opera the island girl chuckled gentle and shook her head before stroking the cheek of her beloved black beauty and leaning in close to her.
“There’s no wonder that I fell so easily for such a charming woman, is there~?” Whispering to the wordy woman with whom she was so blissfully entangled in a way that made it sound like she was practically purring, Miss Serena nuzzled her perfect partner again and then once more found her lips drawn to those of the dark diva of diamonds, and mewled softly the very second that they met again…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 Empty Sun Aug 04, 2019 10:17 am


WORDS: 650 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

There truly was a certain sense of relief to be found here, in having finally found someone around whom she felt comfortable enough to open up to... Even fast asleep, Alisa still very much saw this beautiful girl as a source of this mysterious bliss, all too happily squeezing her tightly, never letting go lest the skittish Sofia slip through the cracks between her fingers:

"Or rather, good afternoon my love~", purred the sculptress, flashing her that ever charming smile with the kind of smitten red hues only Sofia could ever truly lay eyes upon, nuzzling her cheeks, all but purring as she savoured her warmth. Making Sofia blush was always quite the treat but... Getting this very same reaction under such an intimate, heartfelt confession... Even now Alisa still felt her heart skip a beat as they shared it, enough she couldn't help but lean a bit further into her, their breasts pressing so tantalizingly tight together they may as well fuse into one being before long, "Indeed, but It doesn't look like we took more than a few hours~"

Giggling cheekily, Alisa knew fully well the two of them couldn't quite get enough of one another, and as she brought her luscious lips in for another tender, loving little kiss, she found herself fiddling with that silky blue hair of her lovers, finding herself resting on her elbows at either side of Sofia's body, leaning over her as she lavished the girl with smooth yet affectionate little smoochies:

"Barely qualifies as a warm up for us hmmm~?", she teased, winking cheekily at her as her thoughts wandered back to the kind of long running marathons they went for more often than not. Maybe Sofia wouldn't notice but her stamina had grown tremendously since they started, much faster than Alisa's... After all, she still had such spare room to evolved, at this pace she'd catch up to the sculptress in no time... Knowing she'd found herself a lover this wonderful, who kept surpassing herself again and again with every passing moment... The more time passed the more Alisa loved her, and moments like these made her feel like she could fall for her all over again, "Ufufufu~ Every moment with you is a moment worth treasuring~"

Meeting that luscious nuzzle of lips with giggling delight, Alisa smooched her lovingly, sighing as she let this warmth seep into her and keep her whole body dazed with this soothing warmth, amused at Sofia's choice of words and how they revealed the woman's feelings, admiring the way her own black locks draped down over her face as they hung so tantalizingly close, enough that her every heaving breath brought pleasant tingles to her cheeks:

"Well, you can hardly blame me when you always look so inspiring~", the ever artistic pegasus could only chuckle, winking knowingly at her lover as she brushed one of those silky blue locks away from her face, letting her take in that beautiful visage in all her glory, before cupping her loving, caressing hand and smooching gently, all but purring at her touch, biting her lip before smooching Sofia's with every pause in her words, "If that's the case, then... I guess I'll have you falling for me... Again... And again... And again~ It's only fair, is it not~?"

Ever so subtle, her own admission of the depth of these feelings seemed almost hidden between those elegant, graceful words, though at this point she knew all too well Sofia would reach the delectable meaning behind them oh so easily. She could just be herself with this wonderful muse, express her feelings in whatever way crossed her mind, confident they'd reach the girl she loved oh so dearly... And knowing that alone... Filled Alisa's heart with joy in a way she couldn't even describe, until her nails dug softly into her skin.



Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 Empty Mon Aug 05, 2019 6:32 am



“Heeheheehee, so much for a quickie on the sand though~” Rolling her eyes playfully as Alisa joked that what they had just enjoyed was only a short spell compared to their usual marathon-like endeavours, Miss Serena nuzzled the soft hand that cupped her cheek as she spoke before engaging her lover’s lips at every opportunity, giving away little suckling kisses between every statement that they exchanged and smiling lovingly all the while. It really like heaven to enjoy her lovers company in such an exclusive and private locale, in a way the little experience on this sandy little islet only made the minx crave a more permanent form of seclusion for the pair as she greedily wished to keep her lover all to herself for the most part. After all, while it was nice having people like Lumen or Uncle Rocky around, the vixen found that they were at their best when it was just the two of them.

“Maybe we gave a few dolphins and fishermen something to think about at the very least?” The little sense of sweetness and warmth that she felt as she exchanged those teasing words and tender kisses seeming to bring just a hint of the mischief that the mermaid so often flaunted to the forefront, she couldn’t help but bite her lip as she imagined some stranger getting an eyeful of the wicked little deeds that had been done here, along with the mouth-watering positions they had done them in. Enjoying the chance to have her woman all to herself but that show off side that Sofia seemed to possess also rearing its head in an impish fashion, the idea that her lack of restraint might have left someone she didn’t know all hot and bothered seemed like icing on a rather indulgent cake that she had already enjoyed, and made it all the sweeter.

“Always the charmer, aren’t you?” Sighing softly as the sweetness of her lover’s words parted their kissing again, Miss Serena purred gently and guided her hand daintily into the hair of her dishy dark diva, gently using her nails to caress the woman’s scalp as she held her in place and looked into the luscious gemstones that were her lover’s eyes, studying them for a moment before something seemed to spark in her mind.
“Heheheheeh, well, if you’re going to do that, there might be a big question that I need to ask?” The commentary of the coquette to whom she clung only seeming to further stir the intention of the girl, after taking a deep breath and considering the matter for a moment the sapphire siren began to realize that after everything now was as good a time as any to broach the subject really.

“I’ve actually been thinking about it for a long time…” Sighing gently as she felt a sense of anxiety seem to rear its head even in this blissful circumstances, while Sofia was sure that she wanted to ask her lady love the one big thing that she had never expected to when she left home, despite the nervousness that was instilled within her the foreign fox did not find herself pushed away from the issue.
“Ever since we went to your hometown, really…?” Instead simply feeling a little tug away from the issue that seemed to call upon her to explain herself a bit more as she gathered her nerve to let loose something that would, admittedly, leave her feeling quite disappointed and perhaps a little hurt if the woman with her refused it, though the matter was somewhat delicate and maybe a little bit out of the blue, the teen knew that the White Empress was the only person she had ever met worthy of her proposal…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 Empty Mon Aug 05, 2019 3:11 pm


WORDS: 650 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

It was almost impossible for the two of them, to savor every last treat they had to offer one another without instinctively aching for more. At the same time, their love life depended on it enough that neither could quite get the thought out of their mind for long without the other's seductive finding some cheeky fashion of rousing it again. When experience meets lust and lust meets love, the end result always feels undeniably satisfying, until Alisa could only purr as she savored those luscious lips of her beloved Sofia, showering her with affection as her tongue snuck out to meet hers, chuckling cheekily at her enticing little image:

"...Ufufufu~ And in a matter of days a remote little islet off the coast of Astera becomes quite the hotspot~", she added, quickly reaching the natural conclusion of their lovely little escapade, should any fortunate souls had caught sight of that vivid imagery and managed to get away. It wouldn't have been nearly as hard though.

Caught in the throes of passion with Sofia like that, Alisa had little a thought to spare for peeping toms, and even while basking in the afterglow as such, the girl lying lazily underneath her left her comparatively little interest anybody else. Her body hotter than any volcanic spring and yet, her scent fresher than any sea breeze... The more she looked at her beloved and the idyllic setting they found themselves in... The less of a need she felt for anything else.

"Hmm, I'd like to say I try, but... I really don't~", not that she ever really needed with Sofia, but at this point the blue haired beauty knew that well enough for Alisa to see no need of saying it. Instead, she merely cooed softly at that heavenly caress on her scalp, those shimmering ruby eyes fluttering shut for the briefest moment as she delighted in that delectable touch, gazing right back and smooching her cheek as she twiddled with her hair... Yet Sofia's serious tone certainly caught her off guard, evidently so from the way her brow rose, and yet the undeterred Alisa merely smiled, "Oh my~... When you put it like that, how could I ever say no~?"

Despite the playful tone, Alisa's eyes were thoroughly earest, all the more so when she sensed the anxiety in her lover's usually laid back form. The real answer came in the form of a gentle, reassuring peck as her hand slid slowly up Sofia's form, caressing her cheek as she gazed deeply into her eyes

"Whatever it is... You have my undivided attention, Sofia~", she knew just the way to set her at ease, and instead of merely hanging over as she had been, the cool sculptress nuzzled her way down, all but purring as a girlish, youthful look drew on her face, in stark contrast with the elegance she carried herself with. In the end, she found herself tracing aimless shapes on that silky smooth skin of Sofia's, as if easing the words out of her without any real pressure.

The curious way she gazed upwards into her eyes seemed almost cute, chin resting on her plush, supple breasts as such, and yet the way she looked into her eyes was undeniably serious, paying close attention to every word even through her efforts to help her girl relax. After all, the pair had never quite encountered a hurdle they couldn't overcome so... No matter how big, surely whatever question Sofia had go ask would bring the two closer in the end, and judging by the racing in her heart, the slow, captivating sway of her legs... She couldn't really wait to hear it~


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 Empty Tue Aug 06, 2019 5:35 am



“It’s probably a bit silly, really…” A small hint of blush spreading over her cheeks as she found her sense of anxiety climbing that bit higher, while Miss Serena felt no shame or embarrassment in currently being without a single stitch to cover herself in this situation, the sense of emotional vulnerability really started to affect her. Counting on Alisa for as long as she had known her in one way or another and developing a greater sense of trust in the woman with every day that passed, while the foreign fox was a little confused as to why formalizing that fact seemed to be such a daunting thing, she couldn’t help but feel flustered as she decided to make things a little more ‘official’ between them. Or at least she was going to try to.

“Not like it will change much between us, but…” However, regardless of how ruffled it made her feathers the foreign femme not wanting to keep on toying with the issue without doing anything, she knew that if there was ever a time to confirm their connection in a full sense it was right here and right now. So even as she babbled and felt a little bit nervy, Sofia knew that on some level she was doing the right thing, and also wanted to do it in the right way.

“L-Let me just…” Shifting a little and then gentle guiding the gorgeous goddess with whom she was laying off her form so that she could assume a more appropriate position, once she was freed from the blissful entanglement that they had been enjoying together Miss Serena took up a pose that perhaps betrayed her intention in the matter. Taking herself down on one knee and reaching out for the hand of the White Empress as she took a deep breath herself, after seizing in in a gentle and loving but also rather firm grasp the sapphire siren showed a look of seriousness and unguarded intensity in her gaze as she looked toward the vibrant eyes of her voluptuous vision with yearning and hope.

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 Empty Tue Aug 06, 2019 12:23 pm


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

Honestly, she'd never quite seen Sofia this hesitant. She couldn't help but find it a little cute, and yet she knew the girl truly found herself burdened by something she could hardly get off her chest.

"No doubt~...", assured the sculptress, nodding and chuckling as she stroked her hair gently, making more than a conscious effort to help put her love at ease. And yet she knew whatever the question on her mind, no amount of assurance from the statuesque sculptress could truly allay her concerns. In the end, she'd have to take that leap forward on her own, trusting Alisa would be there to catch her, "...If anything... I'm certain it will only bring us closer together~"

As she motioned Alisa away from her, she naturally obliged, peeling herself away from their irresistibly soothing embrace so as to give her lover the breathing room she no doubt required. She held the girl's gaze, taking hold of her hand as she stood up and brushed the stubborn grains of sand clinging to her smooth, pale skin. Where she merely aimed to help her lover onto her feet and if anything hold her through her challenging words, she instead recieved something else entirely: Even a cool beauty like Alisa had her limits, and seeing this girl kneel before her as such... At that moment her eyes widened, gasping in utter bewilderment as what she could only imagine would come next.

"M-my~...", all too quickly her had had slid up her body as her cheeks reddened visibly, rubbing her clavicle in a manner that seemed far too dainty for her usual self, easily betraying how she had in some way antecipated the question that might come next. How could she not? Holding that beautiful blue gaze, she found herself rubbing the girls hand, her heart thumping wildly as her imagination went wilder still, "Sofia... Are you~...?"

She made an effort to remain silent, all but frozen as the girl held her hand so loving and gently, finding herself unable to plan anything even for the few seconds to come.


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 Empty Wed Aug 07, 2019 8:16 am



“…Alisa Vollan…” Just lingering like that for a second or two, loving that feeling of connection and intimacy that she shared as she held her lovers hand and shared such an intense and intimate gaze with the woman, as her lover questioned her with just a hint of bewilderment in her eyes Sofia could only nod and give a small smile. The time that they had spent together helping the vixen from Valerica to see past the ‘mask’ that her magnificent companion wore and through to her real feelings, while the window she had found to see the emotions of the empress was small, it was none the less reward to discover right now and not least because she sensed less fear through it than wonder and surprise. It was reassuring to know that the idea of proposal didn’t seem to make Miss Vollan want to bolt like a bronco away from her that was for sure.

“Would you do me the honour of giving me your hand…” So, with her resolve never stronger because of this hint of assurance and a smile upon her lips that was as sincere as any she could manage, Miss Serena took a slow breath and then decided to ask what had been burning away inside her all this time. Never letting her the stare that she sent toward Alisa shift and not even wanting to blink for a moment as she took in the wonder that was her woman, the sapphire siren found herself wishing she might take a snapshot of this moment and the ones that followed it to keep the moment alive forever and even show it off. However, even this sentiment didn’t stop her from being quite the cheeky bitch.

“In an adventure~?” Honestly finding she was quite surprised by how happy she was made inside at the thought of marrying Alisa but this not the aim she had in mind from the get go, the mischievousness of the mermaid shone through as Sofia revealed her true intent, having been playing up her approach in wicked fashion though not entirely out of a desire to prank her partner. In a way taking this very nearly as seriously as she might have done the idea of being wed to this wonderful woman, the impish islander had never expected to find someone she would not only tolerate in her endeavours but actually look forward to experiencing them with her.

“Let’s go find something marvellous together, eh?” There so much about the White Empress that was yet to be revealed to her but the sweetest little mysteries seeming like they were solved in the heat of conflict and excitement, this dark dish was as much an adventure as anything else could have been, and Miss Serena wanted to be greedy and enjoy her alongside other delicious discoveries on the road. Having fought their way through conflict and come out the other side better for it, now was the time for them to find a little fun and thrill in their escapes, right?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 Empty Wed Aug 07, 2019 3:33 pm


WORDS: 450 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

Never in her life had Alisa heard her own name uttered with such weight to it, even for a prideful woman like herself. Sofia undoubtedly brought out her most vulnerable side, but also her most youthful, as she could only look forward to whatever she might actually speak, awaiting eagerly like a bashful teenager as if the love of her life was about to propose. Not that she ever imagined herself being in these shoes, but she most certainly never considered she might actually give a positive answer as she did now:

"Sofia~...", she all but purred her lover's name, her lips curling into a smile as she fanned herself softly, scarcely able to predict how exactly she might respond, for once not nearly as concerned about her cool.

But in the end, the kind of question ultimately reaching her ears could have made her frown and gawk in equal measure...

Alisa most certainly expected the other question, even if she soon felt silly for how easily Sofia took her for a ride. Though her attempts to play along faltered under sheer amusement as she let out a hearty laughter, only finally reaching a hand over her mouth as formed a proper reply. The absense of that actual proposal certainly left her with quite an odd mixed feeling, no doubt favoring the nonchalance of Sofia's cheekiness to the seriousness of a marriage proposal, but still feeling a tinge of disappointment she couldn't quite wrap her head around:

"Yes... Yes, yes, one hundred times yes~!!", speaking far more excitedly than she normally might as she leaned in and pulled Sofia into a hot, passionate kiss, guiding her beloved into an excited twirl as she giggled and purred into those luscious lippies, suckling softly on them, seeking the girl's tongue with her own as she hummed delightedly into the kiss, savouring the moment with that faintly salty taste before, holding her soft, supple form tightly against her won before eventually letting her stand on her own two feet, gazing lovingly into those enrapuring eyes as she reached up for a tender, loving caress of her cheek, "Oh my love... How long have I yearned to hear those words~"

Despite the almost dramatic show of romance, the cheeky hint with which she responsed to her question, the way she looked into those deep blue eyes was anything but. For an adventurous young vixen like Sofia, nothing felt quite as attesting to the depth of one's feelings as to invite another to those wonderful adventures, the kind that made all those stories Alisa so loved to regale herself with:

"I can only imagine what wonderful adventures you have planned for us~", nodding delightedly, she giggled once more as she cupped her cheeks once more, smooching her lovingly, purring into it as her arms slowly slid around Sofia once more, lavishing her whole form with the kind of heartfelt passion few people would ever recieve in their lives, gasping and humming into the kiss as she nibbled on her lover's bottom lip, gazing deeply into her eyes, "I just know... They'll take our breath away~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 Empty Thu Aug 08, 2019 10:36 am



The wait seeming like it took forever, those few moments that passed between the question and answer feeling like they lasted for centuries, regardless of how long it was or felt like it was worth it to Miss Serena to see how Alisa reacted. Expecting to see her roll her eyes or chide her or more likely lay out a cool line as she was so accustomed, the sapphire siren found herself taken by surprise as a bouncy side to the black beauty was unleashed upon her in a manner that she would have never anticipated, but despite that she loved both the reaction and the kiss that followed.

“Mmmnnnnffffff!” Giving what amounted to half a groan and half a gasp as she found her body being plucked forward effortlessly by her ebony haired enchantress, after a moment of surprise the mermaid found herself melting with a purr as she felt the hot and soft lips of her luscious lover pressed against her own, and eagerly returned the kiss with equal intensity. Not even wasting time trying to grab a breath as she wrapped her arms her lady love and suckled on her lips with a feverish level of desire, the sheer sense of excitement and passion inherent in her kiss made things just a little rough as she shared her sense of jubilation in their naked clinch, pulling at the lips of her lover and almost biting them in a frenzy before sharing her tongue with her.

Cute Lisa is the best version, confirmed~ It seeming like she had aimed to surprise the White Empress but ended up being upstaged in that endeavour almost immediately, despite how happy she was to know that Miss Vollan was eager to partake of a thrilling journey with her, what made the moment even more blissful was how the black belle had responded to her because of the proposal. Revealing a new side to her that maybe Sofia had hoped was there but never really witnessed in such an unguarded fashion such as this, all she could do was bask in the glory of her partner as she showed off a girly and giddy side that the vixen doubted many others had seen. Especially so since she had become a woman.

“Oh well, we’ll see where the tide takes us my dear~” Humming gently as she nuzzled her lover and just clung to that sense of gentle warmth that no summer sea or ray from the sun could ever compare to, though Miss Serena had no particular direction in mind for them right at this very moment, she knew that wherever it was she would love it.
“But no matter where it is, I’m sure with you by my side I’ll be struggling for air in all the very best ways~” The dull doldrums turned into delights with only the casual addition of the dark diva, the foreign fox was confident that no matter their direction she was in for excitement and pure bliss, and that was just by virtue of the fact that Alisa Vollan would be with her. With that, it hardly seemed to matter what kind of adventure they ended up on…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 Empty Sat Aug 10, 2019 10:46 am


WORDS: 510 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

Perhaps she gotten a bit too carried away, in her attempt to present an excitable act, Alisa no doubt revealed a tad too much of her own excitement at having heard a question like that... But with Sofia in her arms, the whole experience didn't feel nearly as vulnerable as the aloof sculptress might have imagined it would. Instead, she could only giggle as she twirled around and giggled, letting her beautiful blue vixen swing around her fast enough for her lustruous blue hair to whip around behind her, enough to marvel at her beauty as her hand slid up to caress her cheek, melting her warmth:

"Mmmmmn~....!", purring heavily inbetween smooches and giggles, Alisa merely squeezed her lover tigther together, melting in her warmth as she nibbled those luscious lips in turn, finally letting her feet back onto the comfort of solid ground as she gasped soft and tenderly, slowly catching her breather after such an aching, unyielding kiss, "Hah~... Sofia~..."

Purring the name of her lover like a mantra that only made her body feel warmer at every turn, her hands wrapped around her waist, coiling around her like a snake, as if to drown in that ever soothing heat as she nuzzled her rigth back, gazing lovingly into her eyes as she chuckled at those ever cheeky words, winking playfully as she could only run her hands down that lovely blue hair, as if grooming it right back into that delectable straightness Sofia all but prided herself in. Well, if she didn't, she most certainly should; Alisa for one certainly enjoyed caressing those silken strands as she flirted with the beautiful mermaid, giggling in tune with her as she replied:

"Mmmm, indeed~... I've no doubt it will take us somewhere satisfying~", she teased, that silky soft caress turning into a playful little twirl of Sofia's silkier hair around her finger, purring as she pecked those luscious lips once more, nuzzling her lovingly as she melted in her loving warmth, chuckling at those ever playful words, "If only asphyxiation always felt so pleasant, hmmm~?"

Truly, Alisa could hardly think of anything quite as delightful as feeling herself short of breath as she though of the beautiful mermaid named Sofia, but then, the girl had a way of making just about anything delightful. Even being stranded on a lonely island as such, far off from civilization... Felt like absolute heaven:

"Come on~... Let's look around the island shall we~? We went to all this trouble to find it, the least we can do is see what else it has to offer~", she spoke, nodding into the thin measure of jungle the island had to offer, the kind of place pirates would maroon their crew in for punishment... But for two mages who could very much fend for themselves, and find their way back to shore at any moment... Truly, for the two of them, there was nothing to do but enjoy this tiny slice of paradise fate had thrust upon them all to kindly~


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 Empty Sat Aug 10, 2019 11:47 am



“Heeeheeheee, that’s certainly one way of putting it~” Arching her brow at the rather technical choice of words her lover seemed to make with her joke, though the line that Alisa laid out was rather a bad one, Miss Serena couldn’t help but giggle despite this fact given how cute it was to see her being that little bit awkward. The White Empress always so smooth and confident with her wordplay that a tiny little slip like that seeming like a wonderful change of pace, the sapphire siren couldn’t help but snicker and smile and then pull her beloved black beauty into yet another sweet clinch as she did so.

“I’m so glad I’ve gotten to know you…” Squeezing her lady love closer to her with a gleeful giggle and then suckling on her woman’s lips as she lifted a hand to the cheek of Miss Vollan and petted it softly, after giving her a quick kiss Sofia couldn’t help but pull back and share a few words before diving back in for those delicious lips almost immediately.
“The real you is even better than the one you show everyone else~” Caught up in her passions, that strong sense of desire for the woman interfering with her yearning to share a sentiment with her that felt like she needed to impress upon her gorgeous goddess, the cycle repeated again as the fevered fox pulled herself away from the lips of her lover once more to look her in the eye and tell her just how much she loved the side to her that was more ‘cute’ than sexy, before resuming their kiss and finally peeling away with a slow and satisfied sigh.

“I don’t know what sort of spell you put on me, but it’s even more beautiful than those crystals that you can conjure up…” The fire of the moment seeming to cool just enough to let her enjoy a moment of warmth rather than the blistering heat of passion, Miss Serena leaned in close to her charming companion and took advantage of their slight difference in height to rest her head just beneath that of Alisa’s, nuzzling into the neck and shoulder of the woman as her need for confession continued.
“I love you so much, Alisa Faye Vollan~” So very drink on her passion for her partner right now that she could hardly stop herself from indulging her desire to acknowledge all those feelings that bubbled around inside her whenever her dark diva was nearby, the Valerican Vixen purred softly as she just hung off her girl and enjoyed the moment of sweet intimacy, feeling like she had no demand or aim in her life beyond simply sharing a little sweetness with the luscious lady that she loved.

“Heeheheehee, getting an early start on our adventures, are you~?” Smiling warmly when next her amazing amazon showed an unexpected but not unwelcome desire to explore their surroundings, Sofia couldn’t help but wonder if the moment they had shared in the minutes before had been an influence on this desire, as if her own desire toward discovery might have brought something out in the black beauty few others might have stirred.
“Nice to see you’re so keen but…” Whatever the cause the young coquette certainly happy to indulge that desire for as long as her perfect partner wished to, though she was eager to step off and get exploring with her eminent enchantress, the naughty nymph did happen to remember one little fact that seemed like it might stand in their way a little if they wanted to go off on a nice little island ‘jolly’ together.

“Perhaps we should slip into something a little less comfortable first?” The two of them not even having bothered to slip back into the skimpy garments they had arrived on the island in thanks to the higher priorities that their intimacy had demanded, with a wicked grin Miss Serena skipped over and scooped up a bikini top she had discarded earlier in a moment of passion and offered it to her lover, seeming to want to fully indulge the notion of ‘what is mine is yours’ with chivalrous abandon…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 Empty Sat Aug 10, 2019 3:48 pm


WORDS: 620 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"Well, they are one and the same though... You get to see so much more of it~", she cooed softly, leaning in and smooching her lover's cheek, drawing her way right back to those supple lips, savouring them with soft, gentle pecks, finally giggling as she amused herself with that silky hair, shruggling playfully, "What can I say, I guess I'm a woman of many talents~"

There really was nothing to be ashamed of with her... With everything laid bare like this, she found it surprisingly easy to just speak her mind with naught a worry for how cheesy they may sound. They always seemed to reach the cheeky mermaid, one way or another, and Alisa, on the other hand:

"...And I love you more, Sofia Serena~", for all her playfulness, she couldn't hide the deep redness on her cheeks, or the relentless thumping of her heart... Sofia would hear it all too well as she rested her head there, needing no more than to press her ear against that smooth, alabaster skin as Alisa all but purred and stroked her head, smooching it gently as she cuddle her wonderful girl to her bosom, finding far greater joy in this simple, intimate affection than she ever imagined she might, "Whatever spell I may have cast on you... I'm glad you fell for it like this~"

She could have stood there for hours, days even... Just cuddling the wonderful girl's she'd utterly fallen for, stroking her, gazing into those vibrant eyes of blue... All alone in a place like this whoever, they had far too many temptations to settle only for one, and hearing her suggestion Sofia gladly indulged Alisa's own desire for adventure. Before they got started, however, she rose a rather peculiar concern, one that could hardly go unmentioned:

"Oooh~? Is that so~?", hearing such an objection from her partner only made Alisa's eyebrow raise, cocking her hip to one side as she merely scanned down her sinuous form

Admiring the beautiful Sofia without a care in the world, folding her arm under her round, shapely chest until her cleavage puffed out visibly, curling her lip cheekily as she made a point of teasing her, hardly hiding her own bare form:

"Ufufu~ Hardly anything pressing about it, is there~?", noted Alisa, raising an eyebrow as she nudged her suddenly bashful beloved. True, their swimsuits gave them a faint measure of modesty but, who from? The two of them had nothing to hide from each other, and nobody would really find them in there, "Don't tell me you've suddenly started turning shy after everything we've done together~", she couldn't help but tease her in the end, winking cheekily and giggling as she nonetheless moved over to whatever she'd dropped her swimsuit, swiping off the worst of the sand before sighing in resignation, her bare, shapely chest heaving visibly as she groomed her hair ever so slightly, before covering those full, well rounded mounds with those flimsy black triangles of cloth, "But, if you insist~..."

Tying it behind her neck, she turned on one heel and bared her back to her lover, holding the damp fabric to her chest as she silently requested an extra pair of hands in properly fasterning it behind her back. Sure, Alisa could easily do it herself, but why should she when she had an every helpful beloved next to her who just so happened to remind her to get dressed in the first place?

"Would you mind~...?", but unlike that day when they met, when Alisa would have done this only to tease her, this time she moved and spoke with absolute naturality... Like she'd grown completely at ease with her lover, and merely asking for such a helping hand felt as natural as breathing


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 Empty Sun Aug 11, 2019 6:27 am



“I mean, since you’re mine now, I’m going to be a greedy bitch and make sure I keep the fullness of that fine figure all to myself a bit more often~?” Perhaps a little disappointed that the black beauty did not want to engage in a little ‘wardrobe swap’ with her as she offered out her bikini top, while Sofia would have liked to see that magnificent frame bound by her own little number, she took it in her stride for the most part, especially when her voluptuous vision began to be so playful with her. Purring as she sought out the bottoms to her dark number and then cocking her head once she had scooped them up, the sapphire siren couldn’t help but confess to just a hint of possessiveness over her perfect partner’s pert physique, smirking to the girl as she did so.

“Can you really blame me for having a case of avarice when it comes to Alisa Vollan~?” Not usually the type who tended to be overly ‘greedy’ with the affections and bodies of her lovers ordinarily but finding just a hint of a desire to do so with this delicious dark dish, though for the most part the young woman was joking, but her jests did bely just a hint of commitment. Certainly feeling like she considered herself rather ‘exclusive’ to the ebony enchantress by this point and that little moment with the handsome samurai a few days before only reinforcing that fact, though usually she expressed a desire to let the people she was fond of fly free so that she could so the same, for some reason she felt differently about the White Empress. Though, this might have been due to the fact that she had never really fallen for a woman or a man in the way she had for this amazing amazon.

“Of course, dear, I mean…” Dusting the sand off her own clothing before sliding her own briefs on to cover some of her ‘shame’, when Alisa turned around and gave her such a teasing and tempting offer in the form of helping her with her bikini, Sofia was in no mood to refuse it really.
“Whatever else is a wife for, other than helping her beloved~?” Humming gently as she slipped across the sand and wrapped her own little number around herself like a waistcoat that was made of string because of the frontward fashion in which it was tied, the foreign fox walked with a sensual sway and got in real close to her partner before speaking in a hushed and intimate way to her as she enjoyed a little spot of role play inspired by the event from the minutes before.

“Aside from the obvious, of course…” The blue beauty purring heavily as she approached that soft and sweet skin that belonged to Miss Vollan, it was with no small amount of effort that the girl obeyed a ‘look but don’t touch’ kind of initiative, simply standing there for a moment as she looked over that light but tanned flesh and the unusual marker on the woman’s shoulder blade before setting to business. Still whispering seductively in the ear of the enchantress before her as she did so of course, with words that sounds like the husky hum of a feline the siren gripped the smooth strands that would bind her lover’s bikini and tugged on them sharply, wanting to hear that sweet little gasp that her goddess would make as she found her bust being bound in a fashion that bordered on discomfort, and felt a sense of déjà vu throughout…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 3 SofiaSerana

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