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#1Azure Fenic 

Currently in the News [Open] Empty Fri Jun 26, 2020 1:07 pm

Azure Fenic

This day could not have been any better, he finished translating for some waring bandits and now he can just relax with his tea until the next job comes his way. Azure sat inside a rather popular cafe in the Middle District "I wonder what the family is doing right about now?" he asked himself aloud in Stellan. Everyone inside the cafe seemed to distance themselves from him even though he was a regular at this place by this point, could it due to his dealing with Bandits, or was it just due to him being a known trouble maker with some of the staff that worked there? So many unanswered that didn't matter in the end. His table was adjacent to the door so he was able to hear the conversations that came and went between patrons as sometimes it would lead to a new job or just some random information.  

It took about three to four minutes until he received his order of green tea and caramel covered crape even though he wanted to go exploring around the Avvar Mountains that had to wait until he found another job that would lead to that place as most people fear the Barbarians even though all one would need to do is kill them before they kill you. The scholar pulled out a little note pad and revied some of the notes that he had taken the day prior The Honey Bandits are losing control of their people as many defects to the Hori group, as he read the notes back to himself taking a sip of tea and a bite of the crape he realized that the teacup was empty and the crape was gone. Now with his meal over he wrote something on a napkin and walked out the cafe with a carefree smile upon his face. The day was still young and Azure needed to find something to slate his ever-expanding boredom.

{Sheet / Magic}
Currently in the News [Open] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Currently in the News [Open] Empty Fri Jun 26, 2020 3:32 pm

It's only been a couple of days since they had arrived in this country, and what very eventful couple of days they had been for Étaoin. First they meet a sweet kid, with similar problems to what they, themselves have. 'I wonder how Masa is getting on?' Thinking quietly as they walked through the streets of what was apparently the middle district of the city, it wasn't like the outer areas and it definitely was not like the area where they met Masami, but it was closer than what the other area's they had roamed in where for sure. Though Étaoin refused to visit the castle that the more up class district surrounded. 'What should I do today...?' Thinking to them self once again, pausing to one side of the street, so they wouldn't get in anyone's way as Éta figured out what to do on this relatively nice day.

"Maybe I should go find that guild soon... or explore that place that Masami spoke about... Hosenka or something like that..." Continue their walk, though keeping their eyes peeled on the citizens, it maybe the middle district but you still couldn't be to careless or to careful. You didn't ever know what motives people can have, and you cant just judge it because of the area they live in either. "I learned that the hard way..." Étaoin didn't know a lot of this countries language, and usually they did notice that they would sometimes switch between the two languages they did know. Growing up Éta learned the Caelese language with that stupid mage, whilst they didn't know the other language that they would speak in, Étaoin figure it had to be one that Masami knew well, and putting two and two together, Éta was betting that it was probably Joyan. "Wait... Does that mean... I grew up in Joya and didn't know...?" They paused outside on of the many shops lining the paved streets, a hand covering their lower lip as they pondered over this new information.

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

Currently in the News [Open] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23
#3Azure Fenic 

Currently in the News [Open] Empty Fri Jun 26, 2020 4:13 pm

Azure Fenic

As he walked the streets doing his best to listen to the passing conversations he took note of a key phrase that always sending him reading off to some random place, the word 'explore' had been said somewhere and he needed to find who it originated from. "Excuse me is anyone seeking to explore a new place?" he asked everyone that pasted by him only to be met with rejections each time. His hearing had never let him down before he was determined to find who spoken that word, for now, that is as it paused his boredom for the moment. Walking up and down the streets of the listening for that word again he soon felt as though his mind was playing tricks on him.

Azure soon found himself sitting down in front of a random shop defeated at the fact that he was bored once more. "To think I would be lead astray by my own mind like this..." he muttered to himself in Caelese, though he had wanted to keep looking he found no reason to now. The Scholar stayed seated in front of the store "This day started off so well too." he said changing to Stellan, The more he thought about the days' events more he sunk into a depression. People walked past him and remarked he looked like someone from the lower district in his current state though he didn't really care as he could easily go about and blackmail a good portion of the residents here if needed.

{Sheet / Magic}
Currently in the News [Open] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Currently in the News [Open] Empty Mon Jun 29, 2020 9:01 am

Standing around as they continued to think things over, only for a voice to be heard about exploring. Turning their purple gaze towards the direction the voice came from, Étaoin soon found themselves walking towards it, before hearing an even more familiar language. Pausing for a moment, Étaoin's purple gaze fell upon the man? Teen? They weren't too sure, sitting in front of them. "Hi...?" It was short, but then Étaoin wasn't sure how to reply to what the male had said.

Taking in the appearance of the young man, Éta tilted their head in wonderment. He seemed okay to say the least, nothing out of the ordinary. This man wasn't coated in silk like Masami was, but also wasn't wearing suits like those other two that Étaoin had a run in with. Maybe this guy could help them with a few problems that they had, for starters the language barrier. He seemed to know the same language that the mage had taught Étaoin over the last couple of years, but also another language and this countries language.

"You were the one that said about exploring? Right?" It was the single word that they picked up on over the bustling of people, and before any other language. "Sorry I don't know this countries language, but you seem to know this one?" Scuffing the floor with their shoe, as they stood there donned in the grey jacket they like, and a pair of shorts and a plain tank top. This was a little awkward considering that Étaoin had just randomly approached this man because he spoke a similar language. 'Yeah great job, Éta. Once again, you are an idiot.' Pursing their lips, Étaoin just decided to wait for the man to reply, maybe give them a name to the face, and in return Éta would do the same.

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

Currently in the News [Open] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23
#5Azure Fenic 

Currently in the News [Open] Empty Mon Jun 29, 2020 11:30 am

Azure Fenic

As he sat in his depression the medley of people continued to walk by him until he saw a pair of shoes in front of him not wanting to deal with some random stranger he initially ignored them. Part of him wanted to humor this person but at the same time, it had no value so he started running down all the information he gained while here in his head just to further ignore this person. The moment that word was uttered he stopped running through the information and shot up to his feet and placed his hands on the kid's shoulders "You are a godsend!" he took a moment and looked them up and down "Are you sure you're an explorer?" he asked too excited to realize that this person was speaking in Caelese.

Azure couldn't help but feel as though this boy, girl, person had asked them something beforehand, either way, he was too excited to care at that moment They don't look like they have much but hey you take what you can get, he thought to himself while keeping his cheerful demeanor up. people walked around them with some giving awkward glances while others whispered. "Come with me and we can talk more." assuming he followed him they would head to a rather delightful cafe just a block away from where they were. He would enter and sit down at his normal table by the door.

The cafe wasn't too packed but also didn't have an overflow of customers the smell of brewing coffee and baked goods filled the air as he sat down "Oh, where are my manners I didn't introduce myself at all." he paused and cleared his throat "Azure it's nice to meet you," he said rather quickly in all three languages just to have some fun at their expense. He had been speaking to the person in Foirain due to him not really paying attention but then again who could blame him when most of the time he just responds it anyway.

{Sheet / Magic}
Currently in the News [Open] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Currently in the News [Open] Empty Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:45 am

Étaoin stood their slightly taken back from the abrupt confrontation of the other guy. Taking a small step back, only to glance at the hand on their shoulder. A nervous smile made it's way across their lips, eyebrows creasing as they avoided the boys gaze, nervously laughter leaving them. "I wouldn't say godsend... But close enought." When the words left the boys mouth, a frown replaced the smile, as they looked at him, a quite snarl leaving them. "I can't be an explorer looking like this? That's a bit rude." Shrugging the boys hand away, Étaoin folded their arms, and tilted their head waiting for their apology or something along those lines. Honestly people just judge too quickly sometimes.

When Étaoin finally noticed the people staring at them, they're whole posture fell, to a more nervous demeanour. They weren't good with crowds, and still getting used to their physic in general, having people stare at them was not the best thing at all. So when this boy started to walk away, Étaoin followed willingly having a feeling that whatever he had said meant moving locations. Purple eyes fell upon the building that they were lead to, and Éta was once again met with another cafe entrance. 'What was it with you and following guys into cafes, Éta?' Shaking their head, Étaoin scratched their head at the thoughts, because first it was Masami, now it was this guy. Sighing to themselves, Étaoin just followed him inside and sat down opposite him at the table.

They got all but about three words from that whole sentence. Manners was one, and oh boy whatever this guy had said, if their first couple of words were anything to go by, he didn't have many of them, but then Étaoin couldn't really judge. "Was that Azure... You said? Scratching their cheek Éta slightly avoided their gaze, before slouching in their chair a bit. "Sorry man... I struggle with languages that aren't Joyan or this one." They waited a few minutes for a reply, before nodding. Now that they had a name for the boy, Étaoin figured it was time to hand their name over as well. "Either way, I'm Étaoin... Or Rynn... Either one." A smirk laced their lips as they glanced back at the boy. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance... boy."

Last edited by Étaoin on Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

Currently in the News [Open] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23
#7Azure Fenic 

Currently in the News [Open] Empty Tue Jun 30, 2020 12:32 pm

Azure Fenic

Azure took a second to adjust himself "I don't mean it in a bad buy it's just well a large number of explorers have well-exploring gear." which was more than true in these parts given the number of bandits that happen to live around the lower district. Either way, this person looked like they could have some useful information or at least be given some at a price naturally. He used the windows in front of the shops they passed by to see if he followed and sure enough he did. This guy doesn't seem to be from here he thought as they reached the cafe where they sat down on opposite sides of the table. After giving him a jumbled introduction he waited for their reply to it as it was something he never really done before but it did not matter to him it just some fun. The scholar giggled as he watched them figure out what he had said which he found rather cute but they managed to get his name from that so it was something, "Yes that's me," he replied with a smile as the boy went on to tell him his hardships with languages

I should keep this guy around he's funny he thought as they sat their Azure took notice that he was avoiding making eye contact with him which gave him to thought one being he was uncomfortable with him or the second being he was running from someone but whichever one it was he would surely find out later. The people in the cafe tried their best not to act nervous but in doing so they made it painfully clear that they were. The scholar held up his hand as a way to pause the conversation as and to hold in his laughter at just how bad they were at Fiorian, he thought back to when he was first learning it and how many misunderstanding he had in the process. This started to bring on ideas that would benefit both of them assuming it actually worked that is. "Okay, how about we talk with what we're comfortable with just to make it easy," he recommended in Caelese as he snapped his fingers in the air causing a server to nervously make their way over to them.

{Sheet / Magic}
Currently in the News [Open] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Currently in the News [Open] Empty Tue Jun 30, 2020 3:08 pm

Étaoin hummed at his explination of an apology, it didn't sound like an apology but whatever right. Sighing, the guy wasn't wrong to a certain degree, explorers usually had explorer gear that was correct, but Étaoin never once used gear when exploring. They just dived straight in and hoped to come back alive and maybe not perfectly unscathed but definitely intact with all limbs. "I never really used gear... Not even as a kid... I think I'll be fine." It was said with a little confidence but towards the end it was more of confusion. Would they really be okay though, maybe exploring in this country was different to the other places that Étaoin had lived in.

Noticing the guy laugh at them, Étaoin raised an eyebrow as if to ask what was funny. They don't remember really saying anything funny, minus that one line about it being nice to meet Azure, oh well though, it didn't bother Éta anyway. Purple eyes glanced around feeling the cautious aura of the cafe, but not just cautious, fearful as well. That was weird to say the least. "What's with this atmosphere... S'not like imma kill anyone?" Snorting, Éta rested their cheek against their hand, when they leaned against the edge of the table on their side. The waiter came over looking just as nervous as the rest of the people in the cafe. 'Is it me... Or is it this guy they're scared off?' Turning their gaze back towards the boy, once again doing a quick glance over his appearance. He seemed to look normal, but then, Éta could say the same for the guys they met earlier on in their few days of being here. "Unless it's you... They're scared off." Straight to the point. Ten points to Étaoin. Get this over with, in case this guy was trouble. They didn't need to deal with anymore trouble this week.

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

Currently in the News [Open] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23
#9Azure Fenic 

Currently in the News [Open] Empty Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:51 pm

Azure Fenic

He listened to the boy as he told him he didn't use gear which was fine but stupidly reckless if you asked him. Not having done much solo exploring he felt as though his earlier statement was a bit harsh given the little action he has seen so far. The middle district was nice as you could see that everyone had their unique style which they showed off when they got the chance which made the information even better.

Azure continued to smile as he mentioned something about the atmosphere of the cafe something that he never really paid much attention to when he was there "Oh I'm sure it just due to our stunning good looks." he said flipping his hair out of his eyes. He hoped that his joke would make the boy less tense as they were about to get into serious talk in a few moments. The server stood next to Azure awaiting to hear his order but he had to remember just which server this was again as he pretty much had some dirt on everyone that worked there. Oh, I remember them now it's Jeffery the wife stalker he told himself with a small chuckle he addressed the worker "The usual will be fine for me Jeffy." he gave a quick nod as he looked over at his companion as once he gave his order Jeffy would head off to the hand into the kitchen.

He had never really thought of himself as a scary person he just knew the value of information and what it could do to people, maybe the old him would have been more sympathetic about the people's feelings but that Azure is gone. Eta went on to ask if he was the one they were afraid of to which he simply replied  "What me no, I'm as harmless as they come, friend." he told Eta with a smile "Now how about we talk lessons?" what lessons he was referring to Language lessons as he was in desperate need of them if he plans on doing any work anywhere. He waited for the boy's reply tilting his head side to side like a metronome with his eyes closed.

{Sheet / Magic}
Currently in the News [Open] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Currently in the News [Open] Empty Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:36 am

Étaoin quietly sat there, they felt like he was trying to defuse the tension surrounding the two of them, and maybe some of Étaoin's own suspicions and tension, but it didn't work to plan. Actually it made Éta more suspicious, but this time they kept that behind closed lips, Étaoin's tension on the other hand, never disappeared when meeting new people.

Humming quietly to what Azure had said, Éta lowered their hand and tapped their finger against the table surface. "Maybe so..." Shrugging, they turned their purple gaze towards the man waiting to take their order, eyes softening a little at his trembling appearance. Softly, Étaoin just requested some earl grey tea, it was their attempt of defusing any assumptions the man might have festering inside of his head. Assumptions that the teen was going to manipulate him in anyway, which is far from what Étaoin even wanted to try and do at the moment.

Étaoin kept an eye on this boy in front of him, as he continued to talk. Silver tongue maybe? Étaoin had ran into a few of those types of people over their childhood years. Either way, they were going to be careful about this man for sure. "If you say so... friend." Leaning over the table once again, when the male mentioned lessons. Now Étaoin figured these were lessons made up from either language wise, or exploration wise, and even though Étaoin wasn't too fond of being taught things, Languages is something that they did desperately need if they wanted to go any further on living in this country. "Hnn, there is no point in bribing me... I have nothing to give, before we even start talking anything." Tracing circles over the table surface, Étaoin lowered their head, gazing at Azure from beneath the edge of their headband, and strands of hair that liked to disobey the point of having a headband. "But by all means, chatter away."

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

Currently in the News [Open] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23
#11Azure Fenic 

Currently in the News [Open] Empty Mon Jul 06, 2020 1:28 pm

Azure Fenic

Azure couldn't help but smile as the boy talked, after all, he didn't know the full extent of his plan and to his surprise, he wasn't some random hick that he could have his way with no Eta had some brains to him. Welp I know he's broke now so money can wait, he thought leaning on the table. Not really sure what to do the scholar took out his note pad and started to write down notes "Tell me more about you." he said finishing up in note pad. "I'll tell you more about myself if you do, sound fair?" he asked in an honest and playful tone hoping to get his hard down even just a little bit.

Maybe I can get something useful out of him if I word everything right, he thought as Jeffy came back to the table and informed them that their orders would be out in a few moments. Part of him wanted to actually get to know them so they could maybe become friends but that had to wait as. The people that past them would look at him and Etaoin as if Azure was some sort of demon which was fair he does hold many secrets. He decided that he would try and get his new friend to join him at the guild so they could start a relationship as guildmates while so making sure he can pay him what would be due. Or who knows they could actually become really good friends or something in the process the outcomes of this plan ranged into many different branches. He looked down at his note pad on the seat next to him and then back at the purple-eyed boi while humming a relaxing melody.

{Sheet / Magic}
Currently in the News [Open] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Currently in the News [Open] Empty Tue Jul 07, 2020 1:54 pm

Étaoin tapped their chin again, as they hummed thoughtfully to themselves. Trading information again it seems. Welp, they were warned that this would happen a lot if they went on trips alone, so they did have to be careful with the information that they distributed to people. 'Let's see... What can I give, that wouldn't dish out too much...' Tapping their finger against the table, to a tune in their head, as they thought of what information to give and what they wanted in return. Maybe, Joyan? No, that would be too much to spit out when they've only just met.

Dropping their hand onto the table, purple eyes gleamed a little, a small quirk to their lips. "That all depends on what you want to know..." Interlocking their fingers, Étaoin rested their chin against the back of their hands. "Information isn't free now days." Glancing at the waiter, their smile turned soft for a moment whilst they thanked the man, giving him a small quick nod about their orders, before Étaoin turned back to the person in front of them.

Information was not free now days, and secrets were secrets for a reason. They could tell that this man was looking for something, but what he was looking for Étaoin was not quite sure. Étaoin also had to think of what they would want in return for the information they give out, they also weren't really sure about whether to ask if this guy knew about the two that approached them a couple of days ago. Oh well, Éta would eventually get round to that, probably.

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

Currently in the News [Open] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23
#13Azure Fenic 

Currently in the News [Open] Empty Tue Jul 07, 2020 3:54 pm

Azure Fenic

Shocked at by the turn of events Azure became slightly upset as his own thing was used against him in such a way it was like he talking to himself almost, is this what it was like for the honest people that came to him for information? though he did have a point, information wasn't free it was something that he had learned long ago. I gotta give him credit this won't be easy he thought stopping his humming and adjusting his posture to show that he was getting more serious about the conversation between the two. Perhaps he was just messing around with him or was he serious about potentially charging him for information which would be funny but a bad idea in the end.

At this time their orders had been brought out and placed on the table, tempted to go back to his more relaxed posture to enjoy his food and drink but had to stay strong and get this man to break before anything else. "In order for me to have a better understanding of how to help you anything will do honestly," he told him trying to keep his frustration under wraps. Azure picked up his tea and took a sip "If you want t I can tell you little about myself to show I have no ill intentions." this was a half-truth naturally as he would tell him some truth and some lies at the same time while he said this he split the crape in half and left it alone for the time being.

Part of The scholar wanted to help Etaoin while the other just wanted to add him to his list of victims in this city seeing as he ruled the lower district and all the gangs.

{Sheet / Magic}
Currently in the News [Open] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Currently in the News [Open] Empty Wed Jul 08, 2020 12:24 pm

Thinking to themselves a little at the question, maybe mentioning the two languages that Étaoin spoke fluently in could be a start. Ah didn't they already mention that, maybe something else then. Maybe their gend— oh wait, that was a complicated subject so maybe not that just yet. Tapping their fingers against the table surface once more as they mulled over their thoughts. Mentioning likes or dislikes could be a start, maybe Étaoin would start with that.

Thanking the waiter when their order was brought over, Étaoin soon took a small sip of their tea, before going back to looking at the man in front of them. "Hmmm, how about a like or a dislike of mine... Then you can give me one back." Lifting the cup to their lips once more, taking another sip before setting it onto the saucer. "We will start with the likes, okay?" Folding their arms, Étaoin smiled once more, eyes gleaming a little, this was going to be a little fun. They were going to make him earn the juicy information, that he probably wanted from Étaoin. 'Here goes nothing I guess...'

Taking a small inhale of air, and slowly exhaling it, they rested their cheek against the palm of their hand. "I like strays. Whether it be animals or kids who are lost, and just need a little bit of a nudge, in a direction. I just like strays." It may not have been what Azure was looking for, but did Étaoin care? No not really. The man in front of them, just said that anything will do, and Étaoin gave him something.

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

Currently in the News [Open] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23
#15Azure Fenic 

Currently in the News [Open] Empty Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:05 pm

Azure Fenic

Azure sat there with his eyes wide open at this information which had to be fake given Etaoin looked like he was stray himself, realizing that he was staring for too long he quickly covered his eyes with his hands. You have to kidding me that has to one of the worst lies I've heard he told himself really trying not to slam his friends head into the table even if he had good reason to do so he, so as promised he now had to share one of his likes. A lie for a lie that is what was going on between the two as no one would want help a stray unless its a cat or dog so maybe it was a half-truth? still covering his eyes he thought of his lie "I like... Fairy Tail, not the story kind the guild they make everyone feel like family."  this was the best that he could come up with after what he heard before but it should have done the trick Fairy Tail was a fairly popular guild that people know about.

I'll kill him for this! he thought while removing his hand from his eyes and let out a small sigh from his frustration but even with that he might have started to see a bit of Etaoin's personality even if it's just a little. "Before you fire off another fact about ya self try this crape and tell me it's not the best," he said as he needed the time to recollect himself after all the wasn't over yet. If Etaoin accepted the crape Azure would look at him with excitement in his light blue eyes however if they chose not to they could go about sharing another super fun fact about them.

{Sheet / Magic}
Currently in the News [Open] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Currently in the News [Open] Empty Thu Jul 09, 2020 12:27 pm

Étaoin looked at the boy with glee, when the multiple expressions that flashed over Azure's face. Maybe they were enjoying this a little too much, but it was fun to see it, and with the expressions ranging from a possible shock to what was probably annoyance, Étaoin was just soaking it up like a goddamn sponge. Two can play a game of true or false.

When the other answered in return for the information that Éta had given him, they nodded before storing that information away. 'Fairy Tail must be another guild somewhere in this country, like the ones that Masami mentioned...' Picking up their cup once again, Étaoin took another sip as Azure went on to give a small quip about how this guild called Fairy Tail treated it's members like a huge family. It sounded nice, if Étaoin was being truthful, but it probably was not the guild for them. 'Freedom is something I need, but also I may receive some form of guidance as well, which would be cool too.' Éta really liked the way that man had summarised the guild they were invited too.
Staring at the food, they were weary, but it did intrigue them a bit, whatever this food was. With that mage, Étaoin never got to eat things like this, so maybe it wouldn't hurt to just accept a little? Carefully reaching out, and cautiously of the man opposite them, Éta soon tore a bit of the crape, slightly regretting the idea of doing so, when it got a little messy, though eventually they ate the piece they took, covering their mouth as they did so.

A small hum left Étaoin when they truly tasted the sweetness of the crape, and flustered a little, swallowing. "That uhm... Is pretty good, stuff..." It was quietly said, as they avoided eye contact with Azure.

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

Currently in the News [Open] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23
#17Azure Fenic 

Currently in the News [Open] Empty Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:37 pm

Azure Fenic

Finally claim Azure leaned on the table and as he took a sip of his own tea which had could down greatly from his last sip. He ate! Well, we have some trust between each other he thought sliding the rest crape over to him motioning for them to have the rest of it "They make the best crapes here which is why I come here often." he said with a genuine smile on his face though he did still want the information his more childlike self was coming out slowly. The man child placed his teacup down and giggled a bit "If you like the cape I can get more?" he asked picking back up his note bad and writing something down in it once more I still can't tell what their gender is they seem like a guy but I get a girl vibe at times he thought6 closing up his note pad and placing on the table next to his left hand.

Now that they had shared some information Azure couldn't really figure out how to bring up the lessons again without coming across as money-hungry or anything like that so instead he would keep the conversation as it was. The scholar looked at his companion and gave them a playful wink asking them "Boi or girl you don't have to answer if you don't want to?" the question had two meanings to it but that was up to Etaoin to pick which one he meant with this question. He saw Jeffy making their way over but was quickly motioned away with a glance from Azure.

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Currently in the News [Open] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Currently in the News [Open] Empty Sun Jul 12, 2020 7:48 am

Étaoin stared at Azure for a quick minute or two, just too pull the plate that displayed the slightly distorted crepe in front of them. 'Still going to be cautious, but if he is offering the food, I won't say no...' Nodding quietly as the male spoke up about the cafe having the best crepe's in this area, all whilst carefully tearing bits of the desert away and eating it. "No... It's fine..." Finishing the bite, Étaoin quietly mumbled their reply, as glancing down towards the crape. "This... Is enough, thanks." Okay maybe they should just pick the whole thing up and ate it that way, but honestly Étaoin didn't want to look like a savage in doing so.

Would it be bad if Éta just didn't use a napkin and instead just licked their fingers? Glancing back up to Azure, then back to the crape, they actually wondered how the man opposite them, saw them. Did Azure see them as a male? A female? Would it be unladylike to not use a napkin? 'Of course it would, you idiot.' Whilst buried in their own thoughts, Étaoin had only just caught Azure's question, only for their head snapped up from the now finished crape.

Oh he was asking about their gender. "Well... It was bound to be asked anyway..." Shrugging a little, Étaoin threw all worries out the window and just cleared what residue was left from their fingers by licking the tips of their fingers. "Gender isn't really a concept to me anymore..." Pushing the empty plate a little bit further to the middle of the table. "I can go by either terms." It was not a lie, after growing up and being called either gender, Éta had decided that they didn't care for a fixed gender term.

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
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STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23
#19Azure Fenic 

Currently in the News [Open] Empty Sun Jul 12, 2020 12:23 pm

Azure Fenic

Azure watched as the boy ate the crape even if it was a rather messy way to eat it I should've given him the knife and fork he thought as he but it didn't matter now though the thought of teaching them some manners as well did pop in, picking up his tea once more. For some reason, he felt as though the teaching scheme was not going to work out just yet so he put a pin that for the time being as Etaoin talked about the food and went to answer his question from before in regards to boy or girl. The scholar found it odd that they anticipated this question though he didn't really care about it fully himself though the answer to the question didn't just surprise him a few of the other people in the cafe.

Azure was slightly confused but at the same time slightly delighted by this new fact as it was the first time he had met someone like this "Okay, I would like to make you an offer that benefits both of us." as he said this a devilish smile made its way on to his face "Join my guild." he asked extending his hand out with the intent of having new guildmate. He looked at the boi and then back at the table Wo hold on am I allowed to even do this? a question that would have to wait till he returned to the guild. The other customers began to whisper about his friend's comment before about gender but this just made Azure think about there potential within the ranks of the guild.

{Sheet / Magic}
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Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Currently in the News [Open] Empty Sun Jul 12, 2020 2:53 pm

The small silence that bathed the cafe after Étaoin had answered the question, had them glancing around, blinking confusingly at the reaction. "What... with the reactions?" Setting their hands flat on the table, purple eyes turned towards their companion, as Éta tilted their head the nerves slowly building. "It ain't that strange?" Had they said something wrong? Was that not the right way to answer the question?

Raising an eyebrow at the sudden inquiry from Azure. It was a bit, odd after the question about their gender. What could possibly benefit both of them, when the boy plus some people in the cafe gave that reaction, to Étaoin's genuine answer. "What could that possibly even be?" A huff left Étaoin at the quick fire of what Azure could possibly ask them next. Though what the boy did ask them had them pausing for longer than they probably should have. 'A guild...? That's the second request over this week.' A frown laced their lips at the thought. What was so bloody fascinating about guilds? 'Stay calm, Éta.' They could figure this out easy as, they just needed to know what guild, it won't be hard to find that out. Hopefully.

Taking a calming breath, Éta closed their eyes for a few seconds to gather their racing thoughts. "If you don't mind me asking... What guild might that be?" Leaning back in their chair, Étaoin soon lifted a leg over their other, as they folded their arms across their chest. "Yer not the first to ask me." A scowl stitched itself over Étaoin's lips when the whispers got albeit more louder. If that continued, they might not be able to keep their cool.

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
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Currently in the News [Open] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23
#21Azure Fenic 

Currently in the News [Open] Empty Sun Jul 12, 2020 11:21 pm

Azure Fenic

Not wanting Etaoin to feel uneasy hey simply replied to his question "Oh pay them no mind they won't understand." so he thought maybe they would but at the current time, he needed to make sure that he would be able to get them to join him at the guild. "I'm offering you shelter and adventure if you join me so please join me." given everything that he went through when his memory was gone he just knew that Etaoin would make a good fit in the guild and he could get his money if the teaching plan worked out. Everything that Azure had said these far had been his true feelings or what he told himself to feel in order to get the best outcome.

Azure tor out a piece of paper from his notepad and wrote something down before passing it to his friend the note would read Sentinel Syndicate though he did think about lying to them about the guild that would run the risk of having to show a guild mark. When they mentioned that this was not the first time someone reading the question as to who else could have been after them. The scholar retracted his hand placing it on his Heart piece. "If you don't mind who else has made you offers?" he asked with a serious look on his face, the people all noticed the change in his tone slightly causing them to go silent once more.

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Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Currently in the News [Open] Empty Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:46 pm

Étaoin slowly nodded, before concentrating more on Azure, then the whispers around them, though that did not stop them from gripping their shorts under the table. "M'kay..." It was slightly more quieter than their usual tone, and less snarky than how Étaoin acted. 'Ignore it, Rynn! Ignore! It!' Whispers got to them easily, especially when it was about them. Growing up how they did before meeting that mage, whispers were a common thing that Étaoin usually had to put up with, and honestly, they did not deal with them in the best way.

They knew that Azure had also said to ignore the whispers, but they were just deafening to Éta. Though when they heard Azure's next sentence, it was even more deafening. "You... Sound like him." A frown laced Étaoin's lips. He really did sound like that mage, they once relied on. "It irks me... but I know you mean no harm." Again, everything Étaoin said, was in a quiet voice. They did not like being reminded of that man, but sometimes it just happened.

When the paper was set in front of them, Éta knew this was the reply to their question about the guild, and for some reason, it was a relief to know that they wouldn't need to pick and choose guilds. Sighing with relief, a small smile laced their, lips though the silence was deafening more than the whispers, and the pounding of familiar lines, said to them all those years ago. "You have no need to request it... I have already spoken to that man..." Lifting their gaze from the paper and towards Azure, the smile slipping into a smirk, as they huffed out a quiet and short laugh. "They have already been around to recruit me, I said maybe... but who knows now? Maybe it'll be a yes." Shrugging at the answer, though still gripping their shorts. Étaoin wanted to see what this man's reaction would be, it was a tense atmosphere, and it wasn't like this tense atmosphere was never here, it's just gotten a lot heavier than before.

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
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Currently in the News [Open] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23
#23Azure Fenic 

Currently in the News [Open] Empty Mon Jul 13, 2020 6:49 pm

Azure Fenic

Azure was more or less confused as it seemed like his friend was having a hard time with everyone around them but at least they weren't taking the comments from the people to the heart though he did feel for them slightly. "You gotta speak up I didn't catch all that," he said with a few chuckles in between as he thought they were finally letting their guard down more which meant he was that much closer to getting more information from them.

The confusion just kept adding on to its self the more Etaoin talked but not wanting to show it he acted like he knew what was going on "Ah I see and what did you think of him?" inside his head the scholar was in a state of panic as he had no idea how to play off the conversation. Even though it took him longer to put it all together he figured out who this person was it had to be the man behind the guild To think he would come here them in-person is really something he thought as the confusion slowly turned into anger as he wanted to meet Mastermind of the guild.

Azure stood up from his seat and snapped his fingers in the air, Jeffy came running over to them once more shaking just like a newborn calf "More tea and five crapes to go." he demanded looking at Etaoin with a rather mixed expression. He couldn't understand why the Mastermind behind the guild would come to recruit them and not even inform him about it could it be that they have something he doesn't "So my friend what do you say will you accept?" you could hear the frustration in his voice even if his face had a smile on it.

{Sheet / Magic}
Currently in the News [Open] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Currently in the News [Open] Empty Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:12 pm

Étaoin rubbed their hands against their thighs nervously. Hopefully he wouldn't talk to them like that anymore, if Azure could not speak like that to them, then it should be fine. The less they are reminded about their disowned carer the better. "Aahhh... No mind, just talking to myself." Nervously chuckling at the thought of him possibly understanding the concept of those two sentences, even though one was in Joyan.

When he went onto talking about Konstantin, Étaoin's head snapped up instantly from where they found a very uninteresting spot on the table. What did they think of the guildmaster? "Cuckoo." It was said in the most deadpanned voice, but full of confidence, a short nod given along with the single word. "I dont know if that is how he is... BUT, he was very distracted." Shrugging, Étaoin just did not question what could be their soon to be superior. "A real weirdo... but, what's bloody new?" Pouting a little to themselves, 'I seem to always attract the weird, strange or cuckoo people...' thinking to themselves, Étaoin slouched more in their chair. When the male stood up, Éta blinked at him, only for the waiter to make his way nervously over, when called by him.

Glancing between them, Étaoin's purple eyes stared straight towards Azure, as he requested the order. "Why so much?" Standing up themselves and slapped his hands on the table. This was all so confusing, and when he spoke back in the language of this country, Étaoin struggled to fully understand what he was saying, but tried their best to piece it all together. "Wait... Where are we even going? Accept what?" Éta really hoped that they had understood enough, to figure out that Azure was asking them to accept the request of Kon and join the guild. If that was the case, they still honestly didn't know, but Éta felt like it was a good idea. They just, wasn't too sure still.

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
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Currently in the News [Open] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23
#25Azure Fenic 

Currently in the News [Open] Empty Tue Jul 14, 2020 10:14 pm

Azure Fenic

The fact that the guild master came to this person himself still bugged him given how the guild was set up he thought everyone under him would be given such a task this really sparked the childless inside of him. He wasn't really paying attention to what was said but he was able to catch bits and pieces "And what does that mean?" he had heard a lot of things about the master but never anything like that, could his information be wrong? But the fact of the matter was that he still interacted with him. "Weirdo you say..." in that single moment he thought of so many ways to kill Etaoin just for that one comment. It was odd, to say the least when looking into the guild he could do nothing but commend him on concealing so much information about.

The Scholar made sure to give his friend his full attention now that he had made his order to which he simply scowled at them. "You would accept the offer, my friend, unless you want to end up dead," he said this with the intent of it being a half threat and half a warning though he knew they wouldn't understand it at all seeing as they only knew two languages if that. It felt like he was acting Etaoin, for the most part, knowing that everyone is entitled to their own thoughts Come on Azure cool it you like this kid. he told himself as Jeffy rushed over to the table with his second cup and the crapes.  

Azure took a deep breath and exhaled twice "Etaoin I will do what I can to protect you." he said sitting back down existed from his own pent up frustration. This was one fo the rear moments his more childlike side would come in make things bigger than they actually are.

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