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There's gotta be something! Vultures Day 2

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There's gotta be something! Vultures Day 2 Empty Mon Jun 15, 2020 10:38 am

Requiem what kind of sick place this was. Last night, two people had their heads exploded by the creepy murder doll.

Pushing the horrid imagery away, she quietly stalked through the trees. Searching. Hunting. Seeking.

Which would be so much easier if her magic wasn't locked. She could've easily gathered enough supplies for the camp by now if she could have used her magic. But no. This creepy place was doing...something... that made magic unusable.

Still, anything that could be even remotely useful would be a blessing. Without tools, she'd be vulnerable to whatever twisted mind ruled the island.

-searching for item-

My pain will never ruin my smile
And my darkness protects my light
There's gotta be something! Vultures Day 2 Images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRheMfjuJy-VF0173Ca6-RfL8AyNymKicC8Qny4h62Hmzr_OiId

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