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Third Game: Jump (Vultures)

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#1Island Master 

Third Game: Jump (Vultures) Empty Sat Jun 20, 2020 6:54 pm

Island Master
Third Game: Jump

Suddenly, the Vultures were teleported again. The entire group was standing in a line facing each other's backs at a beach. There was a rope next to them laying down on the sand which was held by a grotesque oni in front of them and behind them. Soon the rope would start swinging and they would all be forced to jump to avoid the rope. The rope was sharp and would cut through flesh and bone if someone missed the timing of their jump.

Roll: Constitution, Endurance

Details: The rolls have to be done in two separate posts. Constitution is rolled in the first post. When each participant has posted, the lowest roll is considered sliced to death. That person may no longer roll again. The rest must roll again for Endurance. Once again, the lowest roll is considered sliced to death. Steel is excluded should he roll the lowest number. In that case, the next lowest number is considered sliced to death.

Timer: 24 Hours (First Roll), 24 Hours (Second Roll).


The Vultures are suffering from Illness which results into 5 points reduction in Endurance.


Third Game: Jump (Vultures) Empty Sun Jun 21, 2020 1:15 pm


Steel had become used to this now. Every day/night cycle he would become entirely blind except he was not blind. The ground would disappear and so would the rest of the world around him, leaving Steel floating in space and time.
The stale cold, darkness of that one brief second felt natural now. Then again he awoke on this strange island which he could not escape. Every time he awoke in another place.

This time he was standing on a beach. There was a rope laying on the ground next to him. On each end of the rope stood a monstrous creature. Someone would probably die here. And anyone that broke the rules to save anyone else would also die. One could simply play along. And so Steel made his first jump.

Low Quality Fish(+5 END), Medium Quality Fruits(+10 SPEED).


Third Game: Jump (Vultures) Empty Sun Jun 21, 2020 1:15 pm

The member 'Steel' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 95

#4Daiko Flayme 

Third Game: Jump (Vultures) Empty Sun Jun 21, 2020 1:23 pm

Daiko Flayme
What the fu-
In the middle of his planning to find an escape out of this ridiculous place, the familiar blitz and void that usually took him from one position to another fell upon him. He was no longer in the search of tools to help him find a way out of this island, for now, he found himself standing up despite having sat down a few moments ago - a rope was located next to him, and he saw that a pair of oni were holding each end.
And as they locked eyes with his, then prompted to swing the rope around. The rope was covered in blades and looked like it could cut through him with ease if he didn’t avoid them. With his lack of magic, his hands were pretty much tied, so he guessed that he had to be agile…


Third Game: Jump (Vultures) Empty Sun Jun 21, 2020 1:23 pm

The member 'Daiko Flayme' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 32

#6Odin † 

Third Game: Jump (Vultures) Empty Sun Jun 21, 2020 1:24 pm

Odin †

Teleported once again, this time to the a beach. It was the first time Odin could catch a glimpse of where they were. Looking out, albeit briefly, towards the sea, Odin saw nothing. No nearby islands, no indication of Fiore on the horizon, just blue. It raised many more questions than it answered, but the Lich had to focus. He wasn't here to sight-see. The rope before him, and next to everyone else in his camp, started swinging. They had to jump over it as it approached them, otherwise it would brutally cut them down. As it came to Odin, he watched it and then, when the timing felt right, he jumped.


Third Game: Jump (Vultures) Empty Sun Jun 21, 2020 1:24 pm

The member 'Odin' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 14


Third Game: Jump (Vultures) Empty Sun Jun 21, 2020 2:13 pm


There we go again... Alisa had been sick all day, and had she known they'd have yet another game to contend with, she'd have found some way to deal with tha, perhaps grab what herbs she could to mitigate the damage. Heading innto the games with crippling nausea would most likely result in her death anyway, so... All or nothing. Alas, she had no time to plan ahead and instead found herself pulled into action once more:

"Well, what is it this time...?", mused the sculptress, looking around, eyes narrowing as she tried to understand just what kind of challenge they'd have to overcome this time around. Those demons sure looked nasty, and the sculptress would truly have preferred not to look at them but... They most likely has some kind of means of killing everybody around in their weakened state, so took them in regardless. That rope looked pretty menacing, all the more so when they started swininging it. Getting hit by that thing would ruin her day, so Alisa jumped as fast as she could, but not as high, knowing this deadly game of rope skipping would require her to conserve her energy.

Low Quality Herbs (+5 CON)


Last edited by Alisa on Sun Jun 21, 2020 2:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Third Game: Jump (Vultures) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Third Game: Jump (Vultures) Empty Sun Jun 21, 2020 2:13 pm

The member 'Alisa' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 40


Third Game: Jump (Vultures) Empty Sun Jun 21, 2020 2:14 pm

You know what sucks?

Getting kidnapped, magiced to a horror movie island, and then having to play death games. Creepy dolls, flying pillars, now the jump rope of death.

Seriously, who the fuck came up with this shit? Requiem was plotting ways to kick whoever was responsible for this in the balls hard enough that they'd ricochet all over the inside of his ribs.

She now had two unknowing practice subjects, assuming she survived this bullshit. Her foot was gonna go so far up their collective asses that they'd taste the back of her knee. Death was not going to be swift or merciful if she had her way.

My pain will never ruin my smile
And my darkness protects my light
Third Game: Jump (Vultures) Images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRheMfjuJy-VF0173Ca6-RfL8AyNymKicC8Qny4h62Hmzr_OiId

Third Game: Jump (Vultures) Empty Sun Jun 21, 2020 2:14 pm

The member 'Requiem' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 76

#12Island Master 

Third Game: Jump (Vultures) Empty Sun Jun 21, 2020 2:47 pm

Island Master
Odin got sliced up by the sharp rope. He got dismembered at the ankles by jumping too late. While he tried to crawl away, the next swing cleanly cut through his head and torso. The oni started to laugh and swing the rope even faster to keep chopping up Odin's skeletal body. Steel, Alisa, Daiko, and Requiem were now forced to jump faster than before as they were getting covered in bits and pieces of the skeletal man's bones.

The last 24 hours start now.


Third Game: Jump (Vultures) Empty Sun Jun 21, 2020 5:29 pm


As Steel jumped he could see the bones next to him as they were sliced first at the knees. Then another strike came which cleanly made its way through the entire body of the skeleton man. The monsters that were holding this long jump rope of death both apparently thought that this was funny as they laughed demonically as the skeleton slowly was turning into dust.

They had no hesitation. They simply wanted to kill. “Games” like these were funny to them. But to Steel this was horrible. His usual heroic personality couldn’t fathom the fact that any being was capable of creating something as savage as this. The game master whoever he or she was must have been some sort of Demon. Steel would have to start jumping faster. Keeping the pace of the demon monsters so that he wouldn't get sliced into bits.

Low Quality Fish(+5 END), Medium Quality Fruits(+10 SPEED).


Third Game: Jump (Vultures) Empty Sun Jun 21, 2020 5:29 pm

The member 'Steel' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 20


Third Game: Jump (Vultures) Empty Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:46 am


Well... Alisa had managed to survive it so far... For how much longer could she keep this going? After so many jumps she slowly felt her energy ebbing away, with each following jump getting increasingly slow and sluggish, some just barely enough to get over the deadly spinning rope... Alisa could only chide herself, unable to not curse her own powerlessness despite the very clear, inescapable notion that there was nothing she could have done to protect against the spell that weakened her, especially when the missing memories had taken her knowledge of magic along with them. Indeed, the only thing she could do... Was survive. Even if it meant getting struck by more bits of bone than she could ever hope to dodge...

Low Quality Herbs (+5 CON)

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Third Game: Jump (Vultures) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Third Game: Jump (Vultures) Empty Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:46 am

The member 'Alisa' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 10


Third Game: Jump (Vultures) Empty Mon Jun 22, 2020 12:14 pm

Well.... that happened. The lich was now in snort sized pieces if there were time to do a line. Or eighty. Once she got out of this shithole Requiem swore she was gonna get so drunk she'd forget the meaning of sober and perv hard on all the hot ones.

First though, she had jackasses to kill. Survive this event, turn the demons into eunuchs, hunt down whoever is responsible. Turn them into a eunuch if it was a guy or if it was a woman responsible she'd tear the bitch's baby factory out with her bare hands. Bare. Hands. Covered in alcohol and salt for added pain and suffering.

No, really. Because this was beyond "ass, meet foot" levels of pissed Requiem was feeling. This was "fuck you, fuck everyone around you, and fuck everything in your general direction" levels of pissed. Once her magic was back she'd make them pay.... oh how she'd enjoy making these sick fucks suffer for what they did.

My pain will never ruin my smile
And my darkness protects my light
Third Game: Jump (Vultures) Images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRheMfjuJy-VF0173Ca6-RfL8AyNymKicC8Qny4h62Hmzr_OiId

Third Game: Jump (Vultures) Empty Mon Jun 22, 2020 12:14 pm

The member 'Requiem' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 27

#19Island Master 

Third Game: Jump (Vultures) Empty Mon Jun 22, 2020 3:57 pm

Island Master
As the Oni sped up their swinging, it became clear that not everyone was going to be able to keep up for much longer. Steel, however, seemed to be drugged up or something. Sweat was rolling down his face as he kept on jumping faster without paying any attention to what was happening around him. Requiem did her best to keep up and managed to avoid the rope as well. Alisa, however, was having a lot more trouble. If it wasn't for Daiko getting a cramp in his foot, she would have been next. Instead, Daiko lost his life to the jump rope game.

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