Upon the beginning of the next day, he would arise to once again attempt to resume his travels; however, it would appear that the towns leaders wished for his assistance yet again. He had a feeling that such a friendly gesture would come with strings attached, even if he was offered payments along with the requests soon to be made. The last convoy scheduled for arrival had appeared to be a no-show, which led the other town to believe that some form of beast or poacher/rebellions' took it from their grasps.
IT would appear that Aku had been requested to not only accept a convoy back to his original location, but to retrieve the lost goods so that they could be sent along with the next shipment to be sent at a later date. He could hardly say no to an opportunity at filling his pockets and gaining a further reputation as a mercenary within this newfound land that he stumbled upon, and as such would come to accept their terms. A short time later he would go on to meet his new temporary coworkers for this very mission, which consisted of both towns men who he both knew and had no clue of which existed previously. "Alrighty guys, show the noobies how this formation goes so that we may get this show on the road!" Said the mage as he prepared for departure.
TWC: 320