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Pillaging [Mini-Event] [Quest] [Yumi | Odin]

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Pillaging [Mini-Event] [Quest] [Yumi | Odin] Empty Sun Feb 09, 2020 3:26 am

The sweet sound of a young girls voice carried through the streets of Crocus as she sang a melody. However, the lyrics of the said melody made people back away with terror in their eyes. A strange chill of fear at the morbid and murderous words was sent down their spines. "La de da de dai, I love to not leave a single man alive. La de da de duh, I love to leave a trail of blood. A path of corpses in my wake. Dum de die. Who shall be the next to die?"

The owner was a young girl who looked barely fourteen maybe fifteen years of age dressed in a low cut black and red gothic dress filled with red frills. The dress was cut low exposing her creamy white thighs and the black garter she wore. Stockings ran up to her knees where they connected to said garter. She wore black high heel boots and carried a long staff on her back that was longer than she was. The girl's hair was a deep shade of black that cascaded down her back cut in a princess style around the forehead to show off her heart-shaped face and crimson red hues that glowed like gemstones.

"La de da de dai, Nothing but genocide. La de da de duh, Leaving behind an ocean of blood." The girl walked with a bounce in her step as the crowds parted to make way for her. Many who were aware of just who she was, as this strange girl had a fearsome reputation, known as the Witch of Carnage across Fiore for the travesties she had committed in the last seventy years.

Ignoring the looks she was receiving, Yumi was making her way to one of the local bars in Crocus. She was to meet up with an old friend. The two had met up not long ago and decided to lend each other a hand. Yumi had been undertaking numerous dark acts lately with the world being in chaos with the appearance of the Seraphim and Demon kind popping in and out. Though the appearance of the two races had died down, chaos was still around as people were sorting out their lives. The crime rate had gone up significantly even here in Crocus.

Laughing to herself the demoness skipped into the local tavern and headed towards the bar. She was waiting for an old guild member of hers to arrive, Odin. She had met him many weeks ago in Era along with two other interesting individuals. Humming a soft melody the demoness ordered a strawberry milkshake out loud. The order got strange looks from everyone present as others even laughed and mocked her. Sneering the demoness unleashed an explosive wave of killer intent from her body. The murderous aura swept through the bar installing fear in everyone. Eyes glowed red as the demoness glared daggers at one of the men who mocked her, making him gulp and collapse to the floorboards.

Turning to the bartender, Yumi barked ordering him to hurry up with her order. Normally the demon would order an alcoholic drink in the way of whiskey or scotch, but she wanted to satisfy her sweet tooth with a delicious strawberry milkshake.

WC: 544

Pillaging [Mini-Event] [Quest] [Yumi | Odin] FIXCi2K
Character Profile | Character Sheet | Speech colour #ff0099
#2Odin † 

Pillaging [Mini-Event] [Quest] [Yumi | Odin] Empty Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:08 am

Odin †

Much like the Lich, Odin's former guild mate Yumi was not one for subtlety. While he was perhaps more noticeable in a crowd, she definitely had the larger reputation. Even the dark Lich of Fiore couldn't compete with 'the Witch of Carnage' a name that Odin had known about long before becoming undead. Yumi was certainly an interesting sort, as she had lived a long and full life before Odin had even been born. Her moniker had been given to her during her time as a human being, but the fear it invoked had only grown after becoming one of the first daemons. Her transformation had granted her the youthful appearance that she was now known for, and Odin had had the privilege of knowing her both before and after the change.

They were meeting in a local tavern to start their day, with Odin having suggested one he had visited once before. Despite holding dark mage as his true profession, Odin was also a well renowned bar owner, and so he often ventured into the pubs of other towns to sample their own wares, often comparing them to his in the hopes of sourcing new product. It was always fun seeing the faces on the bartenders when Odin walked in. They were scared of the inevitable conflict that was about to arise, but also you could see the hope in their eyes: hope that Odin was merely here to try some wines and liquors, despite the fact that the Lich was unable to truly savour any tastes. It had always turned to dust just after the first sampling, which made it difficult to taste anything beyond the initial taste of the drink. It was also why Odin avoided food, as often that initial taste was just a tease before one got to try the main product.

Odin knew he was second to arrive before he even entered the establishment. He could feel the aura from Yumi affecting even him since he was in range. Although mild, Odin knew that the effects would be destructive to those who weren't strong, and so he wasn't surprised when he entered the tavern to find two men unconscious, one crying, and the rest avoiding eye contact with the small, unassuming girl that could burn the place to the ground if she so desired.

"It seems some things never change. You still have that unbelievable presence, my old comrade."

Odin made his way towards the bar, ordering a glass of the pub's finest red wine. Given how familiar Odin was with Yumi, he wasn't surprised to be served the quickest glass of wine he had ever ordered. The biggest surprise was that the wine itself wasn't actually all that bad, as far as Odin could tell, but that wasn't why he was here. It wasn't why the two former Grimoire Heart mages had gathered in this tavern on this day. They were here for a reason, a purpose, one which they could both benefit from.

"So, ready to raise some hell?"



Pillaging [Mini-Event] [Quest] [Yumi | Odin] Empty Sun Feb 16, 2020 12:58 am

Yumi revealed a sinister yet sweet smile on that innocent young face of hers, the smile didn't seem to belong on that heart-shaped face. The first daemon exchanged glances with her old comrade, Odin, who was now a pile of bones, a Lich. She remembered when he had first joined Grimoire Heart, the youngster had been human back then. She had been amused by his joining after all the recruits seemed to have been getting younger and younger back then. But she was one of the oldest members at the time having been in her seventies, so to her it seemed every recruit was younger than the last.

Dainty fingers toyed with the straw in her strawberry milkshake. "When one has the reputation I possess it is only right they uphold said reputation. Of course, this overwhelming presence of mine is one I have achieved through the endless corpses I have left in my wake this past seventy-odd year. Ahh, how nostalgic, my eighth birthday will soon be upon me." Yumi's eyes twinkled with mirth as she placed the straw between her lips and took a sip enjoying the sweet flavour that travelled down her throat.

"It seems much has changed with you as well since Grimoire Heart's departure. I wonder just how much I have missed in these two years since being stuck in the Abyss." Yumi mused openly, legs kicking at the air. The daemon was incredibly short so her feet couldn't touch the ground even though the stool she sat upon was of average height. If people didn't know who she was they'd probably snicker who whisper how cute she appeared, but because those around her and Odin knew who the lolita was they dared not even breathe.

"Hoo hoo hoo I'm always up to raise a little hell. I've never been one to object to the thought of causing a little destruction and mayhem. After all, I relish in such delights. It delights my God to no end when I send him the sacrifices of those ended by my hand for him to torment for all eternity." The demoness remarked as if she was talking about the weather. Talking about death and destruction was a natural act for the lolita. But that was to be expected as she did worship a God who claimed those two as part of his domain along with Chaos, Blood and War. The Dark Demon God Malum a deity who resided with the Abyss and took great pleasure in the torment of human souls.

Killer intent rolled off of the Lolita's body as she downed her milkshake drinking it to the bottom where she slurped loudly. Gasping in delight after finishing the sweet drink off a great heat began to pour out from her body engulfing the bar. "What do we say we start here and now? I'd be more than happy to engulf this place and its wretched patrons up in a ball of flames!" Remarked the young beauty as she raised her right hand. A magical circle formed as a raging red flame appeared. The flame burned increasingly hot that distorted the air with the heat coming off of it. It had been common knowledge in the past about Yumi's prefered method of magic once using it to enhance her martial abilities before migrating to Lightning elemental magic. But it seemed she had once again obtained a new form of magic, one with an incredible flame.

WC: 590

Pillaging [Mini-Event] [Quest] [Yumi | Odin] FIXCi2K
Character Profile | Character Sheet | Speech colour #ff0099
#4Odin † 

Pillaging [Mini-Event] [Quest] [Yumi | Odin] Empty Tue Feb 18, 2020 4:33 am

Odin †

The fear in the room was palpable, and the melodic voice of the little girl who caused it all to be made the entire situation seem entirely ironic. A little girl, a little demoness girl, who was the most unassuming creature in Fiore, yet capable of so much destruction. After all, destruction and chaos is what had granted her these powers in the first place. She remarked about Odin's change since the last time they had worked together, back when he was still human and they were both members of Grimoire Heart. That was a long time ago now, many years and even more events had occurred since those days, changing the Lich into the being he was now. In that time, it seems, Yumi had spent her existence trapped in the Abyss. The past two years in the land of demons. It was a place few could survive, but if anyone could, it would be Yumi. After all, her God lived in one of the planes in that self same Abyss.

And there it was, the mention of Malum. Odin had learned fairly early on that Yumi could always be relied upon for one thing: a sermon. She worshipped her god fervently, constantly bringing him sacrifices to please him, and often spoke about how much she enjoyed causing that pain, torment, misery and chaos. Odin had to admit, he also enjoyed all of it, even if he didn't do it to please his own Goddess. Yumi was lucky in that regard: she at least knew the name of her dark Lord. Odin only knew of HER. He had not yet reached the level of familiarity required to learn the name of the one who had saved him. He doubted any of the Bishops knew HER name either, they were all ignorant, which was why they had to be exterminated.

As expected, Yumi was very excited about the idea of spreading chaos, so much so that she finished her drink in one large gulp before suggesting they start their mayhem in this very establishment. Knowing that he wouldn't be able to change her mind about, Odin quickly finished his own drink, as he didn't expect to have the opportunity in a few moments.

A burning heat, so intense it even made Odin -who didn't have any skin or nerves to feel the heat- feel uneasy. This was a new magic, something Yumi had not possessed the last time they had met. It caused everyone in the room to sweat even more profusely than her presence had made them initially. It caused the Lich to simply laugh, as he realised how ridiculously strong their team up would be, even if they didn't necessarily compliment each other.

"Now that sounds like a fun evening plan, my friend. I'll have to warn you, though. My magic does not discriminate between friend and foe, it just seeps into the skin of everyone present. And by the looks of your fire, you might be in a similar position. You able to direct that in one direction or should I have worn my fire retardant cloak?"



Pillaging [Mini-Event] [Quest] [Yumi | Odin] Empty Thu Mar 12, 2020 7:09 pm

Yumi laughed maliciously, gone was the melodic sound of a sweet innocent voice. A hint of demonic undertone sounded out from the youthful woman as her eyes burned blood red. An angry red flame burned within her demonic hues as an overwhelming blood lust over came the demonic loli. Yumi's body was a conduit for her demonic god, acting as a gate way for the souls of the damned. Those sacrificed to her demon god would have their souls transported through Yumi's body and to the abyss where they would be offered up to the demonic creature called Malum. The euphoria that overcame Yumi was like a drug that made her want to slaughter more, increasing her desire to kill sending her into a true blood lust state.

"Hooo it seems we both have similar magical methods. My magic will not distinguish between friend or foe, simply burning everything in its path. At one point it would even burn e, but I've long inc rectified that weakness." Remarked the demoness with a sinister smile as she began raising a slender hand and pointing it towards the nearest group of drunkards. It seemed by now the occupants of the room had grasped their situation and were beginning to scramble in their drunken states. "Useless fools. Ignite: Flame Burst!" A sinister smile spread across supple pink lips as a vicious gleam reflected in those demonic red hues of hers. A great heat poured out from her body as a magical circle the shade of blood appeared in her hand. A crimson liquid poured out from the seal only to explode violently the moment it made contact with the air.

Crimson flames darker than even blood roared to life with a furious cry. Heat poured through the bar as the flames of hell roared to life. Flames rushed out of the seal and away from both Yumi and Odin. The stream of blood red fire torched the floorboards and surrounding pillars as they headed towards their target. The flames expanded growing to consume a four meter diameter and rushed out with great speed. The flames circled around the group of drunkards engulfing them in its ferocious blaze. Screams of agony filled the air that made Yumi laugh in delight as she listened to them.

"Yes burn! Burn for the glory of Malum! My Great God I offer these poor souls up to you! Take them into my body and claim them as your own! Let them suffer for ten thousand years burning for all eternity! HAHAHAHA!" The demoness laughed her tone transformed becoming more demon and sinister like. A twisted smile spread across that youthful appearance appearing completely out of place and just wrong. Yumi looked every bit like a deranged psycho as her eyes widened reflecting a twisted gleam. With a wave of her hand the flames changed course after taking their first victims. the wall of fire surged forward with amazing speed and cut off the main entrance slash exit. The flames created a wall of fire preventing anyone from escaping from the main point of entry.

"Burn everything you touch my glorious flames!" Yumi laughed again as she began gathering magic once more to unleash a second spell. The demoness reached behind her back and retrieved the over-sized staff she carried. "Napalm Magic what a glorious magic my God bestowed upon me! Everything it touches burns to a crisp and it can move under my command!" Yumi said out loud not afraid to reveal information about the type of magic she used. Yumi cared not if her opposite ever learned about what she could do. The demon was confident in her abilities.

WC: 615
TWC: 1749


Pillaging [Mini-Event] [Quest] [Yumi | Odin] FIXCi2K
Character Profile | Character Sheet | Speech colour #ff0099

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