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This will do [Aegis]

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This will do [Aegis] Empty Mon Feb 15, 2021 5:02 pm


Sighing softly, she felt in need to explain the running off to the person she met during the mission. It felt rude and awkward. If they were to do missions together in the future it will be good to explain now. Kuri sent a letter to him a few days ago and he should be at this place anytime now as she put it in the letter.

Dear Aegis,

I'm sorry for running off and hoped to explain myself during some dinner. I'd like to invite you to this restaurant for a chat perhaps.

Sushi Saito, 4:50 pm

Sincerely, Kurisa

She had a folder with her as she leaned against the expensive building. It was made of black marble with some high-quality bamboo against the walls. Nature was filled with color as they made sure the designs were as high quality as their food. Today she was wearing a black dress with a leather jacket on due to how cold it was today. She let her long brown-black hair wave against her creamy flawless skin as it shined some caramel color among the light. Her golden-brown and blue eyes were moons by reflection. She was hoping he will show up and not just yeet out of this invitation. Invitations here weren't cheap, nor was her company, but not everyone was a fan of her... she knew that.

This will do [Aegis] Sigme10

This will do [Aegis] Empty Mon Feb 15, 2021 6:09 pm



-Do not fret the Night-


"Together, we will test and sear them in the morning light."


After the unfortunate nature of their last encounter, Aegis was indeed surprised to get the invitation from Kurisa. She had mentioned in the letter that there was an explanation to be had and wanted to talk at the restaurant in question. He had to do some investigating to find out where the restaurant actually was, is he still wasn't necessarily great at memorizing the area, but that would come in time.

Aegis thought he had cleaned himself up after their last encounter, but he had to re-buy his unfortunately as a testament to the nature of the events that happened but a few days. The guards and army of Hosenka had came and taken care of the rest of the building, and the old man in question had been put into prison.

The restaurant wasn't too far away from where he was staying so he wanted to show up a little early. At about 4:40 he was walking towards the front of the beautifully decorated building, and saw Kurisa they're waiting for him. He waved to her as he approached down the busy and dusty street.

"It's good to see you again my friend, I hope you are feeling better."


WC - ~



This will do [Aegis] Empty Mon Feb 15, 2021 11:51 pm


Kurisa gazed at the time by the sundial as it was a little early still. Aegis appeared soon after she looked and bowed her head politely, "Hello, Aegis. Thank you for taking my invitation.~ Was quite anxious on rather or not you were coming." She giggled sweetly. She went towards the door and opened it for him, "Shall we?". After he went in she did too. The waiter was about to ask Aegis about the reservation but Kuri waved her hand away. "Here on business with me." She gave a rather dominating yet sweet gaze towards him. He nervously nodded and grabbed two menus. He escorted them quietly towards the best view as there was a private venue that wanted to eat alone. Second floor and right next to the window.

Their table from the other side had the chief's table where they can watch them make their food. She sat down and she giggled once more, "The normal. I'm quite hungry and thirsty." Her eyes looked towards Aegis. After he ordered they'd leave and be alone for a little bit. "So, I wanted to explain that I have an uncontrollable fear of pure darkness." She whispered to him and gazed away right after. She felt embarrassed about it. She looked back at him and noticed how beautiful the man was. "Imma assume Blue Pegasus? My sister usually captures all the good-looking people. Haha~" she just wondered since most good looking men go for Blue Pegasus. So far she only had one in her guild. Even if she judged beauty, nothing compared to the one that got her heart as their soul was the only beauty that captured her.

This will do [Aegis] Sigme10

This will do [Aegis] Empty Tue Feb 16, 2021 9:37 pm



-Do not fret the Night-


"Together, we will test and sear them in the morning light."


"In most cases I will show up if I get an invitation, so don't worry too much about that. But I appreciate for the worry." he said with a slight smile as he walked up to Kurisa as she was waiting. "No point waiting out here I guess." he said as he started walking down the entry way into the restaurant. The large wooden door in front of them was opened by an attendant, and swiftly transitioned into polished hardwood flooring. Upon entering there was a Podium with what he assumed was the attendant or servicemen of the restaurant. He was about to speak up but Kurisa had them sorted out with wave and a few words.

He didn't figure she was lying about her status before, but the lengths were a little surprising even for him still. As the waiter escorted them to a private section of the restaurant, he looked around and a lot of eyes were on them as they made their way through. The spot was nice as it gave a nice glance into the food preparation that the chef underwent.

After she had ordered, both Kurisa and the waiter seemed to look at him in anticipation of some regard. "Hmmm, I guess I will have some Somerset tea with pesto pork-loin please." as soon as his order was clear, the waiter bowed slightly towards them, then quickly made her way to the chef.

"A fear like that isn't honestly uncommon. It was a bit easier for me as I have better night vision then most people, but I can understand it in some regard. We all have our obstacles to work through." he nodded slightly, more to himself as he didn't think it much uncommon to have something that someone feared, or even himself had things like that. "Sorry, you mean as I am apart of them? No, currently I am doing more freelance on my own as I come across requests put up on the board. But I appreciate the compliment, and from what I hear, and have seen, your sister was not necessarily wrong in thinking that."


WC - ~



This will do [Aegis] Empty Wed Feb 17, 2021 2:45 am


It wasn't truly the fact that it was pure dark, perhaps it was the fact that she didn't know what was there at that moment. That and what she saw... It reminded Arisa of her childhood and Kuri of hers as well. It was a speckle of darkness that kept closed as they didn't want it to be released to the world. No one wanted a corrupted Kuri. Alisa always made sure of it. The last time she became corrupted was a few lifetimes ago when she was in Phantom Lord. Perhaps those thoughts found for another time as she had company.

She gazed at Aegis sweetly with a motherly smile. "Well, if you'd ever wish to feel at home. You can come with me." She offered. "I need a few people I could trust and oddly enough I feel like I could," Kurisa spoke unsurely, but she knew one thing. She needed people that had a good reputation already. Most people didn't wish to turn towards the infame so those with more fame meant better for her. Sure her guild was neutral, but it was better to be on good terms towards the innocent. Royals on the other hand... they could drown for all she cared. "I am open to any question.~". She was like a mother, a mother of time as that was what she was now...

This will do [Aegis] Sigme10

This will do [Aegis] Empty Fri Feb 19, 2021 1:32 pm



-Do not fret the Night-


"Together, we will test and sear them in the morning light."


"Well I am certainly glad that you can or at least feel that you could, it's generally what I strive for and towards." he said as the waiter approached from behind them delivering their food and drink. "Thank you." he said and nodded, as the plate was put in front of him. The food looks good, nothing he was terribly surprised by this, but it was a pleasant change from the normal meals that he had been having as of late. Even after the plates are put in front of them and the waiter had left them, he could see the waiter peeking around the corner.

Unsure if this was merely due to Kurisa's reputation in the city, or just out of pure interest, Aegis took a bite of the food. The meat itself was very good, and the taste of pesto and parmesan was amazing. The tea also was very well made and brewed, to which he took quite a bit of enjoyment drinking. He looked back over to where the chef was where the waiter was still trying to see what was going on and the chef also had intrigued. Aegis just gave a slow nod in thanks towards them before turning back to the person at the table with him.

"So then, you said that you needed a few people you could trust? What exactly did you need? More requests like what we did previously?".


WC - ~



This will do [Aegis] Empty Fri Feb 26, 2021 5:09 am


Oh Aegis, you have no idea what you got yourself into. Kurisa innocently smiled as any mother-like woman did. She gazed at the drink that appeared and ringed her finger around the stem. She just could not get enough of this intoxication, almost as if she was an alcoholic. Her eyes gazed back at him. "As everyone who is in Hosenka knows, I made a guild and revised it into something new. I need people who I can trust to be in it and by my side." she wondered if he was the protector type. She will find out sooner or later.

"I'm not the purest being in the galaxy, but I do wish to find people who will protect the innocent and well... I can't go into too much detail in what happens to the criminals." She gave a side-smirk and drank her booze. "We live in, the guild is slowly being built and the others are their own when it comes to how they see things. The only thing is that my say is final - otherwise, you're free to do what you like." She wanted to give him a simple explanation about the guild. "I don't mind helping you get stronger. I quite remember helping my 'son' with it so I came rather use to it." She gazed away towards the outside window. "I haven't heard from him since we joined the Rune Knights..." She rambled on in sorrow as she was afraid.

This will do [Aegis] Sigme10

This will do [Aegis] Empty Thu Mar 04, 2021 1:28 am



-Do not fret the Night-


"Together, we will test and sear them in the morning light."


"Complete purity by your own definition isn't necessarily a good thing." Aegis said as he remembers the seraph attack that it happens not too long ago in his memory. "The attempt, and a truthful one, is all I ask. I can be happy with that." he finished as he slowly brought the hot liquid up to his lips and drank it happily. "I am definitely willing in helping out when I can so I guess I'll just say this. I don't want to lie or promise anything that would lead to it, I'm more than willing to help and to take you up on this, but we haven't met for long so I'm going to do more of a... Probation. Of course I will stick to the guidelines and the rules that you set forth and of the guild itself, but if there's something wrong I will bring it to your attention." The room was still buzzing with people coming in and out of the kitchen as he assumed more guests had arrived. with a quick glance, its was clear that the cook was kicking into high gear.

After eating a little bit of the food, another few sips as he waited for her to finish, "It's also good to hear that construction is underway, and that you help out the Guild members themselves. It's not too often to find that..."

"Your son? Is he alright?"


WC - ~



This will do [Aegis] Empty Mon Mar 15, 2021 1:59 pm


My son...

Someone I saw as a son who I haven't heard from...

Kurisa gazed at Aegis with a calm expression and smiled, "I'm glad you accept even if on those terms. Sounds good to me though." She nodded and giggled. She took a few bites of her food, unsure which ones exactly at the time. All she remembered was how she hasn't heard from Masami in so long, but they were probably just finding things for their other biological mother. "Not sure, I hope so at least. Haven't heard from them for a while." she made a small frown on the left side of her lips.

"Perhaps you know them. They really made a name for themselves after training them." She felt super proud of herself and them. It was the one thing she could say she had pride in. She ringed her finger around the stem of the glass and took a sip. The alcohol barely did anything to her anymore. It was kind of sad. "Masami?" Her eyes gazed at him. "Do you know them?" She wondered curiously. She ignored everyone around her. As famous as she and her adoptive son were, they ignored the people around them that only wanted to talk to them or anything due to how much they've helped Hosenka.

This will do [Aegis] Sigme10

This will do [Aegis] Empty Fri Apr 09, 2021 5:06 pm



-Do not fret the Night-


"Together, we will test and sear them in the morning light."


"Ah, im sorry to hear that, I don't know exactly but I know a feeling similar." he said as he took another sip of his drink as they sat here in this busy restaurant. He waved over to the waiter as they were passing by. "Do you mind if I get some more of this tea please? its wonderful." she nodded okay, and headed back into the kitchen area he assumed to boil some water. It was a variant he hadn't had in a long time and it was wasn't to his taste at this time. When he heard the name, he choked on what he had left of his drink a little bit, coughing slightly as he set up right. "Yeah, I think I know them if its the same person, although it has been a while even for me since I've seen them." he rubbed his chin slightly as he thought.

"They were apart of a guild of mine a while ago before we ended up having to close its doors. I saw them for a bit after that, recently they have not been seen to my knowledge." with a slight and small cough into a napkin beside him, he got the rest of the liquid out of his lungs that had entered the wrong passageway. "Hmm, i'm a bit of a different note, what exactly did you need of me in the guild? Anything in particular or is it more of a sweeping position in a sense of the word."


WC - ~



This will do [Aegis] Empty Mon Apr 12, 2021 8:39 pm


This man seems to wonder what his position will actually be. What will he exactly do, what was he needed for specifically - those types of questions. He seemed to know Masami in some degree, but not much to where the information will be useful. It was quite alright since she was sure they were fine. Little did she know. Kurisa took a sip of her drink and tilted her head with a small smile. "I need more people I can trust. People who can help with my problems when it comes to other people," her eyes looked away and down as she put some thought into her words.

"Partners, friend, left/right-hand man - whichever you prefer." She explained simply. Her fingers collapsed together as they entwined. Her eyes lifted to gaze at him. "Even if this guild somehow fails. I wish to still have a left/right to go to when I need someone I can trust." A pause was there as she quickly thought, "Now I know what you may be thinking. 'You just met me! How can you just trust me?', well trust always needs to start somewhere as do friendships." She simply puts it and then takes her drink to gulp it down. Fruit and alcohol always sat with her just right when it's made right.

This will do [Aegis] Sigme10

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