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Harmony in Taste.(Open)

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#1Judith Karlinius 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) Empty Wed Dec 09, 2020 10:48 am

Judith Karlinius
Almost typical of her, Judith would be roaming around after spending almost an inhuman amount of time study the plants in the ally with the sakura trees, as well as any other plant life there. Judith had yet to take in the entirety of what kind of food Judith could learn of there. Studying so long she spent in one area when she could have taken in much more information of various other things that might be helpful to her work when she was back at Fairy Tail.

Which in her mind was a horrible situation to be in, After all her job was to cook and clean for the members of Fairy Tail, learning of how to make and cook other kinds of foods was paramount to her job there. Surely it would be horrible of her just to study plant life and leave.

Thus where she was now seemed a lot more logical for the tiny mage she was, After all it was now her mission to taken in so much information of food that she could.

She just had no idea where to start, After all so many places with in the city, She had no idea where to start. If only Judith had some one whom might exactly be willing to help her choose her starting point, It would not be with out reward if they did.

After all Judith was a kind soul. Her kindness and love life far out stretched her in height. Then again it would be up to a person whom did help Judith's cause so to say to learn that.

For now she would take her time roaming upon this are choosing or figuring out which place she would exactly she would choose first, Then again she knew only one stop would not make her learn how much she wanted to know.

#2Kazimir Seiryu 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) Empty Wed Dec 09, 2020 5:48 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
Kaz walked into the area that seemed so strange now. It had been so long that he had walked this path it felt like a faded dream. Across his back was the same bag he carried when he had left from this vary same place, but now he was on his way toward the guildhall he left behind.

A cloak drug on the ground at his feet. A shadow was cast down around the wind mage from the large gryphon that flew above him. A subtle way to conceal that he no longer cast a shadow of his own. He stayed closer to the allys and the paths shrouded with trees. A hood was pulled high over his head, living shadows to cover his face.

"ouch," a small child cried out as he tripped and fell at Kaz's feet.

"Watch your step," the wind mage reached a pale hand out from his cloak and helped the child up. With a small smile the kid scurried away and ran past a familiar face out looking at plants. Just the same as the last time he saw her.

Kazimir walked over to the Judith. He dug through his bag to find a book of herbs and plants from the work his parents had been doing before they went missing. Kaz stood beneath a sakura tree, with the shade concealing his lack of a shadow. The gryphon took off over head.

"I think this would be a good start," he said as he held the book open to briefly glance at a few of the notes he scribbled inside and pointed toward a similar looking plant. He smiled and with Judith being shorter than him, if she stepped closer she would be able to see the faint haunting red eyes beneath the hood.

He was glad to be back...but a lot had changed both for him and for the country he left. As soon as he arrived at the border distressing news reached his ear. But for now, he stood back next to one of his longest friendships.

"How are you Judith? It has been some time."

#3Judith Karlinius 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) Empty Thu Dec 10, 2020 6:51 am

Judith Karlinius
It was a far more interesting situation, Judith might not have expected what had come before her now, Then again a dinner guest such as who was dropping by was always nice to see. then again exploring so many places just to eat seemed to yield nothing to her.

Well so far it was just Judith roaming in just one small area. Then again she thought he was gone forever, in which Judith her self could always easily deal with as she did deal with everything  at face value so to say.

To return must meant a few bit had changed, even not expecting the gift handed before her. Guess being found in the middle of exploring for a place to eat does that to some people.

Judith could not help be interested. The shock of whom this was did not hit her just yet."Ahh yes very interest plant indeed I have never seen these before in my lif-wait a minute."

Judith's focus was no longer on her wish for food nor that was just handed to her."And here I thought you would never return."Judith sounded interested rather then confused about the situation before her.

"Do not get me wrong, I entirely am delighted with your return, It is just unexpected."Nonetheless Judith was not having her day changed greatly.Notes and a plant she had a lot to study into notes would help."This gift is wonderful, However I am was just going to eat something and maybe have a cup of tea."

Typical of her Kazimir could guess he was getting invited to eat with her."It has been some time, But as always the wind blow and the flowers bloom."Yet she still did not ask to know? Was Judith assuming they would eventually talk about it.

#4Kazimir Seiryu 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) Empty Fri Dec 11, 2020 3:47 am

Kazimir Seiryu
Kaz gave a faint smile beneath his hood as the motherly woman responded without recognizing him. She was just as breezy as always.

"It was not my intention to. At least not so soon. But situations have brought me back here."
He nodded back knowing full well the abruptness of his return and what that meant. Likewise he had a lot of catching up to do around here.

"It's good to be back. I've been keeping up on some events through some old rune knight channels. An organization that seems to have returned to life." He cocked a brow at the thought. But it was nice to see that Judith hadn't changed.

The wind mage offered her his arm. A pale hand slidding out from under his sleeve. "Then it seems appropriate thar we catch up. I'm glad you like the gift. I'm finished looking into the situation with my parents and encountered some transforming experiences along the way. How have things been here with you?" he asked as they would begin walking toward whatever place judith intended on eating at. The town still felt somewhat odd to him. The place where he first learned the truth of his parents and said his farewells to everyone. He hadn't had tine to even talk to Judith about the battle he waged before he departed and certainly not all of the work that had been done while he was away.

More ominous than fortuitous is what would define his return. Troubles stirring in the shadows from dark guilds coupled with the ever growing dragon threat. But perhaps she could shed a bit more light on all that was happening and Kaz would have a chance to make amends for leaving the guild the way that he did. It would take time to heal that, and he could only hope a few new faces were there. And of course to check on Judith's family.

#5Judith Karlinius 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) Empty Fri Dec 11, 2020 9:38 am

Judith Karlinius
Well Judith would seemingly waste no time to find a place, At least with notes and a new plant she would have to study it later."Regardless of what your choice might be even if you did not wish to return so soon,I am glad you have returned."Judith would mention as she would find what she thought was a place for them to sit down and enjoy. It was easily guessed that these areas where not anything she was use too the pure Foriain she was.

"I am however sorry you had to return under situations not exactly of your choosing."Judith was not a horrible person that way, She knew if it was far too soon it just showed his values with in which he stood. Judith seemed to not change as well, Age seemed have frozen for her she still looked the same as youthful even in her age, Her hair was still the same colour, She was entirely still the same.

Even if it was not brought up, Judith still kept in mind Kazimir wanted to know what kept her this way, for now Judith really did not attempt to mention it right away, For now there was far more pressing things to deal with.

"It is good that you have a various things you sought to learn figured out."Judith would mention sitting down and settling in quick after they found a place, That was just Judith being how she was normally and quick to get to these places."Most things seemed to have been interesting, Cites seem uneasy, The talk of various areas leave a lot of people on edge."Judith was being simple about it, But it seemed to still be hopefully some what helpful.

With life with her, Things even if did not look different."Only thing that has changed, might not shock you, None of my children have chosen to come around to visit, But that should be expected..."Judith seemed casually mention. The status of Fairy Tail was not brought up yet, Either she was holding back that information or she just has not gotten to it yet.

#6Kazimir Seiryu 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) Empty Sun Dec 13, 2020 6:56 am

Kazimir Seiryu
Kazimir sat beside Judith, among the tranquility of the flora. It was a nice reprieve from the long journey back to the city. "Don't worry about it. My time spent elsewhere was coming to an end anyway. And it seems like there is always some situation brewing. Although I did enjoy the whatever calm moments I found out there."

He leaned back with his arms crossed in thought. She was vague about it and something told him things were worse than she was letting on. "What kinds of things have people on edge? What of the situations with the dragons? are they worse or better. I know there were slayers in the making to deal with them." At least he hoped that the slayers were still around and could pose a credible threat to the increasing draconic presence. Even as far out as he was, He could hear the whispers of dragons on the rise. And he still had unfinished business with the one that burned down the old guildhall.

"Sorry to hear that. They were always a bit aloof. And what of the Guild? Anything new there?" He cut to the chase with his questions. he enjoyed the talk but the time away had made the wind mage a tad more curt. Then again he had more time than ever now to deal with situations. All this time and he returned to first meet the famous cook of fairy tail, and he couldn't help but chuckle within the confines of his mind about how he wouldn't be able to enjoy her meals any longer.

A cold wind blew across the street. "As for my time away. I found some of my parent's research and then dealt with the clan I was once a part of. rebuilt it somewhat."

#7Judith Karlinius 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) Empty Sun Dec 13, 2020 10:07 pm

Judith Karlinius
It seemed like she was fine with that answer upon what he had answered that was given."Well at least there was more good to come out of it."Judith would mention slowly taking looking at the plant she was given and look at it and start trying to piece together what it was, what exactly it was and all it's entirety. Even if maybe wanting to see where she could fit it into her garden at home.

Then again with her mind just thinking about plants and flowers it seemed she would be getting down to that business as she would always be because she knew that would be the case eventually."The dragon situation seems, At least in my view quiet for a bit..But there is some lingering presence of them lingering to return, I can easily assume there is most likely a threat of them attacking soon."It seemed pretty easy to guess so far Judith has been out of the areas of dragon and fighting might have been given her nature she was more likely helping other people i need if she was in the area.

Judith seemed to have her attention side drawn to something else for a small moment."Sorry,That lady has pretty red hair...oddly bright, wonder why it covers up one of her eyes."It seemed to be an odd moment for them, But Judith did seem to bit a lot of things enjoyment to look at for details on a person even easily picked up how Judith was watching the person walk past quickly then they where gone focusing the back on the conversation. Judith was more likely distracting her self as she tended too sometime."The guild is....smaller, As it stands we have far too small numbers. We have only gain one new member in the past few months and the status of the other ones aside from yourself and myself is questionable."Surely Judith has been keeping track of what she had been needing too.

"Upon matter here being done, I intend to return to Fairy Tail to make sure all of the details are update and update the status of our member numbers."
Judith would also mention to Kazimir because well, Judith was good worker that way already thinking ahead of what she might need to do aside from her basic tasks at band.

#8Kazimir Seiryu 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) Empty Tue Dec 15, 2020 6:27 am

Kazimir Seiryu
"Hmm," he responded to her mention of the dragons. interesting that there is a time of calm after their violent eruption. perhaps they are planning or scheming something. better yet, maybe they need time to regain their power and they can be dealt with in a weaker state.

"I would be surprised if they didn't make a move soon with how much bravado they have shown in the past."

Kazimir cocked a brow and faced the red-haired woman. A small smirk was on his face. One that delighted in the fact that she had found a life worth living. Hosenka was a small place after all. "I'm sure she had a good reason. Everyone has a story to tell. perhaps you could ask her," The wind mage thought of how that meeting would go. Two polar opposites. As he leaned back in his resting position he sent a gentle breeze toward the red-haired woman. A faint hello.

He rubbed his chin hearing the details about the guild. He did pick a bad time to leave and have a bout of family drama. "Unfortunate, but I'm glad it's still going along strong enough. I'll have to track down the other members. I intend on spending a good amount of time at the guild once I'm done here."

"Thank you for your hard efforts in the guild. We're glad to have you with us. So Judith...remind me...do you simply maintain a youthful appearance or are you immortal?"

#9Judith Karlinius 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) Empty Tue Dec 15, 2020 10:23 pm

Judith Karlinius
Most of the time for the situation Judith seem a bit more out of the standard event everyone else does, being far more of the behind the scenes lady."I am sure upon them making their next move, I am sure there plans might need to be enacted to help the people in the event of when they attack."Then again that was just Judith, the people and not the fighting. Not shocking considering her.

"I can only guess that will attack sooner rather then later, After all it is something I just assuming even if i have not face them myself."
Does one picture Judith fighting dragons anyway? After all her daughter might have but Judith was a different being, Then again it could easily be life in mind Judith could one day put herself into the field of battle.

Putting a mark into her own mind."Maybe I should go meet them soon, I do not assume she is overly dangerous, Should I invite her to join us?"Is this part were Kazimir told Judith otherwise or let Judith was walk her way into something that could get her in trouble? This would be the question of the moment.

The guild part."I can assume at least in my case there is just more then cooking food and serving drinks that will need to be done, Nonetheless i am sure we can get it all done."They had the right people to make things happen and it seemed like it might be Fairy Tail's saving grace, Or Judith was a having her head in the clouds again.

So they seemed back at the serious question that seemed to burn his mind, It almost seemed like Judith was going to shrug it off."Oh, you wish to still chase my horrible secret of mine, by asking mere round about questions?"She seemed to leave that remark, She would leave him with just one tiny mark of it.

"I am not maintaining it, But i am not immortal either...this body will die eventually with age and time like all of nature does,somethings are not forever expected like the blowing wind."Was that the answer Kazimir expect? or did he want more, It was answer just as plain of nature as she always answered with this....then again Kazimir had options to possibly try and get more information of it.

#10Kazimir Seiryu 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) Empty Wed Dec 16, 2020 10:09 am

Kazimir Seiryu
"That's what I feel as well. Part of the reason that I have returned. The other part is..." he paused a moment and looked away. It was still confusing even to him. "Is a bit more complicated but it's about finishing my parent's research," he turned back to Judith with a smile. "But that's nothing too important right now. Just some more botany stuff." The research was eclipsed by the thought of battling dragons. Then again, maybe it would come in handy in some ways.He could only hope he'd be able to finish the side project in time.

"I think that would be a great idea. Just be careful. But I don't need to tell you that," he joked. "Before you bring her over, it's actually nice that I got to run into you as you are one of the people I needed to meet with. What does it feel like to use your healing magic on others?" He wondered about how it all would affect the undead.

"Of course. We'll get things fixed up Judith," he nodded, to reassure her of the guild's bright future.

"You can't blame me for trying can you," he gave an innocent shrug. "I have to ask roundabout questions. How else will I unravel the mystery." he left it at that....for now. Her answer was helpful though. Not immortal but never aging. But then if she didn't age....how exactly would she ever die of natural causes? Maybe the earth would take her back.

He then just waited for Judith to call over the other woman.

#11Judith Karlinius 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) Empty Wed Dec 16, 2020 11:34 am

Judith Karlinius
Just more botany so this is where Judith fit into the puzzle, easily remarking."Most men flee out of other interesting rather than the path you had chose."Laughing slightly about it, Only because from personal experience it was how the experience that Judith has had in her current life and past experiences."But if in the event need be I will help with what you need."Which was to be expected of Judith, Whatever that was, if it had to do with plants Judith was most likely the best of help currently.

Be careful, she had to wonder why, did keep mind after all Judith was good with strangers, not all strangers were good with her."I will keep that in mind."Judith did still however, sounded like she had no worry still.

They were cutting business short so to say, So with what she suggested it was most likely these things were being cut a bit short."If you are really that curious I can cast a small one for you."It would be one simple moment, A healing spell would not damage anything it was just a moment of healing. So Judith would cast a single heal spell, Just as requested of her. Pointing her hand at Kazimir, It would not take long that spell to go off.

"Eventually you could learn, After all you were left two options that will get you the answer."Which Kazimir would easily recall or at least should be able to remember what two things were mention before to him to get that answer.

Judith seemed to casually walk off to get this interesting woman that she had saw, It was normally reckless and dangerous. Most people would never suggest this at all. But Judith was safe with Kazimir, As well she her self was still a wise person to what could be around her.

Nonetheless Judith returned not too long after with the red haired woman, whom seemed to be holding something as well, They seemed to be casually talking.

Spell used:


Harmony in Taste.(Open) Empty Wed Dec 16, 2020 12:01 pm

Most likely not shocking to Kazimir, The woman Judith had brought in was none other then, Valerie or well Priscilla. Kazimir knew that her real name was Valerie, Too Judith however this lady was a stranger and had not got told a name yet. Their conversation was just simply so far."Oh here I must thank you for at least allowing me to sit with you dear, Finding a place to sit down during the busy hours with my son is surely a bit annoying."it sounded like Valerie/Priscilla as well exact was of speaking and phrase as well.

Priscilla/Valerie so far seemed rather settle and relaxed. but Priscilla was not just with Judith, she was carrying with her a small child, Details of exactly which was not made out, they were still covered in their winter clothing with their face to their mother."I did not enter here because there did not see enough either, it is a nice spot."Seeing Priscilla/Valerie so casual and normal must have been nice for Kazimir.

not even wearing her normal gear, Priscilla almost seemed to be even carrying weapons on her either, Just normal winter clothing of a woman living her normal life.

It would not be a good idea to guess or not if Priscilla/Valerie would attempt to cover up his knowing of Kazimir or not."Oh...you did not tell me you had a guest with you as well, Not that I mind at all darling."Which would be Priscillla/Valerie joining and settling into joining them both. After all she was a bit of a testy woman, Just far from the rude type if she said yes to Judith's offer whatever it was and the conversation with, She would most likely be a nice person.

#13Kazimir Seiryu 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) Empty Fri Dec 18, 2020 2:12 am

Kazimir Seiryu
Kaz watched her as she cast a healing spell upon him. His eyes trailed down over his body and he flexed his hands. An important note that healing magic still soother the body of the dead. he could move forward as needed now. "Thanks."

"Ah still holding out huh," he joked and shook his head. Seems like it would be sometime before he'd get the answer to that one. Luckily for him, he had an eternity to wait now. Judith accepted what he said and went to go snag the woman. He was curious to see how that interaction would go and surprisingly it went well. Val was on her way over, with a baby in hand. She really was making the best of her life now.

He smiled as they both arrived back and nodded towards Val, "I hoped it wouldn't be a problem. Good to see you are in good spirits these days," he replied, not trying to hide the fact that they knew each other. He didn't really know how long it had been since their last encounter but the child was also looking older and healthy. He then gestured for Val to take a seat by them as he thought what an odd time it was. The motherly figure of fairy tail and the reformed killer side by side. He never could have imagined that.

A chuckle escaped his lips as he was sure if Val found out about his new vampiric nature she would find it amusing. He waved it off, "Tea anyone?" How have you been?"

#14Judith Karlinius 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) Empty Sat Dec 19, 2020 12:05 pm

Judith Karlinius
So far unless anything changed, Judith would keep that plan she had going, After all it kept Kazimir at bay unless something some how got leaked, Which she hoped, As far as Judith knew Kazimir did not know anything that could leak part that Judith wnated to hide."They are simple things, I stand upon the land hill I set."She would not move from that position, So that is where Kazimir got left at that point all over again, Be a part of the family or offer Judith something that she would view equal value, Which either did not seem anything too harmful at least in Judith's view.

"I do understand seating is hard with children, I had three myself."Judith would mention to this random woman they had joining them now, After all seating for a mother and child might be a pain only because it often depended how the child overall was.

Nonetheless, The motherly figure she was would do her best not to try to interact with the child because it was not her place too."I did intend more for then just tea, But That is just me knowing I should eat."Judith might have been busy studying plants and considering various other things that eating might have been forgotten by her.

Then again Judith always had various things upon her mind that she forgets a lot of other things sometimes."But tea is always lovely."

It would be a wonderful moment to wonder for Kazimir, how would Valerie react to be put into situation? After all Valerie seemed to be good at adapting to any situation before her. But was this a new one for her? Then again she was handling well with Judith just dragging herself into the the situation so to say.


Harmony in Taste.(Open) Empty Sat Dec 19, 2020 1:03 pm

Well not one to make best of what was given to her, Priscilla/Valerie seemed to taken a seat upon the table between the other two. It would give Priscilla chance to sit and rest her leg a bit."I am sure I handle talking to one stranger."Easy to guess she would be calling Judith a stranger, In which she was too her.

Content as she was, after getting comfortable with her son Priscilla held cradled him with on arm letting him rest on her chest. So far she was far much more peaceful then most people could remember her being."So I don't really mind, The one i consider a stranger is harmless."it was easily seen that Judith was harmless, With not needing to be a threat and conversation of motherhood mentioned."Three? remarkable your looks are for a mother of three."highlighted was something Judith was most likely sure use too hearing about from other people.

Priscilla/Valerie was good at faking many things, In this case."I have naught an idea exactly which kind of tea i would get, I am normally a coffee now days  that i forget what kinds of tea there are."So far her son seemed to be taking a nap on his mother, To her learning over to kiss her child upon the top of his head."But life was been busy for me, Mostly from this little one, Motherhood is interesting when you have to learn off of nothing."This was her being casual, Motherhood was far more tame then everything else Kazimir know this woman could be doing.

#16Kazimir Seiryu 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) Empty Mon Dec 21, 2020 4:28 am

Kazimir Seiryu
"Something more than tea would be nice. It's important to maintain a healthy diet," he said but he couldn't forget that food would make him sick to his stomach. his healthy diet was the pouches of magical blood he carried with him for travel. Something he replaced some of his tea with.

"If that's the case Valerie, then you're in good hands. Judith is an expert on tea," he tried to keep his voice down as not to disturb the child. He looked at the little one who was just as content as could be. "Motherhood suits you well. How had it been going," he spoke as if he knew the woman but didn't make any mention of it to Judith. He also would have a great many questions for her about being a parent. One of the biggest was if she was still a werewolf and what that meant for her child, but now was not the time to ask something like that.

Instead, he looked around the park, "Well Judith, what do you suggest to eat? Or do you have something up your sleeve already?" he asked knowing that the woman was always extra prepared and he wouldn't put it past her to have some sort of storage magic on hand.

#17Judith Karlinius 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) Empty Tue Dec 22, 2020 1:29 am

Judith Karlinius
Well in reality it was Judith who so far was just hungry. even remarking about it."Well I would like to eat, I will not force everyone else too."which was just Judith mentioning it in general for the sake of not feeling like she was compelling anyone else too.

Judith just needed to choose what she wanted. She had some ideas at least. But this was a conversation and Judith was being Judith she could not help and say."What would you suggest to get food wise? These areas are not generally ones I know what is consider good or not."She would ask Kazimir, Since it seemed like this new lady might not know exactly herself, As well she seemed a bit busy as well.

Then again Judith also did not want to ask too many questions right away. in her mind she knew she could easily become fairly annoying, Since after all she was curious about this woman, Just the one thing she wanted to ask seemed a bit personal at the moment. It could also ruin the the rather peaceful and delightful feel in the room at the moment.

The tea part however."I can deal with the tea part at least, For I know enough about it."It was almost like Judith had already chose what kind of tea to suggest and get for herself and Valerie as she was known by, Having a plan for tea was just the way of this lady."That is if, she trust me to make that choice under my suggestion."So Judith only knew of the tea, just not the food which either might shocking or not to know, Then again maybe Judith was just trying to see if there was something good that Judith had not tried yet that she might enjoy.


Harmony in Taste.(Open) Empty Tue Dec 22, 2020 2:38 am

It was a stranger situation but now raising her only visible eyebrow. This was surely different currently. Even remarking."You always know interesting people."Mentioning it with out trying to hide or be sly with it, It was also showing that each person did not show all of their cards at once. Priscilla/Valerie did not think Kazimir knew some one like Judith, Then again she could only remark."I am more use to being around Miss tall blue haired armoured lady."She might have heard her name before but with how she worked, she never really called them by their name generally to start with.

Mother hood fit her well she almost seemed like Priscilla/Valerie wanted to laugh, since she did not think that at all."Oh you really think so? interesting to mention."the compliment was something she did not expect, Mind you compliments were not normally something to be expected for her. Nonetheless Priscilla/Valerie was just relaxing for the moment, seemed to have no problems with a choice of tea being made for her.

"I think, I can trust your choice of tea."she would answer Judith, after all they had other things to talk about, It was a day to make up for lost time. Kazimir and Valerie did have a understanding of one another."Let me be honest Kazimir, No one expected me to be a mother, Nor expect me to be fitting of it."At least her mind seemed to still be some what stuck in the past that way, But it was her being some what honest with it. Or Priscilla/Valerie had a large amount of doubt with in her still, almost be to be easily guessed about her. Underneath this bold looking woman who walk her path in life with out worry or fear did linger with a lot of problems not easily seen.

#19Kazimir Seiryu 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) Empty Wed Dec 23, 2020 2:27 am

Kazimir Seiryu
Kaz gave a small laugh, "Of course Judith. Let's get something to eat. I'll leave that choice up to you," he nodded. Regardless the moment would come and he'd have to decline the food anyway. He was past the idea of suffering through the pain just to maintain a human appearance. He was only going incognito to get information but eventually, he would have to embrace his public appearance as a vampire. "I'm afraid I've been away for too long to know anything that would be good here," he glanced toward Valerie in case she had any ideas.

"I've managed to make my way around," he responded to Val. "Ah you remember Judina. That's Judith's daughter. Smaller and smaller world huh?" He didn't think it would be a problem to mention that. Especially now that Val was a different person. Plus it was not hard knowledge to acquire anyway.

Judith was less curious about the woman than Kaz expected. Perhaps she was waiting for food before she made her inquiries. "Wonderful so Judith can take care of the tea. I'm afraid my tea abilities have dampened over time." He knew the methods still but never tasted them.

"I think you're doing a fine job as a mother and the little one seems to think so too," Kaz said and once Judith decided on a place he would follow her towards it. "Have you made your home here Val?"

#20Judith Karlinius 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) Empty Thu Dec 24, 2020 8:00 am

Judith Karlinius
So far at least seemed like a decent conversation for Judith to be in."Oh I guess I will just have take a guess on something and hope I will enjoy it."She would harmlessly mention which was. Which she did not mind after settling into her seat and gauging what was going on around her. So she would get a menu form whom she managed too and started her order.

So her daughter was mention and Judith would just say."Oh? she has met my daughter, Hopefully she was kind to you as I raised her to be."The poor mother had no idea what she might have opened, Kazimir could hope Priscilla/Valerie was going to mask their past encounter or had moved past them.

In which since the tea part was taken care of by Judith she would just snap her fingers and then order that too while they seemed to continue their conversation. Even adding to what Kazimir said and mentioned."It does always vary between each mother, the progress if it worked or not will not be seen for a long time."Judith mentioned, just mentioning casually. Did it help her? it would unknown this woman was hard to read in Judith's mind, as well as her son was super cute it was reminding her of how both of her sons were when they were just first born, So many years had passed.

"This place is a nice place, I could see why people would want to live here."Judith mentioned too just to keep the flow going, Then again It seemed like a good question to ask since she wanted to know about more about this woman but had no idea how to go about it. Judith was trying to figure out how to go about asking them.


Harmony in Taste.(Open) Empty Thu Dec 24, 2020 8:44 am

seemingly being nice and respectful about it, Valerie/Priscilla almost wanted to make a remark how this small mother seemed lost into her own internal thoughts that might not know if anything was really not as it seemed, Or she did and was able to play it off and Valerie/Priscilla was the fool herself."No doubt you can easily travel around like I use too."Was just a casual remark, Kazimir could take that he wished, Knowing all that well the use to was a given, knowing it was good not to travel a lot now days.

letting out a bit of an unsure sigh."Let me honest with you dear, With in my past life I did not really view Kazimir or your daughter exactly how I would now, I had my reasons for that."She was being nice for as best as she could about it."They both had good intentions when they saw me last."Then she would his pet her son on the head slowly like she petting him to sleep or comforting him as he laid upon his mother.

So far she would leave it at that point and be as peaceful as she could about it, Maybe it was not worth mentioning what happen the last time, As far Judina knew, any reports of Priscilla were that she died, Valerie was a different person entirely."I can admit, I did not assume she would be your daughter....you both vastly contrast in looks."Not meaning that in a horrible way just mentioning it more of how she saw it. This reality most likely was not lost on various people who learned this.

Nonetheless Priscilla/Valerie would just say."I will order food if i need too, I do not need anything to eat right now."she was polite about it too, Even following it up with."Your choice of tea will be enough for me Darling,I thank you enough for that." So it came now to details about her harmless ones."No,I live in the Seighart mountains some where a bit more of my liking this area is far too different for me."They got that out of her, which was either a good sign or bad it was unknown to this werewolf mother.

#22Kazimir Seiryu 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) Empty Sun Dec 27, 2020 10:02 am

Kazimir Seiryu
Kaz nodded as Judith began to take a menu and start her order. The wind mage nearly put Val in a bad position, by bringing up the fact that Val knew Judina. It was odd sometimes for him now to remember the way Val used to be. It seemed so long ago now, that she was a purple haired menace, and really saw her as no more than the woman she was now.

"It's been a long journey for all of us," Kaz smiled through the comments Val made about viewing him and Judina in a different way back then. It was rare that he encountered her in a situation where she wasn't running away. "All that's really important is that me and Val have been friends for a while now."

Kaz waved his hand, "I'm okay right now as well. I'm not too hungry yet. I just wanted to catch up." Val said she still lived in the mountainous region and as far as he knew that meant only one thing. The syndicate. But perhaps they weren't so active in the time he was gone. most people would be focusing efforts on the dragons anyway.

"The freedom of the area does fit you well. I think the nightlife here is a little too lively for me. I'll return to Magnolia soon enough. He couldn't see Val taking much action against the dragons, but he still had to wonder.

"So Val are you staying out of the way of the dragons?" He asked and all at once realized that with her wolf senses she could probably smell the undead on him. "Judith was telling me there hasn't been much noise for a bit. And speaking of this place...I'll need to make time to pay my respects to the new guild in the area. How long have you been here for Judith?"

#23Judith Karlinius 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) Empty Mon Dec 28, 2020 8:57 am

Judith Karlinius
Oh this is a lively conversation indeed, Then again Judith also was easily distracted Val's child for a moment, Then again being normal of her Kazimir might not be shocked. Then almost seemingly lost in that moment she had to herself Judith then turned back to normal. It did not seem to bother Judith learning what exactly was told of her."That is just how life is, I am sure with how your life is now she would not be much of a worry."Judith would mention.

Then again Judith also was the simple to deal with type. So working around her must be pretty simple, Even if not really known to Valerie."Your choice of friends is always a strange one Kazimir, But i am sure Val is a good person if she is your friend."Judith said this meaning good, with Priscilla/Valerie it might be taken strangely.

All these questions, Judith had to wonder if she should be here or not. Then again she could was here quietly now enjoying her cup of tea. sliding over the cup of tea meant to for Valerie."I do mention the path of the dragons should be avoided, A child does need their mother after all."It was Judith most likely mentioning something that Priscilla most likely had already taken into account, But Judith did not know this lady, just a lady with pretty red hair.

It was a good question."I have been here for a few months, I had some matters I have been trying to deal with,I am close to finishing my matters here."Whatever they were might be something to ask just not around Valerie/Priscilla. Since she would not either care or need to know. They both seem to keep their business to themselves.

Last edited by Judith Karlinius on Mon Dec 28, 2020 9:38 am; edited 1 time in total


Harmony in Taste.(Open) Empty Mon Dec 28, 2020 9:35 am

One thing Valerie/Priscilla would give Judith is she did not ask a lot of question and seemed continually harmless the more and more she would continued just existing around her, So far seemed this person would actually not want anything just be peaceful around anyone she seems to exist around. Almost expected from a mother, Just how did she manage such a life she seemed to lead on. Judith was a lady of her mystery it seems, just very minor ones most of them she would not care to ask about.

"Friends is what would you call it?"It was a casual mention, she never often used that word."I rarely use that word for food reason, Guess that can change however."It had not fully changed, a small sign that in fact former work mind was still slightly there, Which should be expected in some ways her life was still locked in so many things that she was still stuck in.

In reality Priscilla/Valerie can adjust to anything she needed which was not something she really worried about."I like the space I have in sighart, Even if i am also still up during evenings still."She was still more seen in the evenings for the longest time, it could be left to question how often Valerie/Priscilla slept. One of the few things not really answered or questioned often.

Staying out of the path of the dragons? well."Yes, I have some one else to worry about that fighting or dealing with dragons isn't exactly on my list."With what was resting on her, it was most likely Priscilla was staying out of the way to avoid her son being in danger.

#25Kazimir Seiryu 

Harmony in Taste.(Open) Empty Wed Dec 30, 2020 5:50 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
He gave a grin to Judith as she called Val his strange friend. "I suppose she is an odd one," he joked and turned his attention to Val, "Yeah I'd say so. been through enough I suppose. Wait this whole time you DIDN'T think so," he asked more jokingly than offended. It did beg the question if in this new life of hers she had made any new friends or considered anyone as such. He then thought of her in a mom's club and held in a laugh at the very idea.

"She can be good," he replied to Judith's comment on Val. It felt odd now to talk that way since he too was a being seen as a dark race. Kaz kept talking and excepted no tea if it was offered to him. The mere thought of it was enough to turn his stomach a little now, but he did long for the soothing taste of it.

"eventually those dragons will be a hard thing to avoid. We'll have to put an end to them if we want some more peace in this land again. Seems like there is always conflict though," he replied with a more somber tone. The eternal battle over the land continued, but he had plans for it...eventually.

Kaz nodded at the vague response from Judith. Perhaps he'd have to dig deeper into that at a later date. Something, not meant for casual conversation with strangers. "Of course. Well I hope your work here has gone well Judith."

"Seems like a suitable place for you Val. Myself...I found a nice cozy home in the forest by Joya. I rebuilt some of the homes there and will rebuild the clan sometime. Things are going well for the most part." He had made a stop by there on the way back from his parent's research site.

The wind mage scratched the back of his head for a moment, "Another reason I came back into town was for an investigation of sorts. I've been tracking a group and they have a tendency to thirst for...blood. magical blood. Do either of you know any place around here that would deal in that"

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