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Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki]

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Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] Empty Mon Aug 31, 2020 11:57 am


WORDS: 450 | EZ Breezy

You know… Not every day a day for the socialite of Blue Pegasus one that found her in something stunning with a sword in her hand, while she had built something of a profile as a fighter of evil and centrefold star Sofia Serena was today feeling a whole lot comfortable in something that was decidedly cute and casual, and wielding not a weapon but rather a brush in hand. And she was rather satisfied with herself as well. The odd drip or smear of colour decorating her cheek or her nose and yet the breezy brunette never feeling more accomplished as she drew her hand up and down over and over again, the guild around her seemed somewhat quiet as she caked the wall in a stunning sapphire tone of paint that she had chosen personally in order to really jazz their building up, and was amused immensely when she looked back over the short trail she had completed and saw it glittering in her wake.

This might be my favourite quest yet~?  Just the smallest application of the right materials and the right kind of magic in the mixing process seeming to provide a rather splendid result, this slick substance had been enchanted and enhanced by the most devilish forms of alchemy to leave it a dazzling beauty that they would be proud to show off. Sparkling in a way that made the whole room feel special, and yet subtle enough that it didn’t take the emphasis away from the real stars in the guild; the members that shone with the splendour of strength and beauty for all of Fiore to see.

Making something lovely for my wonderful wife~ It amusing to her that this small and simple act felt so very fulfilling to her, but then nothing ever appearing to be dull or disheartening when it was done for the dark delight that led them, while quite a few of her cohorts were currently engaged in these little acts of renovation Sofia hoped that her own little deed would stand out from the pack and earn her the most immense degree of appreciation from her amazing amazon.
I can only imagine how she’ll think to repay me~ Having far more of a personal stake in this after all, whilst it would certainly be most delectable to have a handsome headquarter for their guild that the whole of Fiore could envy, in all honesty all that the emerald eyed enchantress wanted was to see her beloved black belle beam so beautifully. Well, almost. Perhaps there a thought or two in her mind that went beyond a simple smile, ultimately it was the happiness of her heavenly honey she craved the most right now, especially after that wonderful time they had together in the hotel…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Sofia Serena on Tue Sep 01, 2020 3:16 am; edited 1 time in total

#2Suki Lesalt 

Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] Empty Mon Aug 31, 2020 12:19 pm

Suki Lesalt
Her eyes gazed at herself in the mirror as she looked at her outfit. Her face was blushing wildly at the thought of people looking at her body in such a condition! Her bikini was maroon with frills of black. The outfit revealed her rather more womanly figure than a childish one, but not many people will see it, correct? Her body was curvy, womanly even, but with her bandages her chest looked smaller than they actually were as well as her bodily form when she wore normal clothes. It was just the guild master and her very close friend (she did not understand they were doing more). There was nothing to worry about for the innocent girl with the thoughts of a younger female like herself. Taking a deep breather she ran girlishly outside to go see Sofia. She has never really had any contact with the woman mind you, but she has always thought she was one of the most beautiful women. Almost prettier than her mom!

H-hello?!" She yelled out as she for once did not wear her bamboo. After her run-in with Jan, revealing her large fangs she felt normal with what he said. It made her brother. 'Wonder what nii-san is doing while I'm helping these two.'. Her index finger went against her lips thinking and standing outside. "We were supposed to wear bikinis right? O-or was that the wrong party. O-ooh~" She spoke worryingly and looked around. She did not hear much other than they were going to build something and have a party! Her pink lit up eyes then spotted Sofia not so far away as she jogged towards her carefully. "H-hai!" She tried to yell out bashfully with her face still red at the feel of the embarrassment of her attire.


Last edited by Suki Lesalt on Tue Sep 01, 2020 9:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] Sig10

Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] Empty Mon Aug 31, 2020 2:27 pm


WORDS: 550 | TAG: @Sofia @Suki | CASUAL

The time was finally upon them... Alisa had been preparing for this occasion for quite a long time now, planning this party for not only all of Blue Pegasus, but every other friend they'd made along the way. Invites only of course~ But even then, Alisa found many reasons to celebrate. In the face of a great change, their beautiful Guild had thrived like a flower blooming in adversity, despite it's dwindling numbers last year, to the point where they'd regained their status and a newfound purpose as rulers of the south. In her mind, they had never lost their status, persevering through troubling times. And the merit for that laid with each and every last one of those bearing the mark:

"I wonder what she's up to~...", mused the sculptress as she strolled around the guild hall, helping out with the redecoration proper in the face of the grandest renovation Blue Pegasus had seen in her tenrue there. A much needed change to illustrate the new era, while keeping much of the same character the people had grown to know and love.

Alisa paced around with a curious look in her eyes as she looked left and right, a mischievous smile on her face as she was clearly looking out for something, or rather, someone. Clad in a lazy set of blue jeans tightly hugging those long, luscious legs, together with a breezy, pink shirt draped loosely off her shoulder, Alisa looked about as informal as she could for someone who was about to throw one of her biggest parties yet. And just as well for the party had yet to commence. In the end, her eyes widened as she finally caught sight of her woman she was looking for, gasping as she finally found her, raising a hand over her mouth and likely announcing her presence:

"Hello my love~...", greeted Alisa, sashaying close to her seafaring siren as she slid her arm sensually around her waist, planting a soft, loving little smooch on her cheek, and then another as she turned to face her, giggling as she greeted those luscious lips with her own, "I trust the painting's going well~?"

For once though, Alisa held back just enough to let her wonderful wife focus on the matter at hand, merely pressing herself close just enough feel that warmth as she squished ever so softly into her. It took her catching sight of someone else for her to finally peel herself off her breathtaking bride:

"Ara ara, Suki~ That swimsuit looks stunning on you.", she praised, brow raising as her gaze washed curiously over their adopted little sister's decidedly youthful form. Her choice of frills look absolutely, enthrallingly adorable, and yet not without a rather eye catching display of her growing curves, all but evidencing how their beautiful girl had all but grown into a stunning woman herself. In the end, Alisa walked over to her in turn, leaning in as she greeted Suki in much the same affection, planing a tender little kiss on her cheek as she pet her hair softly, running her fingers through those silken locks before peeling away, tilting her head slightly as she brough a finger to her cheek, "But, the party doesn't actually start for a while longer you know~...? Fufufu~... We still have a lot of decorations left do to."

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] Empty Tue Sep 01, 2020 4:15 am


WORDS: 500 | EZ Breezy

“Heeheehee, it’s going pretty well, but there’s just one thing…?” The sound of that husky honey that was the voice of her wonderful wife seeming to send a shiver through Miss Serena that made her smile, she giggled softly and let her green gaze wash over the gorgeous form of her goddess for a second, and as she did so found that no matter how special her paint was she knew it would never match up to the main ever that was the master. Because of that immediately seeming to stow her efforts and step close to the marvel who she had married with a grin on her face and excitement in her pulse, without even waiting for an invitation the mermaid minx wrapped her free arm around Alisa and pulled her against her, and purred heavily as she reached for those lips without restraint.

“Mmmmmnnnn~!” Such silky softness and sublime sweetness immediately seeming to make her shudder with excitement and even let out a mewl that was saturated with the heaviest sense of satisfaction, Sofia suckled on that perfect pillowy pout for more than a mere moment but as she finally leaned away to catch her breath, she found that the real treat was in what seemed to be looking back at her.
“Now that’s so much better~!” Not entirely aware of those flecks and smears of sparkling sapphire paint that decorated her nose until she had pressed it against that of her beautiful black belle, even though it was something of a surprise to discover her dark dish now decorated with the same colour the vixen from Valerica couldn’t help but grin at what she saw, and silently wondered if her unwitting victim would realize that terrific transference sooner rather than later.

“Hmmmmm, I dunno, doing this sort of thing in bikini’s sounds like the perfect Pegasus approach to me~?” Unfortunately not afforded a wealth of time to indulge the wonder next to her before it seemed a rather adorable little angel was far more deserving of their time an interest, while Alisa seemed a bit more familiar with the cute little thing who walked up to them so shyly Miss Serena too was somewhat captivated by the youngster, and after giving the her wife the chance to greet her and address the issue, the bubbly brunette couldn’t help but jump into things with a little counter-offer of her own.
“Maybe we should both go get changed, no~?” Quickly seeming to spot the fact that the timid teen was feeling a little bit out of place in what she was wearing but deciding that as a couple of big sisters it was their job to help her get over such an issue in time for the big summer party, the mischievous mermaid would have also been lying if she said her suggestion wasn’t entirely about pushing her partner into an outfit she could enjoy all the more as well, so consequently there was perhaps a bit of a win/win element in her mind as she voted for joining their junior in what she was wearing. And it really did seem their style too, after all…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

#5Suki Lesalt 

Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] Empty Tue Sep 01, 2020 9:00 pm

Suki Lesalt
As she was jogging slowly towards Sofia she saw the guild master with her. She was super pretty, the both of them. She made a sudden stop as she realized that neither of them was wearing swimwear. Did she make a big mistake? Her eyebrows furrowed with them sparkling like the water itself. As soon as she got close enough to them she was spoken to by first Alisa and then Sophia. They seemed like very nice ladies. Pretty much like a pair of sisters, but they seemed very close. Closer than normal friends. Why? Suki felt confused by such a matter yet does it really matter on why?

The girl played with her own dark long hair with light brown tips. She felt anxious around people, mainly with the sort of attire she had on. Alisa approached her with a light kiss on the cheek, causing a shiver and a light-colored blush upon her own cheek. 'Ouwu.' She thought and closed her eyes embarrassed. She was not used to that sort of affection. How long has it been? Forever?

"T-thank you!"
she started while making sure her bikini was on correctly, not up her assets (perfectly covering them) and her top was on properly. Her eyes went back towards them as they looked at each other and then back at her. Her eyes moved over to look at what Sofia has done so far, looking really beautiful as the two ladies in front of her. "You guys don't need to change! Just tell me how to help and I will do my best!~" She couraged up to speaking without much studdering. Something made her wonder though. The lip touching, what was that precisely? "Onee-chan, what do you call the lip touching? Is that what most call a kiss?" She tilted her head innocently. Now, most people do not understand, but since she was sheltered from the world, treated like a child all her life (being daddies little girl forcefully) - she had no clue what even kissing was. For some reason, though it made her feel all warm inside.

Swiftly, she turned to see some paint and walked over to grab a light blue, lilac, and a pinkish color. "I wish to paint some pretty flowers and stuff.~". She loved drawing, creating things as she created designs for stuffed animals already! Hopefully, she will hear from the store company soon. She was so excited.


Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] Sig10

Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] Empty Wed Sep 02, 2020 12:54 pm


WORDS: 550 | TAG: @Sofia @Suki | SNEAK PEEK  

Alisa all but giggled as she felt her marvellous mermaid shuddering head to toe from her kiss, but in her defense, the Master herself hardly fared much better herself, her cheeks reddening as a result as her heartrate quickened, all coupled with the very vivid reminder that nobody else could quite get such a reaction out the cool and collected White Empress:

"Mmmm~... How's that~...?", cooed the sculptress as she peeled away, biting her lip as their kiss parted, and yet she couldn't help but shoot a smouldering stare into those ravishing jade green eyes. Far too elegant to indulge in such passionate displays for too long with one of her more impressionable younger members right there standing next to them, Alisa brushed a loose black lock behind her ear, cupping her cheek as her eyes once more scanned down the surprisingly full figured form of their adorable younger sister, nodding in agreement as she shared a complicit look with her wonderful woman, "Now, that is a lovely idea, Sofia. Yes, surely we shouldn't leave such a cute girl feeling left out."

So cute~... Despite her age, Suki could be surprisingly innocent about certain things you'd expect from a girl in her mid to late teens, but Alisa would be lying if she said that didn't only make her more endearing:

"No, no... I insist Suki.", responding to her words with assertive refusal, Alisa shook her head and raised her palm. Clearly, she'd be having none of it, "Rest assured... It's no trouble at all~"

Slowly sliding her hand up the side of her sinuous torso, Alisa all but struck a pose as she cocked her hip to the side, her wedding ring lighting up as a radiant glow spread across her statuesque shape, covering her whole body head to toe, before fading and allowing the sculptress to unveil her new swimsuit with a confident smile on her face. As the dazzling light show faded, it revealed a daring choice of swimswear, a lilac, backless one piece, leaving only just enough to imagination. Flashing them that ever confident smile as she looked curiously between the two women, the sculptress found herself idly adusting the freshly worn garment, running her fingertips under the edge, adjusting it over the swell of her generous bosom until that supple softness jostled ever so slightly:

"See, now that wasn't so hard now, was it~?", she teased, shooting Suki a playful little wink


Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] Empty Wed Sep 02, 2020 2:02 pm


WORDS: 600 | Bold Bikini

“Ohhhh, you can’t tell me that a pretty little thing like you hasn’t kissed her share of boys, hm~?” Cocking her head and grinning at the youngster as she seemed to question the little gesture of fondness that she shared with her fellow femme, Miss Serena giggled and licked her lips at the innocence she sensed in the girl, and because of that couldn’t help but feel really rather tempted to tease her.
“But if you’re telling the truth…” Those of youth and naiveté always seeming to drag out the more devious side of the dazzling delight, she couldn’t help but sway her hips as she sauntered her way over to that sweet little soul who had caught her attention so spectacularly, and slapped her hand down onto one of those wiggling wonders as she leaned in close to get a better look at the girl.

“You wouldn’t mind if I gave her a few lessons, right my love~?” Quietly marvelling at those wonderful and wide eyes as she bent at the waist and looked at that cute little girl who stepped into her life and feeling quite the mischievous minx as she did so, Sofia paused for a second or two as she took in that blossoming beauty and then looked toward the woman she called her wife, asking for her permission as she sought to corrupt this young wonder in ways she hadn’t done for such a while.
“Seems a shame to let such wonder go to waste, even so young~?” So very intrigued by that innocence she sensed but also the good looks of the girl that she really couldn’t help herself, it seemed that the water witch was on her worst behaviour as she lifted her hand to one of those silky looking strands that framed the face of the femme, but felt just a little bit envious when it was her ebony enchantress who stole the opportunity to make her blush by laying a perfect little peck on their junior’s cheek, but didn’t have all that much time to dwell on her disappointment.

“Heeheheheehee, be right back~” All too quickly distracted when her dark dish seemed to agree that it was their responsibilities as seniors to ‘dress down’ in order to make their younger companion feel that bit more comfortable with her state of undress, in a flash the femme had seemed to poke her forehead and disappeared upstairs, and quickly found herself rifling through her bikini collection in order to wow both the women who would be waiting for her in the hall. However, with so many options, it was easy to pick a few that seemed to cut the mustard, and if anything she would be a little bit spoiled for choice on the matter.

“Noooowwww… That’s a lot better~” All too quickly peeling herself out of her comfortable and casual clothing and pushing her perky form into something that highlighted her fine form that much better, in what felt like only a matter of seconds Miss Serena was strutting her way through the guild hall once more as she showed off a black and red bikini she had been saving for a special occasion, and honestly, this one seemed like just the one she had been waiting for.
“Wouldn’t you say~?” Happy to present herself in one of the several options she had for their little beach and bikini party that would occur once they were done with decorating and such, despite her joy at being able to show off like this the bubbly brunette couldn’t help but feel just that little bit distracted when she saw what her wife was wearing, and now felt even more torn between her options given the scantiness of her luscious lover, and the thrill she would find in further teasing the teen who had joined them.

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

#8Suki Lesalt 

Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] Empty Wed Sep 02, 2020 6:44 pm

Suki Lesalt
The two women seem to enjoy teasing Suki with all their grownup knowledge about things she did not understand. The sheltering made it quite hard for her feelings and her brain as she only knew what any young child would know in a locked room. It did not really matter much since she was here to enjoy helping them. Blue Pegasus was filled with fun and interesting people; her big brother. Tien and now these two wonderful women! She giggled at them as she was told it was alright.

They were super nice to put on swimsuits to make her feel better. Suki was in awe as she saw their forms. Sofia was much like hers, but taller! Alisa was like her mama when it came to her body and personality of niceness. Men were attracted to her, but papa would always get mad at her in a non-abusive way. Her face was red from the cheek kiss from both of them, gulping nervously she went towards her section with the spray cans. "Yes! Everyone looks so nice now.~ Very free-looking." She giggled and twirled happily. She wondered what they meant about the lesson earlier. Was it some sort of talk that she needed?

Slowly, she started to spray the colors one by one. She was super into it as she loved the color mix of blue, purple, and pink. Sometimes red and black, but those three were the best. They were most likely watching, but she tried to ignore them at her best since she had to concentrate to make it look super pretty! Hummed a little, danced with her hips side to side with music in her mind. After she was done she hopped a little. It took about ten or so minutes, but it looked alright to her. Swiftly, she turned around to look at them. "How does it look?!" She was anxious, but she had to have some courage. 'Oouu~ I hope it looks alright. Nnnippa~' she thought.

Art example

Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] Sig10

Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] Empty Fri Sep 04, 2020 10:59 am


WORDS: 550 | TAG: @Sofia @Suki | SNEAK PEEK  

"Oh, no, on the contrary my love...", she refuted, raising a hand as she shook her head, looking at Suki out the corner of her eye as she faced her lover, raising a hand over her mouth as she giggled, "If you don't, I might feel tempted to take matters into my own hands~"

Winking playfully at their endearing imouto, Alisa chuckled once more, silently noting how nothing quite measured up to that reaction she recieved, from the two of them. For a moment, Alisa just paused in place, nodding as she raised an eyebrow, shooting her wonderful wife a curious, visibly intrigued glance:

"Don't keep us waiting too long my love... Who knows just what you might end up missing, hmmm~?", she teased, looking over her shoulder as Sofia stepped away, letting her gaze wash over that gorgeous, graceful figure, all but curling at the sight. She'd have looked almost impatient in the way she shot those cursory glance to the stairs Sofia had climbed up, wondering what she'd be wearing when she finally came down... And in the end, she wasn't disappointed in the slightest. When Sofia strode over in that stylish black and red bikini, Alisa couldn't help but admire the flattering garment as it sat snugly around her full figure, letting her eyes linger on her wife's vivacious visage as her lips parted ever so slightly, "Oh my~... A lot better would be an understatement my love~"

Nibbling her plush bottom lip ever so slightly, Alisa found herself fighting off a sudden urge to wrap her arms around her beloved and pick up where she'd just left off... She couldn't... Not yet~ Especially not with such an innocent, impressionable teenage girl in the room, oh so eager to impress them. As Suki got to work on the walls, picking up the spray cans, Alisa folded her arms under her generous bosom, cupping her cheek as she watched, her smile widening ever so slightly with every passing moment:

"Ara... That is quite an impressive talent you have there, Suki~", praised the sculptress, finally stepping over and once again resting her hand on the girl's head, petting it slightly as she admired the smooth, skillful lines of colour she drew on the walls, her smile widening as into a knowing little smirk as an idea struck her, turning to Suki and raising a finger as she coated them with a glimmering, crystalline sheen, "May I~...?"

She wasn't about to interfere with another artist's work without the girl's permission, so she made sure to ask for it first. Mind you, Alisa wasn't a painter herself, not by any stretch... But she had her own skills to make use of, and In the end, teamwork always yields the best results. If Suki allowed her, she'd proceed to run those crystallized fingers over the lighter lines of colour for a glimmering, dazzling highlight.


Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] Empty Fri Sep 04, 2020 3:54 pm


TOTAL: 2050 | Bold Bikini

“Heeheehee, you’re not looking too bad yourself there, my love~” The green gaze of the girl unable to resist the temptation to take in the fullness of her wife’s frame now that it had been a bit better exposed to her, Miss Serena grinned at the sight of her stunning sable siren and licked her lips as she purveyed every curve and line of the woman rather voraciously, and showed very little shame as she did so.
“Oh, like what you see there~?” Even more unabashed when next she took the interest of her intoxicating idol as an invitation to show herself off as well, the fact that Alisa was here was enough of an excuse for her beguiling bride to slap a hand down on her hip and twist from one side and to the next, really letting any would be viewer enjoy the effect that her skimpy garb had on her frame and not caring who was looking so long as her luscious lady enjoyed what she was seeing. After all, that was why she had bought this little number, and so many others.

“Wow that’s…” The foreign fox quickly finding that she was distracted from her flaunting flurry by something that was almost more inspiring than either of their frame’s as the young woman next to her seemed to present something that was the picture of loveliness, though Sofia had intended to let herself get rather distracted by the interest and image of her dark dish instead she found her eyes studying the artwork that their ‘little sister’ had created, and honestly was rather gobsmacked by it. But in a good way, of course.
“Suki, that’s amazing!” The emerald eyes of the enchantress widening whilst her mouth seemed to hang for more than a moment, the fair femme from foreign lands would be found clapping her hands together with delight as she took in the elegance that their junior had created for the room, and found herself immensely impressed by the brushwork in all honesty.

“Gosh, my sparkly walls seem to pale in comparison to the elegance of your artwork, my dear~” Unable to ignore her next little impulse and moving in close to their terrific teen as she looked from her own work and then to that which Suki had created and suddenly felt so immensely inferior in terms of creativity, the aquamarine angel ran her fingers through the hair of the youngster as she offered a friendly little bout of petting for the effort she had been through, and felt far more enthralled by what the girl had done than envious of her achievement.
“What do you think babe, should we fill the room with that finery~?” Game most certainly recognising game as far as the grassy gazed gal was concerned and quickly the vixen from Valerica deciding that their guild hall would simply not do without such inspired artwork decorating it, a moment later the minx was scooping up a couple of brushes and offering one of them to her lady love as she suggested that they cede to this wonderful talent, and do what they could to mimic the design throughout the room which surrounded them…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

#11Suki Lesalt 

Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] Empty Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:06 am

Suki Lesalt
They were all so beautiful, unlike herself. She was like a child in comparison. She looked like she could be their actual child. Deep within she felt sad, but in reality, she was happy to know them both. After she was done with her spray painting she realized that they were really watching. Alisa came over and asked if she could add to it. Was it that bad? She blinked confused and tilted her head. "Sure!" she hopped and clapped as she then saw Alisa go at it. It was like she was adding her own magic to it, crystallization. It was true the beauty of Earth as it was like gems.

Sofia thought so too, noting about her own wall being blank. She giggled sweetly of course as blushed with their hands petting her dark hair. She felt like a pet, but she did not mind it at all. It felt nice, relaxing even maybe it was because she was short compared to the two, or perhaps it was because she felt like a young child that her father taught her to be. "I'll do any art you want.~ I like art very much." she spoke with such youth, spirit, and love.

"Don't say that I believe you can make beautiful art.~" she gave a cheesy smile and gazed at both of them. Suddenly, she frowned, "Do you think..." Her eyes lowered and kicked the ground a little with her hands behind her back. "Do you think I'll ever blossom as you two have? I asked a guy once and he said sure you will blossom beautifully while acting shy." She was curious a bit since she had this type of body since she was little, way younger than she was nice other than the tallness of course. For some reason, she was stuck at being five feet tall. Maybe she wasn't doing enough exercises or maybe it was what she was eating and not eating. Very confused.


Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] Sig10

Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] Empty Sat Sep 05, 2020 4:15 pm


WORDS: 450 | TAG: @Sofia @Suki | SNEAK PEEK  

Indeed, neither did Alisa show the slightest ounce of shame in showing herself off before the voracious vixen who put a ring on her, slipping her her hand behind her neck, under those long, silky black tresses of hair, arching her back ever so slightly until her shapely cleavage puffed out visibly, turning ever so sofly to the side and really allowing her lover to admire those full, generous curves in all their glory. Yet all the while, not for a second did she she peel her eyes away from her lover, admiring Sofia as much as the sensual siren's own reactions in turn, before giggling as she spoke:

"I most certainly do my love~... Ufufu~... You never cease to impress me, do you~?", she teased, letting her gaze linger on that luscious frame just a few moments longer, or, at least, until Suki's artistic display well and truly wrested her attention away. Raising a hand over her mouth, Alisa giggled as she watched the delectable reaction from her wife with utter delight, all but digging her teeth into her lips, silently noting to herself how she wasn't used to seeing it from anybody other than herself... It certainly was... A whole new perspective, and one Alisa could get used to as she watched those eyes glimmer hopefully as she looked at her in turn. In the end, Alisa merely nodded, her smile brightening, "Don't sell yourself short my love~... After all the three of us put our heart and soul into these walls, so..."

Reaching out, Alisa rested her hand on her lover's shoulder, drawing a gentle, loving caress up and down her arm, silently marvelling at how soft and smooth her skin felt. Indeed, Alisa could all but sense that almost hint of inferiority in her wife's words, a kind of feeling she found utterly unacceptable in someone as mesmerizing as the marvellous woman she'd chosen. In the end, she'd look lovingly at her, sharing a long look as her hand drifted a few inches up, finding a lock of that silky brown hair, twirling it teasingly between her fingers as she added:

"...We should defenitely stay true to our style, shouldn't we~?", she spoke, nodding encouragingly as she shot a complicit look between Sofia and Suki, only to giggle at their cute little sister's choice of words, "Now what kind of question is that, Suki~?"

Resting a hand on her hip, the tall woman frowned, yet that playful smile wouldn't leave her lips for a moment as she leaned in, once again pressing her lips to Suki's cheek, a long, tender, loving little smooch as Alisa's hair would tickle her soft skin:

"Well, I think that guy was only half right~... How silly of him not to notice that... You're already blossoming beautifully, sweetie~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] Empty Sun Sep 06, 2020 11:45 am


TOTAL: 2550 | Bold Bikini

“Anything we want, huh~?” The brow of the brunette lifting at the comment of the cutie before her, even though she knew that she should have probably been taking the words of such an innocent little ingénue and letting her wickedness twist them the temptress couldn’t help it, and as such looked toward the teen coyly in response.
“Mmmmnnnn, you’ve no idea how many times I’ve wanted a girl as pretty as you are to say that~” Once again letting her impulses get the better of her and once again letting those dainty and deft digits draw through Suki’s bangs, Miss Serena couldn’t help but purr at the youngster as she laced her wording with innuendo, and in her own way wished to educate her in the ways in which she was so well versed, and that the youngster seemed to show that hint of curiosity about as well.

“Heeheeheehee, I couldn’t have put it better myself~?” Sensing a degree of inferiority within the girl and it seeming that not one but both of these wondrous wives happy to make offer words to help with that, Sofia chimed in agreement with the mistress of the guild as she began to set about mimicking the lovely designs that this miniature maestro had shown them, and hoped that the girl took her words very much to heart if she could.
“You’re already blossoming wonderfully~” For certain the two elder ladies here having that touch more elegance that could only be provided by experience but there plenty of appeal both in the looks and semblance of shyness that their junior showed, it seemed that the confidence of their adorable angel was somewhat lacking when it came to her own appearance, and that simply wouldn’t do for a woman of Blue Pegasus.

“I bet you’re already more beautiful than even we were at your age, and then, because of that…” Luckily for Suki her self-esteem in great hands when it came to Alisa and the woman that she had married, Miss Serena was only too happy to assure the girl both about her current visage and the vision that the vixen guessed she would become if given the time to bud fully, and with that spirit she would happily use her talent for flattery to make the girl smile.
“I can only wonder and look forward to how lovely you’ll look when you’re our age~?” Only too eager to encourage the lass to not only feel assured in her image but also an expectation that the arrow of time would only make it ripen in the most resplendent sense, as strange as it was to note the green eyed girl could see a little of both her and her bride in the beauty that was presented before her; as if they had somehow been melded together into a wonderful whelp that would set alight the hearts of men and women alike, and because of that she knew she would be quite the head turner when she grew up. After all, both her ‘Mothers’ were renowned for such things, and she looked like she might ‘inherit’ the best of both their worlds…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

#14Suki Lesalt 

Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] Empty Tue Sep 08, 2020 5:45 pm

Suki Lesalt
The two beautiful women were giving her attention. They were so nice, loving, and youthful like her own mother. They told her how beautiful she already was, but then why did she feel like something was missing? It was like a Sin being locked up so it could not touch her. She had to women that treated her as a daughter trying to boost up her self-esteem. She wondered if Tien thought that way too! Enough of that though, they had work to do. Her black long hair shined from the sunlight while her pink eyes glistened towards the pretty colors.

Sofia acted happy towards Alisa's and her own comment. Her face blushed and smiled bashfully while giving Sofia a big grand hug! She hopped back and stood straight while stepping the ground a little all cute-like, hands against her chest all giggity. Suki felt an uncontrollable desire to be happy and now she felt like they had more work to do! "Do you think Tien thinks that too?" for some reason she cared what he thought in a way that a sister nor brother should care for. "I-I mean, maybe we should continue our painting!~ Perhaps we should also ... I don't know." Spoke the simple-minded girl who all she could think about were a few things. The people in front of her, painting and Tien. She swore there were a few more things to say. "Oooou~" she groaned cutely with her eyes closed tightly. Her lips pierced out in a poutful manner.

"I can't remember what more I wanted to say."
her eyes gazed at the two and wondered something, but what was it exactly? Well, she could ask more about the guild! "Are there people in the guild I should worry about? Nnni..." She bit her lower lip and wondered perhaps if there was anyone bad in there, a trickster perhaps. Maybe a pervert even! She leaned over to grab onto some spray paint and gazed at both of them. She wanted to do other stuff, but sadly, they were here to work.

Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] Sig10

Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] Empty Fri Sep 11, 2020 1:23 pm


WORDS: 450 | TAG: @Sofia @Suki | SNEAK PEEK  

"Myyyy, Sofia~... You always find the most delightful ways of looking at things, don't you~...?", teased the sculptress, not really missing the hint of innuendo from her luscious lover's lips, eyes narrowing as she draped an around her waist and pulled her gently into her arms, leaning in for a slow, tender little smooch to those plush lips, admiring the way she joined in in lifting the youthful girl's spirits in however way they could.

After all, no way she could ever accept someone as pretty as Suki feeling so inferior about her own physique, especially not when she had so much to admire. In the end, she was certainly thankful for the way with words her wonderful wife so eagerly put to use, delighting in their younger guildmate's reaction, her lips widening at those last few words:

"Indeed, I suppose we'll just have to wait and see for ourselves, won't we, my love~...?", teased the sculptress, eyes narrowing as she ran her hand tenderly down her lover's soft cheek. But in the end, Suki actually managed to wrest the admiring amazon's eyes away from her beautiful bride, her brow raising as she spoke up, "Ara... What do you have in mind~...?", picking up how their adorable imouto seemed to have something on her mind, Alisa rose an eyebrow, just about to offer a penny for her thoyghts when the girl's attention drifted elsewhere. In the end, she merely chuckled, raising a hand over her head and petting her soothingly, throwing the girl a playful little wink as she added, "That's alright... I'm sure you'll remember it before you know it~"

Alisa had to admit, she felt perhaps a bit more curious than she let on, idly scratching her temple as she looked over Suki and recalled how they knew comparatively little about her... She seemed a lot more youthful than her late teenaged physique suggested, and disappointly, the guild master had yet to wrap her head around why that might be:

"Hmmmm... Not really~?", Alisa cupped her chin, furrowing her brow as she mused on that particular thought, folding her arms under her generous breasts, spending but a moment thinking about her question if only so she wouldn't have to dismiss it ouright, instead, flashing her that ever cool, collected smile, "If there was a reason you should be worried, then I wouldn't really have allowed them in teh guild now, would I~?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] Empty Sat Sep 12, 2020 1:37 pm


TOTAL: 3000 | Bold Bikini

“Heeheeheehee~” The cuddle from the cutie not something which Miss Serena entirely expected but also something she didn’t find herself disliking one little bit either, though she felt somewhat like a sandwich when her sable siren joined in the action, all that the girl with the green gaze could do was giggle as she found herself wedged between the two of them and smiled as she attempted to put an arm around each.
“Always keep an open mind my love~” Pulling the young Suki closer to her and absentmindedly squeezing that smaller shape into her bust without even thinking about it, the presence of Alisa seemed to be far more of a priority than the preservation of her modesty, and as such the bubbly brunette beamed as she reached behind herself to first nuzzle and then kiss her beautiful bride slowly and sweetly, though still with just that ounce of spice which came so natural to them.

Tien…? Confused when the youngster seemed to mention what she guessed was a person’s name but who it belonged to she did not know, Sofia remained silent as she let her wonderful wife address the issue before her in order to get a measure of what was going on, though was happy to chime in with kind and reassuring words once she guessed she had a rough idea of what was needed.
“I’m sure Tien would have to be a fool not to see what we do, right love~?” Cocking her head and leaning forward to look into a set of eyes which contrasted her own emeralds perfectly, the enchantress purred as she ran with the flattery which had seemed so reliable thus far, still unsure of exactly who this figure the two talked of was but ultimately knowing that she didn’t need to know every single step of a dance like this in order to follow it.

“Even if there were wicked types in the guild, they’d never bother a cutie pie like you~” Nodding in agreement as Alisa next seemed to affirm the fact that there weren’t any types who might bully this beloved black belle but also adding an almost sisterly level of protectiveness as she confirmed the Suki’s security personally, though she doubted that her wise wife would let any in who would be unkind to their young charge, Miss Serena went a step further in her assurance a moment later as she opted to act a little bit rowdy.
“I’ll kick their ass the second they try!” Smirking at the youngster and slamming her knuckles into the palm of her hand as she showed a side to her which was a bit more feisty than flirty, the foreign femme continued to rap the steely edge she had developed in training alongside Alisa against the softness of her hand playfully, though she meant every word. Anybody who thought to mess with her girls was in for a rude awakening, no matter who they thought they were…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

#17Suki Lesalt 

Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] Empty Mon Sep 14, 2020 12:12 am

Suki Lesalt
She listened to their reasonings with how they had doubts about there being any mean and bully-like people. Today was a very exciting day as they made her feel safe, they painted together and truthfully this felt just right. She may not be with her biological family, but she already felt adopted and adapted here. With that they also added info on Tien, about how he would be a fool to not notice her beauty as they do. It made her blush bright red, kicking the ground shyly while thinking if perhaps he did feel that way. She still wondered why she was feeling this weird feeling as well when she thought or even saw him. It was something new, something different even as she usually just feels like someone is her family or just a friend even. So far no one else gave her this feeling. It was quite odd to her.

"I hope I will.~"
she spoke happily and giggled. "Amongst other things..." she spoke quietly and darkly as she continues to give a childish and innocent appearance. They both gave off cool smiles as if they were super confident in everything they said. Too bad she wasn't like that. Maybe it was how they always got everything to like them. Their personalities were quite young yet mature in a rather good way. She was not like that though, but Suki did not know that yet. Her eyes gazed at the art and continued to paint more while thinking of other things. Hopefully, she will get to talk to them again after all this. That will be nice. For now, they finished the rest of the art together.~ As family. <3

Revitalization [PSF - Phase One / Alisa / Suki] Sig10

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