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Cleaning Duties [Quest | Apollo]

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Cleaning Duties [Quest | Apollo] Empty Thu Dec 31, 2020 6:00 am

Apollo was on his way to the detective's office, he was a renowned one in Hosenka and him having to deal with all sorts of affairs during his conquests for the guild managed to gather some info on his now client. Quite the detective indeed as he had managed to put a lot of criminals behind bars, a savior of the people, Apollo chuckled as he continued his walk. When he finally found himself in front of the detective's office he knocked twice on the door but heard no sound coming from inside and after waiting a couple minutes he tried to let himself in turning the doorknob which allowed him passage in the office much to his surprise. He did not expect that it would prove that easy to get inside a famous detective's workplace and yet here he was standing in the middle of a... rather interesting place.

He looked all around him books, papers, photos stacked up and forming tall towers of recyclable material. He tried to find the detective but could not see him anywhere, he wondered where could he be as Apollo arrived on the time they agreed on. As the search continued he saw a stack of papers on the desk, from what little he managed to read it was material for a case. Suddenly he heard a light noise, he stopped and listened carefully it sounded like someone was snoring fast asleep. He looked carefully behind a pile -that looked more like a small mound- of books and there found the detective fast asleep. Using his soft voice Apollo managed to wake the detective up smiling at him as he said good morning even though it was afternoon already. The detective didn't seem fazed and just greeted him in a friendly manner asking him to take a seat as he fixed his pompadour.



Cleaning Duties [Quest | Apollo] Empty Thu Dec 31, 2020 6:14 am

The two of them started some small talk at first as the detective made some coffee to wake up, in the meantime Apollo was fascinated by his hairstyle and couldn't help but stare at it every so often. They then moved on to talk about the crime in the city, both agreeing that the rates were indeed high and Apollo commented Weirdlock on his achievements so far, the man blushed like a child and his happiness was hard to cover but then quickly proceeded to go back to his serious tone.

With the chit chat now over the two went on to discuss about the reason Apollo was asked to come to this place, as it was explained to him and it was pretty apparent the place needed a good cleanup, lots of crime cases and lots of mystery solving but little time for sleep and even less to spare on cleaning duty. The young man agreed with a smile as they both got to work and soon books and papers were flying around and into boxes with name tags that magically put themselves in order. But in reality it took them quite a while until they managed to identify everything and put them all in a well defined order and throw anything that wasn't of use to the detective.

As the place started clearing up, Apollo noticed some notes on the wall, with lines and photos showing members of rival gangs and places marked where they seemed to have fights. Apollo then asked Weirdlock about this and learned that it was the case he was currently working on. He thought it was pretty cool to be a detective but then again he was more of a negotiator himself. With the last of the books and notes that were on the floor being picked up, cleaned and placed appropriately he cleaned the floor and dusted the detective's office marking the end of a job well done. Weirdlock delighted gave him the reward and Apollo after saying farewell, went on his way.


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