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????????? Empty Thu Oct 17, 2019 2:47 pm


Unitology Awaits

A myriad of priests had begun to enter the gates of Crocus, chanting some unintelligible prayer, clasping their hands together. They were all draped in white clergy robes with a red border stole designed with solid gold fabric along front of robe with gold crosses and border around cuff with full button-down across the front. The leader in the front was wearing the same thing except he had a large pope headdress that was mostly gold and red than white and large gold staff topped with a cross. As they got to the town square, the pope(?) raised his right hand to signal the rest to spot chanting and halt. The pope continues to walk forward until he is as far into the center as he can possibly go. He then raises both his arms to the crowd of priest and yells another unintelligible order before the other priests split up and slink back into the darkness spreading across the city. The pope himself continues to stand in the middle of Crocus, a crooked sneer forming on his face  before putting his arms down when his sect was no longer in sight. The priest would beckon all would-be followers of his new religion to come forth and join him. Come all, come all come be apart of the one true religion, UNITOLOGY!!! It will give you strength, long life and a "connection" with your fellows, the pope bellowed to all who would listen. 

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