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Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2

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Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Empty Sat Jul 11, 2020 10:32 am

Quest: Path of the Dragon Pt. 2

Rank: B

Type: Good


  • Cleaning Duties
  • Ouroboros Pt. 1
  • Path of the Dragon Pt. 1

Weirdlock Jones: Weirdlock Jones is a slim yet muscular man with a massive pompadour haircut. He always wears a dark blue kimono with circles and target patterns on it, as well as a blue, high-collared cape. Many consider Weirdlock as the greatest investigator in Hosenka. His investigative skills have placed many high profile criminals in Hosenka behind bars; criminals who managed to slip away every time due to lack of evidence. When Weirdlock Jones is on the case, no one will manage to walk away freely.

Yomu: Yomu is a massive, round-figured man (evidently obese but claiming otherwise) with light skin and the underboss of the Black Dragons. His eyes are hidden by sunglasses. He reports directly to the boss of the gang. Yomu prides himself as being a lively entertainer amongst the gang, including performing his signature funky songs and dances to rally his subordinates. Being extremely dramatic, he tends to treat his position as his own personal show. While he might seem silly, he does not tolerate any disrespect.

Summary: Weirdlock's plan succeeded. As of now, you are a prospect of the Black Dragons. Before you receive the tattoo, the Black Dragons will require you to prove your worth to them. Weirdlock ensures you that you won't have to worry about getting the tattoo. He plans on having you missing before it reaches that point. Anyway, Weirdlock is sure that Black Dragons have something to do with the recent string of murders. Even though the victims were yakuza, a crime is still a crime. While taking care of the Black Dragon's task, Weirdlock requires you to collect fingerprints for him with his magic magnifying glass.

Summary #2: Yomu needs you to do something for him. He wants you to collect some money from a hot spring they are protecting. It needs to be as discrete as possible, therefore you must pretend to be a customer while collecting the money. When checking in, you must say that Yomu needs a bath. The hostess will then send you to one of the springs while she gathers the money. She will deliver the money in the bag while you are the bath which allows you to leave without being seen.

Objective: Complete the task you have been given by Yomu while investigating the gang for Weirdlock.

Extra Rewards:

  • None.


  • Create a topic in Hosenka's Sultry Heights.
  • Enter the hot springs and tell them what Yomu has told you to say.
  • The hostess will direct you to one of the springs while she collects the protection money.
  • As you are hanging out at the springs, you will hear someone gasping for air.
  • When you approach the sound, you will see a dead body on the ground with his mouth slit open. It seems to be a member of the White Star gang based on the tattoos on his body.
  • A silhouette can be seen through the steam. On the silhouettes right pectoral muscle, you will see an Ouroborous tattoo.
  • As you try to approach him, the silhouette will disappear before you can find out its identity.
  • The hostess will appear and give you the money.
  • Go to the gambling den and give the protection money to Yomu.
  • Go to Weirdlock's office and explain what happened. Ouroboros might not be referring to the Black Dragons but a person.


Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Empty Mon Aug 10, 2020 8:25 pm

Me and Kurisa are going to take this quest, thanks!

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)
#3Venus Rosé 

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Empty Tue Aug 11, 2020 3:07 am

Venus Rosé

Masami and Kurisa has started this quest.


Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Empty Thu Aug 13, 2020 6:27 pm

Quest Completed!


  • 6,500XP (+20% from Emperor Aura & +10% from Transcendent perk)
  • 57,500J (+15% from reputation)
  • 200 Fame
  • 2 Intelligence


  • 7,000XP (20% for being Neph + 20% from Lovers Aura)
  • 82,500J (+10% from Rep, +20% from Ring, +15% from guild lvl, +20% from Lovers Aura)
  • 200 Fame
  • 2 Constitution

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)
#5Jan Ren 

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Empty Thu Aug 13, 2020 10:55 pm

Jan Ren
Masami & Kurisa have cleared this quest.

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 2_1
Clickey for sheety
#6Kenzo Valens 

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Empty Tue Aug 18, 2020 6:13 pm

Kenzo Valens
Taking this with Rania

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 IgtZBYS

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Empty Tue Aug 18, 2020 6:56 pm

Rania and Kenzo Valens have started this quest.

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)
#8Kenzo Valens 

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Empty Mon Aug 24, 2020 6:06 pm

Kenzo Valens

Rania's Rewards:

  • 7,500XP
  • 125,000J (+25% from Rep & Aura)
  • 300 Fame
  • 5 Endurance

Kenzo's Rewards:

  • 130,000J (30% more from Reputation and Companion)
  • 8,250XP (10% more from Race)
  • +2 END & +3 Speed
  • +200 Fame

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 IgtZBYS

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Empty Mon Aug 24, 2020 6:57 pm


Rania and Kenzo Valens have completed this quest.

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Sigme10
#10Tomoe Tanaka 

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Empty Tue Sep 15, 2020 8:37 pm

Tomoe Tanaka
Me and Gunter Von Wolf will be taking this quest.


Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Empty Tue Sep 15, 2020 9:06 pm


Tomoe and Gunter have started this quest.

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Sigme10
#12Tomoe Tanaka 

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Empty Sun Sep 20, 2020 10:26 pm

Tomoe Tanaka


  • +8,250 Experience (+10% from Transcendent's Fast Growth)
  • +125,000 J (+15% from reputation, +10% from Winged Lemur)
  • +5 Constitution
  • +300 Fame


  • +7,500 Experience
  • +100,000 J
  • +1 Strength, +1 Speed, +1 Intelligence, +2 Constitution
  • +300 Fame


Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Empty Mon Sep 21, 2020 12:29 pm

Tomoe Tanaka and Gunter Von Wolf have finished this quest.

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)
#14Jan Ren 

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Empty Sun Oct 04, 2020 2:27 am

Jan Ren

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 2_1
Clickey for sheety

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Empty Sun Oct 04, 2020 2:32 am

Jan Ren has started this quest.

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)
#16Jan Ren 

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Empty Sun Oct 04, 2020 2:43 am

Jan Ren

  • 155,000 Jewels (55% bonus: ring, aura, rep)
  • 7,500 EXP
  • 300 Fame
  • 5 Speed

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 2_1
Clickey for sheety

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Empty Sun Oct 04, 2020 5:43 am

Jan Ren has completed this quest.

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)
#18Jolyne Atreides 

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Empty Sat Dec 12, 2020 9:22 am

Jolyne Atreides

Might I begin this one?


Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Empty Sat Dec 12, 2020 6:07 pm


Jolyne has started this quest.

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Sigme10
#20Jolyne Atreides 

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Empty Sat Dec 12, 2020 6:18 pm

Jolyne Atreides


Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Empty Sat Dec 12, 2020 6:41 pm


Jolyne has completed this quest.

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Sigme10
#22Poropo Poproporp 

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Empty Thu Sep 23, 2021 5:48 pm

Poropo Poproporp

#23Poropo Poproporp 

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Empty Thu Sep 23, 2021 7:03 pm

Poropo Poproporp



  • 135,000 Jewels (*Reputation [15%] + Guild Level 3 [20%])
  • 300 Fame
  • +5 Intelligence
  • 11,250 Exp (Emperor Tarot [20%] + Rhadrian's Shelter [10%] + Guild Level 3 [20%])

*Reputation increase comes from Empyrean's Summer Gala


Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Empty Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:12 am


Poropo has completed this quest.

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Sigme10

Hosenka - Path of the Dragon Pt. 2 Empty Tue Dec 28, 2021 6:25 am


Kaito is ready to roll.

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