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Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private]

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Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] Empty Wed Jun 26, 2019 11:38 am



“Heeheeheheeee~” A giggle escaping the lips of the sapphire siren as she tugged on the spaghetti thin strap of her bikini and admired herself in the mirror, as she stood there in a sinfully small and terrifically tight option she had chosen just for this occasion, Sofia Serena had to confess she had never felt more exited to take a dip than she did right now. Dressed with no small degree of wickedness and certainly appreciating the way that she looked with her long blue air draping over her body like a cascading waterfall, despite the dishy appearance she possessed, it was not vanity that excited the Valerican Vixen right now, but something else.

Finally, a chance to have her all to myself~ Slipping into a changing room and out of the loose dress that she had been wearing to hide the risqué number she now revealed so as to keep it a surprise, Sofia felt thrilled at having the chance to enjoy a little one on one time with her luscious lady love. So much happening since they had arrived in Astera and really before that as well, with the demon attack and the abyss and everything else separating her from the last time it felt like she had just cut loose and enjoyed the woman she travelled with, the mischievous mermaid was looking forward to seizing the day a little and relaxing with her ravishing raven haired companion.

And no way am I not making the most of it, that’s for sure!  As if wasn’t enough that she had her beloved black beauty to greedily keep all to herself, on top of that their little activity one that she had loved since she was a little girl, today was certainly full of promise and Miss Serena for one was hoping to squeeze every ounce of enjoyment out of it that she could.  After all, you only lived once, right? So you might as well enjoy it…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] Empty Wed Jun 26, 2019 3:09 pm


WORDS: 380 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

After all they'd been through, Alisa could only wonder what her lover had in mind... They hadn't been apart for more than a handful of days and yet to the lovestruck artist, it felt oh so dreadfully long, impossibly so, and even now she could only sigh happily, her supple, shapely chest heaving up and down as she basked in that warm and fuzzy feeling of reuinion... Well, surely the sweltering sunbeams bearing down on her pale, smooth skin had something to do with it, glistening off that sunblock, sweat slicked figure as she relaxed on her lounge chair, with a large, elegant pair of sunglasses matching the midnight black of her alluring bikini... She'd picked it specifically to entice the gaze of a very special muse with hair as blue as the crashing waves before her, and as she took small sips from the cocktail glass in hand, she couldn't help but cock her head back at regular intervals, brow raised, wondering just what might the girl have in store for her:

"Oh my~... How gorgeous~", mumbled the sculptress, her jaw dropping as she took in the stunningly curvaceous physique, the irresisibly ravishing beauty her beloved Sofia so eagerly flaunted before her admiring, wine red eyes. She couldn't help but lift her shades, and the moment their eyes met, the lithomancer could only bite her luscious lip, making no effort to hide the attention given as she slowly sat up and scanned up and down her enrapturing form, "Ufufu... Matching swimsuits hmmm~?"

Even with her lips hidden behind the elegant cocktail glass in hand, Alisa could barely hide the appreciating smile on her face, beckoning her lover closer as she pat the lounge chair beside her. She only had eyes for Sofia, and the girl knew it well enough Alisa saw no point in hiding it... It had been a while since she last saw her wearing so little, and at that point Alisa could only wonder just how in the world had she endured it for so long.

"If I didn't know better, I'd hazard guessing you picked that one just for me~", she teased, winking cheekily at the beautiful blue vixen~

Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] Empty Wed Jun 26, 2019 7:04 pm



“W-Wow…” Slipping out of the little changing room she had found and tracking down her terrific temptress all too quickly, as Miss Serena took in the gorgeous goddess who she now had a strong urge to call her girlfriend she couldn’t help but murmur with delight at what she saw, the dark diva looking so resplendent as she relaxed that her lover was left red in the cheek just looking at her. The battle they had been through taking a toll on them in many ways but both of the pair seeming to be better with it behind them, it felt to the foreign fox like she was seeing Alisa like this for the first time again somehow, and felt even more attracted to her than ever before.

“Well, what can I say~” The difference in their dealings never more apparent than what happened next, as she was teased by the wonderful White Empress, for once Sofia did not feel the need to defensively toss anything more than the tiniest amount of playfulness back toward the black beauty now. They had moved beyond that for the most part.
“My girl has good taste so I can’t help but emulate it a lil, now can I?” Exposing herself in a figurative sense in that battle and the nearness that she had gotten to losing her gorgeous goddess making her realize how much she cherished the woman, though Miss Vollan kept up her usual cool as a cucumber attitude, it felt easier for the sapphire siren to speak more honestly and open with her.

“But, it’s nice to know I pull it off almost as well as you do, my dearest~” Smiling quite genuinely as she found herself relaxing simply from the presence of her beloved nearby and only blushing just a little bit as she spoke from her heart, Sofia purred softly as she leaned in close to the woman with whom she was so smitten and squeezed the softness of her hand before nuzzling her lips like a pleading kitten desperate for the attention of her mother…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2019 1:23 am


WORDS: 380 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

Not only just better, they'd clearly come out of the battle stronger for their troubles, but then, there is that whole saying about the most beautiful flowers blooming in adversity. In the eyes of this contemplative artist, there was no greater evidence of that than the ravishing visage now presented before her:

"...And who knows just how much attention to ourselves will that draw~", she teased, knowing fully well that like herself, Sofia too only had eyes for Alisa and nobody else, neither cared much for what others might make of their affections.

Thus she couldn't help but admire the way her hair fluttered with the slightest breeze, the graceful sway of her hips with every poised step, following every motion like the most beautiful picture she'd ever seen. In turn Alisa could only make herself presentable, adjusting the strap on her swimsuit until her bosom quivered softly:

"I never doubted you would for even a second sweetie~", eagerly accepting the invitation, her arm slid around her lover's waist oh so sensually, the narrowing of her eyes contrasting with the deepening hue on her cheeks, evidencing how the beautiful mermaid's mere presence had her heart racing the whole way, faster and faster as those luscious lips drew near, all but skipping a beat when they met at long last, "Mmmm~..."

Alisa couldn't quite get enough of that slightly salty taste, that soothing scent sweeter than a sea breeze, her hand squeezing gently around her lover's as her thumb glided back and forth along the back of her hand. Slowly but surely, she'd lean back just enough to guide her lover deeper into her embrace, all but gasping into the kiss when the warm, oiled skin of her plush chest met her lover's


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2019 12:49 pm



Such a sucker for sweetness, isn’t she? Gasping softly as she felt that soft pout pressing up against her own, as her lover mewled the mermaid couldn’t help but curve her lips a little bit in satisfaction, loving the feeling of making Alisa melt more than anything else she could think of right now. The kiss that she shared with her beloved escalating slowly and coolly in a way, even if people were staring at them as Miss Serena suckled softly on the sweetness that was the lips of her lover, she didn’t care one bit either way.

All those saucy little lines and then what makes her melt is a little sincerity~ Moving past that and simply savouring the chance to enjoy the affection she could share with the luscious lady that she called her own, as her hair slipped out of place and ran down her shoulders like water the sapphire siren simply purred, her hand flowing up from the hand of her perfect paramour and resting on the cheek of the woman as she eased away with no small amount of hesitation. Showing dizziness in her gaze as she drank in the flavour of her fellow femme and how delightful her dark diva looked in this intimate position, Sofia was tempted to slip onto the lounger with her lover and continue this little moment with even less concern for what onlookers might make of them, but decided against it.

“Heheheheh~ So, looking forward to taking a dip with me~?” The nose of the nymph wrinkling as she lingered only inches from the lips of her lover, Miss Serena’s words were like a purr as she probed her partner on their plan for the day, humming gently and fighting the urge to lunge back in for another taste of heaven as she stroked that soft and silky cheek with her thumb.

“It’s been a while since we got wet like this, hasn’t it?” Very much at peace with how things had escalated and developed between them by this point but still herself of course, with a smirk and her head sagging to one side, the vixen couldn’t help but tease the temptress who had stolen her heart playfully as she ate up the warmth that she was offered by the warrior woman. All the while getting more and more excited about what they were going to do next, of course…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2019 3:14 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

Indeed, Alisa had very much grown accustomed to seduction in every shape and form, on both ends of the playing field... At the same time, she had surprisingly limited experince in that crazy little thing called love, and merely indulging in that heart throbbing sensation left her aching to leave her beloved nymph feeling as special as she saw her:

"Sofiaa~...", heaving the name of her lover into that short and sweet, yet no less breathtaking kiss, Alisa savored it to the last moment, holding her darling close, suckling that pouty, luscious bottom lip between her teeth as the girl peeled away, her long, shapely legs shifting slightly as she merely giggled.

Overjoyed at their reunion, Alisa brimmed with desire to cherish the girl she'd grown to smitten by, arching her back softly as she held her close, tempting her with her scent and whole bodied warmth as she admired those beautiful blue eyes like the most dazzing sight she'd ever laid eyes upon. Yes, she could very much spot the aching in her eyes, chewing her supple bottom lip and never missing a chance to inflict her own slice of temptation:

"You know it, my beautiful muse~", replied the playful sculptress, not showing nearly the same amount of restraint as she looked into the girl's eyes and licked her lip teasingly, caressing her smooth lower back and exporing that delectably soft skin with her sensitive sense of touch, nuzzling the girl's hand oh so temptingly as she held her gaze and smooched it gently, admiring every little reaction as she held on tightly to her hand, "Makes you wonder just how in the world did we hold on so long, does it not~?"

And she'd never let go again. She'd never felt the same kind of strength welling up inside her as the moment she leaned on her promise to Sofia to make her way back, unable to forgive herself if she let down the girl she loved so. Understandably vulnerable in the face of this cheek reddening tenderness, Alisa nonetheless still strove to give as good as she got

"I barely remember the last time I went for a dive...", confessed the sculptress, almost excusing in the way she rubbed behind her neck, as if she'd been neglecting one of her favorite hobbies for far too long, "Thankfully, I have someone at my side who's very much in her natural element~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2019 6:01 pm



“Holding out? My, with you by my side, no wait feels too long~” Giggling softly as she leaned in close and let loose a line of her own that with anyone else she would have probably said with no small degree of subtle sarcasm, though that habit made it hard to convey a comment such as this with true sincerity, the siren had a little ‘cheat’ to ensure her lady love got the point.
“...and every tender moment feels entirely too short, if you ask me~” Leaning into her luscious lover once more and running her lips across that pillow-like pout as if she was punctuating her words with her actions, Sofia suckled on that softness in a slow fashion to say that she was in no rush so long as she had her lovely lady nearby, letting loose a blissful groan once she was done and allowing herself no small moment to take in the loveliness of her ebony haired enchantress afterward.

“Oho~? A diver, hm?” Cocking her head to one side once she was finished with her teasing kiss and taking in the breath-taking features of her black beauty before pulling away with a satisfied sigh, the sapphire seductress found herself pleasantly surprised to learn that the treat she had planned would not be the first time that Alisa had enjoyed the treasures that were left beneath the surface of the sea, finding something sweet about the common interest and also regretting the fact that she hadn’t had the chance to explore it together before this moment.

“Well, I suppose you did look damn good in the water when we first met, but I always expected a classy lassy like my lovely Lisa to be a ‘pools only’ kind of girl~?” The idea of her lover delving into the deep inevitably leading the mind of Miss Serena back to how they had first met, the mirth-filled mermaid could remember the image of her gorgeous goddess passing through the water as if it was yesterday, recalling how entranced she had been by that voluptuous vision named Vollan and how it had led to so much more than that. Some might have said that they were only here together now because of that moment, though the foreign fox couldn’t help but doubt such a notion since their chemistry and connection seemed too perfect for their union to have been brought about by anything less than fate.

“Heeheehehee, you’ve done this sort of thing before, then?” Humming to herself as she began to move away from the easy resting place that she had found her beloved and down toward the water instead, as the foamy edge of the tide began lick at her feet, Sofia turned on the spot and giggled as she waited for her woman to join her. Intrigued by the idea of the White Empress ‘roughing it’ in the wilds and taking her dips in depths like this one, the teenage temptress was only further reminded of the mystery that surrounded her magnificent mate and because of this, she also hoped that she might find yet another way to break through the enigma and find another glimpse of what lay beneath the guard of her ‘Lovely Lisa’…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] Empty Fri Jun 28, 2019 7:24 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

For once, Alisa got the message quickly enough, past the teasing and temptation through to the true feelings of her beloved, enough for a husky, enticing giggle to leave her lips as she nuzzles those luscious lips right back, not quite kissing yet more than enough to bask in their softness, enough she couldn't help her nails digging oh so tenderly into her the girl's softness, whispering breathily as she gazed lovingly into her eyes:

"If only we had all the time in the world~... Who knows just whatever might we do with it~?", when seductive charm and loving tenderness rolled into one, the result boiled down to an irresistible flame of mutual longing that both girls never hesitated to fan at, "Mmmm, very much so~"

She was indeed a diver, nothing felt quite as liberating as immersing herself in that deep, all encompassing blue, an almost overwhelming sense of freedom for those who could avoid the panic of being so far out from one's natural environment. For the adventurous, fearless sculptress, the advantages far outweighed the potential dangers.

"My, such a flatterer, aren't you my lovely Sofia~?", teased the sculptress right back, tucking a loose strand behind her har and winking teasingly at the girl as she peeled away the her delectably slow pace, yet never letting go of that dainty soft hand, even holding her gaze as she sipped what remained of her deliciously sweet cocktail. Perhaps that inebriating beverage might be the furthest from the ideal choice before a potentially long dive, but for a woman like Alisa, she saw it as little more than an uplifting refreshment at this point, "Ufufufu~ I guess even the wonderfully sly Sofia Serena can't be right all the time can she~? Though I'll say, I'm always delighted to surprise her~"

For all the openness they'd attained with one another and respectable depth of their feelings for each other, Alisa missed no chance at teasing her, narrowing her eyes playfully as she slowly stood up from her seat, making a show of sliding her long, shapely legs off the lounge chair, all but gasping in delight as she felt that warm, soft sand sifting between her toes. Running a finger over the edges of her bottom, she merely nodded:

"A couple of times, yes~... Not nearly as much as I'd like to, sadly but...", she replied, only just enough playfulness seeping throught not to detract from the honesty of her answer, nodding at her lover's curiousity and smiling with a playful giggle, "Surely we're still in time to change that hmmm~?"

All but sighing as that mild, pleasant chill of water slowly enveloped her feet in its welcoming caress, Alisa could only look into those beautiful eyes of her lover as she walked side by side with her, admiring that beautiful visage in her natural element, striding cooly into the water with a faint, graceful sway of her hips, almost like she wanted Sofia's beauty to be the only sight before her as the ocean's embrace eased them into its depths...


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] Empty Sun Jun 30, 2019 5:36 am



Such a tease, she loves it doesn’t she~? Glancing over her shoulder and pausing as she watched the showy manner in which Miss Vollan chose to return to her feet, though she bit her lip as the smooth and sensual motions that her lover made as she moved, Sofia couldn’t help but smile and shake her head a moment later. The woman for whom she had fallen so very flaunting of her gorgeous good looks and grace, though some might have found her behaviour vain or over the top, the cyan siren loved it.

“Heeeheeeheee… Posing for the camera’s~?” The sweetness that she had for her lover certainly not diminished at all by the vanity that was shown by her voluptuous vision, the vixen giggled and cocked her head as she found her mischievous spirit starting to get the better of her, teasing that temptress verbally as she relaxed and waded a little bit deeper into the tide. Perhaps she wouldn’t have fallen for this fantastically foxy female if she wasn’t so prone to flaunting her looks so causally? It certainly made her feel a whole lot more at home doing the same in response.

“And in my back yard too… Maybe I’ve finally found an ‘arena’ in which I can better the White Empress, hm~?” Walking so that the waves lapped around just below her knees and then turning around to face her lover with a smirk on her face, the water witch began to stir the sea around her up, almost as if she wished to upstage the woman next to her. Perhaps this a part of the response for Miss Serena but on the whole the motivation of the mermaid more to put on a lovely show for her beloved black beauty, with a twist and as slow and elegant a move over her head with her hand, the teen coerced the water over her head in an arc that drooled down across her like heavy rain, not that she minded this of course.

“What do you think~?” Always happy to feel that cool rush of liquid over her body, Sofia beamed as she soaked her body in salty wetness to make it shine in the sunlight, her curves so perfectly highlighted by the drooling fluid that saturated her silky soft skin. Looking toward her luscious lady all the while as she did so, the nymph flicked her hair as she basked in the attention of the only ‘crowd’ that mattered to her, even if it was the smallest in the world…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] Empty Sun Jun 30, 2019 8:19 am


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"Stunning~...", Alisa could only mumbed that simple, barely audible word of approval, and yet her expression spoke volumes, those plush, luscious lips parting as she curled them, all but admiring every last drop as it rained over her lover, cascading down her pert, curvaceous figure, leaving a glistening rivulet in its path. She could barely stifle the ensuing lipbite as she slowly admired her lover head to toe, striding slowly but surely past the waves reaching up to her full, shapely thighs, "Ufufufu~... My such a becknoning Siren you've turned out to be, Sofia~"

The moment she met those beautiful, alluring blue eyes of her lover, her own lips widened into a knowing smirk. Inching close her to the tempting vixen with every step, she made sure to remind her how two could play that game. Even a larger wave had nothing on her advace as it washed over and bobbing her slightly off her feet, merely making the cool sculptress adjust the tight, drenched black top around her wet drenched, glistening bosom, tucking a loose black lock behind her ear as her fingertips finally glided sensually around her lover's hips, guiding her into a warm, dripping embrace, a loving, passionate kiss with the ocean's blessing.

"Mmmmn~...", merely just leaning in for a smooch had her skin feeling warmer already. Sure, the sun helped but in the end that wonderful water mage in her arms held the lion's share of the blame for that, leaving her pulse rising whenever their supple lips met. It started as little more than a chaste kiss, and then another, a little suckle on those irresistible lips of her lover while her fingertips tempted her in a myriad ways, inching tantalisingly close to the knots of her black swimuit, teasing near the wet black string around her hip in a way she knew would leave Sofia shivering for more, devoid of any thoughts of aquatic challenges to come, "Come on now~... Don't tell me you'll let me outrace you in the water my beautiful mermaid~"

Indeed, neither of them could keep any manner of contest in their minds for too long at this rate, though Alisa still couldn't help but tease her beloved as such, nipping at that wet, salty skin as her hand caressed up and down her back, drinking deeply of that beautiful blue gaze, admiring the look of the one she grew closer and closer to calling her girlfriend. Between that irresistible attraction they always had and the newly discovered love for each other, pulling her their hands away felt very much like a tall order...


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] Empty Sun Jun 30, 2019 11:14 am



“Unnmmmmmm~” A clever retort forming in the mind of the mermaid but almost immediately melting away the very moment that she felt her lovers lips upon hers, Miss Serena was left groaning as the little ‘spark’ she was given by Alisa provoked a roaring fire, and all too quickly she began to kiss the woman back. Arms shooting around that soft but strong frame and her fingers practically clawing at her companion as she longed for that feeling of closeness and intimacy, the seaside siren purred blissfully as she suckled on the lips of her luscious lady and even went so far as to share the velvety touch of her tongue, but before the fire could grow too wild something happened to cool the situation. At least momentarily.

“Kyah!” The water that she had lifted above herself remaining suspended for a few seconds of sublime smooching but giving way as the focus of the foreign fox waned, all too easily the gentle shower she had been showing off became a sudden downpour as both women were subjected to a rather hefty splash of water, provoking a gasping yelp from the younger as she found herself caught off guard.
“Looks like we’re getting wet together even faster than usual, hm~?” Chuckling as she found her hair and body damper than ever and then whispered a playful little line to her lover because of it, the purr of the princess ceased for hardly a second of surprise before she found that heat returning to her, and her actions guided by the situation.

Siren she says, hm~? Launching forward again for a second ‘taste’ of her temptress without skipping a beat, as she gripped her gorgeous goddess tightly and began to sample the sweet taste of her lips for a second time, the sapphire seductress couldn’t help but get a naughty little idea. Waiting until she felt the White Empress relax into their kiss and then taking advantage of this fact to do something rather cheeky, with her embrace so tight and longing Sofia couldn’t help but let her weight fall behind her, pulling the pair of them down into the water for another cool and wet surprise. This time she was expecting it, however, and not for a moment did the fox flinch or break the kiss she was sharing, instead only intensifying it as she sank beneath the water with her beloved black beauty…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] Empty Sun Jun 30, 2019 1:28 pm


WORDS: 420 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

Alisa accepted the gracious offer quite readily, her tongue snaking out to meet and mingle with her lover's, all but dancing lovingly as she held her close, purring softly into the increasingly passionate kiss, letting her hands wander up and down that sinuous, alluring form, her fingers twining through the wet tresses draped down Sofia's back:

"Wah~...?!", equally caught off guard by the shower that marked her lover's complete loss of focus, Alisa nonetheless basked in the cool, unexpected shower as the telltale proof of triumph, the disarming of her beautiful vixen. The welcome relief from the searing heat overhead was little more than a welcome bonus by comparison, "Ufufu... Indeed we are, I mean..."

Winking cheekily at her lover as she rose one palm up, catching the few remaining droplets while her other hand lingered on her lover's hair, she found herself twirling a silky soft strands around her finger, gazing into the eyes of her lover, biting her lip in a silent affirmation of her words.

"...You alone had us both soaked dreadfully fast my sweet Sofia~", teasing her cheeky lover, Alisa felt much the same effect as Sofia did, eyes shooting wide as that suddenness of her lover's retaliation disarmed her just as easily, making the cool sculptress gasp into the kiss and quickly melt into it once again, "Mmmn~..."

Giggling into that irresistibly tasting smooch, she found herself suckling softly on that bottom lip, teasing it between her teeth as her hands once more wandered around her lover's torso, only to gasp as she found herself pushed underwater, surprised by the unexpected move and letting out a stream of bubbles as she admired the submerged mermaid atop her, like the most beautiful visage Sofia had ever graced her with. Alisa's surprise, however, was short lived, her gaze soon narrowing into a smoldering stare as her nails dug gentle yet passionately into her lovers's softness, gripping her tightly the moment they found themselves cut off from the outside world. Down here, in private, with only but their affections for each other... There was no need, or will to hold back beyond a potential lack of oxygen... But Alisa could hold her breath long enough to savour this moment to the last, and had no intention of doing anything else.

"My love~...", devoid of speech below water, she nonetheless mouthed the words knowing the girl could read them, punctuated by the vivid red hue on her cheeks... In those scarce moments when the kiss broke, she found herself stroking the her cheek, gazing into those beautiful blue eyes through an aquatic lens... She was so beautiful~...


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] Empty Sun Jun 30, 2019 2:21 pm



“Mmmmmnnnnn…” Barely even noticing the water that surrounded her once she had pulled her black beauty into the depths with her, the taste and warmth that she felt from Alisa was all that Miss Serena could register right now, and really it was all that she needed. Groaning as she felt that beautiful body defying the liquid that surrounded her to press so perfectly against her, bubbles of breath drifted upward between suckling little kisses that wanted so very much more as the sweet flavour of her lover overpowered any kind of saltiness that the sea could offer. Yet the siren was still not satisfied.

“Uffuffuffuffu…” A slow, rhythmic chuckle escaping her lips as she basked in the bliss that was a kiss from her lady love, as her hands swept over that hot, wet body of the White Empress, Sofia couldn’t help but roll them over as they lingered in the low level of water. The turn that took place seeming to be in slow motion because of the moisture that surrounded and saturated the pair, with a sense of avarice and assertiveness the teenage temptress twisted both her own body and that of her beloved to seize the proverbial ‘high ground’, humming as she found herself above her dark diva and looking through the water into those beautiful red eyes before lunging in for a second smooch.

She feels so gooooooood~ Unable to say all that much really and knowing that, Miss Serena answered her verbal denial by being especially expressive otherwise, lifting her hands up that perfect form of her partner slowly and sensually before burying her fingers into those lustrous black locks to grip the head of the woman more tightly. This great new grasp guiding her into a more feverish kiss than ever before, even as she felt her breath growing short the mischievous mermaid did not hold off on her lip lock one little bit.

“Uwah!” Clinging to her coquettish companion as tightly as she could and suckling on that sweetness more firmly than ever, it almost seemed worth choking to enjoy the bliss of the kiss she shared for a few seconds longer, but finally the young woman pulled herself from the deep with a noticeable gasp. However, even as Sofia emerged from the water panting for breath with her hair slicker than ever, she knew that the light-headedness she felt was not entirely due to the circumstances she had just endured, but rather because of the heaven she had just enjoyed with her lover…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] Empty Mon Jul 01, 2019 11:22 am


WORDS: 440 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"Such perfection~...", there was little to think about beyond the overwhelming beauty of this moment, gripping tightly to her lover's soft, curvaceous form as her hand came to rest on her lower back, teasing the tender spot with her fingernails without ever easing up, holding her so close even the ocean struggled to reach between them.

Hidden in the surf and away from prying eyes, surrounded by this deep, all encompassing blue, the whole world revolved around the two. Alisa wanted nothing more than to bask in this endless, soothing yet uplifting warmth of her beloved, relishing the saltwater tinged kiss like the most delicious flavor she'd ever experienced. Yes, Sofia looked at home here, the shimmering, rippling surface of the water providing the perfect backdrop to her aquatic vibrance. It almost felt like her luscious lips were all she needed to breathe, more so than the air she could get from the surface, and there they remained as long as humanly possible, locked in a feverish, impassioned makeout as her hand hooked behind Sofia's neck, feeling the silky softness of her hair, gazing into her eyes inbetween insatiable kisses. But all good things come to an end eventually, and the moment Sofia peeled away to surface, the sculptress followed suit:

"Haaa~...", Alisa surfaced with a long, breathy exhale, her full bosom heaving visibly as a deep inhale soon followed right after as she relished not only the salty breeze, but her lover's scent first and foremost, the one sense that she found utterly deprived inside their watery eden.

Even now her gaze lingered on those succulent, irresistible lips, biting her own at the slighest thought of the amorous bliss they'd just shared making her heart race like never before... And even then she couldn't help but giggle as she admired that same look on her dazzling face, slicking her own dripping hair back

"Ufufufu~ I guess that's another way to leave you breathless~", teased the sculptress, keeping her arms around her lover even as she emerged, wrapped tenderly around her waist, easing up just enough to properly allow her enough freedom to move as she wished. Yet still close enough squish her firm chest alluringly against her, enough to nuzzle her cheek gently, smooching it gently as she whispered into her ear, "Pity we can't live underwater, is it not~...? Can you imagine just what we might do down there... With all the time in the world on our side~?"

If anything, the thought only made the adventure to come all the more thrilling... Even if all the time in the world might be a little far fetched, they could most certainly find ways to make the most of it~


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] Empty Mon Jul 01, 2019 2:35 pm



“Damn, you beat me to it~” The comment about taking her breath away something that Miss Serena wanted to cleverly deploy, as she lifted her hands up and smoothed out her long, blue locks, the drenched dish smirked and then snickered softly before leaning back into the body of the black haired beauty with a purr.
“Looks like great minds really do think alike, huh~?” Wrinkling her nose playfully as she felt her beloved pressing against her own and feeling a little shiver as she founded the softest part of Alisa bearing down upon her own, the cyan seductress purred softly as she got the chance to see how a kiss in the air might have compared to the one that was shared beneath the waves.

“Mmmmmmpphhh~” Moaning as she lunged for the lips of her lover again and smiling as she did so, the arms of the azure angel cradled her wonderful White Empress, if the taste of that sweet kiss was a drug then the Valerican Vixen would have to by now consider herself rather thoroughly addicted to such an irresistible poison.
“L-Lisssssssaaaaa…” Hissing the name of her partner with a giddy delight between suckles, as she got ever more daring the nymph in the ocean ducked under the jaw of the woman before her and suckled at the sweet and silky flesh she found there. Finding the dusting of saltiness offered by seawater only seeming to bring out the flavour of her amazing amazon even more, Sofia suckled firmly on the throat of her luscious lady without even worrying who might have been watching them at the moment, loving the reckless abandon she felt right now.

“You know, it’s possible you might be able to explore plenty of the ocean today~” Parting from that tender flesh only to answer the tasty little topic the temptress had raised, after spending a moment admiring the little red mark that she had left in her wake and licking her lips because of it, Miss Serena purred and cocked her head to one side as she kept herself within close and intimate contact with her coquettish companion.

“You are going swimming with a witch of the water, after all~” Noting that she was certainly just the sort of woman who Alisa might love to have on hand given their plan for the day, it actually surprised the siren just a little bit that she hadn’t shared a certain spell with her lady love up to this point, but at the same time excited her as well. Blessed with a gift they could really make the most of on a day like today in a place like this one, it almost seemed as if fate had been waiting on a chance to give them a really amazing aquatic adventure, and now was now finally ready to hand it over…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] Empty Mon Jul 01, 2019 3:17 pm


WORDS: 450 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"Indeed~... Yet it seems that even among them all...", replied the sculptress, nodding playfully as she basked in the delectable sights, sounds and scents only her beloved could provide, tempting her in every way imaginable until she could only giggle triumphantly as the girl lunged for her lips once more. Alisa had been all too ready to receive her, arms wrapping tightly around her and suckling those pouty, luscious lippies between her teeth, giggling as she concluded her thought inbetween smooches, "The two of us... Truly stand out~..."

Yet despite her cheeky confidence, she most certainly didn't expect that escalating advance as she merely caressed up and down her dripping back~ Sofia really had been honing the art of catching her lover off guard, and yet nothing quite compared to the intensity of this touch, so much Alisa all but trembled, ever so softly, eyes widenig slightly as she went in for the kill and suckled mercilessly on that exposed, tender spot until her head tilted back softly and an audible sign of approval made itself heard.

"Aah~...", a soft and breathy, tantalizing little sound escaped the sculptress' lips as she felt that delightful tingle in her neck, the soft, irresistible warmth of her lover's lips radiating throughout her entire body, until her nails dug softly into that softness once more, and she rewarded her beloved's endeavor by petting behind her head gently, smooching her forehead again and again as she chuckled and spoke at long last, "Ufufufu~... We haven't even started our trip and I already have a souvenir~ Such an eager girl~"

Again and again she lavished her beloved with tender butterfly kisses, stroking her cheek lovingly and guiding those playful lips to hers, meeting them halfway as she all but sighed in delight. The fact that they seemed unable to get their hands off each other barely registered with Alisa, who had eyes for only Sofia and nobody else but Sofia, the rest of the world seemingly fading into inconsequence until the mention of adventures with a water witch had her brow raising:

"My, what a tempting little thought~", added the sculptress, eyes narrowing as she held that ravishing aquamarine gaze, all but making a show of biting her own lip now that Sofia had parted, running her hand over her neck, brushing away what strands of hair draped free, wearing the proud pink mark between with whole hearted delight, and nothing but love for the girl who'd given it to her, sighing happily as she twirling those silky blue locks between her fingers and cocked her hair, "Just what might a lovely little water witch have in store for us~?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] Empty Mon Jul 01, 2019 6:24 pm



“Heeheeheeheee~” Giggling at her gorgeous goddess and the playful little remark she made about the attention she received, Miss Serena purred as she found herself being towed toward the lips of her temptress once more, mewling with delight once her mouth met with that of her lovers. Eagerly indulging the gesture, of course, the sapphire siren suckled on that soft and now slightly salted sweetness that she found in the pillowy pout of her partner, trapping the bottom lip of the woman as their kiss ended as if to demonstrate her reluctance to leave it and tugging it with her a little way before smirking and letting that lusciousness go.

“Can you blame me when you taste so good, hm~?” Not leaving the lips of her lover alone for too long, however, our heated young heroine only parted from her beloved black beauty to deliver a cool little line to her before lunging back in for a brief reprise of the moment. Slipping back into that oral dance as if to make her point, Sofia snickered softly once she had delivered a short but satisfying little smooch to the White Empress before she eased away and purred softly, sensing that if she let herself the teen would certainly spend the whole day here idly teasing her companion and getting nothing done, and while that did sound like heaven adventure was waiting for them after all.

“Oh~? Well, since my lovely Lisa has buttered me up so nicely, I think it’s time to let you know…” Sighing softly as she peeled herself off the perfect shape of her partner and straightened herself up for the moment, as Alisa began to toy with her locks and seek the answer behind the activities that she had planned for her day, Miss Serena hummed softly and cocked her head as she teased her with her reply.
“You’ve seen quite a few nifty little numbers in my aquatic arsenal, but I think I have at least one or two left that might surprise you…” Enjoying the chance to have her clever and confident lover at her mercy even in this situation, had she been the sapphire siren of the past then the girl might have really drawn out her reply, but on this occasion her desire to share something wonderful with the woman nearby outweighed her urge to push her limits.

“Like this one perhaps~?” Lifting her hand up and running a dainty digit along the lip of her lover simply for her amusement before performing a simply little gesture that would be enough to activate one of less observed entries in her terrific tome of watery whimsy, the witch flicked her finger around the face of her fellow femme in a circular shape as she let her mana get to work. It not really taking long at all for the effect to be rather prominently visible, especially from the face of the fox in front of her, the foreigner watched as a bubble of water wrapped around the head of the White Empress, encapsulating that pretty face of hers in a serene little orb of semi-solid liquid which would provide her with all the oxygen she would need no matter what depths they reached later on…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] Empty Tue Jul 02, 2019 3:20 pm


WORDS: 450 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

This time, Alisa saw it coming, gladly welcoming the beautiful Sofia into her arms as she lunged for her lips once more, arms snaking around her torso, holding her tightly and purring at her warmth as she chuckled oh so gracefully:

"Oh, hardly my love~...", giggling as she savored that ever delectable smooch, Alisa couldn't help but snake her arms around her lover the whole way, nuzzling her cheeks, suckling on those pouty lips as she gazed lovingly into her eyes, squeezing the girl tightly against her as her forehead came to rest against her lover's, stroking her cheek amorously as she heaved, and finally rewarded that eagerness by nibbling Sofia's bottom lip as she peeled away, purring playfully as she continued, "I completely understand you there~... Some treats just make you feel like... You could sample them forever, hmmm~?"

Alisa could barely help herself as she nuzzled that adventurous little digit, eyes narrowing as she bit her lip, evidencing a poorly veiled temptation to reward her with a cheeky little nibble. Instead, she opted for the roundabout option, holding her lover's gaze until she knew she'd seen that wanton lipbite, looking almost pleased with herself before that look faded into wide eyed astonishment:

"Oooh~...? So this is what you had up your sleeve hmmm~?", noted the sculptress, her long, shapely legs whipping slow and gracefully at the water below, keeping herself so steady at the surface she barely even bobbed up and forth. The moment she felt such an elegant, one of a kind regulator mixed with a mask, she eased up on the strength of her strokes, letting her slowly descend beneath the rippling waves as she shot her lover those ever present words of appreciation, "My, what a convenient technique you've decided to show me~ This really is going to be the adventure of our lives hmmm~?"

Even without Sofia's kisses, that insistent racing of her heart wouldn't subside anytime soon as the thrill of adventure yet rung loud, and even know Alisa made sure to hold her lover's hand as she slowly sank beneath the surface:

"Oh my~... Been a while since I had a view like this~", she mused, once more devoid of speech as she found herself underwater, yet the bubbly helm her beloved conjured for her proved to be quite the effective widow to the world beneath them.

They weren't particularly deep yet, she could yet see the bottom quite clearly from the surface, as well as probably sift the sands below with the tip of her toes if bothered to try it... At this point though, all Alisa awaited was the arrival of her dearly beloved Sofia, admiring that curvaceous silhouette just below the rippling, shimmering surface of the water~


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] Empty Wed Jul 03, 2019 6:49 am



So, that’s what it looks like on someone else? The corners of the coquette’s mouth curling upward a little more as she looked toward her lover, the woman looked as if she had a pearl or bead that was made of gently shimmering liquid wrapped around her head, providing her with all the air she would need and also quite the unique visage as well.
It’s pretty~ In the habit of using the technique upon herself but this the first chance that Miss Serena could recall ever using it on another person, the water she had encased her lover’s face in glistened in the light and looked like a giant blue jewel, and yet was transparent enough that not for a second did she miss out on that beautiful face of her beloved.

“Pretty handy, huh~?” Giggling softly as she watched the woman marvel at the creation and then descend into the water to test it out, Sofia cast the same motion that she had on herself in order to provide the same aquatic option that she had shared with her lady love before following the woman. This one of her most prized techniques really, while it was not as striking in either a visual or combative sense as some of the larger and stronger techniques in her arsenal, it had always been one that the sapphire siren had loved. One of the very first entries from her ‘Shape of Water’ spell book that she had mastered, the vibrant vixen could remember how she had raced to the shoreline after learning it as a little girl and used it to further her little adventures, marvelling at the beauty that she found beneath the waves and waters of her homeland. And now she could share that with someone so special to her.

“Yes, the sea can be like a treasure, can’t it?” A little surprised to hear a voice echoing around her ‘helmet’ when she sunk underwater herself but at the same time delighted by it, given how she had little opportunity to share this gift with others the sapphire siren had largely forgotten that ‘sharing’ her magic like this also allowed for a communication function as well. The voice of Miss Vollan sounding a little echoed like they were talking through tin cans and twine but the result good enough, the mana flow that connected her to her lover also allowed for a transfer of their words so long as it was kept up, which made for a nice little bonus that they could readily exploit on their fun little day.

“Though, the range isn’t very far, for the spell as a whole so you’ll have to stick close to me~” Smiling as she moved through the cool substance that surrounded them and kept her gaze upon Alisa all the while, almost in a re-enactment of their first meeting the mermaid couldn’t help but circle her girl with the capable swimming skills she possessed after so many experiences like this. Smiling all the while as she exploited the water within which they found themselves to twirl and dance around as if gravity had no influence over her, Miss Serena purred through the connection they shared before slipping in close to the luscious lady she so longed to share her adventures with, and sighed softly with satisfaction as she felt that silky and submerged form against her own.

“But I’m sure you’ll find a way to cope with that, hm~?” Denied the chance to kiss her companion by the presence of the bubbles they were wearing and that somewhat disappointing when the lips of her lover were so enticing, as she made a mental note to see if she could refine her spell so as to allow that little spot of affection at a later date, Sofia rested her makeshift helmet on that of the White Empress, hoping that at least a hint of fondness she felt might just make it through the seal regardless…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] Empty Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:13 pm


WORDS: 570 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

The moment she met her lover's gaze beneath the surface once more, Alisa instinctively rose her hand in front of her and formed an okay sign. Though hardly a professional diver by any means, her experience meant she needed all these basic, universal signs that anybody could see and understand. Alas, she'd never actually went for a dive without the proper apparatus, which made her feel rather silly when she heard her lover's voice echoing through the bubble. To her credit, she kept her cool and betrayed little to none of these emotions, merely undoing that sign in a haste and slowly swimming towards her lover:

"Indeed, the sea is very much a treasure on its own, but~... Having the right person to share it with makes it utterly priceless~", she replied, running a hand up her neck, almost like how she might have once brushed her hair behind her back. Guess old habits really do die hard.

But ultimately, no treasure was quite as wondrous as the voluptuous vision of blue now gently swimming towards her, and Alisa took every moment she could to merely marvel at here lover as she met her halfway with slow, gentle breast strokes. Being able to enjoy this underwater scenery devoid of heavy contraptions or having to look at a timer every few seconds... Felt utterly liberating... So this is what mermaids and Sofia could enjoy whenever they felt like hmmm~? Alisa would be lying if she said she wasn't a tad bit jealous, but she took it in stride as was her prerogative, and very quickly opted to savor every moment of this chance to enjoy that very same treat:

"Hmmmmm~... Now that is quite a convenient limitation as well, is it not~?", cocking her head cheekily as she neared her lover, Alisa threw the girl a cheeky little wink. Even devoid of such a limit, she'd never planned on wandering too far away from her adventuring partner, though Sofia likely knew that well enough for Alisa to see no need of saying it.

Definitely not about to call her out on it, Alisa very much relished every moment spent beside this wonderful mermaid who she found herself falling deeper and deeper for with every passing moment, never sparing her teasing little praise at every turn:

"Mhmmm, I can think of worse things in life than sticking close to such a talented, ravishing water mage~", despite the cheeky little giggle, the amorous way her hands rested on Sofia's waist spoke for itself, her cheeks reddening as she all but sighed in delight at the closeness. Yes, even with all the wondrous undersea world to explore, Alisa couldn't peel her eyes away from her beloved, making a point to tease her about it as she continued, "Who knows, maybe she'll just show me a sight to beat the one before me as we speak, but... If she doesn't, I'll certainly not hold it against her~"

Holding her beautiful girl tightly against her, Alisa held the two in place with relative ease, controlling buyoancy with her each and every breath, delighing in the unique sensation of floating weightlessly with her beloved, cocking her head in until her forehead came to rest on the bubbly helmet, drinking deeply of the deep blue of Sofia's eyes like the ultimate source of strength before a long, expansively adventurous day ahead.


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] Empty Wed Jul 03, 2019 5:46 pm



“Yes, it almost seems as if the spell was designed by a couple who simply couldn’t get enough of each other, doesn’t it?” Smirking at the playful tone of her partner and feeling a pang of disappointment that she couldn’t take their little flirtation further than this while they were in this kind of situation, as she felt Alisa wrapping her arms around herself Miss Serena settled for a simple gesture that she hoped would infer the sweet affection she hoped to her life. Lifting her hand up to the front of the bubble that her black beauty was wearing and turning it around, with the back of her fingers she gently stroked the soft surface of the seal as she would have done the face of her partner in a moment of intimacy, hoping that the blue membrane would suffice as a substitute until they might find a chance to express what burned within them a little bit more thoroughly.

“Oh goodness, how you flatter this talented water mage, Miss Vollan~” Purring gently and adding to her affectionate motion with a pouting kiss to the air that surrounded her head but sent in the direction of the dark delight that she clung to, Sofia batted her lashes playfully at the playful praise that she received from the woman with whom she was entangled.
“I suppose no matter what we find down here, I’ll have already seen the most beautiful thing resting beneath the waves given my current view~” Giggling softly as she took in the gorgeous looks of the goddess with whom she played beneath surface of the water, the Valerican vixen felt a shiver pass through her as she took in that breath-taking beauty in black, feeling almost tempted enough by the sense of privacy and intimacy that they were provided with to do something very wicked indeed.

“Though, that doesn’t mean I’m going to give up too easily, my dear~” Ultimately deciding that despite the eagerness she had toward surrendering to certain urges within her that her companion so effortlessly inspired she was better off waiting until she could fully enjoy them, with her pulse pounding a little bit quicker Miss Serena hummed and dismissed her devilish desires for now as she eased herself out of the arms of her lover and instead threaded their fingers together.
“Come, let’s see just what we can find down here, hm~?” Smiling as she wrapped their hands together in another more subtle display of intimacy and connection, the sapphire siren purred softly as she looked toward the sea that stretched out before them and tilted her head toward Alisa with a soft giggle, finding her excitement starting to get the better of her as she began to swim toward their watery horizon and find out what might be lurking upon it…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] Empty Fri Jul 05, 2019 1:51 am


WORDS: 470 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"And what a brilliant invention they came up with, hmmm~?", noted Alisa, eyes narrowing softly as she drank deeply of the shimmering blue of her lover's eyes, all but leaning into her hand and purring as if she could feel her hand through the bubble, delighting in the touch she was sadly deprived from feeling

Giggling at her lover's earnest reaction and returning a flirtatious wink, Alisa merely delighted in every moment of this shot of submarine seduction, the kind of which not even the two of them had ever experienced before. Sure, they'd savoured the flames of love atop intrictate crystalline waterfalls, and yet romancing each other this far underwater still struck a special note:

"My, and you call me the flatterer~", replied the sculptress, chuckling as her cheeks reddened nonetheless, feeling that invigorating tingle travelling throughout her whole body, until she couldn't help but nibble her bottom lip ever so softly, "Ufufu, such wonderful confidence my darling Sofia~ But quite frankly... Yielding so eagerly would be far too dull anyway, would it not~?"

As if to drive her point home, Alisa took but the briefest of moments to tighten the hold around her lover's waist, just enough to feel the girl's smooth torso against her toned midriff, making up for the inability to give her a proper kiss with a teasing, cheeky little smooch of the watery bubble serving as their helmet~

"Mmmm, let's not keep the ocean's treasures waiting any longer hmmm~?", replied the sculptress, lips parting ain a soft sigh as she took hold of her lover's hand, matching her pace as the swam away together, "I wonder what we might find on the sea floor~..."

It wouldn't keep them waiting much longer. Only a few meters further down and they promptly swam past a small school of fish, each no bigger than one's forearm... Well, thanks to the lens effect of refractive water, she knew the actual size of anything she saw was roughly two thirds that of what she saw... Not that it stopped her marvelling at the magnificent creatures in their natural environment, curious little things drawing so close to the pair Alisa could almost reach out and touch one:

"My~... Friendly little guy, aren't you~?", noted the sculptress, delighting in the ticklish sensation of the fish gently nipping at her fingertips, shooting Sofia a curious glance in turn as she squeezed her hand a bit tighter, tenderly stroking her smooth skin.


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] Empty Fri Jul 05, 2019 1:40 pm



Now that’s my ‘Lil Lisa’~ Marvelling at the sight of the oceangoing group and looking across them with a smile on her face, as magnificent as it was to see the school of fish, there was something even more wonderful that caught the eye of Miss Serena. Watching as her luscious lover began to toy with one of the more curious numbers in this collective, as she heard Alisa giggling as the watery fellow began to nibble at her fingers, the foreign fox couldn’t help but snicker with her but for quite different reasons.

“I think you’ve found a ‘fan’, my love~” The little moment that they shared down here seeming like it was so different to what she saw on the surface, while playfulness and persistence had steadily peeled away the ‘wall’ that her warrior woman put around herself and closed the distance between them, this instance seemed like so much of a refreshing change of pace that had Sofia not been so keen on leaving the scene undisturbed she would have thrust herself forward and embraced her ebony haired enchantress right then and there.

She’s at her best when she drops her guard a bit and shows how sweet she can be~ Perhaps the privacy of the ocean allowing the White Empress to relax even more than she usually did around her, the mix of curiosity and cuteness that her companion showed truly was a treasure, and made the mermaid wish she could capture the moment with some form of spell or device so she could look at it forever. Sadly, she couldn’t, and memory would have to suffice.

“Though I can hardly blame ‘em…” Smiling with a sense of warmth that might have given the bright summer sun that lay above the surface of the sea a run for its money as she watched the scene, Miss Serena purred softly and squeezed the hand of her beloved firmly, wanting to encourage her to explore this not so often seen inquisitiveness and let her take the lead in their exploration.
“I mean, seeing you underwater for the first time had quite the effect on me too~ It’s a rather captivating image?” Excited to see this intriguing new side to the woman who she had fallen for, while an underwater adventure seemed like quite the source of entertainment and intrigue, the true discovery that the day would hold seemed to be not of a place but of a person, and that person’s name was Alisa Vollan…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] Empty Sat Jul 06, 2019 4:03 am


WORDS: 440 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"Ufufu~ And he's not even the first one I've made underwater~", teased the sculptress, glancing towards her cheeky lover and throwing her a playful little wink, eagerly reminded of their first meeting... She looked as beautiful as she did now, well, almost as much. In the end it appeared that the mysterious Sofia Serena was a seafaring girl at heart, and yet the more she learned about her, the more interesting she seemed, and Alisa could only admire the way her long, aquamarine hair meshed with the deep, all encompassing blue, fluttering behind her in silky, graceful tresses, "Many others may come, very cute ones at that, but~... The first will always hold a special place in my heart~"

Only the ticklish sensation on her fingers drew her eyes right back to their new aquatic fans, as curious about the two mermaids as they were of them. Giggling playfully, she soon noted how a few other friendly little fishes seemingly followed their bolder companion and reached closer to the duo, all while Alisa took her time bonding with one of the colorful cuties, admiring the smooth texture of its scales as she pet it gently:

"And this coming from such a charming, gorgeous water nymph~... My, what a wonderful compliment~", she cooed softly, lips parting softly as she waved their aquatic friends goodbye as their carried on their way, hand reaching up to her chest, gracefully rubbing along her cleavage. Hard to tell if Alisa was merely being playful with such a dainty gesture, and yet the hue in her cheeks clearly hinted at how those heart pounding emotions she felt with Sofia were very much real, with the couldn't stop herself from stroking her hand lovingly, gazing into her eyes as they slowly sunk deeper and deeper, closer to the bottom of the sea, "If only you knew how mesmerizing you look right now~..."

Guiding her muse further down, Alisa could only look up the whole way, admiring that wonderful visage against the radiant, increasingly faint backdrop of the water's surface. They had now reached easily below twenty meters, and yet with the water so clear, they could see everything as well as they would under a bright, cozy morning sun, letting them take in every last underwater sight... Assuming they could actually peel their eyes away from each other just long enough to do it:

"Come on, let's see what we'll find behind those rocks~", spoke the sculptress, all but purring as she felt that soft, wet sand through her toes, an almost excited giggle escaping her lips as she guided her gorgeous girl on the adventure they'd been dreaming about~


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] Empty Sat Jul 06, 2019 2:01 pm



“Oh, I know~” Chuckling softly and tilting her head to one side with a purr, the compliment that was sent toward her by her companion made Miss Serena lament their inability to express their affection fully even more, making her curse inwardly as she gave a cool response to her lover about her own ‘mesmerizing quality’.
“I spent a lot of time admiring myself in the mirror before I picked this option out…” This of course nothing that was news to the naughty little nymph, her lips curled into a smile as she confessed just how much time and energy she had expended in finding the black number she was wearing right now, knowing that it would amuse Alisa to no end imagining her being so fussy on her account.

“And even got some favourable feedback as well~” Not exactly looking to make her lover jealous as she admitted the degree of effort she had put into wowing her today but not minding it either, unknown to the woman whose hand she squeezed gently but firmly, it had been quite the adventure finding this special little collection of string and just a tiny bit of black cloth.
“The impact of this bikini was well researched, I’ll have you know~?” Not doing things in half measures as far as her beloved was concerned, Sofia had even gone so far as to secure a ‘consultant’ to get a second opinion on just how  high this option ranked on the ‘jump my bones’ scale, and was glad to report it was right at the top. Maxed out on jaw dropping potential and lustful invocation, it was a sinfully sweet little outfit choice that had boosted both the looks and confidence of the wear and judging by the reaction that the White Empress was having to it, the research clearly wasn’t lying either.

She’s pretty adventurous when she relaxes, huh? Humming softly as she followed the lead of her luscious lover and cruised to a deeper level of discovery, as amazing as their surrounding was, what seemed even more incredible was the new side of Alisa and how much Miss Serena loved to behold it.
Suppose she did find those nice spots for us to train in too… Perhaps realizing she had been a little hasty in regard to the ‘judgements’ that she had made over the interests and character of her beloved, now that she was given the chance to see the black beauty doing something other than fighting enemies or being such a sinful seductress the Sapphire Siren was in awe of the woman even more.

She tends to be all art and appearance usually, but this is my favourite side to her, I think? Someone that was keen on voyages and ventures of her own, as her voluptuous vision showed a quality to her that maybe on some level she had always sensed under the surface but never fully seen, the mesmerized mermaid found herself even more smitten than she usually was.

I’d wanted to ask her to go on an adventure with me now that our ‘compass’ is clear, and this seals it… Always longing for that horizon and that fresh discovery, the want of wandering that the water witch felt was shared by few others that she had encountered, but as she watched her wondrous woman prove to be such a sublime spectacle that surpassed anything she could have hoped for, Sofia made up her mind about something.
I’m gonna take her somewhere that will blow both of our socks off… And hopefully more? Not knowing exactly where the future might have taken her but unquestionably sure by this point that wherever it was there was a place by her side in it that could only be filled by the woman that she explored the depths with, as she let the sights and sounds take a back seat to this magnificent marvel, the girl from the island could only smile and hope that they found far more and more days like this one. Every day was the most amazing adventure with Alisa Vollan by your side…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] SofiaSerana

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