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The Hanging Tree - Second Hanging?

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#1Island Master 

The Hanging Tree - Second Hanging? Empty Mon Jul 13, 2020 5:07 pm

Island Master
The Hanging Tree - Second Hanging?

Once again the group started to accuse each other. Nuala felt slighted by Steel's vote last time and started to accuse him now. Steel, however, pointed his finger at Masami. Zane wasn't buying Nuala's act and accused her. And Alisa, well she accused Zane. Everyone looked at Masami. Who was he going to point at? He looked around and pondered the situation for a while. In the end, he pointed at Alisa. Thus, the group did not reach a majority vote and no one would be hanged. Everyone went on with their day till it was night time again. Once more, the group gathered at the square the next day to vote. Everyone was there except for Steel.

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