With such a remark Judith just said."If you seek a wise one with in my family, I am sadly taken."She just had to sneak that in there as she would continue this part of this conversation."The key to it, If you are actually willing to is not actually trying to tame some one, But rather see if the bond comes naturally."Simple advise as always, but it was a true to a point. Might be from Judith's life with Anders to suggest such a thing to him if he was looking advise on such a subject.
It would even turn to her saying this."To view yourself as problem or different in a world of so many different face....To liches, Elves, angles and demons. Where no one questions to start with is a reality saddening upon it's own thought."Judith would leave that to for him to think over up until Judith mentioned it they were both just normal people, It was what she was personally trying to show.
But Judith smiled, since she wanted him to do something he wanted, Not what he felt like he was compelled to by anyone."I am not the one who's choice it actually is."Judith finally say it rather then just kind of skirt around it."You should do what Kazimir wants to do, Never what anyone compels you too...For if you just work that way, You will not blow freely as the wind."With that advise Judith wanted to hear what would be said, since Judith felt like something was holding him back form whatever he wanted to do in this situation.