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Samhain: Skeleton Ringalings

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Samhain: Skeleton Ringalings - Page 2 Empty Fri Nov 13, 2020 2:02 pm

Ikazuchi managed to make a clean escape from the Haunted house. His swift decision making allowed him to avoid his pursuer for a majority of the time, and it was only once the exit was in sight that he caught a glimpse of the clown which had chased him. Seeing that it was only a clown allowed him to relax as well. Ikazuchi has a fear of ghosts, so the unseen pursuer happened to be perfect for exciting him in a bad way. That’s why it was comforting to see a sketchy clown at the end. That was the final attraction in the area near the Haunted house though, so it was time to move on.

The next area for Ikazuchi was the Tower area. It was the lower level of the tower, and what he considered the most thought provoking area. Samhain’s tower, a place that had many secrets just outside of reach was exciting. Ikazuchi was neither someone who could uncover those secrets, nor someone interested in truly doing so. At most he possessed a lingering curiosity towards the place and its owner.

Exploring the area of the tower that could be accessed led to his arrival at the next game booth. “Sit right there and get ready to toss!” The skeleton that greeted him this time was straight to the point, so Ikazuchi took a seat without missing a beat. In front of him were six rings waiting to be tossed and clearly indicated targets as well. He could only try his luck once more and hope for the best.

WC - 260


Samhain: Skeleton Ringalings - Page 2 Empty Fri Nov 13, 2020 2:02 pm

The member 'Ikazuchi' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 32, 57, 50, 90, 87, 23


Samhain: Skeleton Ringalings - Page 2 Empty Fri Nov 13, 2020 8:03 pm


Akushitsuna had a rather low level of morale as he stumbles his way towards the next unknown level of extravaganza might await him at the next booth. All he knew for sure was that the flavor he'd last tasted kept a certain level of aftertaste that wouldn't seem to cease. Nothing could've possibly been more punishing that his last booth, which brought about immense vomiting for quite a while. Aku would mere wipe his lip as he begins to approach the next game. At this point he wasn't even all that sure that he cared whether or not he won these challenges. Things seemed to be quite promising if he could so much as partake without extreme annoyance or punishment as a result of failing.

greeting the skeleton he would slowly take his seat while making his best attempt not to gag at the aftertaste of his last event, and would gradually prepare himself to partake in the next activity. The challenge itself would appear to be simple enough, all he had to do was throw a handful of rings, and manage to ring a few in the meantime. After taking a deep breath his half disoriented self makes an attempt to win.

WC: 207


Samhain: Skeleton Ringalings - Page 2 Empty Fri Nov 13, 2020 8:03 pm

The member 'Akushitsuna' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 33, 70, 40, 81, 63, 25

#30Tomoe Tanaka 

Samhain: Skeleton Ringalings - Page 2 Empty Sun Nov 15, 2020 3:31 am

Tomoe Tanaka
Tomoe now looked like he pissed himself and had a fresh coat of vomit on his Halloween robe that was forced upon him. If he stopped for long enough, he could almost swear there was still the wriggling of worms in his teeth... and the rice... oh god, the rice. The rice was day-old, but not used to make fried rice, it was simply... just solid matter. That particular chef skeleton was a sinner, and Tomoe would remember his identical skeletal face for the future when his stomach didn't feel fit to burst out. To distract himself, the sick cultist - now sick in more ways than just the head - moved on to the next game booth.

Guided off to a stool, Tomoe is handed six rings and told to loop them around skeleton arms on the far side of the booth opposite him. With a determined, eagle eyed glare, the Joyan wanted to make more out of this night than a simple hell where he gets doused in water and forced to eat vile food. Mint jelly? Really?

"Ugh, anyways..."

Tomoe took aim, and knowing that a game like this was all about the wrist motions, would do his best to toss the rings. The longer the night went on, the more convinced he was that this whole thing was rigged, but nevertheless he'd try his best to beat these undead cronies at their own games. He'd won a few, but he'd like to win more if he could.


Samhain: Skeleton Ringalings - Page 2 Empty Sun Nov 15, 2020 3:31 am

The member 'Tomoe Tanaka' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 61, 18, 25, 26, 83, 77

#32Ezekiel II 

Samhain: Skeleton Ringalings - Page 2 Empty Sun Nov 15, 2020 7:24 pm

Sit sit, the skeleton told Ezekiel as he approached the booth. He just finished playing a game where he had to shoot at some slime, now he was going to play another one. It was safe to say that he was rather addicted to all this. After losing the last game, he was determined to win this one by any means necessary, even if he had to cheat. The skeleton waited for the vampire to sit on the stool, then pulled back a curtain revealing a row of skeleton arms. All he had to do was get at least four rings onto the arms and he would win some amazing prize. Hopefully it was money or something valuable. Ezekiel was actually quite nervous as he stared at the long arms before him. Losing was not something the desiertan vampire liked. For a moment he sat completely still, staring at his targets. A drop of sweat slowly trickled down his forehead. With a gulp he picked up one of the rings and lightly tossed it towards the arm, watching it fall just before getting there. Okay, more strength, he told himself. Then he took the next ring, closed his eyes and said a prayer as if he actually believed that the gods would help him. Let's do this, he thought. Once again he threw the ring towards the skeleton arm. All he had at this point was hope, hope that he would not leave this place a loser like last time.


Samhain: Skeleton Ringalings - Page 2 Empty Sun Nov 15, 2020 7:24 pm

The member 'Ezekiel' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 58, 28, 13, 13, 11, 78


Samhain: Skeleton Ringalings - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:27 am

He approached yet another game booth, so many games to be played and so many things to see, Samhain was truly a wondrous place and with so much candy he was certain he had gained a few kilos, but in any case he was here for the game and this time it was called "Skeleton Ringalings", certainly interesting as a title he went closer and greeted the skeleton. The skeleton offered him a seat at a nearby stool and handed him six rings, well now he would have to throw these rings perfectly into the bones protruding from a surface some meters in front of him. He reminisced for a moment how some games scared him and this was definitely one of those that he could handle well, or at least he hoped so, he didn't want anything coming out and chasing him if he didn't manage to land four of the rings that were required to win the game. He took a deep breath and tried to concentrate starting to throw one ring after the other, hesitating with some for a moment to calculate the strength he would have to use but then again it was mostly his luck that played an important part. Once he was out of rings the score was announced...


Samhain: Skeleton Ringalings - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:27 am

The member 'Phoebus' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 4, 91, 17, 98, 60, 81

#36Hitomi Minamoto † 

Samhain: Skeleton Ringalings - Page 2 Empty Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:36 pm

Hitomi Minamoto †
She puked. Violently and for what seemed like forever. It was so bad that she was being hauled off to the sick bay and being given fluids. Resting was the best for her but after an hour she felt fine. She kept shuddering for another half an hour but it was nothing that she couldn't handle. Throughout the whole ordeal, Asmodeus couldn't stop laughing at her, and whenever she tried to make her stop the demon laughed harder. Genevieve promised herself that she would never again eat something like that, even if it was for the sake of winning. It just wasn't worth it. Dragging her body to the next game booth, from the looks of it this one seemed like it would be more relaxing. The skeleton man greeted her as usual and told her the rules and showed her how to play. Taking a seat that was offered to her she was given six rings to throw. All she had to do was get the rings over some skeleton arms. Genevieve lined up her shots and one by one threw the rings at their intended target. Some missed and some went but did she have enough to win? As she threw the last ring her score popped up.

- 213 -

Samhain: Skeleton Ringalings - Page 2 AV4nNet
old sheet

Samhain: Skeleton Ringalings - Page 2 Empty Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:36 pm

The member 'Genevieve' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 64, 75, 45, 34, 86, 52

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