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What's Mine is Mine [C-Rank]

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#1Azure Fenic 

What's Mine is Mine [C-Rank] Empty Fri Aug 07, 2020 9:33 am

Azure Fenic

Azure was starting his day off like any other when in the study reaching something that he could add to his list of things to get done for personal matters and such. As he was in the middle of finishing up for the hour the scholar couldn't shake the feeling that he had forgotten something or someone again but he couldn't place his finger on what it was exactly but he did know that it was something of importance to himself in some way.  While deep in his thoughts a pair of affiliates of the guild made their way into the study talking about something in regards to the mine in the city though he questioned if it had to due with the caveman he encountered last time he was there. The scholar couldn't help listen in on the conversation due to habit and such but soon enough they concluded their business in the study and left without a word to him. Part of him wanted to head over there and see what all the commotion was about he sided against it for the time being that was, while the scholar made his exit from the study one of the guild affiliates came running up to him and ask him something "Sir would you deal with the Mine it's getting out of hand!" to which he let out a rather large sigh as handling something in a mine would lead to him getting dirty or upset that a worker decided to run their mouth about him.

Knowing that he would have to make his way there at some point Azure headed to his room to change into his more civilian clothes those clothes being a Long sleeve pink and white striped shirt with a Navy blue fishermen's hat adorned with a smaller heart shape in like the one on his jacket, a pair of blue jeans and some old worn-out shoes. With his outfit change complete he just needed to head over to the mine. The scholar made his way to the stables to collected his mount who had made a full recovery from when they arrived at the guild a few weeks ago "Okay let's go deal with this..." he muttered as the beats took off from the ground rather happy that it was reunited with its master.

While they made their way to the mine Azure made sure to keep the beats low enough to make a soft landing once they had arrived the ride was short given the speed that Griffin's speed though he did question why its playfulness while they were airborne Maybe I should travel with it more? he thought hopping off its back and onto the muddy ground. It was a good thing that he didn't arrive there in clothing that cost more than the miners get paid. The scholar looked around the entrance of the mine making sure that he wasn't about to walk into a trap when someone just down the road caught his eye.


{Sheet / Magic}
What's Mine is Mine [C-Rank] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

What's Mine is Mine [C-Rank] Empty Sat Aug 08, 2020 3:54 am

Upon arriving in Sieghart, Étaoin had seen a few things. They had looked at the station, and found it to maybe be useful later on, and when lowkey getting lost trying to find the guildhall, Éta had stumbled into that area called Rush Valley on another day. Though there were more areas around this part of the south that they would very much like to visit a couple of places like the workshop everyone in Rush Valley was muttering about, or the mountain passes, though not alone for the latter. For now though, Éta was content with being directed to what was the mines, by a person who was mumbling about a situation or something that was happening there and also mentioned being linked to the guild. "Okaaaaay so... I gotta go in the mines?" Tilting their head confused, as the man nodded. "Sounds fun... Kinda." Walking a little further, the man paused just outside a forest like area near more mountain ranges. "If you go straight, you'll be at the mines. Please help sort them out." At that word, Éta paused and blinked, because this man never mentioned them when he first approached and explained in as little detail as someone probably could on what he needed help with. About to question this, it was as if the man could sense the inquiry and before Étaoin could get their inquiry out to the man on what he had meant by that, he already disappeared back the way they came.

Letting out a deep sigh, they scratched their head and shrugged tiredly. Well, it was no use now, might as well just head to the mines like planned, they took on this request from their own free will, might as well finish it. Slipping their hands into their hoodie pockets, purple eyes glancing around, as they memorised the pathway to the mines, so they wouldn’t get lost if they needed to come here again a little later on during their stay. Hopefully not though, Etaoin’s thoughts strayed too wondering what kind of issues were happening in the mines, that warranted more than a single person to help, their thoughts strayed towards a certain friend of theirs who more than likely took to helping, because well from their little meet and greet, Etaoin figured he loved gaining information, and this seemed right up his alley.
Wait. Wasn’t they meant to meet up as soon as Étaoin reached Sieghart? Pausing their advancement towards the mines, it wasn’t that far now, at least they hoped it wasn’t far. Either way, their thoughts trailed from the request to whether or not they were meant to meet with Azure. Éta knew they were meant to travel, but Azu had gone on ahead in advance, saying that he would find them, once they arrived, but that was about it. “Eh, if he doesn’t find me first, I’ll eventually find him.” Finally making it to the mines, their gaze caught sight of something or more like someone familiar, a small grin laced their lips with a brief chuckle leaving them.

WC : 512

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

What's Mine is Mine [C-Rank] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23
#3Azure Fenic 

What's Mine is Mine [C-Rank] Empty Sun Aug 09, 2020 7:01 am

Azure Fenic

Azure realized that the person he saw none other than the person who he wanted to become friends with well the child side of him did anyway but his happiness was genuine all the same "ETAOIN!!!" he shouted, "Come check this out!" with them finally here that would mean they joined the guild and can help him take control of the mine. Now that he had a second pair of hands he could use this to job to test Etaoins abilities and see if they could walk with the big boys after all they would need to get down and dirty if needed. With that the scholar made his way into the mine, the sounds of carts and metal clashing with rocks the workers seemed to be tired and irritable but that's to be expected you work in the dirt all day long for next to nothing. He really hated people that didn't care about their own well being and health after all the mine could have some kind of poison in it.

In one of his many studies, he found that there was a certain man who has been hiring enforces so tp speak to help enlargen his pocket though he wanted to look more into the man he before anything else but who was he to turn down someone else's pay? As he made his way through he stopped waiting for his partner for the mission "Hey worker man get ten of your best men and follow me." he didn't really care who replied to just so long as they did what he asked of them. It wouldn't seem that that anyone wanted to listen to the scholar so he needed to give them a reason to and everyone knew that the best motivator was fear. Fear was not something that he was able to instill into others like some of the other members of the guild so he had to get creative and find his own way of doing so given he didn't have time to do full background checks on all the workers present so normal tricks had to be put to the side for this job.

Azure walked over to a worker and grab them by the back of their shirt and pull them next to him and place his index finger to their temple "Okay so everyone stop what ya doing and head deeper into the mine okay!" he told them slightly raising his voice to them. Knowing that saying this would not move them he simply gathered mana around him to show he was getting serious even though it was more if a hollow threat, for now, they knew what he meant by his actions as he shoved the worker he was holding to the side causing the others to head deeper into the dimly lit mine. Part of the scholar wanted to let Etaoin handle the workers while he supervised but the other half wanted to make sure the job got done correctly. Though it wasn't that he didn't trust his partner he just wanted this to be done in a more polished and refined way.

WC: 524

{Sheet / Magic}
What's Mine is Mine [C-Rank] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

What's Mine is Mine [C-Rank] Empty Wed Aug 12, 2020 12:39 am

When Azure had noticed them heading towards the same location, a soft expression fell across Éta’s face. Their footsteps paced a little more, and as soon as they were in front of their friend, Étaoin chuckled, before pulling the other into a brief short hug. “Azu~ You made it here in one piece I see~!” Glancing at the area that Azure was probably gushing over, not that it surprised Éta in the least, that he was doing said thing. “Mhm, what’sup around here?” Their words were butchered and a little slurred, but that was just because Éta still wasn’t used to using Fiorian as much. Turning to stare at the other workers that were outside of the mines, purple turned back to their friend, as he made his way into the mines himself. “So… We are going into the mines? Fuuun. At least I’m not going in alone...”

Glancing around the stingy damp cave, Éta fanned in front of their face, coughing a little at the dust just to look at Azure once more when he spoke up to the miners. “Ehhh… We’re taking them too?” That was albeit confusing, because weren't the miners the ones that asked for them to be hired, or has Étaoin got this all backwards? Quietly watching, as Azure did his thing, Etaoin’s purple eyes sparked up with curiosity as well as fascination at whatever was currently happening to their friend. ”Hmm, that’s pretty neat…” Although, a slightly disappointed frown laced their lips, when nothing fierce happened to the miner that Azure had a hold on. Honestly, if Éta was asked to spook them, it probably would’ve been done with a few vague threatening words, and maybe a single bubble pop, but Azure seemed to be in control, so they figured they’d only step in, if Azure really needed them too.

Moral support until further notice, is what Étaoin would be.

Nervously glancing at the dimly lit tunnel ahead, Éta quietly began to grind their teeth together. Pausing for a minute or two, as everyone else advanced forwards, as requested by Azure. It wasn’t that they were scared so to say, they just did not do well in compact areas, or crowds, and considering that this was in fact a mine it was going to be a compacted area, and now that Étaoin knew the workers were tagging along, that meant it was going to get a little bit crowded. ‘Just gonna… Have to stick close to Azu…’ Thinking quietly to themselves in Joyan, before stalking after their partner and the rest of the group, chanting at themselves inwardly to just remember to pace their breathing, and keep their head relatively clear of thoughts that were not needed. “Oh right… Azu, what is this about anyway? The idiot that led me here did a terrible job of actually explaining what the deal was…” Tilting their head towards Azure, Étaoin raised an eyebrow in irritable confusion, their gaze switching between the dimly lit tunnel, the group and Azure, as they waited for even a small summary of what this job was, Éta was super positive that Azu would give a quick bullet list on what they were going to do in this mine.

WC : 537

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

What's Mine is Mine [C-Rank] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23
#5Azure Fenic 

What's Mine is Mine [C-Rank] Empty Wed Aug 12, 2020 6:55 am

Azure Fenic

Azure was not expecting a hug or anything so affectionate from Etaoin but it was different and that was always welcomed none the less so he gave his friend a pat on the head in return Oh man this is so weird why he like this? the scholar asked himself making so space between the two. As expected questions came up about why he was even going through all this work "Let's just say that someone called in a favor." it wasn't a lie however it wasn't the truth either, if anything he gained favor from someone that he could use later on. While they walked his more child side started to surface as they might have become one step closer to making a friend in the guild and just in general it was really something that he wanted to work hard at while keeping up his appearances after all he has plans of his own that. As a minor sidetrack to his normal train of thought, the scholar remembered that he did offer to teach them for a small fee the last time they meat though he could bring it once they made it through the job well if they made it through.

The scholar really didn't know what to do or even say to Etaoin while they walked, talking to "If you wanna dig with them be my guess but I would let them earn their pay." a rather cold approach to it but it was true messing with someone else's money was never a good idea when they outnumber you plus they just have to manage the worker's nothing more. Part of him wondered if his friend knew that he could step in at any given time so he wasn't doing all the work but seemed like they wanted to play the enforcer or something like that. The mine had everything that he thought it would and more and by more, he was referring to the amount of dirt and disgruntle workers. Every so often the scholar would sweep the dust off his shoulders and hat taking notice that his partner was sicking rather close to him even though the claimed to be able to take care of themself.

This looks like they didn't really think to go deeper he thought to himself not really paying attention to what his partner was saying as once he locks his mind onto something its hard to get him to hold of him. It may have taken a second but Azure did manage to get the tail end of Etaoins question "Expand operation. Money." these were the only things that he thought would help answer the question even if it was a shot in the dark. Azure would keep himself locked in thought while also making sure they didn't pass any untapped spots. Now that they had begun to move deeper into the mines they could find a much healthier place to dig for resources that he could more than likely sell back to whoever was buying them to being with it was a simple tactic that most businessmen used on each other to gain more on their end of the deal. Some of the men that came with them began to whisper about Azure and how he only threatened the worker and didn't follow through on it to which snapped him out his thought room which was hard to do but when someone questions his ability he had to prove them wrong. The scholar stopped as they found an untouched part of the mine and motioned for the workers to start digging so he could hurry up and get out of the dirt-filled place and back to his clean bedroom.

Total- 1000

{Sheet / Magic}
What's Mine is Mine [C-Rank] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

What's Mine is Mine [C-Rank] Empty Thu Aug 13, 2020 10:28 pm

Étaoin hummed when Azure explained a few things in brief details, before shaking their head a single time. "Like hell. I only dig if I feel like there is something in it for me..." Pausing, Étaoin tilted their head before thinking. "Then again..." Muttering quietly, it wasn't like Éta didn't do that when they were little, lie and steal from others. Chasing and the more superiors and sneaking into places kids shouldn't go, digging here, and taking what belonged to the miners didn't really seem any different, but if Azure preferred the miners to do the job for them, then so be it.

The deeper they went into the tunnels, the more Étaoin began to cough, a grimace lacing their expression, their steps slowing down, just to pause. Hands curling around the cuffs of their sleeves, they just needed a second to calm themselves down, before they continued. Catching up again, Éta nodded slowly as Azure continued to explain why they were in the mines. "Expand..." Purple glanced back at Azure, a little unsure on what he was getting at, but processing it, and then questioning back was always the way to get around confusion, misconception and communication. "So we are digging deeper into the mines... to raise the profits of what minerals and materials we find here?" Éta continued mostly speaking in a language that they knew, and that Azure knew, they didn't really want to interact with the miners, it wasn't really their thing to do. Mingling. Well unless it was with Azure that was fine, because they were guild partners. They were probably a team? Nodding slowly, it made sense to do that, more valuable minerals and materials are more than likely to show up the deeper you go into mines. Étaoin figured this was why Azure said to leave it to the miners to dig.

The uncertainty in the air, along with the disbelief. "We're just... Overseeing the operation?" When Azure paused and said something about having them dig, Éta frowned towards the workers, hearing the muttering and the uncertainty in their voices towards their partner as well. "Azu... The atmosphere changed..." Étaoin figured that Azure had noticed the change in mood around them, even after their partner had directed the workers to start working, it still felt heavy with uncertainty. 'I don't like the tension.' Slipping slightly into a shadowed area of the area they were in, whilst the workers continued mining that section Azure requested. 'I don't want to fight, unless necessary.' Étaoin kept their purple gaze on the crowd, just in case anything changed, they were ready to step in, but only if their partner would give them the okay. Then again, it could just be the anxiety of being in the mines, that was affecting their thought process, Éta wasn't too sure.

WC : 470
Total : 1000+

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

What's Mine is Mine [C-Rank] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23
#7Azure Fenic 

What's Mine is Mine [C-Rank] Empty Sun Aug 16, 2020 2:11 am

Azure Fenic

Thought he would have jumped at the chance to get dirty he thought given what he knew about them and all though but it was good to see that they hadn't take things to seriously as then neither of them would have fun on this job well Azure would find some way to entertain himself one way or another, after all, he was never one for dull jobs. The sound lights flickering could be heard just about every other step along with the sounds of small conversations between the workers as they must have been working day and night to find something in the original spot they were digging.

The scholar waited for his partner to finally put everything together so he could finish organizing his thoughts as they were in all over the place for him. After a few seconds or maybe minutes, Etaoin finally put everything together "Yes, exactly you get it now." though it came off more snarky than he wanted it to he didn't really care about they knew he wasn't being mean or anything like that just yet, though if the workers in the mine kept wasting his time he would have to start really setting some examples out of a few of them. "Oh ya when this is over we should talk about your lessons." by that he was referring to teaching Etaoin Fiorian so they could finally follow a normal conversation without having to backtrack and repeat things more than once, though he didn't want to do this for free as teaching takes time away from looking into new things and exploring but mostly his exploring time. Azure had noticed that a group of three workers was getting ready to do something but he wanted them to make the first move as then he could use them as examples for the other workers and to show them that he was not just all talk when it came to his threats well more so in this case than anything else. The child aspect of him really wanted them to hurry up and do whatever it was they planned to do, so much so one could see that he was becoming antsy which was not like him at all and would probably make his partner question him if they wanted to. His partner mentioned something about the atmosphere changing which was still weird to hear it wasn't as though he was planning to kill anyone today unless they really wanted to that is. The scholar looked back at his partner "Ready up." he muttered to them as a hard hat hit the back of his head this caused him to take a step forwards as he didn't want to make it too easy for himself as now he had all the reason to kill them.

Azure picked up the hat and looked at it two of the workers charged at Etaoin and with their shovels if his partner would react to this he watches their counter and if they didn't counter he would simply throw the hardhat at one them aiming for their face.

WC - 519
Total - 1500
Group of Workers :

{Sheet / Magic}
What's Mine is Mine [C-Rank] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

What's Mine is Mine [C-Rank] Empty Sun Aug 16, 2020 10:43 pm

Étaoin hummed at what Azure had commented on when they had fully processed what they were doing. They heard the snarkiness but paid no heed to it, only because Éta was snarky towards Azure sometimes anyway, so it was only fair to allow him to be snarky back to them too. “Hn. Procession is a thing…” Shrugging again, thought staying more towards the shadows only to stop when Azure had paused due to the crowd becoming more close knitted. Tilting their head to what Azure had brought up again, Éta thought back to when they first met and let out a small ‘ahhh’ when they had remembered about the lessons that the teen had offered up. “Right right, those… Maybe sometime, I think I got to meet with someone again, so maybe we can start them after that.” Grinning, Étaoin glanced at their partner, “I’ll find you when the time is right.”

The strange feeling that Étaoin was getting must’ve been correct, because it now felt like these workers were plotting something, and it was not something good. Their fingers twitched a little, as they thought about what to do, what spell to use or dodging, they were somewhat fast, but Éta didn’t really know how fast these miners were, could they dodge out the way, or maybe use their ranged spell. “Azu!” When the hat hit their partner, a snarl left Étaoin, their gaze turning towards the offenders, their mood dampening more and more as they also began to advance towards them, and with shovels nonetheless. 'Such a typical for miners.' The seal dimly glowed against the back of Étaoin’s right hand, as the workers grew closer, their purple eyes glanced at Azure briefly seeing him mess with the hard hat, but not interfere, which was fair, after all they were advancing on Éta, they only hit Azure first.

Flicking their wrist slightly Étaoin dropped a little to their right only just dodging the swing of one shovel. The thin whip of water that lashed out at the other miner, as they flicked their wrist, whilst stumbled out of the shadows, wrapping against the aimed for one of the miner’s wrist. Their feet sliding across the dirt floor, as they stopped themselves to stand next to their partner. 'Well… This sucks.' Muttering as a frown laced their lips, the miner that Étaoin had attacked not only slightly shrugged off the attack, but snorted at their attack, infuriating Étaoin just that little more. Though the slight red mark against the miners wrist told Étaoin that they had afflicted some damage to the man. Turning towards their partner, Éta just nervously chuckled, “Yeah… I don't think I mentioned that I only have two attacks right, whoops?”

WC : 455
Total : 1500+

Mana : 175

Uisce Fuip:

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

What's Mine is Mine [C-Rank] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23
#9Azure Fenic 

What's Mine is Mine [C-Rank] Empty Tue Aug 18, 2020 1:36 am

Azure Fenic

Something about his partner's response seemed off slightly but then again everyone had their own personal matters they needed to take care of but at the same time, he wanted to try this whole friendship thing so that would mean giving them space or alone time to live their life. He didn't make any type of reply to anything after that matter. Azure actually liked the company of Etaoin they made for good comic relief when he was bored and was great at listening even if they were slow on the catching on to things. The more he looked around the place more he hated it and wanted to get and take a shower but at the rate, they were going they be there for days or more.

Azure tried to hide his slight frustration from Etaoin as he thought they would be better equipped than just two spells though he wanted to believe that they were joking about the matter given they had a rather large fight on their hands now and he was not about to carry the team. Taking a second to look at the situation they only had to kill a handful of them and be done with it Wait a minute I only have two offensive spells! he thought something that he only just realized but it wasn't like he didn't know how to fight without his magic he just preferred to use it more was all. Regardless of how many spells they knew all that mattered was how well they used them in the current situation so they could get out alive and in one piece.

As the workers came at them the scholar as he looked at his partner "Welp guess you'll have to pick up the slack!" he said pushing him in front of the workers while he avoided a shovel to the face, though he would use the workers own momentum to send him to the ground and followed up with a stomp to their neck and skull. Azure tapped his foot on the ground storing mana in his left leg and proceeded to do a spin kick sending a massive wave of mana at the workers behind himself pushing them back Man they sure are a lot tougher than they look the scholar thought as one through their Pickaxe at him which grazed his right arm cutting the sleeve of his shirt and the skin under it. Not even paying attention to the that he opened and then closed their hand created a Yellow disc sending it flying to the ceiling above them causing some rocks to fall down on the workers and due to them being in a mine the dust that came with the rocks created a small little dust cloud around them so he wouldn't be able to tell if they were killed or not. "Hey make sure you aim for vitals okay!" he shouted as he wasn't really paying any attention to his partner's actions after he took down the first worker. During Mine its self was still holding up just fine for the time being but who knew when it could start coming down around them trapping them there with no escape.

WC - 537
Total - 2000
Mana 550:

{Sheet / Magic}
What's Mine is Mine [C-Rank] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

What's Mine is Mine [C-Rank] Empty Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:22 am

Étaoin sighed a little agitatedly at their partner, before shuffling out of the way of another attack from the workers. Glancing at Azure with a pout, at what he had said, about to retaliate, though stopped because of another interruption from the group of workers. “Uhm. Ya mean we right?” Grabbing the wrist of the worker, Étaoin hit the inside of the guy's arm, a small understanding nod leaving them when nothing happened, deciding just to trip him up a little instead, and trip a little over the guy’s body when he fell over, landing on the floor themselves, grazing their knees a bit, Étaoin instantly heard the faint sound of fabric tearing. Stepping away from the group a little, purple eyes glanced towards the sleeve of their jacket, that was now slightly hanging off their arm and pursed their lips, taking a deep breath, mainly because their wrist burned from the man’s grip around it. “You know… This is one of my favourite jackets…” Frowning, Étaoin muttered to themselves, just to face the guy on the floor, before stepping on his ankle, gradually applying pressure, only to pause when the dirt fell from the ceiling.

When more dirt fell after Azure had launched his attack, Étaoin snapped at their partner in annoyance. “Azu! Watch where you throw stuff!” If they got trapped in this mine, Étaoin was not going to be a nice guy, and honestly there was a side that they did not want to show Azure anytime soon. Lifting their hand, Étaoin soon swiped their hand towards the area of the workers behind them, but also the general direction of where Azure’s disk landed, a tad bit annoyed, the blue seal faintly appearing between the two guys behind them. Étaoin turned their head from Azure’s general direction, hearing a couple of small yelps behind them, when the slightly heated water droplets from the combustion had hit one of the guys in the aftermath. 'I completely forgot I was preparing that…' The growl that came from the two, had Étaoin nervously laughing, as they backed away, because now Étaoin didn’t have any spells at their disposal due to using them both up, one accidentally if they had to admit to it.

When Azure spouted something about aiming for vitals, Étaoin just rolled their eyes and just pointed to where dust was seeping from the ceiling area between them and the two other workers. “I know I said stop aiming for the ceiling… but you got anything else like that?” Sparing their partner a glance, Éta nervously laughed at the guy. Willingly agreeing to being trapped in this mine, they would prefer to be trapped in the side with the way out, but if not then it just meant that Éta was going to have to rely on Azure more than they already have done during this mission. “I’m sorry… for being pretty damn useless at the moment.” Rubbing the back of their head, because it was no lie, they were pretty useless, but Étaoin had a reason for not being useful, and that’s just mainly because of their area they were currently fighting inside off.

WC : 527
Total : 2000+

Mana : 150
Uisce Bolgán:

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

What's Mine is Mine [C-Rank] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23
#11Azure Fenic 

What's Mine is Mine [C-Rank] Empty Mon Aug 31, 2020 6:16 am

Azure Fenic

Azure stopped for a moment to catch his breath he just bearly moved out the way of some of the rubble that came down just moments before the amount of dust-covered him turned his white and pink shirt brown. The amount of work that he put into that single move should have worked a lot better than it did but that's what happens with ten-second plans after all. Hearing his partner call out to him he laughed to himself as only an idiot would get themselves killed by something so basic though if he had even been off by a second he would have killed everyone with them. "Aww, are ya worried about lil old me?" he shouted while bashing a worker's head against a rock repeatedly while a rather devilish grin made its way across his face though if you questioned him about it would surely disappear within seconds. From the sounds of it seems like Etaoin is just about done on their end of things though he wished he could have seen them in action more but that was something that would come in time like all good things in life.

Something told him that this would not be the last time he would find himself in a mine like this and it was not sitting well with him at all in fact he hoped the day would be years down the line so he could forget this day mostly. Killing all those workers felt rather nice but then again nothing beats someone's first kill, the scholar now had a few more bodies to add to the kill count along with some families to take care of later in case they wanted to take action against him or something like that.

Once they had finished the rest of the rebel workers the scholar would make his way over to his partner and give them a hug "You were so cool out there!" words of praise are the normal thing to give a partner after a job well done it bouse their own self-esteem or something to that effect anyway. Azure was happy to see that his friend was able to hold there own given the fact that they only knew two offensive spells but hey they did use them a lot better than he thought they would have that was certain. The scholar dusted themself off the best they could as they began their walk out of the mine followed by their partner and the echos of wounded men in the distance. Now that the job was all over the only other task left was to collect what was promised to him and see off his partner so they could handle there own matters though part of him wanted to tag along so he could get to know them more.

As they left the mine Azure would look at the ground kicking small pebbles around till they reached the exit of the mine and would take a deep breath while thinking to himself Okay Azure you got this... he thought tucking his hands into back pockets of his jeans and clear his thought "Hey Etaoin...were friends right?" never in his life had he felt more embarrassed than in this one moment, but then again that was something that happens when tiring something new. The scholar waited for their partner's reply to the question holding back his embarrassment to the best of his ability as he this was something that he didn't have control over and an honest answer would kill him.

total: 2500

{Sheet / Magic}
What's Mine is Mine [C-Rank] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

What's Mine is Mine [C-Rank] Empty Tue Sep 01, 2020 4:08 pm

Étaoin scowled a little before turning their gaze away from their partner, when he taunted them, chanting in their own head not to fall for the taunt, even if it was a friendly one. “I wasn’t that worried about you… I was more worried about being trapped in here…” Snorting, their purple gaze glanced a little nervously at Azure, because of course they were worried about Azure, he was their friend and apparently Éta’s partner in crime now after today. Shaking their head, Étaoin let out a small yelp, quickly dodging another stray worker, and kicking the back of his knees, watching him buckle to the floor on all fours, and spared him one glance, before planting the sole of their shoe against his face, and stepped over his body, heading over to Azure. Scratching the back of their head, Étaoin took in the scene around them with an exhausted sigh, even though they were used to defending themselves from a young age, it is not something that Éta really wanted to make a habit off.

Étaoin froze when Azure hugged them. Thought’s short circuiting to a halt, they did quickly wonder if this was how he felt earlier when they did it to him upon meeting up. It was nervously done, but Éta chuckled a little as they hugged Azure back, “Thanks, you were as well, Azu~” Stepping back a little, Éta scratched their cheek before muttering quietly between them, “And… maybe a little worried… about you.” Folding their arms, Éta quickly turned on their heels and headed out of the mines. They didn’t want to spend another second in this dingy place, with groaning adult men, who could even hold themselves off against a couple of children, like Azure and themself.

Dusting themselves, Étaoin removed their jacket and examined the jagged rip on the sleeve and the frown once again laced their lips. “God, now I have to get it fixed… Which means wasting money.” Folding the jacket over their arms, Éta glanced at their partner, feeling the somewhat nerves radiating from him. Tilting their head in confusion, “Azure?” It was mumbled but also a question of why he seemed like this. His whole posture seemed tense, and it made Étaoin laugh inside, but also anxious themselves because Éta didn’t know what their friend was thinking, and it worried them. So when the question was asked, Étaoin stood there shell shocked a little, processing said question, before tilting their head once again at the boy in front of them, eyebrows furrowed. “Why wouldn’t we be?” Stepping towards them, Étaoin punched his arm softly in the arm and a nervous smile on their lips. “What’s with you, I thought we were partners…?” A snort leaving them. “Well partners in crime now, considering recent events.” Sighing, Azure hugged him once more. “Of course we are friends, ya idiot.” Setting their hands on Azure shoulders, a grin on their lips. “You are my first friend, don't forget that okay!” Stepping away, Étaoin gave a short nod to Azure, before glancing towards the path that led away from the mines, they should go collect their reward before it gets too late.

WC : 532
Total : 3000+

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
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What's Mine is Mine [C-Rank] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23

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