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One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN]

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One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Mon Jun 15, 2020 2:48 am

He didn't want to be in the Silver District. However, for the past few days he was in the Middle and Lower District, there were more and more (not less) complications due to the lack of guards. Supposedly, Silver District has lesser up to no troubles at all, except perhaps intimidation because everyone there is rich. Considering how Myras City is already out-of-place when it comes to Masami's culture and traditions, knowing that Silver District is way more out-of-place, or at least as much as Masami assumes, he had felt like avoiding it would make him feel better.

Oh well, ever since this morning, he's been strolling around that said district and looking for shops.

"Oh, of course," Masami audibly muttered, slightly with sarcasm, more with disappointment, "not here, too...?" Primarily, and automatically, Masami made an attempt to look for Joyan-related shops in search for items that hit near home, or perhaps meet Joyan people so he'd not forget how to speak the language. Although it is quite impossible to completely forget how to speak the native language, Masami has met a few lot who were victims of that said phenomenon, and by wisdom he didn't want to be the same. There were Joyan restaurants, about two or three of them, here in Myras that he walked passed but did not visit. It was a memory from Marigold City that disallowed Masami from visiting similar restaurants, so he merely skipped all those. Would've been nice if he could get himself Joyan woven garments or at least cloth, but then it'd be expected that they'd price more than how they initially were.

However, he found himself standing in front of a small restaurant's entrance. It wasn't eye-catching nor was it an odd scene, since Masami has been standing in front of many restaurants' entrances multiple times now. This one was particularly smaller. "Boba... boba, bubble tea?" he crossed his arms in slight confusion, reading the signs. "Isn't that just milk tea?" finally, he lightly chuckled at the thought, finding the idea quite pathetic. They also had milk tea in Joya, but they were served hot. The people inside this said restaurant seemed to have their drinks iced inside transparent bubbles, drinking the product along with a side of cheesecake or chips. Although this appeared scandalous to Masami at first, he would still make an attempt to try, but he didn't want to immediately go inside. Might as well take some time looking through the outside architecture of the building.

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Mon Jun 15, 2020 3:57 am

Clutching the straps of their satchel, as they continued forward, cautious steps into the grand area. They'd only seen a place like this once in their lives, and it was a time that they'd prefer to forget about. Byzantine feline eyes took long lasting glances at each and every building they passed, taking in all the details, as well as making sure not to run into anyone, this was their new start, they did not want to ruin it without it even reaching anywhere.

"Whoa..." Stepping out of the way of a young citizen, "Damn uh sorry..." When the other huffed at them, a small snarl left Étaoin, just for them to bite their lip to hold back the words that wanted to be said towards the ignorance, before taking a deep breath, and exhaling. Continuing to head towards the more central area, well what they thought was the more central area of the city? Was this even a city or just a small portion of a much large city? "How much went into this place I wonder?" A small huff came from them, as they stopped next to a less busy section. "Definitely wasn't the same as the other areas that's for sure..." Shifting the satchel once more, Étaoin tugged the sleeves of the cardigan they were wearing over their hands slightly, they had also made sure to wear a slightly longer skirt today, as to prevent certain markings from being seen. Not knowing where the mage who took Étaoin in was from exactly, they didn't want to risk even the slightest exposure of anything related to the man.

Holding the purse in their hands, checking it's contents before heading to look at some shops a frown lace their lips, as their shoulders drooped. Even with the little money they had swiped before running off, it couldn't be that expensive here right? Wrong, apparently, by the quality of how all the shops looked.

"Clothes... more restaurants... oh, another clothes shop, gee who needs so many clothing shops?" Pouting, not finding one decent shop that intrigued them, Étaoin was on the verge of just giving up and going to find a place to maybe stay for a bit, until their eyes landed on a small shop, well more like a strange child and a small shop. "Tea? I remember tasting tea... but is it the same tea, he would make?" Redirecting their route, Étaoin headed towards the slightly out of place building but not quite out of place. It still looked fancy, but not as fancy as the other restaurants around the area. "Boba? That's strange, I've never heard of boba tea..."

Last edited by Étaoin on Wed Jun 17, 2020 10:32 am; edited 1 time in total

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Mon Jun 15, 2020 5:37 am

"... I've never heard of boba tea..."

Unfortunately, Masami had only heard the last sentence from that person's lips, merely using only his eyes to take a glance in order to scan the person's appearance from head to toe. Apparently, to Masami, he... or she? Either way, they did not appear to be someone from Myras, because then they wouldn't question the existence of the shop in front of them. The blond exaggeratedly huffed, even tip-toeing while doing so. "Right," he answered, slightly turning his head to the person who commented about the same restaurant beside him, "the people inside seem to be drinking simple tea, with milk, I don't get the bubbles part." Tapioca pearls, Masami. Apparently, he didn't know what those pearls are, and he had a bit too much pride and sense of humiliation to even ask. The same person expressed their lack of knowledge regards the drink product, so that makes two of them who doesn't know.

The Joyan boy crossed his arms and raised two fingers to hold his chin up, giving a moment of silence, only to abruptly point towards the windows of the same restaurant. "The people seemed to be enjoying, though!" from Masami's perception, this boba tea seemed to be popular, but perhaps not popular enough for the whole Fiore to know, because then Marigold City would've had the same product – considering that Myras and Marigold are simply right beside each other, Marigold should've immediately known what the product was if it was popular enough. Anyway, Masami is in no position to think about those types of things... it must be because of his working experience back in Joya that caused him to think like this.

He honestly had nothing else to say, being too awkward to say anything else. He couldn't simply walk away, too, that would be rude. "Are you going in?" calmly pointing this time, he turned his head to make a proper glance unto the same person (slightly hoping that he was still there). 'Ack, he's a little taller...' the thought was silly, but no one would really notice unless they stood right beside each other, but Masami immediately noticed because of their eye-level differences (wherein the other person was slightly higher), they seem to have colder eyes, perhaps they seemed bothered, in Masami's perception. "I could use a friend." was it a little too much to smile this time? Masami didn't want to make the other person feel so uncomfortable, they were both foreigners, after all.

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Mon Jun 15, 2020 6:10 am

Blinking slightly turning their gaze towards the young man? Next to them, Étaoin was a little curious about the kid, the attire and appearance of the stranger felt a little familiar but not quite as familiar, like they had seen it somewhere before, a long time ago. Tilting their head a bit, curling a finger against their lips in thought, just to hum and glance back at the blonde. "Milk tea? Is that not like normal tea?" Dilated eyes gazing at the laughing citizens inside the small shop, how they would go about drink this strange tea had Éta cringing a little inside. "That is true..." This kid was correct, the people did seem to be enjoying this tea, but it was just not right. "but what could a straw possibly accomplish, when drinking tea? That's what is strange to me." There was no cup, it was a strange glass of some kind, or no teapot in sight, if you wanted more. It was just strange. Also some were drink it through a straw? A straw! What was this?

But alas curiosity got the best of them, and now they were wondering what it was like.

Turning to face the kid more, glancing down a little. Small, but not that small maybe a few centimetres between them, but that was nothing to be worried about. The blonde seemed okay, and Éta has had no bad or strange remarks from the kid so far, maybe this could be a friend in the making? "Oh... yeah i dont know, maybe?" A pause, and instictively they began picking at the loose thread of their cardigan cuff. 'Nice one Étaoin, way to sound like a complete idiot!' Glancing back at the shop, another small pout, the people did seem like they were enjoying themselves a lot, and the food looked nice enough to eat, Eta could feel their stomach make a silent rumble at the thought of food, and god did they hope it wasn't loud enough for the stranger to hear. Travelling with just the bare amount of food, was not fun, but then as a runaway what would you expect? "I mean... The prices, it seems like this who place is way above my paycheck... if I had one y'know." Cue facepalm. Sighing to themselves, Éta just felt their whole body sag from exhaustion at not even doing anything, except probably embarrassing themselves in front of a stranger, who had asked them a simple question.

"A friend...? Don't even know your name yet, kid?" A small smirk lace their lips, shrugging a little. "But hey, we can exchange them over this... Strange tea, right?"

Last edited by Étaoin on Wed Jun 17, 2020 10:33 am; edited 1 time in total

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Mon Jun 15, 2020 8:04 am

"K-Kid..." Masami immediately repeated, literally right after the other person said the (taboo) word, even causing Masami to completely face the person by turning his body as well, even tip-toeing a little in immediate response. 'It feels weird if people other than Tomoe...' the blond didn't even need to finish even only a mere thought, as the guild master often calls him "kid" and even makes him feel like he's one – not that Masami isn't a kid, but... that's the sense of it. Considering that Masami respects the man for being the guild's master (at least as much as he still thinks so), being called nicknames like that felt like being called by his real name. However, now that someone else mentioned the same (taboo) word, Masami felt like completely erasing the name forever and ever.

Come to think of it, this person doesn't sound so much of a girl, either. That's new, that makes two of them confusing people. That Jan Ren guy... does he even know yet? Would be nice and naughty if he assumes that this person in front of Masami is another girlfriend-material – in Masami's perception, that is. So he could make up for the sudden intrusion of verbal senses, Masami made a swift recall about the things the person had mentioned before, one of those regarding straws caught Masami's attention. "Ah!" he exclaimed in realization, looking back at the shop's windows and glanced at all the drinks, then immediately back at the person. They were using straws! Masami didn't notice that at first, but that just made everything more confusing. Why exactly are they using straws? "Err, right, straws..." the boy believed that it would be better to openly and audibly tell the other person that he has been processing their words, which was why he crossed his arms again for a thought, "the ice, I guess?" that was merely a guess, Masami really didn't know there were those things called tapioca pearls at the bottom of the drink.

He was still thinking of a possible reason, of course. "It... must be hard to drink cold drinks without straws?" Oh no, he was trying a bit too hard – smoke would almost come out of his ears, being aware that he's not good at practical reasoning but was still trying so that he wouldn't appear clueless or rude. "Or is it because... the plastic cups?! Maybe they aren't stable enough to hold a drink!" apparently, he was getting quite proud of his thoughts, if only he knew that the answer was simply tapioca pearls, then he probably wouldn't be so confuzzled about this. He couldn't even send his name out with a hand for the other person to shake, which he often does, but not at the moment. Solving the mystery unto why straws are used and why they are called "boba tea" seems to be more interesting! Or rather, seems to be more of a task.

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Mon Jun 15, 2020 8:45 am

Étaoin flinched a little at the sudden body movement from the younger one. They weren't really expecting a reaction like that from the blonde, but maybe it was the wrong thing to say? If that was the case was Étaoin in the wrong? Setting the covered hand on the back of their neck, and glancing away nervously, Éta pursed their lips together. "Sorry... I thought it would be better than child..." A nervous chuckle left Étaoin before lifted both their arms shrugging a little. "Plus... Boy or girl... totally degrading... in my opinion." Smiling awkwardly, Étaoin soon diverted their attention back to the shop, still wondering how to go about entering and ordering in general. They've never done this in their life, they were never allowed to do anything like this ever, so it was all new to them.

'Ice? Can't be ice.' Étaoin had heard of ice tea, it wasn't made in these plastic cups, and the liquid was usually more, transparent than this tea. It wasn't for ice, but then Éta could be wrong themselves. "Nah it's not ice... Ice tea is slightly different in terms of being made and the final appearance." Sighing and scratching their head, Éta tapped their chin again in thought, "Then again... I could always be wrong myself." Glancing at the blonde, Étaoin smiled softly as they continued to think of different ideas or reason for using the straws, it was true that any cold drink, using straws was a good idea in general, but it was a bit strange for tea. Taking a quiet deep breath, Éta nodded to themselves at the thought that passed through their mind, which they could grab before it vanished forever. "Hey!" Grabbing the kids arm, not too harshly, but in a more calm way, a grin spreading across their face, eyes gleaming softly. "Why don't we just try it instead of hurting our brains figuring the functions of this boba tea,yeah?"

Not really waiting for an answer and for the first time in general taking their initiative themselves, Étaoin soon began heading into the store, softly tugging this young - well they assumed to be, which was wrong in general, but hopefully they were right - boy with them to. It was time to figure out what this mystery drink was and how it worked, maybe make a friend in the process.

Last edited by Étaoin on Wed Jun 17, 2020 10:33 am; edited 1 time in total

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Mon Jun 15, 2020 9:53 am

Honestly, no one asked until now. Everyone seemed to be either ignorant or merely satisfied, that Sinese didn't even question at all. "Ah, I'm a boy." Oh crap, that felt so awkward. Masami never did that, openly telling people what or who he is, ever, but it was too late to retrieve the lines he had mentioned. The person in front of him was also androgynous looking, but for a male who appears like a female, Masami has this sort of touch regards identifying someone's identity. The stranger feels very strangely relative to being male... but also on the other side? That was strange. Fiore had a lot of magic, anyway, so Masami immediately stopped analyzing, assuming that it wouldn't make anymore sense to him, anyway.

When the thought about ice became completely discarded, Masami slightly sulked in. "Ah, r-right, hmm..." he lowered his head more, thinking of more reasons out of it, more, more, more! However, the anticipation was put to a complete halt when his arm was suddenly grabbed by the person. Considering that Masami has been in the dangerous sides of Myras for quite some time now, his immediate thought for that was: 'Am I going to be kidnapped?' without even processing the after statements yet. Luckily, he wasn't! Like the healer back in Marigold, Masami found the person's hands quite soft in texture... kidnappers usually have rougher hands, don't they?

Because he was so into thinking about kidnappers by that moment, Masami suddenly woke up when he felt the heels of his feet being dragged from the ground. Usually, when people meant "drag," they usually meant bringing someone along by slight force – in Masami's case, he was apparently being dragged... literally, inside the store. How did that even happen? Oh well. Come to think of it, if only Masami had immediately became that curious cat, then he wouldn't spend so much time thinking of a possible solution unto why they use straws.

The next thing that came to Masami's senses was the scent of the shop. It was a stronger scent than before, sweet vanilla, it was engaging. For some reason, he immediately trusted this person... for some reason. He doesn't even know their name yet. "It's Masami, by the way, you can just call me that." he placed his palms against the windows and peeked through, trying not to look creepy but rather interested. His nose was almost touching the panels when he spoke, expecting that he'd snatch the person's name after giving out his. Not that Masami was too afraid to give out his name, which was why he gave it out, just like that. However, now that he had internally mentioned it, this feels like some calm, wholesome variation of kidnapping.

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Mon Jun 15, 2020 11:57 am

Étaoin nodded and smiled, so they were right on one thing so far at least. Éta felt a small weight rise from their shoulders at the confirmation, though now the boy looked a little conflicted on the statement made. "Cool. Gender is a scam, so either way it doesn't bother me." Shrugging, a smirk lacing their lips at the thought, before turning into a nervous smile. Wait, maybe Étaoin should give an answer in return, that was polite right? How would they even begin to explain themselves though? Clearing their throat, and lifting their chin, eyes closed in a very almost formal way, like a noble citizen. Étaoin began. "Even so if it makes you feel any safer, young one... but more than likely not..." A snort left them as they began laughing at their attempts to sound sophisticated, which just was not them in the least. Giving up instantly Étaoin continued in a more relaxed tone, the grin back on their face. "Anywaaaay... I used to be male and then..." A pause. "Whoosh! Magic happened." Snorting as they grumbled the last three words, before sighing. "Now i'm like this genderless... human." Waving their hands in a jazzy way, before snickering. "Yipee!"

The scent of the shop was the first thing that hit Étaoin, the mixed scents of flowers and fruits and god knows what else, gently releasing the boy's wrist, Étaoin frowned before covering their nose slightly. They didn't know it if was the shop in general or the people inside, maybe both, but whatever, this was some strong stuff being used here. 'People suuure like their flowery scents... Yikes.' Thinking to themselves quietly as their eyes scoured the area. Étaoin just wanted to make that no one would confront them for being there, and at the same time they also wanted to make sure the kid was still near them just to be safe, after all they are the one that dragged him along. Étaoin felt like he was somewhat their responsibility a little now.

"Masami hmmm... Cute name, for a kid." A small smile laced Étaoin lips, before nervously chuckling "Ahhhh, I did it again. Sorry Masami... but it is a cute name, truth there!" Sighing, stepping into the smallish line, hands on their hips. Again just like when it came to gender terms, Étaoin felt like it was just polite in general to give what they had received, or may it was just those years of living with that man and being forced to become something that they weren't. "And in the form of common courtesy or so I have heard... I should give you my name in return." Watching the boy press his face against the window panes almost made Éta chuckle in amusement and wonder on how old exactly this kid truly was. He looked not that much younger than themselves, but looks can be misleading, it was usually like that. "I am Étaoin, or Rynn. Either one works fine honestly not fussed at all. Go with whatever you find easier"

Last edited by Étaoin on Wed Jun 17, 2020 10:33 am; edited 2 times in total

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Mon Jun 15, 2020 9:56 pm

Masami would've wheezed upon hearing the word "scam" in the context of gender, making him recall that Sinese that utterly believed Masami being that of a female. He didn't really think it would matter as in Joya, everyone worked, regardless of gender, as if that even mattered! The Joyan boy retrieved memories from his childhood... which consists of merely working, but all that work was put to use, anyway. After all, appearing like both of the end spectrum could be used for pranks and tricks, couldn't they? Instead, Masami lightly snickered for relating, trying to brush away the fact that the person, now called Étaoin or Rynn, had called him "young one" and again with that taboo word. Since this person looked female and male... could it be that they also looked young and old? For some reason, Fiore has many old people that look young – ah, the glory of magic.

He raised a brow... both brows, rather, when Éta spoke something regards magic. "Ah," he audibly reacted, "ah?!" It was kind of hard to believe that Masami still didn't get it. 'Genderless? What—?' he didn't even notice that his jaws were still dropped down, a single brow raised this time. These must be one of those times where kids are too young to know anything, does Masami even still fall under the category of a "child"? Back in Joya, children will still be children even if they are of twenty-years old, that must explain the confusion of ages most of the time, regards Masami's perception of whether someone is a child or not. Next thing he knew, the person was now recalling his name... then complimenting? The blond didn't know whether he'd be terrified or not.

'Is this what they call a con man?' the term was mentioned a few times, but at that time, Masami didn't believe how people could be persuaded into... buying some sort of product. Immediately, the boy's perception changed, and now this androgynous person appeared as if they were a business man! Kind of shady, but business men are often shady, anyway. Often, Masami would receive compliments for having a beautiful name, or an elegant name... but a cute name, this time? Masami thought that it's kind of cute to meet someone who thinks things are cute... but considering now that the androgynous (wo)man now appears like some sort of person trying to persuade Masami into buying future products, Masami just didn't know what to think.

Whatever, girl or boy, young or old, Masami won't deny the fact that Étaoin has an older sibling vibe... like everyone's vibe, because apparently, everyone's older and Masami only knew that older people must be respected at any cost, but Masami's a bit too impish to completely follow that. "Étaoin..." Masami recalled and repeated, lowering his head in thought, "and then Rynn?" in his hometown in Joya, or at least as much as traditions and cultures uttered, names are very important as it supposedly defines a person's character. However, Masami's lack of knowledge regards the foreign words granted him no efforts in even trying to guess what it meant. The former sounded nice, though, and quite fancy, but then he (or she) must like being called "Rynn" more.

Masami honestly wanted to ask if Étaoin had a manhood or a womanhood, but hey, magic's a thing. He or she probably has neither... did they even mean that "genderless" thing a literal thing?

"You have a pretty-sounding name, too." Masami raised his head up before speaking, just to show that he had finalized a conclusion. He had a face of seriousness, and was sincerely serious about it. After all, Masami's a kid of traditions, and he still believes that names make a difference. Without saying anything anymore, Masami went on and grabbed the entrance's door and opened it, waiting for Étaoin to come inside before the boy could finally release and let the door close on its own. Older people are priority, after all. Come to think of it, most of Masami's respect was granted unto older people... even if they were a con man or whatever. That doesn't save them from future pranks and tricks, however!

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Tue Jun 16, 2020 9:47 am

Étaoin hummed when the boy had repeated their names, maybe two names were a bit confusing. Drumming their fingers against their cheek, Étaoin was quiet for a couple of seconds before smiling again. ”Mhm… Call me any, Étaoin Rynn…” Tilting their head towards Masami, Éta blinked once, raising an eyebrow. ”Unless you wanted to know something else about the names?” The confusion that constantly flickered on and off the boy’s face worried them a little, had what the explained been too complicated for the younger male, or maybe they were just not understanding completely. If it was the latter, then Étaoin understood one hundred percent, they too were also confused with the whole situation at first, but over time Étaoin gradually understood and came to terms with the fact that they would never go back to how they were before they turned twelve, before that accident.

”Did I confuse you too much? I can try to explain it more simpler… over tea of course?” A small smile arranged itself over their lips, only to be caught a little off guard by the sudden seriousness reverberating in Masami’s voice, when the kid complimented their name. ”Oh… T-thank you…” It was nervously said, but at least Masami had not called them pretty, that would’ve received a whole other reply. Turning their gaze back to the shop, purple eyes saddened for a flick of a second at the thought that passed through their processed ones. ’Though I am hoping that was genuine…?’ Pursing their lips together, remembering all the events of when they had been called pretty, or told that they had a lovely name, but only when they were under the false pretense of the young girl Rynn. They weren’t going to blame Masami though, he wasn’t meant to know what had happened to Étaoin in the past. They’ve only just met after all.

”Does… Your name have a meaning? I barely remember the meaning of both, but I remember the meaning of my first name.” Stepping inside when offered, Étaoin paused as they let the door close before moving onwards, eyes glancing over the menu of the range of drinks given to choose from, Éta blinked a little confused, there were just so many options. ”So… What do I choose… I don’t know what is good.” Chuckling softly they just turned to Masami. ”How about you, Masa?”

Last edited by Étaoin on Wed Jun 17, 2020 10:34 am; edited 1 time in total

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Tue Jun 16, 2020 11:10 pm

Because the person mentioned 'Étaoin' before 'Rynn', Masami was convinced to use the former instead, or maybe come up with a suitable nickname instead of pondering between the two names. 'Ack... he's reading me like a book.' he vaguely pouted over the thought as he looked up then sighed, seemingly talking to himself; then he'd finally letting go of the door to let it close by itself. "Well, I don't know the meaning of either." referring to the two names, Masami admitted his ignorance. He's not a know-it-all, after all, and he greatly believes that he would learn more if he'd simply blatantly admit it.

When Étaoin asked Masami if he was confused, he lifted up a palm in front of him then shook his head sideways, apparently not saying anything else. Then, with energy, he slammed his hands upon the counter and tip-toed, looking up to view the menu. "Yeah," he replied over another question as he tries to read the Fiorian writings on the board, "I forgot, but it has something to do with beauty and such." It was still hard for Masami to read Fiorian alphabet, so he had to express this by squinting his eyes and muttering syllables. "I apparently look exactly like my mom but younger! And... slightly more masculine? Which is why every time I look in the mirror, I get reminded of her." There were few words Masami understood completely, and they were definitely Joyan words inscribed in Fiorian lettering. "Okinawa" and "Hokkaido" were two of them, and there aren't anything else.

'As expected, the price is obviously higher.' this time, he wasn't surprised. Considering that they're in the richer parts of Myras, Masami had already expected beforehand that restaurants had higher rent and upkeep, meaning they'd have to keep things expensive. "I'll just have the Okinawa boba tea." he pointed over the category it was in while looking at Étaoin, "I could pay for you, if you want." Such confidence! For the past few weeks, Masami had gained lots of income from merely requests and guild quests, not even being stingy. "It sounds Joyan, so maybe I'd have an easier time to adapt through flavors." When he looked to the sides, the boy spotted boxes of tissues and... straws.

Right after the glance, Masami's eyes automatically squinted in a split-second then back at Étaoin, apparently not saying anything else, even if he desperately wanted to invite the older man to become more enthusiastic in solving the mystery of... why they use straws to drink the product. Big straws, too, apparently.

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Wed Jun 17, 2020 11:35 am

Étaoin nodded and let out a bemused chuckled. They weren't really expecting the boy to know everything, and if the boy did know what 'Étaoin' meant, then Éta would be awfully shocked as it was, apparently from what that mage had said to them a Caelese name. "No worries man, it's fine." Shrugging as their eyes still scoured the menu, that rose latte one sounding extremely appetising. When they lived with that mage, Étaoin grew very fond of the rose black tea that was made for them, along with a few others, but something about the scent of roses calmed Éta down, they just didnt know why exactly. "Honestly... I would be shocked if you did know the meaning..." A firm nod on their decision. Rose Latte it was. "Considering that it took me a while to learn them myself." Side glancing to the boy, a small quirk to their lips, "Étaoin means jealousy or envious... I was a very envious kid back in the day, not so much now... I don't think..." Shrugging, and letting another hefty sigh, "Rynn on the other hand, I believe was something along the lines of King or Ruler... I dont remember, didn't care." Then as if it was yanked from them, a short huff of a laugh from Éta because this boy was sure something else. Like maybe he wasn't or maybe he was and was trying to cover it up, who knows? Either way, Étaoin was growing to like this kid, in a friendly sense, almost like a little brother, probably. They didn't know, being an only child and all.

Flinching at the sudden loud noise caused by Masami, Éta released a wavering sigh, before raising a hand in front of their face, nervously smiling at the person on the other side of the counter in apology. "Is that so? The name fits the owner I'd say." Chuckling, as they folded their arms, a solemn smile lacing their lips. "I dont remember my parents. I was the odd boy out in the neighbourhood." Inhaling Étaoin stepped up to the counter next to Masami, even though the kid had already been standing there for at least a minute or so trying to decided on his own drink. The prices were expensive and their purse was going to shout and scream at them for being an idiot, wasting what little money they had on something as stupid as a strange tea they didn't even know one thing about!

Even so life was full of risks and wait what? Did the kid just agree to buying Étaoin their drink?

"Woow... You have that kind of money, you sure are a catch. In that case, I'll try the Rose La—" Étaoin paused for a second, backtracked their words to the last little letter. 'Wait... Does Masami understand sarcasm? Crap.' Thinking back to the few subtle uses of sarcasm that they have used since speaking with Masami, Éta couldn't really say yes or no to their own question. "Shit... I mean, you don't have to, but I appreciate that none the less." Gulping a little, Étaoin lowered their head a little, running their fingers through the green strands nervously hoping that Masami didn't take their sarcasm the wrong way at all. Honestly Éta liked the kid, but wouldn't want to have them feel used or sense any hidden intentions, which obviously Étaoin had none of the sort! Glancing around, before perking up at the mention of Joya in general, that was a word that the mage would mutter when referring to Étao themselves. "Joyan, as in something from Joya... I heard about that place..." Subject change, best solution to dissolving an awkward mess up. Right? "Adapting through flavours... Sounds like something that could work, but it's just... The tea isnt the confusing part. It is just those straws."

Last edited by Étaoin on Thu Jun 18, 2020 8:27 am; edited 1 time in total

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Wed Jun 17, 2020 11:32 pm

"Ah, I worked hard." Masami answered simply, and honestly, because that was literally the only thing he has been doing his entire life – but he'd often work for the people and rarely for himself. If he hadn't joined a guild, he probably wouldn't have much on hand. He even ignored Étaoin's statement regards the meaning behind the foreign name... at least, tried to. 'This is bad...' fond of curses, the Joyan boy almost trembled in the thought of using such a negative name. Who the hell would name a kid that?! Nicknames are a different thing but... Masami's immediate affection towards Étaoin caused him to pity the older person, believing that Étaoin must've had a hard time – enough to become convinced that the nickname was his actual name; the Joyan boy started thinking of at least a nickname he'd call the stranger, believing that names are declarations of blessings and curses.

'Let's see... the twins are called ji.' in Joya, "ji" meant "two," and Masami thought of that when he defined Étaoin as a person who appeared both man and woman; he felt that this was reasonable because his younger siblings, who were twins, were one male and one female. Upon the thought, he slightly gazed back at Étaoin, his mind assuring sudden change of perceptions. Suddenly, Masami convicted himself an impression that Étaoin was, in fact, very appealing in looks. This was the type of beauty they'd very much like in Joya – if one would have this sort of appearance, they'd get themselves into structured, famous theaters straightaway. Completely switching to having the face of unconcern, the blond tilted his head at Étaoin's compliment regards Masami's name, despite completely panicking on the inside. "Thank you!" with modesty, he accepted the compliment... successfully not saying "you too," as that would be very bad.

The older person wasn't even sure what "Rynn," meant. Masami believed that it must've been another shady name, because he was negatively named in the former! 'The mi in my name meant beauty... Jimi? Sounds too feminine.' The boy didn't even notice how awfully opposite he was acting, compared to earlier. "No no, it's fine! The people I came here with kind of left me, so they won't be the ones getting a treat!" this boy just finished recalling the faces of those two people... and immediately, he wanted to leave Myras. "T-The straws are alright, we can get to that sooner! Something else matters more, ahaha—"

Masami instantly slapped himself with 'Idiot.' right after finishing his sentence... he's not supposed to reveal anything, even if it's one slight bit! He didn't appear panic-y on the outside, however – being an actor his whole life had taught him how to look as chill as possible. He was still a kid, however, so this must've not been effective. His energetic, wholesome smile slightly felt exaggerated, even almost releasing flowers in the background. Because he was aware of this, he smiled at the cashier after turning his head towards her. "Yes, miss. Okinawa boba tea and the Rose Latte thing. That was the right one, right? It's the only thing with 'rose' in the menu so it's probably it." as he spoke, he'd peek through the inside of his overcoat to pick the exact amount... even if it was greatly expensive, but Masami had assumed too greatly that he could easily replace the money by... you got it, more work.

Afterwards, he'd take the palm of the older person to pull him towards a two-chaired table near the windows, not so far away. The boy would have both of his hands on Étaoin's shoulders in order to lightly (as much as possible) push him down so he'd take a seat. "Ah, right." Masami was then called by the same cashier for forgetting to pick up the circular... object, thingy. He was, however, told that the object would ring when the orders have finished making, then they could pick the drinks up by the counter. With haste, he snatched the offered circular object then lightly (as much as possible) slammed it back in his and Étaoin's table, sighing after taking a seat due to the tension. Darned Fiore and their weird tricks!

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Thu Jun 18, 2020 8:49 am

It was hard for Étaoin not to make snarky comments, or be sarcastic at any given moment. It's just how they got through the years honestly, but it didn't seem to bother Masami quite as much as they thought it might, unless of course Masami was hiding it in some way once again. It was nice to hear that he worked hard for his money, but then it did upset Éta that the younger one was working hard, at what they assumed was a young age. Kids shouldn't have to work so hard, no matter the situation. "That's neat... Don't work too hard though. You're too young to exert yourself like that." See, Étaoin can be nice sometimes. They can hold back their snide comments and sarcastic thoughts. They can be nice, it just takes a little more effort than what they would usually dish out. A soft chuckle left Éta, it sounded a tad more feminine than rest. "You're welcome, Masa~" They were having fun just from being around Masami, strange indeed because they had only just met the boy in general, but it didn't bother Étaoin too much, they were here to make acquaintances or friends, they were not really here to make enemies.

Observing the younger kid a little more, Étaoin slowly felt like they were snatching up small quirks the blonde had. Like the shift in emotions or understanding things. For instance, the panic had faded somewhat on the outside, but Éta felt like this boy was still probably a little panicky on the inside, though not showing it. Nodding a little slowly at the questions asked about the drink, before confirming verbally to the cashier what they wanted to try. "Yeah Rose Latte... Thank you." Softly ruffling the blonde hair, Étaoin let a grin stretch across their lips once more. "Thanks..." Stretching a little as they waited for the lady behind the counter to confirm that their drinks had been put through, Éta just them to hum at how enthusiastic Masami was about learning about the tea. "For the drink, I appreciate it a lot. If you ever need someone to snack with again, let me know. The next one is on me."

This time it was Étaoin's turn to be dragged, as Masami guided them to a table for two, and insisted with gentle nudges for them to take a seat, which they did gladly. Nodding in thanks once more to the blonde before watching him suddenly storm off, but not in an angered way, more of a, actually Étaoin didn't really know what kind of way the kid stormed off. Waiting patiently, Étao began to think of their next question for the boy. Asking for their age was a bit rude, even if Masami was a male, it was still rude to ask of their age, yet again though Étaoin didn't know what topic would be a good topic so maybe just asking something else along the lines of a birthday would help. Bingo. "Yo... Masami, what season where you born in?" Great topic starter, maybe they had the same season as each other, maybe not. Who knows, but this was the only topic that Étaoin could think of, whilst they waited for their drinks.

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:27 am

Right, Masami wasn't so surprised about what came out of Étaion's lips a while ago. It was already embedded in the boy's mind that he needed to work regardless of age and circumstances, he was raised up that way, after all. "Mhm!" he enthusiastically nodded instead, fists right in front of him upon recalling the statement. Right after he did that, Étaoin mentioned something... rather, sounded something completely opposite than earlier? Was that it? Masami wanted to squint his eyes like an octopus in suspicion, but he ended up being in a battle of thoughts in order to remind him of what he needed to be doing. 'Right, Fiore, magic. Of course.' he would've facepalmed, hard, but instead he simply tilted his head and awkwardly laughed it out in response to that.

Now Masami had something else to think of... his birthday. It felt normal to be asked those questions while waiting for their order. It reminded the Joyan of his dinner with a Sinese acquaintance and a healer, which they ate with upon recently meeting. Perhaps eating out with strangers like these wasn't so bad? "Season?" Masami repeated, not quite sure what Étaoin meant – rather, Masami didn't know what to answer. It must've been in the fall, he didn't get to hear any stories regards Masami's birth, but a part of him was sure that way. Or did he mean a different kind of season? Even though Masami was wearing layers of clothing in his upper body, he felt his lower portion colder. 'Ah, they maintained the atmosphere well.' he looked around as he lightly swung his legs back and forth, mainly looking at the ceiling rather than the customers inside.

There was a sweet scent of vanilla that took Masami's attention, and when he heard the sound of a nozzle being knocked up, the scent of Joyan tea immediately felt the air. 'That must've been my order.' the boy glanced behind him, looking at the tall counter that covered the process of making the product. All those processing had kept Masami silent a bit, then he answered the second time. "Fall, maybe." Masami was getting flashbacks of childhood, nostalgia he didn't want to feel here in Fiore. He immediately knew the answer unto why he was suddenly bringing up the past, and it was the light ticking noises from the roof and outside.

He turned his head to the windows, looking outside. Myras is a cold place, especially this season; he remembered his journey to Avvar Mountains, then he licked his bottom lip, tucking it inside his mouth. There used to be an unattractive bruise there from the mountains, but it's apparently gone now, as if it was never there. "I think it's going to rain!" Masami pointed at the outside, then back at Étaoin. There was nothing special about it, but rain has always amazed Masami more than the snow. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the twins to be amaze with. At least, now that there's someone across the table, Masami was less homesick.

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:50 am

Tapping their fingers against the table, Étaoin glanced around the small shop once more, flowers in the pots to make the place more homey. In Éta's opinion that is a mainstream thing to do in your shop, but aesthetics count on gaining customers that thrive and sometimes lean more towards the flowery ways of life. Glancing back at Masami when they repeated the word of season, a fond smile appeared on their lips. "Yeah, like; Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter?" Pulling their sleeves over their hands once again, and leaning onto the table, crossing their arms, ankles crossed under the chair. The chatter around the two of them fading into background noise, eventually it will just be white noise for Étaoin, that's usually how they dealt with social events previously if no one needed their specific attention. Inwardly growling to themselves at the fact that they kept constantly remembering their time with the mage, and how he had forced Éta to grow as a lady, and if disobeyed then things were to happen, some bad and some just out right horrid.

"Fall, so Autumn maybe?" A wide grin plastered itself over Étaoin's lips at the possible new information on their new friend. "I was also born in Autumn. Autumn and Winter are my favourite seasons. I like the transcend between them you know?" A fond laughter left them as suddenly a few very very old memories came to the fore front of Éta's mind. "We had festivals... Around near my birthday... Well I think it was my birthday. I played tricks on the merchants in the neighbourhood with some others." Silence fell over them for a while, the two just enjoying the peace as their order was continued being made. Once drink seemed to be done, whilst possibly Éta's was now being made, or maybe this wasn't their order and just a customer's order who came before them.

Lifting their head a little to glance at the ceiling at the sound of the pattering. 'It's only a matter of time... There it is. Whenever it rains, it plays up.' A small grimace flashed over their face at the faint burning sensation against their leg. 'Stupid magical formula. Stupid brand. Stupid mage and stupid twelve year old Étaoin.' Though when they turned back towards the blonde Joyan boy, a chuckle left them, as the grime look was replaced by curiosity at Masami mentioning what was bluntly obvious. It was so cute when the blonde would do it, so Étaoin couldn't be mean. A sleeve covered hand moved to sooth the bran located on their thigh, over the soft material of their skirt. "Do you... like the rain, Masami?" It was quietly asked, as a weary smile laced their lips and their purple eyes wavered between pain but also fond curiosity.

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Fri Jun 19, 2020 9:25 am

He didn't mean to, but Masami simply had to lightly slam both of his palms against the window panes, the tip of his nose almost touching it. "It's raining, Éta! It's raining!" his golden eyes would almost visibly glimmer in both amazement and amusement. Eventually, piano music played from the speakers inside the shop. They seem to know how these things work, huh. Although he didn't directly answer the older person's question on whether the blond liked the rain, his response was enough. As a fire mage, water isn't exactly his friend, but the atmosphere of rainy days was enough to keep him amused like this.

The boy's legs continue to slightly swing as he continue to sit straight upon the chair, Masami's jaws dropping in wonder. Apparently, the boy wasn't so aware about how the cycle of rain works, believing that all of these were magical. He was aware, although, that it has something to do with the sea, but that was about it. In his mind, he wished that Étaoin joins him in the amazement. Not everybody likes the rain, maybe others know exactly how the cycle of precipitation worked, and doesn't amaze them as much anymore. "Ah," Masami removed his palms from the window, appearing slightly shocked, "the windows are getting cold." His bottom portion of the body was getting colder, as well. Gratefully, the solution to this was quick and easy. Masami simply removed his overcoat and placed it on top of his lap, like a blanket. It was big enough to reach the floor, but upon doing so, his eyes couldn't help but make a short glance regards the person who sat in front of him.

He just finished fixing the overcoat to cover his legs, but he had to quickly pick it up again, offering the folder overcoat to Étaoin with two hands, as if a sacrifice. "This is warm." the first thought was regards respecting the older, even if they were only one or two years apart; the second was Masami belief regards Étaoin not wearing enough warm clothing, but the Joyan still kind of hoped that the person wouldn't run away with the overcoat. "My clothes are warm enough." he added to the statement, quite persuading or making an effort to convince the older person into making use of the coat. Although he wanted to immediately talk about the festivals the older person had mentioned, because Masami was a big fan of his traditional Joyan festivals where performing and rare treats are offered, Masami believed that it was better to provide comfort. He was getting giddy, excited to talk about how he was the main performer of the few festivals, but as a kid, he believed it was better to wait. After all, Masami has fondness regards taking care of people... he still kind of hoped that Étaoin wouldn't run away with the overcoat, strangers are utterly unpredictable.

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:26 pm

Surprisingly, this time Éta didn't flinch when Masami had slammed his hands against the window when the rain had properly started to fall outside. "I guess it is... Do you have an umbrella?" The last thing Étaoin wanted was for the boy to get ill because they were out in the rain with no umbrella. That's if they were going to hang out after their little tea session. Rain wasn't a bother for Éta, they just didn't like the ghost pain or the burning sensation that rippled it's way through their body, minor after effects, courtesy of a potion.

Gaze turning towards the rain drops appearing on the window panes, only for Masami to back away, Éta set a finger on the surface of the window, Étaoin laid out a trail, the water following their finger, the solemn expression lacing their face once again. 'It’s nice to see someone become excited for rain…' Dropping their hand back onto the table surface, inhaling somewhat, before plastering a slight fake, but also slight genuine smile back onto their lips. ”Such gloomy weather always brought a depressing atmosphere for myself… But, Masami makes it a bit more cheerful.” There was a silent thank you in the last part of Étaoin's sentence, and they hoped that Masami had heard it. It had been a long time, since Éta relaxed like this with another person that was not the man who took them in. Eyes soon began to flicker around the shops interior, when a piano melody started up. How quaint that the tea shop played soothing music like this on rainy days. 'Such a pretty melody... I wonder if all the shops have music like this...' Resting their cheek against the palm of their hand, sometimes glancing back towards the counter, to check on how far along their order was done.

Étaoin soon just blinked when the coat was handed to them, tilting their head in slight confusion, as the blonde muttered the three words. "Ah... I will be fine... My skirt is long enough to keep my legs warm, with these woollen socks and boots." It was a sweet gesture, but Étaoin really was okay, cold wet weather wasn't that much of an issue for them, considering their magic was in fact the element of water, so they never really fussed over the warmth needed, as they didn't really need to. Étaoin would rather the younger stay warm than have the boy worry about them. "I have magic that revolves around water... So it doesn't bother me much when it comes to damp weather... Thank you though, but you keep hold of that coat, Masa~" Hopefully their order would be done soon though, there was so much more Étaoin wanted to talk about, but they didn't want to start topics, just knowing that it could be interrupted anytime soon by the ring of their order.

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Sun Jun 21, 2020 6:15 am

The boy didn't flinch when he was asked if he had an umbrella, already thinking that he'd simply stay in the shop until the rain ends. Simply, he shook his head in response. "Ah, no." with a glance back at Étaoin, he pouted a little. 'Éta probably doesn't have one, either.' if what Masami thought was correct, then that makes two of them without umbrellas. Then they'd be spending time in the shop together, which Masami is fine either way he was alone or is with someone. Perhaps Éta would need to go and run under the rain, but Masami wouldn't. No way he'd get his traditional Joyan clothes wet from the rain, but he hasn't exactly been too careful about it, anyway. After all, due to the things that happened which opened Masami's eyes about how dangerous the world can be, the Joyan boy believed that he wouldn't be able to fight under the rain if that was the circumstance. Then, his hands took the overcoat back, so Masami was able to place them back on top of his thighs, covering the lower portion of his body.

It flustered him when his name was used in third-person, not expecting that at all. He smiled back, simply put, tilting his head in the same direction as Étaoin's. "Haha," he laughed as an expression, his eyes almost closing, "I'm glad! It's seems I'm capable of affecting people that way." For comfort, Masami crossed his arms and lay them on top of the table, still smiling even after he replied. Afterwards, he heard the older person speak of something such as "silly you," vague enough for Masami to hear, but not sure if he heard it right. "Ah?" Masami believed that he shouldn't force the person to repeat what they mentioned, because then Masami would appear desperate, and he wouldn't want that – he instead asked in a short exclaim as a brow slightly raised in suspicion. "A-Ah! I use fire." the second exclaim was simply to continue the previous one, pointing at himself. Was it alright to simply spill this secret out? But then everyone will know that Masami uses fire magic, people would simply have to throw buckets of water unto him if they wanted to capture the blond. Of course, the older person was still a stranger, and Masami was well-aware that they shouldn't trust them easily. He can't help it, he was people-friendly this way.

"I don't like it too hot, though." he added, "We didn't have much magic-users in my hometown, I was trained merely for the show of it." he raised his left pink in front of their faces, having a magic circle form on it. Then, Masami gently blew, and immediately there was a tiny blaze fire that floated on top of the finger, as if it was on a candle. Then again, the same mage blew on it, and now the fire completely dispersed. "See? That wasn't much, but we used to be so amazed by it before." this wasn't a lie at all, Masami was so easily-amazed about magic because they rarely see it. But, now that he is in Fiore, where magic is heavily used even for simple daily life tasks, Masami was no longer so amused by it. 'Must have been why that Kurisa-woman wasn't so amused.' it was a flashback of memory Masami received when he looked at the same pink, frowning a little as he remembered the woman's hair color and outfit, but not the face – he still remembered her voice, but that was the last of it. Once again, Masami placed the arm back down to the table then leaned a bit closer to the person on the other side. "Our orders are taking quite longer than expected." his legs lightly swayed once more, smiling even if there was no reason to. Masami knew that he will not be using the name Étaoin nor Rynn, and was still thinking of a nickname. Names were important for him, after all.

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Sun Jun 21, 2020 10:03 am

Once again, a gentle sigh left Étaoin when Masami confirmed that he did not in fact have an umbrella either. "I guess that makes two of us then." Turning their gaze back towards the rainfall outside, the window now completely speckled with raindrops, whilst puddles formed on the stone patchwork of paving behind the glass. Thoughts brushing through the old memories of when they would jump wildly into muddy puddles, purposely aiming for all the rich people that would hurry past the little gang they had become apart off. "There was a time when I used to enjoy rain, wholeheartedly... Mirth shining in the purple eyes. A silent chuckle on their lips, remembering the group of boys aged between eight and fourteen. Only for the look to turn sour when Éta remembered the fatal day of that single stormy evening. "Not anymore though... Heh, that's I time I wish sometimes, I could go back too..." It always ended up with the group of kids being yelled at, but back then, Éta could just laugh it off like it was nothing but a tiny little dust speck in the rays of sunlight the town would receive after the downfall of water. Inhaling, clearing their head, Étaoin let out a nervous laugh and looked back towards Masami. "Ah... Rainy days make me annoyingly sentimental as well. Go figure right."

Continuing to listen to the soft piano melody and the white noise that was friendly chatter of other customers. Éta notice a few more people had made their way into the small shop, more than likely because of the sudden rainfall, but it unnerved the them slightly. They never were good with very crowded areas after the rat pack's abandonment on them. Masami had replied a few times to what they had said, and Étaoin just nodded along to his replies, taking in all he was saying. It was only polite to do that after all. "A fire mage, huh?" A small grin laced their lips, as Masami continued to talk about his relations with weather that was somewhat intertwined with his magic, being the complete opposite of how Éta felt about their interlinking weather-magic relationships, and how they went about the whole situation. "Eh, dont worry it's not like it has to be like that." Though they perked up when the mention of magic not being something that was popular, because that was the same for Étaoin too.

They always believed magic to be a fairy tale. Something parents would use against their kids, a myth, even with all the shops dedicated to mages or people who had a similar sort of motive in life, before the accident, Éta had never actually met a mage, sorcerer, with, warlock, whatever they went by in the many countries that scoured the land. "Same here. Like we had small shops that were dedicated to magical resources, but I have never seen or met a mage... Well not until I was twelve anyway." A huff of breath left Éta in disbelief at the thought that there were other places out there where magic didn't exist but was heard of. "I thought it to be a stupid fairy tale that adults would use against us... Until I did a stupid thing, back in my home country." Shrugging slightly, Étaoin blinked when Masami had shown a small snippet of what he could do with his fire magic, eyes widened in curiosity, because even though Éta had seen magic being used, it was more towards them in aggression than just to purely demonstrate something so casually. "That's pretty cool, I can't really do much, maybe like changing the flow of water, like I did with the raindrops, but anything else would require more effort, and there wouldn't be a point to do that right now you know."

Mentioning the drinks was something that they had wanted to bring up but didn't know how to really go about it, turning their gaze towards the counter, where more people where standing in line. Like it would've made sense to if they had started making their order now, why the fact it was taking so long, but no, they had ordered it before this rain fiasco. "Mhm... Maybe one of us should go inquire about it... Before I die of curiosity or better yet, thirst." They didn't mean it in a literal sense, just a little joke and hopefully Masami did understand that, because honestly, Étaoin just wanted to try this drink. Figure this 'tea' out, with their new and first young friend.

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Sun Jun 21, 2020 8:55 pm

'May I please just have all the information about you?' Masami smiled despite having the thought, not wanting to... ask everything at once, even though he was aware that this Étaoin has been giving out vague hints about which questions can be asked; to Masami, he was being very open and all those vague hints are forcing Masami to express his desperation in knowing more! But perhaps he wanted to be asked? But then it might be unfair, too. It was better back in the days were history was immediately written in scrolls for easy access – just steal a specific one then you'll eventually learn all about them, at least just the notable information, but then those are also major parts that may end up telling you more than it should have. Yet again, Masami was focusing more on the person in front of him instead of himself, but that's quite fine. He loves people this much, maybe even more if they were friends. It is a hypocritical thing for Masami to be aware about how cautious he should be around everyone regardless of their relationship upon each other but... perhaps that's just how kids work.

Because Étaoin mentioned the small things he can do with his magic, Masami just had to reply with a silly idea that suddenly airstriked in his brain. "That's good, maybe you can make an umbrella using the rain itself!" how could would that be? Even though it works or not, Masami would still be pleased, naturally. "Fiore's pretty weird, anyway." Masami stuck his tongue out a little bit when he smiled this time, mocking... a whole country, but maybe the people too? Fiorians live in Fiore, after all, so all of them in general must be weird. Apparently, then the foreigners would be gradually grow weirder for living here. 'Good God...' he internally sighed at the thought when an image of Masami himself no longer wearing Joyan clothes popped into his head. But wait... what was that stupid thing? This Joyan boy needs his answers.

"Hmm..." he looked up, having an idea in his mind, "we can all be stupid sometimes. But maybe it's not as bad as accidentally giving yourself away and having yourself and your own family harassed? That was my stupid thing." yikes, was that too much? 'Those people ended up burning down, anyway." Masami had no hesitation telling these. Moving out of Joya and meeting new people had actually worked in moving on, those love advisors were right after all. Although it was too bad that Masami had to cut it short, he pulled himself up with the palms that touched the tabletop, finally standing and holding the circular object. "I'll go ahead and ask." they won't go anywhere if they don't go ask, in Masami's perception.

Right after he reached the front counter, the circular object started to vibrate as it shines a red color. "Ah, miss—" he exclaimed for being startled, but his timing was almost perfect. After giving the object to the lady, Masami's hands pressed against two filled plastic cups, bigger than Masami's hands. 'Ah, this must be why it was expensive.' he raised a cup up and looked through the bottom of it... there were dark colored bubbles and the sugary syrup starting to blend in with the whole drink. Boba? This must be what they call 'boba'. He was also given two straws and tissues, the side stickers contain information about the two drinks, both in 700mL. Immediately after reaching the table Étaoin and Masami uses, the boy gently placed both drinks down as he takes a seat as well.

"I thank God for the food today!" out of habit, he mentioned this as he pops the straw out of its plastic then checking the sticker to make sure it was the right drink. Then he'd finally strike the plastic lid with the straw. "Let's eat!" a traditional Joyan phrase they say out loud before they eat, Masami still has it in him with his fresh Okinawa boba tea. It tasted just like the tea from Joya but apparently more... cheap? Artificial? It was sugary, and Masami finally felt the 'boba' enter his mouth, in which he had to detach himself from the drink in surprise to chew. "Oh... oh!" then, with a hand in caressing his cheek, Masami tilted his head in delight.

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Mon Jun 22, 2020 7:03 am

Silence fell over them whilst Masami went to get their orders, Étaoin would wait until he returned with their drinks before continuing or making anymore topics to talk about. What the teen had said about the rain sound silly but also cool at the same time, and Éta felt like they would be that one kid to have a silly spell like that on hand, just for the hell of it. Éta went over all the information given, before the boy left. 'So... Masa had a difficult life as well before coming here? Guess we really are in the same boat.' Sighing softly, they went back to playing with the loose thread on their cardigan, humming along quietly to the melody.

When Masami set the drinks down, Éta took the straw produced, and stabbed it into the clear film of a lid, the pink liquid filling the straw, as the small dark orbs at the bottom swirled around from the shift. "You know... having a spell that worked like an umbrella... Even though it sounds a little silly, would come in handy." Taking a sip of the drink, Éta eyes widened a little when something else hit their taste buds along with the liquid. Chewing softly, before glancing up at Masami who also seemed to be enjoying the discovery. 'So that's why the large straws are needed... I see.' It was strange, they still didn't understand why these weird new syrup like balls were in the drink, but Éta would be an idiot to say that it did not make the drink any less exciting. "I would have to figure out how many people I would want for it to cover... More people more the effort you know." A calculating expression laced Éta's features, as they began considering the whole spell in general, it would be extremely handy if it did start unexpectedly started raining whilst they were travelling placed and had no umbrella, also they wouldn't even need to worry about holding onto an umbrella in general. Two birds with one stone, it was a win-win situation.

"You're right we can be stupid sometimes..." A morbid laugh left Étaoin at the words. Truer words have never been spoken. "My stupidity came in the form of trying to steal a high priced potion from one of those shops I mentioned... With my friends..." It was said it a much lower voice. A voice that said this was only to be heard by Masami and them, no one else in the shop."It ended up with me drink the potion in mass hysteria for a bunch of kids. Didn't help that the language used to describe the potion was all in a foreign one to what we knew." Shrugging a little, it was behind them now. Sometimes it did come back to haunt Étaoin, but during those times they just tried to keep a calm state of mind. Bringing forth a panic attack, would only lead to disaster. That was something that always needed to be prevented, especially considering they still didn't know the limits to what the potion had changed.

"What's you next move? Like what do you plan to do after today? Continuing to drink their drink, Éta smiled at the younger. "Hanging out with you in the future will be fun, so we'll have to keep in touch after today." Étaoin planned to probably explore the other towns of this country, get to know the whole area. Maybe meet some more people, try to find some work, so they didn't starve whilst here, for however long they were here for. Make sure they had money for the next time they met up with Masami, since their next lot of dining was going to be on Étaoin, as per promised.

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Tue Jun 23, 2020 2:54 am

He continued to make light sips through the straw, entertaining himself with the chewy black orbs added upon the drink, even if it's not as Joyan as Masami expected it to be. He stirred the drink with that single straw as he listened to what the fellow in front has to say, nodding while still chewing. "More people, more mana." he gave a subtle expression of annoyance over the fact with a sigh, considering Masami's immediate tiredness whenever he uses magic. As self-sustaining as he can be, Masami doesn't like getting tired or forcing himself to the limits at all. So whenever he trains, he gets annoyed. Although he can be hit many times while still standing, there was no doubt that the world would truly require him to use up magic. "I can be tough but... being tough's tiring." once again, he took a sip by raising the plastic cup using both of his palms, feeling the coldness of the liquid inside, even more cold because of the rain and room temperature.

The boy let Étaoin finish speaking before he could say whatever the Joyan has to say. After the older person was done, Masami placed the cup back down, his hands upon his waists this time. He stared blankly into Étaoin's eyes without saying anything, heavy breathing through his nose. "Yeah, that was stupid." he uttered accompanied by slight, frequent nodding. "But... I guess that makes you brave for drinking something unknown. At least it wasn't anything like poison?" or was it? Masami thought that either way, if that potion gives back permanent suffering, then it's the same as poison itself. Well, Masami believed that he earned at least twenty-percent of information about the older person, it's quite fair now.

There weren't much things to do in Myras City for Masami. If perhaps he was somewhere else like Magnolia City or Dahlia City, then there'd be a lot to do. "I'm with Tomoe." instead of saying anything else, Masami poked the guild tattoo on his left cheek twice, "He's a fellow, but I haven't seen him in a while." in short... he was stuck in this place in unproductivity unless they meet again. "I just hope that I don't get stuck here forever... I need to go visit Hosenka City sometime, too."

Taking another sip before asking the second question, Masami spoke as he chewed another set of boba. "You're not with anyone?" although it was a question to earn answers, Masami had already assumed that they may have come alone... perhaps someone would pick them up sooner? "I'll be staying here for a bit, we can hang out a lot while I'm still at it!" that way, neither of them could get lonelier.

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Tue Jun 23, 2020 8:46 am

"When i figure that spell out, you will definitely be the first to know, Masa~" Nodding at their words, before locking the idea to one part of their memory for later references. Masami will definitely be the first to know, considering that the younger had given the idea in the first place. A sigh also left Éta when Masami spoke about how using magic was tiring, and they really couldn't agree more. It's why they preferred not to fight. Fighting was tiring, and Étaoin only fought if it was extremely necessary. "Couldn't agree with you anymore more there Masa... Fighting and using magic is way to exhausting."

Tapping their chin at the suggestion, already saying they were an idiot themselves, and Masami just agreeing, it did hurt a little, but then what kind of truth would it be, if it did not hurt even the slightest bit? 'Brave. No I was petrified, I was practically force fed that potion... but lets not tell him that.' Rubbing their neck at the thought of being brave, this slightly make them nervous, not in the awkward way but more in a bashful way. They usually didn't receive comments like 'brave' it was more 'fair' or 'fragile' making Éta sound like a damsel in distress, that a magic user in training. "No nothing like poison... It tasted waaay to bitter for poison..." The way Étaoin said it, made it seem like they had tasted poison before, but that wasn't the case. It's just what they were taught. Make the poison blend with the cuisine or liquids you are using. At least it was one thing that damned mage had taught them, which would be useful maybe. "If you need to poison someone... Ya gonna want to make it sweet or savoury... Make it blend... So they wont notice." A grin lace their lips before taking another sip of their drink, softly chuckling. Étaoin was serious, but at the same time, they were also joking around, maybe they shouldn't be giving out this information like it was candy. Poison was dangerous stuff. They had seen it being used in their training as the one labelled 'Rynn' the mage's apprentice.

Setting their chin in their hand, Éta raised their cup drinking more, chewing the orbs when they graced their mouth. Listening to Masami talk about why he was here, and if he was going anywhere at all. To confirm, the boy wasn't going anywhere as far as he knew, but did want to visit another city within the country. "Hosenka... So interesting, maybe we can go there or meet up there one day in the future...?" Setting the drink down, Étaoin shrugged that the question of being alone. They had been alone since twelve, so really this wasn't anything different. No this time they were running. "Well no... I've been alone for the past six years... I'm more... Running away, to put it plainly." Running a hand through the messy green strands, Éta let out a huff at the thought of going back to that stupid mage. "I feel like... I want to explore more... See what this place has to offer... Whether it's worth staying in this country, or if I can find a place to call home finally..." Smiling softly at the boy's enthusiasm on them hanging out, it would be nice, but Éta kept having a feeling they should head out eventually. See the other cities or towns, get a job. "I gotta find some jobs too as well, can't not have money for our next picnic day you know."

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Tue Jun 23, 2020 11:48 am

'Hold on a minute...' was what Masami thought, although he left out a short "Ah." sound as expression upon Étaoin's statement regards food, 'I could actually use that information.' Masami was convinced that poison had to blend through the flavor... this older person was utterly correct! How intelligent! Masami's eyes almost sparkled the true stars at night, why didn't he even think of this in the first place? He avoided expressing this realization, aware that the knowledge of poisoning someone is not kind at all. Now the boy knows where Étaoin was coming from. Sooner or later, the boy wouldn't have any more boba to chew, sadly. He comically frowned upon the realization.

While mixing the drink with the straw again, Masami made a "Hmm..." sound before continuing, "I apparently own the theater in Hosenka." Well, that was straightforward enough. Masami looked into Étaoin's eyes, waiting for their reaction as the blond chilled himself by taking another moment of sips, "Actually, I was going to say things about being busy but... I'm good at managing my time. I'll do my best for your service!" Masami thought that when that happens, Étaoin wouldn't be as lonely as before, hopefully. It usually just takes a single friend but... knowing Masami's current situation, he knows that he won't be the one to accomplish that goal. He can't please everyone unless he's by the theater, the thought alone ticks him off. "Ah, that's weird..." he supported his cheek with a palm, having his arms crossed again, "we're both runaways, too?" perhaps Étaoin didn't burn a court unlike Masami, but that was the only reason why Masami run away. There was no other way, he was guilty and a huge sinner because of it – blaming himself as the cause of his mother's never-ending illness. When the boy sighed, he also slid the cup away from him.

Because of what both of them shared, oddly enough, Masami felt connected to the older person. 'It's usually not a good thing, but...' then, Masami looked at Étaoin with an honest face of seriousness. The boy believed that he must have been irrational for this, and has been slightly stopping himself from continuing on, yet a huge part of emotion in him was taking over. "When all of this is done and we meet again, let's work together until we find our home, okay?" of course, Masami wasn't sure if they would meet again after this day, so those words were merely just a fragment of hope embedded in him. It's alright if the older person declined, because then Masami would have simply looked for someone else to work with in the future however... why does the thought somehow make him feel upset?

One or the Other [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

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