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Currently in the News [Open] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jul 15, 2020 2:48 am

Étaoin stood there quietly as Azure continued to speak. They seemed to have irritated the other man, which was not the intention at all. All Étaoin had done was answer Azure's question on what they thought about the guild master, and with it being such a short brief introduction, that was all that Étaoin had sussed out and taken in. "Look man, I didn't mean it in a bad way... It was brief meeting, I just deducted from what I could take in." Sighing, Étaoin's body relaxed a little as they lowered their head to look at the table once more. Was what they felt their first impression on the guild master wrong? Konstantin did seem a little strange, but Étaoin never really thought that how the man presented himself that day, could've all been an act.

A scowl laced their lips when he went back to talking in Fiorian again, it was very aggravating and that was because even with Étaoin telling this boy that they struggled with the language of this country, Azure still spoke to them in Fiorian. "I wish you would stop talking in a language I still don't understand properly!" Pausing, when they realised they had raised their voice and also spoke in Joyan instead of Caelese or what Fiorian they knew, Éta set a hand over their mouth. "Sorry... That was a bit hypocritical." Dropping back into the chair, Éta fell oddly quiet after their outburst trying to calm their thoughts, and rid their annoyance. Only giving Jeffy a small nod when he returned with the order that Azure had made previously.

"Protect me? Do I look like I can't protect myself? I mean I know I might not look it, but I can..." There is the insecurities that have always been buried deep inside. Even when Azure had sat back down, Étaoin still refused to raise their head. "Look. Just tell me where you are heading, and then I will tell you if I want to go. It's a pretty simple process." Finally raising their gaze to the man, Étaoin probably looked more tired than they did earlier on in the day. It was a mental drain trying to keep their cool when dealing with a person who also seemed to get riled up as quick as they did themselves, if not maybe a little faster.

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

Currently in the News [Open] - Page 2 FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23
#27Azure Fenic 

Currently in the News [Open] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 16, 2020 10:26 pm

Azure Fenic

He sat in his seat again listened to what his friend had told him and he made a fair point given all the information he had about Konstantin himself he didn't really see anything wrong with his thoughts of him. Now that his outburst had run its course he was getting back to his normal self so he picked up his tea and sipped it calmly, the moment that Etaoin began to use that other language he zoned out and looked at them with a deadpan look on their face. "Really you don't say..." he said sarcastically taking another sip of his tea slightly opening on of the boxes of crapes to take a peek at it.

As he listens to his friend's claim of being able to protect themselves but that wasn't he meant by that statement as he meant it as the guild will do their best to protect them but he wasn't going to correct that. Jeffy stood at the table until he was waved away like some child that was irritating their parents Etaoin really is a funny guy-girl he thought looking back on their talk thus far. "I'll be heading to Oak for a few days but after that, I'll be heading to the guild I would really enjoy a travel companion." it wasn't a lie even though he did have his Griffin another human would be nice to have around.

Azure look you're making a friend he thought to himself though it was a rather one-sided thought more than likely but who knows maybe they just might down the road. "Oh Etaoin I...never mind." the scholar looked down at the table and then back at them with a grin on their face.

{Sheet / Magic}
Currently in the News [Open] - Page 2 Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Currently in the News [Open] - Page 2 Empty Fri Jul 17, 2020 5:06 pm

Étaoin let out a low growl at the sarcasm in Azure's voice, before just sighing. There was no point in arguing anymore, and again even if Éta berated Azure for acting sarcastic, they'd definitely be a hypocrite, considering that sometimes Étaoin used sarcasm every now and again. Étaoin didn't even spare a glance towards the waiter when Azure sent him away, they were too busy stuck in their own thoughts. Picking at their sleeves, Éta frowned mulling over the words that had left Azure, about what he was going to be doing next.

'Travelling companion... It's not like it would hurt...' Biting the inside of their cheek, Éta folded their arms in thought. 'It would be nice to see a new area... Maybe do something to earn money as well...' Right money, they needed to earn that so they could take Masami to tea the next time the have their small tea sessions.

Taking a deep breath, Étaoin lifted their head from where they were picking at the loose thread on their clothing. Just about to speak, they soon paused when Azure started talking, only for the other to change his mind about what he was going to say. "Azure?" Tilting their head slightly at the change of emotions. They wanted to know what the other was going to say, but even if they can be a bit horrid at times, Étaoin wasn't going to push Azure into saying it. "I will go with you... Only if you stop thinking that I can't protect myself..." Leaning forward on the edge of the table, a small grin also laced their lips. "If you can try and do that... Then I'll head towards the guild with you."

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

Currently in the News [Open] - Page 2 FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23
#29Azure Fenic 

Currently in the News [Open] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 18, 2020 1:47 am

Azure Fenic

Azure watched as his friend became overwhelmed by their own thoughts which must happen a lot as they seemed to be really lost in whatever they were thinking about at the time. He had stopped himself before asking a rather hard question for him to ask given his line of work and all. Etaoin seemed worried about him or at least wanted to know what the question was Asking for friendship is stupid! he thought. Even though they had only just met a few hours ago he actually enjoyed their time together, having someone that plays his kind of games around makes for good company.

I think it is about time. he thought stacking the boxes of crapes on top of one another "Okay okay if you say you can I'll take your word for it." he said holding his hands up in front of him as a sign of acceptance of the conditions made. Now that all that was out of the way he just needed to get all the other small matter out the way "But just so you know traveling with me can get a bit crazy." he went on to say with his wicked smile.

In a real child-like moment Azure picked up his crapes and walked out of the cafe with a huge smile on his face. if Etaoin followed him he would see the scholar walking away from the cafe and then pause briefly to turn around giving them a wink, though if they didn't follow him he would wait for them still leave but then come back and motion them to hurry up.

{Sheet / Magic}
Currently in the News [Open] - Page 2 Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Currently in the News [Open] - Page 2 Empty Tue Jul 21, 2020 11:12 am

Étaoin hummed, they felt like they still hadn't completely convinced Azure that they can in fact protect themselves if need be, thought right now it was too tiring to keep countering his comebacks with their own. "Hmph..." A small frown laced their lips. Yeah, Azure didn't believe them that much on the subject. That's fine it just meant that Éta would have to prove it to him.

Turning their head away Étaoin quietly thought to themselves about going with the guy. In a way the only person that Éta knew in this country was Masami, and that's just because they could easily converse in Joyan with each other, but with Azure, Éta could speak in Caelese and maybe pick up small words of Fiorian that could help them later on, when Azure wasn't around. "Well if it's anything like this roller coaster of a talk over tea... I'm sure I can handle it." Stretching in their seat, Étaoin straightened out their jumper a tad but, as Azure continued to stack the boxes, which meant that he was more than likely heading out within the next couple of seconds.

Étaoin hummed to themselves in their head, when they guessed right on Azure making his exit, and as they had already agreed, Éta soon stood up and followed after the male, not before tucking their chair back under the table and give a short small nod to the waiter who served them, making their exit out of the cafe as well, just to follow their soon to be fellow guild mate. A sigh left Étaoin when the purple gaze caught Azure, gesturing for them to hurry up, and wrapped their jacket around themselves a little more before fully catching up to him. "Right so... Oak? That's where you said we are heading first?" Tilting their gaze slightly towards Azure, but also keeping an eye on what was ahead of them, Étaoin smirked. "I wonder what that place is going to be like..." Mumbling to themselves quietly as both continued to head on wards.

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

Currently in the News [Open] - Page 2 FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23
#31Azure Fenic 

Currently in the News [Open] - Page 2 Empty Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:48 am

Azure Fenic

Azure had high hopes for his new companion and potential friend though he himself needed to get stronger before anything else if he wants to uncover the secrets that have been hidden in Fiore but all that could wait just a bit longer. He wanted to question a lot about them but at the same time wanted to find the answers in time so for now he just needed to relax and get them to their first stop though he questioned the transportation given his Gryphon was still new. "Roller coster? Tea?" he muttered realizing that they never questioned the bill for the Cafe which was a first as that's the first thing peopel tend to ask him.

Etaoin really knew how to talk someone's ear off with questions being asked left and right "Yep that's right just make sure you can keep up okay," he said with a huge smile on his face to hide the slight annyones that had formed but he knew they meant well by it. Azure looked down at his food and thought of eating them while walking but then remembered that they had way too many to even attempt such a thing so he took a deep breath to take in the sweet smell of the crapes. As they kept walking the scholar replied to his friends last question with a shoulder shrug as he couldn't remember what it was like himself Odd I must have blocked out my time there, the scholar thought. Soon they would reach the Lower district and head to the Inn to get ready for the really long trip ahead.

End of Topic

{Sheet / Magic}
Currently in the News [Open] - Page 2 Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

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