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Harmony in Taste.(Open)

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Harmony in Taste.(Open) - Page 3 Empty Thu Feb 04, 2021 5:54 pm

This went, exactly as she would hope after all no one was running off with Hasani so it was just as she hoped. Hasani just wanted if anything to know of this woman, she just watched, With a few minutes she would just seemed relaxed. Even would mentioned finally in general just to be sure it was not something that was most likely stressful then everything in general."It is fine to touch my son, Do just be careful with him."Since her arms were clear for the small child it was now looking at the nervous Leika however, the small werewolf sun he would quietly stare at Leika.

Now it was something she seemed to consider. what else would she need to do here. It was a moment where she felt like, She did not want to do exactly anything."But you will not be forced too, If you wish to interact with my son you are free to choose."being left to that Priscilla would just quietly get to her chair, sit in it and relax more.

it seemed as long as no one was trying to take her son, his mother would not be a worry, Since she was just sitting there and drinking her cup of tea, this moment was just casual and rare moment indeed.

Legs crossed, sitting there enjoying the moment and taking it in, what else would be, was just being watched under a close eye. She assumed Leika would not do anything intentionally to him, Hasani would just seemed to look for a moment, Try to stand up for a moment like he wanted to hug Leika.

It was a nice and peaceful moment time, For this situation. it was nice what all could go wrong? nothing, because thinking that way might cause it to happen.

#52Leika Earthe 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) - Page 3 Empty Thu Feb 18, 2021 5:26 pm

Leika Earthe
The baby just wants the same thing you do. A splash of curiosity with the need to play. It's okay, Leika. Enjoy yourself.

Leika, from her squatted position curling up with her fluffy tail in her embrace, looked up at Kazimir as he spoke to her, her red eyes meeting with his own. She could tell without fully understanding the words that the man was trying to be soothing. His tone of voice toward her, gentle as it was, revealed that much. She may have grown up knowing only pain, abuse, and neglect; but that also aided her in the ability to identify kindness when it is offered to her. This... baby... was curious and wished to play. Leika was unfamiliar with infants and toddlers, and unsure how to react to one as the boy toddled clumsily toward her.

She had vaguely overheard Judith and Kazimir mumbling about a guild. She wasn't sure what they were talking about, but her wolf ears caught that much. She was reminded of Daeva Eye and subconsciously placed a hand to her neck, covering the numbers that were tattooed there as she remembered the guild tattoo that once hid this curse for her. It would be nice to belong somewhere again, and not be out here alone. She looked toward Kazimir and Judith, her eyes scanning them for any sign of a tattoo as Kaz continued to address her.

And, I'm sure Judith would be excited to go clothes shopping with you.

"Clothes... shopping." She repeated, slowly sounding out each word. She looked down at herself, then toward the three of them. She couldn't help but notice their full attire of clothing compared to her own... or lack thereof. Even Hasani had more clothing than her.

It is fine to touch my son, Do just be careful with him.

As the redhead woman known as Val spoke, Leika's ears pricked up and she flinched slightly. She wasn't entirely sure how to interact with a... small creature. A baby. She crawled toward the toddler and then sat in front of him with her legs crossed over each other. Her tail rested on the ground, the white tip flicking up and down.

Curiously, the wolf girl reached toward the child and picked him up under his arms. As she held him in the air at arm's length, her eyes examined his body before locking with his own eyes. He was so tiny compared to the adults. Were all people this tiny once? She couldn't remember a time when she was this small. The more she looked at him, the more joy she felt. He was adorable. Why was he having this effect on her?

She felt a feeling she wasn't familiar with as she held him.


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Fiorian #ff6600, Sinese #006600

Harmony in Taste.(Open) - Page 3 Empty Sat Feb 20, 2021 3:56 am

Well it seemed that would now have to wait, since they were not having a bit more of a tender moment, The reality of how rare this could actually be to Judith would not be something known. It could easily be explained later to her if she was actually that curious but for the moment Judith seemed to take it as a sign to maybe let this moment happen, only thinking to take maybe a single step back and just wait.

"It can wait until after this."
It was also a cover up, Judith just wanted to see this moment more for her own enjoyment of seeing these events in life since to her they were moment that seemed rare, It also left Judith feel nostalgic, Just keeping to herself for the moment.

The child was cute, Even now Judith seemed to be taking the detail of him into account. She just seemed to be also trying to do so in a way that might not bother the child mother, She seemed to bare a temper.

Then again this was also more of a experience for Leika to solely have herself, Since her interactions seem so little in the more positive parts of it. This kind of stuff Judith seemed to have in mind to have Leika in to help with interaction with people seem more positive.

It was a not a harmful scheme, But it might be a bit of a rough one, Judith figured she could manage, Or could talk Kazimir into doing it as well. Judith however will keep that part to herself, Since well her plans much like many things were locked behind her friendly motherly smile.

Judith then would get her cup of tea and watch quietly as she had been, Since so far there was little worry of anything going wrong.


Harmony in Taste.(Open) - Page 3 Empty Sat Feb 20, 2021 5:05 am

For Priscilla this was also different, for it was a test to see if she could trust people as well, See how people would feel about her son and if they would attempt anything. Leika only seemed to be the person to test this because she seemed to have her own struggles. But also Leika seemed as innocent minded as her son thus Priscilla/Valerie did as she did.

As an entirety she seemed to settle down herself, The idea of something horrible to happen seemed to be walking away so to say in her mind. Even sparking a peaceful happy smile on her own face. Even if Leika seemed not to know what to do side form staring at her son.

Hasani did not seem to mind Leika,what did he did, He reach out like he wanted to touch Leika because he was curious about what was really unknown he was too far away to touch anything he might be curious about.He did also seem to be happy to be around Leika.

Clueless to any emotion his mother could be feeling for no only did Priscilla often hide it, but too young still to understand emotions of a person.It seemed as long as Leika would remain calm and happy with Hasani, Hasani would be happy.

This was most likely the most content and peaceful Priscilla/Valerie has been every since at least Kazimir has known her, Maybe it was finally the life she wanted and all of that murder and revenge could be set aside even if there was still on final target, She had seem to stopped anything else she done as fast as Kazimir would know."Well well isn't this cute."Remarking in general since it seemed to be something to mention it over.

#55Kazimir Seiryu 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) - Page 3 Empty Sat Feb 20, 2021 1:55 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
Leika took a moment to look over Kaz and Judith after they mentioned the guild. For all that she had difficulty understanding was that some things she was familiar with? Could she have been looking for some sort of... She then covered up the tattooed numbers on her neck. Kaz narrowed his eyes for only an instant at the motion. There was much more to learn about her.

Kaz waited for Judith to bring it up but it appeared clothes were more important on the agenda. He smiled at her sounding out the words and then felt a since of unease as she looked at her own clothes and hoped he didn't say something that would have offended her. He nodded to Judith when she mentioned saving it for later, "Of course. It'll be just a bit of fun sometime."

Then all eyes went on the adorable interaction between a wolf girl and human baby. Kaz held his thoughts as they all enjoyed the peaceful tenderness of the scene. Judith seemed lost in the nostalgia of it all and Val smiled like he had never seen before. It all reminded him of why he fought so often and battled against demons and dragons. For a simple moment like this.

"It sure is," Kaz replied to Val and smiled her way, equally thinking it was cute that Leika and the baby played as much as it was, that Val enjoyed it to. He stayed silent for a moment letting the events unfold as the would and then pulled his shoulder free from its sleeve to reveal the Fairy Tail Tattoo. "Me and Judith spoke. about clothes shopping but we are also part of a guild....kind of like a family. You are welcome to join us if you'd like. But don't feel any pressure. We can be friends and go shopping regardless. But if you were looking for a home, our doors are always open. For members and friends," He gave a warm smile and covered the tattoo back up. He never liked the part of inviting people to the guild and tried to be as informal about it as possible. It was a big decision to make already but that was as clear cut as he could make it.

Regardless of her answer he would rest back with his hands on his knees, and think about what they would do for a meal and letting her return her attention to the child.

#56Leika Earthe 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) - Page 3 Empty Fri Mar 19, 2021 8:54 am

Leika Earthe
Leika was fascinated by the small creature in her arms. She brought the child closer to her face to examine and sniff him. Babies seemed to carry a different scent than adults, that was certain. The demi-human tilted her head to the side with curiosity, ears erect as her tail idled behind her, twitching on the ground from time to time. The women seemed content to simply observe the interaction between the wild woman and the baby. After a moment or so of silent interaction, Kazimir spoke to Leika catching her attention.

The wolf-girl sat the boy in her lap as she looked up at the man that towered over her from her position on the ground. Her ears twitched as he mentioned his guild, and offered her a place there. She tried to decipher the words in her mind so as to fully comprehend what he was saying to her. It was a lot. She wasn't used to people speaking to her in such long sentences. Most people used short phrases to try and help her understand, as though speaking to a child or a pet. Kazimir spoke to her as though she were a person. It felt nice but also confusing. He also mentioned clothes, to which she looked at herself, then up at him.

Guild. Clothes. Both were familiar words to her. She knew that clothes were an important subject among humans. All people wore them. It seemed to be some kind of ritual. She sucked on her upper lip, lightly chewing the flesh with her bottom teeth as she tried to think of a response to the Guild Master. After a moment of awkward silence, she spoke.

"Clothes... shopping. Guild... family..." She repeated slowly as if processing the meaning of each word. "Leika join... family? Go now? Kaz go?"

Harmony in Taste.(Open) - Page 3 Re05b7827f6d0915b454b47e52dbd19ed?rik=nl96VdRemUpvjA&pid=ImgRaw
Fiorian #ff6600, Sinese #006600

Harmony in Taste.(Open) - Page 3 Empty Fri Mar 19, 2021 5:17 pm

So it seemed what plans had been laid out was almost foresured, Thus this seemingly be something for Judith to prepared for. Since so far Leika seemed to be getting it, this was also Judith knowing her part. Judith was in a lot of way casual but also knew she wanted to prepare to what was to come."You will be fine dealing with this,I will prepare for my part to go do said shopping."

What was Judith's plan now? well it was pretty simple."I do not know where our new friend is sleep currently, But I am sure i can alter my arrangements for her and her companion."Judith always had plans for these situations, She just needed to enact them."Maybe get comfortable and enjoy your peaceful moment with our new friends and your old one."

Judith as not being rude, at least was feeling ready."I will be sure you have everything ready to them, Then go clothing shopping...maybe i will get a few brushes for them both too."Yes, it seemed to be unfolding now, A lot of care taking for Leika and Bolt would most likely be down the road.

But this was the part were Judith felt like she would be okay with stepping out and away. Not that she was being rude about it, Just making leave quiet to be ready for what was to come.

Kazimir could handle this easily, Valerie as well at least Judith thinks that was her name, she seemed to be a woman with a lot of hidden nature, something Judith took note of only because she had a lot of secrets as well and she managed well, It was a fine art when some one finally realize it was something they could figure out to dig into.



Harmony in Taste.(Open) - Page 3 Empty Fri Mar 19, 2021 6:33 pm

Priscilla/Valerie was far more content and happy being here, After all Leika just did needed to be careful with Hasani and not leave with him, it would leave this woman happy. Even watching Judith just so casually would leave. It was something to be worried about in her mind, Judith was harmless after all.

"Some one got comfortable quick."Not that she viewed it as horrible, simply she would get her chair and bring it close enough to keep an eye on Hasani. It was an chance for not only Leika to see the comfortable mother close by, It was also a chance for Bolt to interact with her or Kazimir to continue talking if he wanted too as well.

So far Hasani seemed, entertained and not worried about anything, Then again so far this was his mother getting him use to other people hoping to make sure he was comfortable around other people and not too shy, after all his father was not shy. hoping this behaviour would confident as he grew up.

Nonetheless, it was oddly endearing to watch over this. Bolt was a wonder after all she could wonder how such a beast was tamed, Then again with Leika still seemed equally still for the most part beastly, she was not just judging entirely any company was good after a while.

For now it would be her just being quiet most for the sake of, Kazimir seemed to have some what some business still this, Or she thought just watching one focus on Kazimir while what she prized most just happy sitting on the lap of another looking around at the various things around him for now, he would not reach for anything, Hasani seemed to be trying to more currently understand the people around him and what he was talking about.

#59Kazimir Seiryu 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) - Page 3 Empty Mon Mar 22, 2021 2:22 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
"wait what," Kaz looked toward Judith as she so politely excused herself from the meeting. So that was her plan. Already working on a place for the young lady to lay her head. That's how she ended up with the title she had within Fairy Tail. Meanwhile, the Wolf-girl examined her clothes and looked back at him with the baby still on her lap. It was a sweet scene between the child, Red-head and baby.

"Alright then Judith. Thank you. We'll speak again soon.' He nodded towards her as she went about her way. 'New friends and old, huh' he thought about her words. He seemed to always land right in the middle of things.

The young girl repeated the words back to him and Kaz waved his hand, "Oh, no we don't need to leave now. Enjoy yourself," he gestured toward the innocent moment with Hasan. A hand rested on his chin as he picked his next words carefully so she would fully understand him. "hmmm. Yes. A guild is a family. We fight together. Live together. We also are a good guild. We have a job. We help people who need it. People who are in danger. and clothes. Clothes will keep you warm and protect your feet," he smiled, content with the explanation.

His ears peaked at Vals quick words. "It seems you are getting pretty comfortable yourself old friend. Hard to imagine after all this time...somethings have changed a lot and others have stayed just the same," It was a bitter sweet thought.

#60Leika Earthe 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) - Page 3 Empty Sun Apr 25, 2021 9:25 am

Leika Earthe
Leika seemed more relaxed among this strange assortment of people. She realized she wasn't in any danger and became more comfortable in the company of the strange human woman, the vampire guild master, and the werewolf mother. She looked at the child that now sat in her lap reaching to grab her ears with childish curiosity. She was learning that, as a toddler, this small creature was defenseless and fragile. The triggered her instincts in a new direction prompting her to be very careful and gentle with the tiny child. Though she struggled with communication, she did understand things. And after everything she went through, she loved learning and experiencing new things.

So long as they didn't bring her any pain.

Which, these people appeared to be quite friendly. So much so that Kaz had offered her a home with him and his Guild. She remembered Daeva Eye fondly and how the women there were so kind, patient, and motherly to her. Perhaps this Guild Kaz is the head of will be just as kind to her. Kaz and Judith seem nice enough, so perhaps the rest of their Guild is too. Curiously, Leika looked at Valerie. "Is Val in a Guild?"

As the redhead responded to her question, Leika's ears twitched as she also listened to Kaz and Judith speaking. Judith was apparently leaving. Before leaving she managed sleeping arrangements for Leika. The young Demi-human looked up at them. She spoke to Judith and Kaz after Val was finished talking. "Don't have home. Sleep outside. Under trees. In grass." She explained the best she could, and as Judith left she looked up at Kaz.

"What name of Kaz Guild? Leika was in Guild once." She said, her tail wrapping around her and Hisani, keeping the child protected. "Daeva Eye."

Harmony in Taste.(Open) - Page 3 Re05b7827f6d0915b454b47e52dbd19ed?rik=nl96VdRemUpvjA&pid=ImgRaw
Fiorian #ff6600, Sinese #006600

Harmony in Taste.(Open) - Page 3 Empty Sun Apr 25, 2021 11:57 am

It seemed as this progressed for her, Priscilla would be almost like the normal person who at one point she thought she would be."You could say that yes,In some manners I am still the same, But alas that is not of anyone's worry here."It was kind of a sign of these were most likely not the kind of places to have any form of conversion that about her life that he might want to know.

Then again give the fact that Leika was here still, she did not talk about her life really around strangers. putting her attention to Leika for a moment Priscilla just walked over and patted her on the head."I am not of any guild, I left any ties to guilds when I bore a son."This was a lie, neither of them really needed to know, Nor did she want them to know, It could be something they could learn eventually, Just not something she would tell them willingly, it was something most likely that would have to be forced out of her or learned in a manner not of the werewolf's choosing.

Hasani for the moment did not seem to be reaching for his mother, If anything he seemed interested in Leika's tail because well it was new and close around him. Hasani lightly touched they tail he was not squeezing it in anyway either just touching it.

the conversation was still fairly typical."Well if Kazimir and company had not offered a place to stay, I would have, It seems however that has been arranged."That is a guild I had heard of, Just not for a while, I wonder what had become of it."Leaving the general ponder aloud between the both of them seemed like a good way to keep the pace going.

#62Kazimir Seiryu 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) - Page 3 Empty Fri Apr 30, 2021 12:33 am

Kazimir Seiryu
The Yong girl asked Val a guild-related question. Kaz shifted his attention toward his old comrade, curious to see what her answer would be. The wind mage wasn't sure if she was being honest or not with that claim, but he was sure about one thing. She would always put her son first and keep him safe.

"I'll worry about you from time to time," Kaz gave a small joke back to Val but there was truth carried behind it. Even if he didn't really need to worry about her. He wondered if the wolf girl's presence kept Val more secretive.

Kaz closed his eyes with a very faint, "hmm," as Leika spoke about her life living in the wilds and sleeping on grass. Although it was the kind of traveling that Kaz preferred to do, sleeping on grass was not high up on most people's comfort list. "Sorry to hear that. everyone should have a place to go. Judith will get you a room ready if you'd like." Kaz said as Judith was already off to go get things prepared. "Well I suppose it's being done anyway," he chuckled.

"Fairy Tail," Kaz answered back. Her next statement gave him a curious tilt of his head. The women she spoke of earlier...no doubt it was them now. Her words confirmed his suspicion and he turned toward Val once more.

"They were still around when I left the country but I haven't heard anything about them since then. Do you know what happened?" he asked Leika.

#63Leika Earthe 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) - Page 3 Empty Sun May 02, 2021 8:21 pm

Leika Earthe
Leika's ears twitched, her tail subconsciously wrapped around the werewolf toddler keeping him warm and safe as though Leika has some sort of natural motherly instinct showing through. She seemed to be more relaxed and comfortable with the child in her lap. Perhaps she was simply good with small, defenseless creatures?

She listened quietly as the werewolf and the vampire spoke to one another. Of course, she had no clue what either of them actually was. To be honest, she wasn't even sure what she was. Maybe one day she'd learn more about not only herself but other races. Discovering herself will be a long slow process, but at least she's improving her communication skills.

"Fairy Tail,"

"Fairy... Tail." She repeated slowly, then she looked up at Kazimir. "Fairy's have tails?" Her question sounded confused, but very serious implying she wasn't joking when she asked. She was genuinely curious.

Leika would listen to his response to her question, her ears erect to show full focus on his words. But at his question to her, regarding the fate of Daeva Eye, a Guild which both Val and Kaz had heard of yet neither knew what became of it, Leika wasn't even sure she knew. She shrugged silently, her ears drooping a bit with uncertainty.

She carefully stood up, revealing her full height of 5'11" as she passed Hasani back into his mother's arms and looked at Kazimir. Walking closer to the man she now knew as Kaz, the Guildmaster of Fairy Tail, she looked into his red eyes with her own. Her tail swished idly behind her. "Is... Guild safe? No one hurt Leika there?"

The scars on her flesh showed all the reason to be concerned. Her emotional and mental scars, though not visible, were equally traumatizing. She only trusted Daeva Eye because they had rescued her. But she knew nothing about Fairy Tail nor what she would be getting into should she join them.

Harmony in Taste.(Open) - Page 3 Re05b7827f6d0915b454b47e52dbd19ed?rik=nl96VdRemUpvjA&pid=ImgRaw
Fiorian #ff6600, Sinese #006600

Harmony in Taste.(Open) - Page 3 Empty Thu May 13, 2021 5:53 pm

It seemed that learning to place trust in people, The hand off was nice, looking upon her son it seemed he was starting to be sleepy even if interested in the world around him, Valerie/Priscilla's time was limited if her little one needed to sleep then she would make sure he slept in a bed. However she did seem to notice the details of what might be off with this naked demi-human, not the type to judge, The werewolf did have her own demons and she often barely spoke about them.

This seemed like a more personal moment between Kazimir and Leika, So she would take it as a time to leave, Just she would make sure it was known why. cradling her child with one of her arms resting him one of her sides."It is lovely, But I do think I should be off, My dear boy seems to be tired and it does make it easier if he is sleeping and an actual bed."It was her out so to say, Kazimir even if he wanted to know more of what the werewolf's life was like now, Would have to wait until another time.

Sensing what might be amiss with Leika, Priscilla/Valerie would walk over and pet Leika on the head once, as light and gently as she could."I will fine you again for you to interact with my son again."With an actual genuine smile upon her face.

Then just simply saying."As well you and I will meet again eventually Kazimir, You always seem to walk your way around me." She giving Kazimir a pat on the shoulder."Good bye for now however." Now for Kazimir, he would be left to business with Leika, It would most likely be fairly nice.


#65Kazimir Seiryu 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) - Page 3 Empty Sun May 16, 2021 8:50 am

Kazimir Seiryu
Kazimir smiled at the simple and innocent question about tails. A question he himself had to ask but the answer was not so simple. "That's the mystery. Do they?" He replied not giving an answer but knowing that it was something innate about the guild that each member needed to discover. At least that's the vibe he got from the former master of the guild. The mystery in life that made it worth living.

"You'll just have to find one, one day," He grinned and placed a hand at his side. He hoped she didn't take it too literally and try to find a guild member with a tail. Kas watched as she stood with as seriousness she had yet to show, and then dissolve into uncertainty. She lost her family and didn't know why. "It's okay... You don't have to think about that right now."

He placed a hand on her shoulder, she was as tall as him and they could look eye to eye. "Of course Leika. We are a guild that accepts anyone that needs a home. No one in the guild will cause you any harm." he paused to see her reaction.

"Plus you can have all the food you want with Judith cooking,"
he added with a half-laugh, to lighten the mode. The woman had gone through pain that was etched onto her body. Kaz did his best not to ask about it and was glad that vengeance had found the ones responsible. "If you want though, for now, Judith and I will be in Hosenka. You can stay with us here and get to know us better."

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