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Enchanting the Amulet [Q: SOLO]

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Enchanting the Amulet [Q: SOLO] Empty Mon Sep 28, 2020 4:36 pm

After delivering the parcel, Masami was told to stay inside for him to rest. It was rather a comfortable suite, considering that the owner of the suite is wealthy, and even the couch which Masami sat on had did quite the deal on him. He woke up realizing that he had fallen asleep, and the other magicians who sat around the table had already left. His eyes met with another blonde, another one with an eyepatch. Huh, that reminds me of Zane and Beelzebub, thought Masami when he picked himself up with an abrupt manner, and the girl was ever so willing to state such an odd thing. "Oh, a human," she said as if it wasn't so obvious, unless she wasn't one? No, surely, she was a human.

"Ah, sorry..." he replied as he rubbed his eyes, still quite drowsy from the sudden awakening, but it did not look like they minded at all. In fact, Lady Merlin, from afar had chuckled. "Make up by doing something for us," she said, turning her back to Masami in order to prepare the table for another business. Fortunately, it did not feel like anything bad was going to happen, even if this blonde girl stared at Masami for being "human" as if she wasn't one... wait, who is she, anyway? "Who are you?" it felt awkward asking that, but he had to be straightforward. He even (awkwardly) chuckled at himself after that sentence, but was she even willing to introduce herself? Well, she was—"Just call me Luciel," she said, "Merlin adopted me not so long ago, so I'm under her care as of the moment." Her answer continued to seem odd to Masami, even after she picked herself up to do the same preparations as Merlin has been doing. After her answer, Masami didn't feel as if he needed another response. Looks like it's going to be another job for him.



Enchanting the Amulet [Q: SOLO] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Enchanting the Amulet [Q: SOLO] Empty Mon Sep 28, 2020 4:49 pm

Runes and tomes lay alive on top of the large rounded table, which seemed to fit even if the room is rather smaller for more than two people. They glowed even without the darkness, and Masami's eyes were fixated on them. "What are these?" he asked with a finger pointed at one of the tomes, as it definitely looked magical but dark, like witchcraft and occult. Not everyday you see tomes like these laying on one's house, especially if the owner was that of a sorceress whose mystery scattered all-across the city of Crocus. Her whole reputation was mostly about being mysterious, so it was questionable enough to become under someone like her. When Masami looked at the lone-hearted Luciel, he understood that Merlin had saved that girl, which is why she was in debt to the sorceress despite her reputation. The cause and effect of loyalty is scary sometimes.

"Tomes, dear," answered Lady Merlin, "these hold great magical power if deciphered. We would like your help, if you are willing. I specifically chose you for this quest." Then, she held a book out for Masami, and he was surprised—enough for his eyes to grow wide. "Enchantments for Longevity and Perfect Health," he read the title out loud, "it's in Joyan!" was that why Lady Merlin was looking at him in a very odd way a while ago, even if he was wearing differently-cultured clothing? Both of them seemed to be pleased at Masami's reaction, it looks like this will turn out a great deal. "I think... that I definitely can decipher this," he said, turning the book's pages from right to left, understanding everything that was written even if the sides of the pages were either ripped or quite blurry due to age. Luciel had walked out to start picking the ingredients up, then Lady Merlin went off to do her own deed. With enough time, this surely will become a success.



Enchanting the Amulet [Q: SOLO] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Enchanting the Amulet [Q: SOLO] Empty Mon Sep 28, 2020 5:53 pm

Luciel placed all of the needed materials upon the table, the amulet in the middle of it. "I will be going now, do well," she greeted him before leaving, then the door shut close right behind Masami. Lady Merlin was also nowhere, perhaps she had vanished using magic (she was a mysterious sorceress, after all), so it really was only Masami and the tomes now. Luckily, those said tomes were written in Joyan, specifically the one that Masami is holding at the moment. "Let's see..." he decided not to read the letters out loud; it was mixed with very old symbols, practically unused nowadays, so surely they needed deciphering even if all the materials that were needed are right in front of him. As if it was all about occults and witchcraft, the book he held in his hands followed very specific processes such as sanding an ingredient and using the particles to coat the amulet, and all those supposedly necessary things.

Surely, it wasn't all about enchantments, otherwise there wouldn't be any materials—witch doctors were a thing both in folklore and in Joya, even if they were mostly hidden in the forests to do their own thing as hermits. People also don't greatly depend on them, so they weren't entirely needed nor known in the society. "Ugh, this is going to get messy..." he pulled the sleeves of his clothing up to his upper arms, lifting the knife up as he held his wrist in the open to slice... a piece of carrot! A part of Masami thought that it was better to grate it instead of chopping them by hand, but the instructions in this book was specific and it'd be scary to go against it. "Okay, then we place—uhh, it looks like a salad..." it's not nice to judge amulets like that, Masami.



Enchanting the Amulet [Q: SOLO] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Enchanting the Amulet [Q: SOLO] Empty Mon Sep 28, 2020 6:21 pm

Underestimating the power of the amulet and losing words to support this quest, Masami has finished using the materials to fixate the amulet onto how it was now. Then he'd distance himself, finally, stretching his arms right in front of him and forming a triangle using both hands; the amulet was in sight right at the middle of the gap. "Manjushage!" he'd shout, and it was as if all of his mana was being sucked into it. From his fingers formed red threads that attached itself to the amulet, which then did not stop as if blood was seeping out of him. As usual, light glistened from within the amulet, blinding the caster and eventually leaving Masami pushed off until his back hits the wall in a very abrupt and sudden way, then that was the only time the enchantment had stopped. Because the vertical drop was overall too sudden, Masami took some time thinking on the floor, trying to process what just happened.

Oh well, at least it's done now, right? That assured Masami, encouraging to pick himself up. His hands will then get slammed on the tabletop, peeking closer to the now enchanted amulet. Like magic, it glowed exactly like what the Joyan tome mentioned—how creepy. "This is done, then?" he picked it up by string, like a necklace it was, assuming that it would be worn like so. Now, he's got to look and give the amulet to Lady Merlin, She should be by her room, somehow, or maybe she disappeared, who knows? Off to somewhere else using magic, perhaps. Sorcerers were neither magical or epic to Masami; they were mostly creepy and odd, mainly because that was how they depicted them in the stories, even though other children believed that they were enchanting, bewitching, or even heroic. It just never appealed to Masami.

"This should be finished, ma'am," he called, and the door in front of him opened on its' own so that his eyes would meet with Lady Merlin's, who seemed to fixate on the background to utter: "My, you seem to have made quite the mess." Well, don't blame Masami, he was just doing what you told him. Anyway, it wasn't a big deal; she flickered her finger in the air then everything was clean, including Masami's clothing. "Let me pack that up for you," she added, taking the amulet to be placed in a decorative box. "Give this to Luciel, she should be in the library," but, did it really have to be neatly packed as such? It must be a very valuable item... to valuable, discreetly malicious? Suspiscious.

"I will," answered Masami, taking the box despite his gut feeling trying to tell him that something was wrong. At this moment, he felt like a slave, why was that? Lady Merlin waved him goodbye and watched as he left the room to visit Luciel, where was she stationed again? The library, right? Masami thought he'd seen that while he was still in the caravan a while ago, so he shouldn't be too far from it. Walking by foot, he was right and that it did not take him too long to visit the library, even more as to find Luciel right near the entrance, along with the pile of books.

"Ah, human boy," she called out immediately after she had spotted Masami, "oh, I guess you've done it? Good job." Who were making these quests? Was Merlin such a busy woman that she was unable to deliver this back to Luciel, and can't Luciel just pick the amulet up later? So much inefficiency; for someone who grew up in Joya, wasting no more than two seconds, Masami finds this sort of scenario very unnecessary. Otherwise, he'll still get payed, right?



Enchanting the Amulet [Q: SOLO] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

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