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Bikinis n Hawaiian t-shirts (Private: Alisa)

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Bikinis n Hawaiian t-shirts (Private: Alisa) Empty Mon Sep 07, 2020 4:53 pm


Noel Raion.

Animagus del Mago

Noel heard birds whistle into the early morning in Myras. It was the morning after his first night in Myras. He'd enjoy a stay at a hotel in which Blue Pegasi members received a hefty discount. This implied that most Blue Pegasi members were found at this hotel during their night rest and mornings - save for the odd few of course. While enjoying his complimentary breakfast, he'd enjoy a clear sight over the inner sprawls of Myras City. Unlike many other mornings, in the dawn of today the male opted for a tea instead of a coffee. Which he otherwise regularly enjoyed. When the waiter poured it into his cup, a syrupy spiral went straight out of the tea kettle. The steam that exhumed from the tea had golden tints. Noel was thoroughly impressed. Either the chef here really knew what he was doing, or a tea connoisseur gave him an earful that had left such a deep imprint that this classic piece was the result of it. For all he knew, he was drinking a liquefied version of a tea recipe passed down the generations. Coffee wasn't the same.

This passing philosophical thought captured his mind, as he sat with one leg crossed over the other. A flimsy pair of sunglasses on his face - most of his other combat apparel laid in his room. Myras was hardly a city where one might need to be equipped at all times. Coffee was the bean that represented the machine, the beverage of the working class - the caffeine that brought enlightenment to Fiore. Only culture dictated its taste. Too region reliant. Their cooking recipes were too... while trying to figure out a conclusion to his mental argument, his concentration was taken away by the sound of incoming footsteps. He'd quickly put out his cig by using the underside of the table, flicking the cig casually away. It wasn't a crime to smoke in Fiore. Ever since leaving jail, Noel felt extra jumpy - even about things that weren't against the law. After the footsteps had left his hearing, he'd get up from his chair and stretch.

Given with the hot season embroiling Fiore in a heavenly fury of wrath; it had been inevitable that the acquisition of new clothing was required. Of the exotic kind, maybe even a tad eccentric. Noel wanted to appear as a young cash magnate, maybe due to the positive attention it'd get him, or maybe because he most enjoyed pretending to be things he wasn't. Unlikely that Noel would ever admit the latter. The tall Blue Pegasi wizard entered the main lobby of the hotel, he'd look around to see if there were other members around that wanted to go into town and shop for new clothes.


Bikinis n Hawaiian t-shirts (Private: Alisa) Empty Sat Sep 12, 2020 8:55 am


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Noel | CASUAL

It was quite a bit more than just a hefty discount, really... Alisa had struck quite a generous deal with that luxurious hotel, intent on hosting the entirety of her guild if the need arose whens he began her campaign in Myras. She never expected all of the guild to join, nor had she asked them to, but she prepared for the eventuality regarless. In the end, the chosen hotel prided itself in quality more so than quality, all the better since Alisa really had no need for the largest hotel in the city.

"My, what a wonderful day~...", mused the sculptress, peeking out the window every so often, just enough to catch a couple fellow early risers as they went about their daily lives. Taking slow sips of her coffee, delighting in its enrapuring aroma, the tall woman casually crossed those long, shapely legs and relished her down time...

The sculptress had gotten up earlier, perhaps even earlier than Noel did, just enough to get a quick few morning laps in the swimming pool before making herself presentable in time for breakfast... And there she stood, casually sitting about the hotel lounge, flipping lackadaisically through the pages of a newspaper. With no morning workouts and with no pressing matters to attend to, she had yet to decide what she'll end up doing for the rest of the day. Whimsical as ever, Alisa knew she'd decide on a spur of the moment urge... If all else failed, she could certainly find herself scouring through the avaliable missions and clearing some of those out. Always good not to let oneself go rusty, even when handling a mostly administrative job.

"Ara ara~... Could that be...?", yet in those odd moments where she looked curiously around the room in search of familiar faces, Alisa caught the sight someone entering the lobby, one whose face she did indeed recognize, yet hadn't formally met yet.

Lowering her empty cup back down as she scanned him head to toe, Alisa couldn't help but think back on everything she'd heard of him from both Kenzo and her wife in turn, smile widening as she left the newspaper there and approached his table, her heels clacking along the smooth stony floor, announcing her approach:

"Good morning... You must be Noel~..., she'd speak up as she drew nearer, greeting him casually, with just the bare minimum amount of formality her position dictated as she stretched her hand out, "Alisa Vollan. It's a pleasure to finally meet you.""

Brushing her long, flowing dark hair behind her shoulder as she sashayed over to him, flashing that cool, welcoming smile, Alisa betrayed but a hint of vanity as one arm folds over her chest, reaching around to adjust her loose, flowing yellow shirt over her shoulder, and finally tucking a loose black lock behind her ear as she introduced herself.

With nobody else around, this felt like the perfect opportunity to finally get to know the man her wife spoke so highly of...

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Bikinis n Hawaiian t-shirts (Private: Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Bikinis n Hawaiian t-shirts (Private: Alisa) Empty Sun Sep 20, 2020 5:11 pm


Noel Raion.

Animagus del Mago

In the lobby of the hotel, an elegant lady awaited the next sign of adventure. She was crowned as the esteemed leader of the Blue Pegasus a long time ago. Her fame knew no bounds, having reached a status of a superstar over the duration of a long career; Noel knew of Alisa's name and appearance. Judging from the way their eyes met for a second, it seemed they both recognized each other. He'd notice her getting up and moving towards him before he was able to properly greet her. He assumed she was busy, so he had minimal intentions of disturbing her peace. When he noticed her getting up and moving towards him, he'd do the casual tucked in chin - bowing his head a little as a sign of respect. It wasn't until he heard her talk towards him that he thought to reply. "Very sharp, you are correct. Alisa I take it?" She confirmed it was her right after Noel talked. That name rung somewhat familiar from a time long ago. He couldn't recall their previous meeting - to be fair, it was multiple years ago. He'd extend his own arm towards her, and shake her hand as it was dictated within the etiquettes and customs of meeting one another in Fiore. "Oh, please - pleasure is all mine." With a smile and a generally friendly expression said Noel.

Carrying the title of guild master of a guild that heavily relied on its outer appearance certainly played a role in her mannerisms. Noel noticed by the way she made her hair sit perfectly as they were talking. "I was just thinking about heading out and going into town. Need some new 'tees, I'd like to invite you with if you were interested." Truth of the matter was that Noel was going to use this casual meeting in order to not only introduce himself a bit better to his new guild master, but also go into the details of what he had in his mind. His release from prison was very recently; and with all of his time spent there - he had ample of opportunity to think about his next moves, given that he could leave the jail in peace. Which luckily for Noel was the case.

Depending on the reaction of Alisa, the semi-famed Animagus del Mago happily escorted Alisa out of the hotel and move towards the streets of Myras. Having heard quite a few tales from Sofia thus far, he was curious how much of those tales were going to hold up. Once out on the street, given the standard chitchat about the weather and local political atmosphere had been conversed already, the male begun prying into Alisas personal life. "Can I ask you a dumb question?" He'd say, awaiting Alisas response before continuing. "Starting at what amount of jewels would you bother to bend over and pick it up - given, the former owner of this money is nowhere to be found." With questions like these, he'd get to know Alisa a little better.

Casually strolling through the inner sprawl of Myras made the heads turn of common populace quite often. He'd been looking around keenly to find a shop with some sort of banner depicting the sell of clothing. Just when Noel spotted a clothing store, he'd move on with the conversation and take it up a notch. "How do you feel about the security of Fiore?" In prison, he'd been thinking about several different things. Chief among them being the safety of Fiore - currently, nobody really guaranteed the safety of the common populace; given the disappearance of Rune Knights after all. Maybe Blue Pegasus could play a role - and unite several guilds to protect Fiore from external threats.


Bikinis n Hawaiian t-shirts (Private: Alisa) Empty Mon Sep 28, 2020 12:37 pm


WORDS: 700 | TAG: @Noel | CASUAL  

Little did he know how Alisa's vanity preceded her current position in the guild, though in all fairness, she had to admit, the two clearly went hand in hand. As he took her hand, Alisa knew she could tell a lot about a person from that first touch alone. The callused hints of a fighter, much like she had on her knuckles, contrasting with the smoothness of her pale skin, evident of a woman who obviously took great care with it:

"Fufu~ I must say, you have incredible timing. I've been meaning to find a new swimsuit for the party, but haven't gotten around to it.", she replied, nodding as her idle hand came to rest on her full hip, her smile brightening ever so slightly, "I suppose, no time like the present, hm~?"

Alisa had been postponing her little shopping trip a tad too long now, it always seemed as though she had something more important that took priority. In the end though, nothing had a higher priority in her mind than the well being of her guild members, to get to know each and every one of them. The fact that she could take care of her shopping at the same time was just a fortunate coincidence, and one she wouldn't dream of passing up on:

"By all means, what's on your mind?", she asked, brow raising curiously and wondering what he had to ask. In the end, that question got an audible laughter from her lips, her hand raising over her mouth as she seemed utterly convinced Noel was telling her a joke, but as she looked at him and saw the way he looked back at her, the way he looked just as serious as when they started talking. Realizing this, Alisa merely hummed, cupping her chin as she spoke, "Hmm, I suppose that really depends on where the coin fell on, how much of a hurry I'm in, even what part of town... But if you'd like an absolute minimum? I'd say 100J."

A comparatively small amount for the fortune she'd so far amassed, not so small as to merely weigh down her wallet, or so frequent that she'd end up doing it every other day. In the way Alisa saw it, money should be valued, not idly squandered. As they strolled along to the busier parts of town, Alisa took in the sights all around them, but for the most part, those wine red hues focused on Noel first and foremost. Only when he asked his next question, did the lithomancer's perpetual faint smile fade slightly. She did what she could to protect her people, but in the end. She was just one woman. Blue Pegasus was just one guild. As powerful as they were, they couldn't quite exert their influence elsewhere as directly as they did in the south:

"Hmm... Precarious.", she spoke, cupping her chin as her brow furrowed softly. For once her gaze drifted off from his steely blue eyes and towards the road ahead, glancing up into the sky as she reminded their encounter with dragons, "The country might have looked safe at first glance, but now we have dragons threatening to burn it down. The guilds stepped up as the Kingdom retreated back to Crocus, but not all of them were adequately equipped to do so. And even among those who did, not all of them have the best interests of their people at heart."

The great change left the people elated, ecstatic for what the future may hold. Coupled with a comparatively long lasting peace after many years of constant war, many had grown complacent. Alisa thought differently. Every day she trained herself, nurtured her power in whatever ways she could, and encouraged her guild members to do the same:

"...The illusion of safety can be far more insidious than a threat of war.", she concluded, letting out a soft sigh as she looked back into his eyes, "If I was an enemy planning to invade Fiore... I might struggle to find a better timing than now."

In the end, though, Alisa merely looked back at him, knowing she could learn much of his character by how he took her answers to his questions. Kenzo spoke highly of him, and she knew that Finn would too if he could. Just as interested in him as he was in her, Alisa nonetheless had different ways of getting to know him better, motioning at the myriad shops around, them motioning towards the first few that had clothes out on display:

"So... See anything that strikes your fancy~?"

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Bikinis n Hawaiian t-shirts (Private: Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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