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F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris]

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#1Günter Von Wolf 

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Empty Sat Apr 24, 2021 12:17 am

Günter Von Wolf

Gunter and his employer Isabella, were sitting in the bar drinking. To Gunters knowledge, Rinni was upstairs in a room she rented, he figured she would join them shortly. Isabella was pounding back shots of whiskey, she had just finished making a pyramid out of 15 shot glasses. Gunter wondered if she was even human, Gunter was enjoying a glass of blood, that he picked up on the way into town. He knew Rinni wouldn't approve, but he would cross that bridge at a later point. Kratos was over at the bar, he was trying to strong arm the bartender into giving him free food, along with all the money. 

Gunter was wearing all his gear just incase something happened, he had his Eye of Kaom active aswell to keep an eye on his surrounding's. He was contracted by the Mr. Vivadichi to protect his daughter and he wouldn't break his word. Gunter would look at Isabella and say "so what are we doing here." Isabella would reply "well we are hear to kill a few bandits, secure a jewel, thats about it, a friend of mine will be swinging by to give us the location of there camp." Gunter was slightly curious about the jewel, he hoped it was more then just a shiny rock, but only time will tell.




Isabella Vivadichi:

#2Rinni Faithe 

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Empty Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:32 am

Rinni Faithe
Rinni was in her room getting adjusted and still recovering from the events of last night. She still couldn't believe she woke up in the arms of Gunter of all people. Much less what she let him do. And the Isabella barging in the next morning to see the aftermath and misinterpreting the situation entirely wasn't helping. S he only prayed the woman wasn't a gossip. She was 16 and she didn't need trashy rumors being started among the masses. At least no one knew her here. To be honest, this was her first time in Baska. She knew Gunter was at the bar was Isabella, but she wasn't sure why they stopped here or what was going on. She figured she could ask them later.

Instead, she took this time to freshen up a bit after her journey. She kept her equipment within her ring, as being a werewolf she didn't feel it necessary to equip herself to the fullest while at a bar. She was pretty quick now at transforming and activating her ring at a moment's notice, so she felt it was fine to be relaxed. Besides, it wasn't as though she could use her fear while transformed, so best be prepared for both case scenarios; melee or ranged. And not much room for arrows in a bar anyway.

Hovering around her head was an adorable pale pink Moogle she had picked up during her ride into Baska. She didn't really have a chance to introduce her new companion to anyone yet, as they'd been too focused on the mission. Introductions weren't of high priority, especially for something such as a tiny new companion who wasn't even useful in combat. Candy was a cutie though, Rinni thought as she smiled at the innocent creature.

Rinni looked at her reflection in the bathroom mirror and sighed. Time to not make things weird. Just go down there, be social, stay alert, and focus on the mission. No one will be able to slip past you without some sort of spell or object to block your senses. Keep your nose on high alert and with any luck, you'll smell danger before you see it. That's what she kept telling herself, anyway. Finally, she headed downstairs followed by Candy flapping her tiny wings behind her and humming a song.

A familiar scent reached Rinni's nose causing her to freeze halfway down the steps. Kratos was here. She felt a growl rumbling within her chest and she forced it back. 'Keep cool. Now isn't the time nor place. You have a mission to do.' She tried to reason... convince... herself. Not entirely sure it was as effective as she hoped. As she continued into the bar, her amber eyes shot a cold glare toward Kratos.

If looks could kill...

She then approached the table and sat between Isabella and Gunter, her eyes instantly trailing to his drink. She knew it wasn't red wine; she could smell the blood clearly. As calmly as possible, to avoid making a scene, she spoke to Gunter as Candy landed on top of her head making her look almost too adorable to take seriously. "I have a couple of questions for you, Gunter. First... where did you get that blood? I told you, if you get thirsty, just tell me. Second... what is HE doing here?" She gestured her head and directed her eyes toward Kratos. "You know how I feel about him. His being here is going to compromise the mission. You are aware of what I want to do to him, aren't you?"

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Format,gif
Fiorian #00ffcc, Encan #ffcc66, Candy #ff99ff
Theme Song

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Empty Sat Apr 24, 2021 9:06 am


The smell of the moist pub was something most drunkards didn’t notice, but the restrooms stank of straight piss and it could be seen vividly expressed across Erebus’ face as he came through the door, zipping up his pants. He first thought to just leave the Inn, a fair night’s rest was already provided to him and he was a man about his money. Always figuring someway to make a faster buck than the day before. That was exactly what was on his mind as he was crossing paths with an underage girl and caught the tail end of the conversation Gunter was having with Isabella. Rather than commit to just eavesdropping, he took a seat, he raised his hand for a drink, to which the Bartender would hurriedly move away from Kratos. Erebus had only seen a few Dardian his whole life, he didn’t know much about them except that they’re personable.

Bandits? Erebus was the only high name thief to enter the town recently. Suddenly, the onset of being chased was on his mind again, however, with his head hidden underneath his helmet, he wasn’t necessarily as recognizable off rip anymore. Instead of just allowing himself to be ambushed, he decided to fork up an alias and see if he could make that quick lil sack while he was in town. He kept his hand on the side of his neck, as if it ached.  

Groaning a little he turned, hoping these guys were an open adventuring party. With Rinni speaking before Erebus, and him there to catch that conversation too. He was now under the complete context that at least two people here were of speculative danger. Nonetheless, it was tempting to make new friends.  “I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation. Did you say there were bandits in town? Is there a reward?”

He didn’t expect to be answered right away. He didn’t even expect to be able to go of course. Really, he was more expecting of the worst possible situation. Then again, there was never a genuine need to worry; assuming makes an asshole, and that was the truest fact of them all. Erebus offered a thumbs up. “Mind if I come?” Erebus would be on one side of Gunter with no one on the other side of Erebus’ position. Rinni on the other side of Gunter, sat cozy in the middle, and Isabella at the end, further down the bar was Kratos, who would be parked: still trying to get free commissary. Erebus made sure to sit somewhere ideal, in case all this shit really went to hell.  

Such was the life of a paranoid schizophrenic.

All Gear Equipped.

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] 100.webp?cid=6c09b952bwi1jgil2kmv5n82sxu3sx9ovp53hok0mlqpnaiq&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=100

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Empty Sat Apr 24, 2021 9:56 am


It was a terrible day in the Knights for Tempris. She knew that the new people got the worst assignments but never did she think those assignments would be so... boring. First they had her sweeping the halls. Then she had to polish to armors, which she actually didn't mind. It was so shiny and her flame really made it glow. However, that's not Knight's work. Then she had to go give orphans food. Poor starving orphans. They were suffering, she could see it in their eyes. If they weren't so dirty and covered with heresy, she would want to hug them and take them with her. She knew this nice spot on the off the lake were they would be free to bask under Illumin's warmth. It would be the perfect place to cleanse them of their sin and free them from this world. But she didn't have time. She had to deliver some letter to some heretic in the city. Why was this person a heretic, because they moved around too darn much and she had to spend her whole afternoon tracking and chasing them down. There was no opportunities to cleanse sinners or burn heretics.

Tired and irritated, Tempris don her white veil with a gold forehead plate which had Illumin's symbol graphed in the center and a dark red cloak which carried the slight scent of ash and smoke. She still wore her pendant but it was well hidden under her red dress, though it was on a gold chain. Gold and red was such a beautiful color combination. Her black and grey boots treaded through the city, looking for a place to rest. She was getting thirsty so she decided to stop at a local tavern.

Careful not to reveal her face, she slipped in and danced around the tall drunkards. Being pushed around by drunken brutes all because they were taller was not holy. It should be sin, no... heresy. Tempris quietly chuckled as she imagined her holy flames ripping through the establishment. All the soul's returning to Illumin purge of their earthly sins and corrupted desires. The air replacing the stench of booze with the fragrance smoke and burning flesh.
"Excuse me, bartender. A warm Milk please."

Tempris climbed onto the stool next to this girl who was whispering to a guy drinking what looked to be really thick whine. A sinner's drink for sure, she thought before remembering that she never tasted it. She returned her head back to her hands fighting the urge to start an open flame in her hands. The place was not exactly cold, but the atmosphere was robbing her of what enjoyment she had for the little bit of heat she clung on to. But all that change when the word bandit slipped through the bar rabble and into her ear from the duo next to her.

Tempris slightly tilted her head as mischievous grin craved into her pink lips. She was a Rune Knight. How could she turn away such a opportunity to help the public. If she could get the credit for removing these so call bandits, then the Knights would have to view her worthy of much more than the stupid sinful errands she was force to do. Her milk it the counter and began to sip it with her eyes glued to the side of her head. With another character offering to assist in the cleanup, the girl could not help but feel her energy returning. This might be the day were she could really do Illumin's work.

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Npc_sd14
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

#5The King 

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Empty Sat Apr 24, 2021 4:55 pm

The King
The King was fallowing Gunter for awhile before they entered the bar, he wanted too know what they where up too, he casually entered the bar and took a seat in the corner of the bar. He didnt bother hiding his face, as the patrons looked at him with concern for there lives, he gave them looks as if to say if they tried anything he would knock them out. The King listed carefully to the conversations of the pale man and those around him.

At the mention of bandits, he would approach the table and speak after everyone had finished talking. He would look at the woman in the white dress and say "if your looking for help dealing with the bandits you can count me in, For what King doesn't deal with bandits when they harm his people." The King would grab a free chair, then sit down across from the woman and beside the man with the heart hat. The King would take a quick glance at the pale man, he was trying to gauge what he was thinking. He thought to himself so this is the viking King, fucking pretender ill take your head for sure, there can only be one king that stands above god.

#6Günter Von Wolf 

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Empty Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:26 pm

Günter Von Wolf

Gunter would see Rinni coming down the stairs and wave, as that is happening Kratos would look at Rinni and say "Whats with the stink eye? Oh let me guess, its your time of the month aint it. Or maybe you had a rough night of anal, hell i can see the stick up your ass. Oh btw you might want to save up your money, you never know when a friend can die." After speaking Kratos would smile at Rinni expecting her too lash out. Gunter would watch too see Rinnis reaction, while also keeping an eye on the lich that just walked in, if she attacks Kratos he wouldn't stop her.

If she dosen't attack Gunter would respond too her questions, he would say "I got thirsty on the way over, you ran on ahead remember. As for Kratos he is my companion, If you want him dead then kill him." After speaking, a man approched the table, as he spoke Gunter listened while watching his every move. As he sat down next to Gunter, Isabella would say "if you wish to join us your more then welcome, my father will pay you handsomely for protecting me." Shortly after, the lich stood up and came over aswell.

By this point Gunter was on High alert, strangers getting close to who he needs to protect concerned him slightly. As he listened to the Lich, he noticed a small child drinking milk, at that moment he thinks to himself Kratos is probably going to eat you. Isabella would say to the lich "yes, your welcome to come aswell."

Gunter would listen to the banter that was sure to follow between everyone. After a few minutes, a man in a cloak would enter the bar, he heads over to Isabella, puts a envelope down on the table infront of her, and walks out the door. Isabella opens the envelope, reads the note inside, then says "lets have a few drinks before we head out."


Gunter and Isabella turn to look at what made the sound, what they see is the bartender's head turned to mush against the wall by Kratos's Fist. The bartender's body slumps to the ground, Kratos would turn to the group and say "Drinks are on the house, everyone else, GET THE FUCK OUT!!"

The Patrons of the bar would begin screaming and running for there lives. Once the patrons clear out Kratos would notice the Small child drinking milk. Kratos would say "Hey kid you fucking deaf, or are you gonna join us in killing bandits." Kratos would listen to the response, while porring drinks for EVERYONE. After the response he would hand Everyone, including Rinni and the small child, a large glass of whiskey. Isabella would look at everyone and say "lets drink."If Rinni tries to get out of drinking, Isabella will grab Rinnis breast, then pour some whiskey down her throat.




Isabella Vivadichi:

#7Rinni Faithe 

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Empty Sat Apr 24, 2021 9:03 pm

Rinni Faithe
Rinni was in agreement with Gunter on this. She too felt uncomfortable with this many people around. But for different reasons. Kratos could hurt kill or eat someone. Gunter could get thirsty and attack someone. Even she, herself, could go full Wolf any moment now and rip some innocent person's throat out. She hasn't fully developed her transformation yet. But she was close, she could feel it. And the stress, fear, anger, and myriad of emotions bottled inside her were not helping. She tried to ignore Kratos as he taunted her from the bar, she knew what he was trying to do. She gave a low growl but managed to restrain herself from transforming and lunging at him. Not yet.

The young werewolf listened as her vampire partner explained the situation. He had gotten thirsty on the way here and she had run on ahead. She sighed at this but couldn't blame Gunter this time. It was her own fault if someone died. She shouldn't have left his side. During the ongoing banter, Rinni had kept her nose active to every scent. The charcoal of the child, the piss from the restrooms, the alcohol on all the drunks, Kratos' stench, the blood Gunter was drinking, everything was hitting her at once. The odors were practically unbearable and it showed on her face as she scrunched up her sensitive nose in disgust.

She hated this place. She listened with quiet uncertainty as Isabella told the mysterious man and the Lich that had approached them that they are welcome to come along. She was quite quick to trust strangers, and Rinni didn't like that. The Rogue seemed safe enough, for now. But she got bad vibes off the Lich. He was only the second Lich she ever encountered, the first being much kinder and way different in contrast to this one. "Your people? Umm... no offense but... who the hell are you?" She asked the Lich as calmly as possible under the circumstances.

As she listened to the Lich's response to her question, her amber eyes went to a man approaching their little party. Not another stranger. He handed Isabella an envelope and left. He must have been who she was waiting for, she assumed. The woman then offered everyone to drink before heading out. To this, Kratos slaughtered the bartender and chased out all the patrons. This was enough to drive Rinni to transform. Brown fur covered her arms, legs, shoulders. Her claws grew out, her fangs became more pronounced, a brown fluffy tail protruded from her backside and her ears slid up her head forming into wolf ears that matched her hair color. If no one knew what she was before, they surely did now.

In seconds Rinni was on Kratos, slamming him against the wall growling. "Are you fucking crazy? You murdered that man! I should end you right now!" Her amber eyes trailed toward the little girl then she growled and stared the Dardian in the eyes. "If she decides to join us, so be it. Just know, monster, that she will be under my protection. If you so much as look at her the wrong way, your death will be far worse than what you did to Winter."

Though she wanted to kill him right there, she backed off. There were new people here. People who didn't know her. Didn't know her pain. Her trauma. She struggled with PTSD and depression thanks to the events of the last few months. She couldn't let that interfere with their job. Sitting back down, she watched as Isabella poured whiskey for herself and the child. "We're not drinking that! We're both minors! Besides, I don't..." Before she could further protest, she felt the woman grabbing her breast. This shocked her to silence and before she could react, the woman had poured the whiskey down her throat!

Rinni coughed and gagged on the liquid as it burned her throat. She could feel her stomach-churning. "Oh no. Not again..." Without excusing herself, the werewolf jumped to her feet and made a mad dash toward the women's restroom where she began to throw up in the toilets, flashbacks of Penumbral Guard Guild Hall coming to mind in a rush of deja vu.



F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Format,gif
Fiorian #00ffcc, Encan #ffcc66, Candy #ff99ff
Theme Song

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Empty Sat Apr 24, 2021 10:01 pm


Holy shit. This is escalating. Really gotta chill with those psychedelics...

Thought the Rogue to himself, he wasn’t even the most phased out of the group. Because what was going on seemed to take them all in by surprise; and to do that, warranted a fair level of “wtf” in reactants.

He assumed just as many of the others were trying to put together just what in in the hell was happening; as was he. The Bartender died just seconds after Erebus was told that he was participating in some quest to help this bombshell Isabella chick. The pale dude was serious about what he said but a little too serious in the madness of it all, the vibe turned a tad morbid when he insisted on killing his companion, that in turn murdered someone, and was now being rushed by an overgrown Lycan. I mean shit, there wasn’t judgement there, Erebus just couldn’t help throwing the shot of whiskey back and commenting. “This is wild.” After all, you are either intimidating or dauntless where there usually isn’t an in between. This guy was with the chops, and his Dardian was a more than violent sort. More intimidating than the lich. Wait... Erebus shot back to looking at King only to react with wider eyes. Was that Odin??? Did all lich have the same face... was he stereotyping them.


Erebus shook it off. He spoke up, cutting the idea of the fake alias, he had thrown together earlier in thought. The whole ordeal kind of took his mind off it, and his own name had slipped before he really thought about the disadvantages giving himself away would lead too. “Just call me Erebus everyone. I’m kind of a big deal, depends who you ask. Doesn’t really matter to me anymore though, I can tell everyone is too busy to care,” he threw back another shot, now much more comfortable with the fact he was around other less than ‘civil’ characters. The alcohol was starting to hit; aside that fact, Erebus finally didn’t feel like the weirdest person in a room. A nice little change up around other unique individuals.

He figured someone was about to shoot up and try to put the Wolf Down. Erebus kind of felt like attacking a kid being a werewolf or not, was lame. He decided to sit backseat and watch the chaos unfurl for self. “Personally I’m rooting for the Wolf.” He then added. “When are we leaving though? And where too exactly?”

Erebus had much he wished to talk about. One he wanted to have a conversation with the Odin imposter, the little girl was drinking booze with killers, that was new take. And the sexualized teen groupie was trying to kill Splinter, the overgrown rat. While Erebus and a Vampire watched with amusement from the bloodied bar.

Today was quite different...

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] 100.webp?cid=6c09b952bwi1jgil2kmv5n82sxu3sx9ovp53hok0mlqpnaiq&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=100

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Empty Sun Apr 25, 2021 12:35 am


Tempris nearly dropped her glass when the Lich walked in. She never seen such a monster before outside of what little books she had access to as a younger child. Even then, this creature made those drawings look like  adorable forest creatures. Tempris could only imagine the amount of heresy surrounding it. How good it would feel to burn bones alone. Would they crinkle and pop like firewood? Would they blacken and crunch? How easy it would be to just fire a spell at it. When it spoke though, she returned to the world.

So it had some sentience and it wanted to fight bandits. Also, it called itself King. Was it a child or something? Such a dumb name, forced a snicker out of the small paladin. She readied a list of taunts for the creature before putting them on hold. The Dardian started taunting the girl next to her. His words were weird, things she never heard before. What was happening today? Why what made it special. She knew no holiday praising Illumin or moments for this town to remember. There also was nothing special regarding the Rune Knights.

The part about anal was also confusing. What was this anal? Why did it involve sticks up your butt. That sounded painful almost like... Tempris felt a chill run across her body. She clenched her legs together as her breathing quicken. "Warmth is Illumin's love, Warmth is Illumin's love." She wanted to use her magic to create a small flame but her body just shivered. Her hands tried to massage nonexistence goosebumps, feeding warmth into her arms. But she still felt cold, so cold. Then there was a loud snap.

Tempris looked up accidently pushing her hood off her head and revealing her veil and gold plate on her forehead. The Dardain had his hand in the bartenders head and was shouting about drinks on the house. Everyone was to drink but those outside of the bandit hunting group. Bystanders were meant to leave. This would have been Tempris's cue to disappear but she was trapped on the stool still recovering from the Dardian's earlier comment. However, the moment was not over yet.

The girl sprouted fur, claws, and ears and lunged at the Dardian. "Were... Werewolf!" Tempris said shaking. She was not sure if she was scared or excited. Yet another being that could be freed from their sin. A smile plastered itself on her face as she envision the flames. But her dream would be short lived when the Wolf mentioned her. Only now did she remember the Dardian's words.
*Everyone Drink*

Beside her half empty glass a milk was a strong smelling amber liquid with a choking presence. She was suppose to drink this heretical drink. That was not happening. Meanwhile the other stranger introduced himself as Erebus. He was a well known assassin with a high body count. The sins on this man surely makes him another interesting person to cleanse, especially for that 4 million jewel bounty. However, she knew she was outclass at the moment. It wouldn't be smart to piss him off just yet. Also It probably wasn't the best time to be doing this. A wolf was attacking a Dardian who apparently was a thread to Tempris but too much was going on for the girl to simply follow.

Everything started to calm down. The wolf was off the Dardian it everyone was drinking except for Tempris and the Wolf. That was until a woman grabbed the wolf by the breast and forced the drink down the woman's throat. Tempris froze in fear. Was the woman going to do that that to her as well. Tempris didn't want to be grabbed by that woman like that as well. So she pulled her own drink to herself and took a small sip. She never wanted to cough more in her life, and she plays with fire. Still, she had to do it. So she took a deep breath and downed the whole drink. A couple coughs pushed her out of her chair, knocking down her two glasses. When the wolf dashed to the bathroom Tempris suddenly felt better. Her stomach was warming up. Was Illumin helping her?
"I did it... I didn't die. Take that Sinners! You can't put down me like..."

The world suddenly tilted. "Whoa, is Illumin moving us? Or is bandits. Bandits attacking? I will uhh. Oh where is Doggie. Dog fur is warms and want."
Tempris took a step forward and turned to a fallen chair. "To pet. But um, you... I don't to pet it. Why you asking me. I'm no child. I am Tempris the uhh, something or other... and will be number... Oh... umm to bathroom." Tempris burst out laughing as she stumbled her way in the direction of the wolf.

"Doggie. Were doggie?" Tempris called while balancing on her two legs. There was a fluffy tail just bouncing around while the sound of gagging scared away the silenced.
"Nooooo doggie were. You cant do that. There is heresy on that. If Heresy need to be burned not uhh. Oh no. Doggie. We are not alone. There is another sinner here. And uhh. Oh. Your tail is so warm. Warmth is love. Illumin is loving me." Tempris grabbed onto the tail and held it tightly to her chest.
"Tail, I'll protect you. I am a knight you know!"

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366
#10The King 

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Empty Sun Apr 25, 2021 5:54 am

The King
The King listened too the teenager's response to his introduction, He would smile at her and then say "I am The King that stands above all, That rule's over all, Even the gods will bow down too me."After speeking, he would watch and listen to get a feel for these people.

The King watched and listened to what happend arround him, he learned a few things, starting with the beast. This creature was a feral animal that needed to be put down. It would probably be by the teenage girl's hand's. The King knew the beast was strong, to be able to cave in a mans skull with one punch was true power. It clearly had a sadistic nature, do too the fact it seemed to take pleasure in killing.

As for the teenage girl, she was stronger then she looked, the fact that she was able too push the beast into the wall, showed her strength. The king knew that she was not someone to be fucked with. Based off her conversation with the beast and Gunter, he devised that the beast killed one of her friends, based off of the comment he made too her. The fact that she was letting Gunter feed on her, showe's that she care's for him. it was strange to see there kind as allie's, Though clearly they had history.

When it came too the pretender known as Gunter, he knew he was a vampire, this was shown by his lack of shadow. He clearly didnt care about his companion, Though he knew that this man must be strong, Too gain the respect of both the beast and the werewolf, Too have them work together regardless of there feeling's Showed leadership. There was Clearly more too this man then he was letting on. He showed little interest in the death of innocents, he wasnt even fazed, this told the king that he was no stranger to death and violence.

As for the man called erebus, he had seen wanted posters about this man. He knew that this man had a 4 million bounty, He clearly knew the man, that had the kings new face, He gave a similar look as the unnamed archer he met recently. Perhaps he knew the people that freed him from the unending torture.

As for the woman called Isabella, based off her actions she was a woman that could hold her liquor, was a bit of a party animal, she was very attractive and most importantly, The King knew, once he got his human body back, They Would Smash.

And then, Come's the child, based off of her clothing she is clearly a devot follower of illumin. The fact that she smiled at the word bandit, showed that she was not as innocent as she seemed. This was further shown, when she looked at the kings vissage and snickerd, insted of hiding behind someone out of fear. He started to pick up on what seemed to be a sadistic nature hidden behind a child like smile, for when she saw the bartender die, she wasn't fazed, infact, even after the teenager transformed, she seemed to smile with excitement as if wanting more death.

#11Günter Von Wolf 

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Empty Sun Apr 25, 2021 7:19 pm

Günter Von Wolf

Gunter Watches Rinni get up and run too the bathroom, he see's the drunk child follow, he thinks to himself thats probably for the best. Gunter would then turn to Erebus and say "ive heard a bit about you, nice too meet you, Names Günter Von Wolf." Gunter would extend his hand to Erebus to shake his hand. As that is happening, Gunter would notice Kratos was smiling and looking at the washroom that rinni entered. After a few seconds he would down a bottle of whiskey from the shelf.

Gunter would then say to The King "its not hard to stand above the God's, Especially when there less then dog shit." Isabella would look at Erebus in response to his question and say "we will be heading to the outskirts of town, We can leave as soon as they get out of the washroom."

When Rinni eventually leaves the the bathroom, Kratos would say "winter looked really scared in that final moment" to get her attention he would be behind the bar then he would look at her and say "You know whats kinda funny, how you ran faster to the toilet then you did to save your friend winter, huh maybe you wanted her to die, i mean she was useless." if Rinni lashes out Kratos would be ready this time and would react accordingly

Isabella would look at rinni and say loudly right after " good your back alright is everyone ready to kill some bandits." Gunter would stand up and finish his glass of blood, then he would head to the door and wait for everyone outside. Outsude Gunter would lite up a cigar and offer one to Erebus, as Gunter waited foe foe everyone he would inhale deeply, then exhale slowly.




Isabella Vivadichi:

#12Rinni Faithe 

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Empty Sun Apr 25, 2021 8:16 pm

Rinni Faithe
As Rinni threw up all stomach content into the toilet, she heard someone enter behind her. Candy? No, it was footsteps and they were staggering. She could hear the voice of the little girl drunkenly talking to her. She felt the child hugging her tail, which twitched and wiggled in her grasp. Sitting up, the werewolf wiped her mouth and managed to get to her feet. She exited the restroom with the girl still attached to her tail. This was going to be one hell of a day.

As soon as she came out, Kratos started on her, as predicted.

Winter looked really scared in that final moment.

Rinni paused and turned her head toward Kratos, her amber eyes piercing into his own.

You know what's kinda funny, how you ran faster to the toilet than you did to save your friend winter, huh maybe you wanted her to die, I mean she was useless.

Rinni bared her fangs and snarled, her ears drawn back. She felt her anger boiling over. Her eyes glanced toward Isabella and Gunter. No. She had a mission. She couldn't let him get to her. Lucian, Ko, Masado, Jan Ren, hell even Gunter... they all taught her better than this. A smirk formed across her lips as her gaze returned to Kratos. She transformed back into human form, her tail shrinking out of existence and letting Tempris fall to the ground. "You're so predictable, you know that? It's boring, and pathetic really." Rinni summoned her Arcing Bow and her Pyonim's Chase Quiver from her Pocket Dimension Ring. She aimed the bow toward Kratos and drew back the string as an arrow materialized. "You should really watch your mouth, Kratos. You know why? Because Gunter doesn't care if you die. You're more worthless than Winter ever was. She helped me and was there for me more times than I can count. As for you, never say her name again. Unless you're talking about actual seasons, I better not ever hear that name leave your mouth again!"

She released the arrow.

If he would dodge or dig, it would proceed to chase him until it hit him or an obstacle. It wasn't her strongest shot, as it was meant as a warning, not an attack. She just wanted to show him what she was capable of and that she wasn't fucking around. She had been through so much and she was done being bullied and used and hurt just because she was a 'kid'. She wasn't a kid anymore, and she intended to prove her worth on this little adventure and earn her name and place in this world.

"Who's Winter?" Candy asked in a cute small voice as she landed on Rinni's head.

"I'll tell you later."

"But I'm curious!"

"Candy, I said no. Please, I promise I'll tell you later." The Moogle pouted but left the subject alone sensing it was a sensitive topic for her companion.

She would then return her quiver and bow into her pocket dimension and look toward the child with a smile. "My name's Rinni, what's yours?" She would help the girl to her feet and if Tempris would accept her help, she would walk with her out of the bar as soon as Isabella said it was time to go. Her amber eyes glanced up at Gunter as she passed him and for a moment a flush of pink appeared on her cheeks.



F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Format,gif
Fiorian #00ffcc, Encan #ffcc66, Candy #ff99ff
Theme Song

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Empty Sun Apr 25, 2021 9:02 pm


Erebus breathed a sigh in of relief, with both the females taking for the bathroom. Things would get a split second to dissolve and go back to normal. The less heads in the noisy chamber-room the better to Erebus, who was getting a little overwhelmed by the sheer speed of it all. Like, it probably hasn’t fully registered someone head was just smashed in and murdered. He guessed he’d probably think about it later. For now, he was kind of just getting down with the group itself. Around just the males and Isabella, things seemed to get simpler. That didn’t mean it was as entertaining but at least consistency was in the works. Maybe that was for the better.

The Rogue’s attention drifted down to Gunter’s outstretched hand. Now, Erebus wasn’t the naive sort on most occasions, that just willy-nilly places trust with strangers or anything, especially with those who knew exactly who he was before he knew them. Yet, he was polite (and still straight ninja as fuck, either way) enough to shake his new colleague’s hand. ”Cool name. Kind of ironic your surname is Wolf, and you’re with a Werewolf accomplice.” He wanted to say more, but too much was never a good idea.

Erebus tended to ramble, he bit his tongue down. Discipline is righteous. Self-pain would teach him to become more reserved. As a Juggernaught for his beliefs, Erebus could never afford to think childish. Lest he get sent into Mind-Fuck Land again by Zagan.

Speaking of Zagan... Gunter has a similar vibe. But the glass of wine was beginning to really make Erebus think this guy was a vampire... Wait; oh, okay. He suddenly figured that out. Perhaps a bit late to the party, he thought to himself as the Vampire stood and began walking for the door. Erebus threw back Gunter’s un-drank whiskey, seeing is how blood was the real quench for that guy.

He followed in behind, though as a Cigar was offered to him, he held his hand back and smiled. ”No need. I got some buzzy magic smoke here, super relaxing stuff.” Erebus said, revealing his magical Hermit pipe, as he inhaled black fumes, his eyes would dilate and return quickly. He allowed it’s magic to sedate his worries of paranoia. Though it wouldn’t deteriorate his alertness either.

As if to match Gunter’s offer though, Erebus hit the pipe twice and held it out to the Vampire, as he awaited the women. The King, Erebus assumes followed beside him; Erebus would offer the pipe to the lich too, should Gunter not take it and pass it around in a circle. Then, he’d start up with the Skeleton. “So... how’s it been? How’s the mission,” Vaguely recalling, but Erebus remembered Odin wanted to take over the kingdom. So maybe that’s why he was going by The King right? Erebus figures he was either spot on, that this was his guild master, or he was really bad at comparing dead people, but either way, he presented himself as if the two were co-workers at the office. Just breaking the ice, no harm or foul in his mind-shifts.

Erebus would look over at Isabella, her voluptuous hourglass figurine was the first thing he noticed, but instead of drool about it. He decided to push the quest agenda a bit harder. “Where’s our location anyways, who is the target?”
He awaited Tempris and Rinni’s return, as well as Kratos coming out the Bar too.

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] 100.webp?cid=6c09b952bwi1jgil2kmv5n82sxu3sx9ovp53hok0mlqpnaiq&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=100

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Empty Sun Apr 25, 2021 10:49 pm


Clinging on to the tail, Tempris allowed herself to be dragged outed of the bathroom. The girl was in complete bliss, letting the warm fur continuously cycle heat through her body. "Never leave me fluffy. Illumin loves us." A small yawned sapped what little strength she had to stay awake. Now what awaited her was the slow burning of sinners in a flaming forest of molten rock. Wisp of freed and cleansed souls fluttered to the sky into a singular circle of light. Then a spec of blue flickered in the center of the air. Snow buried the flames and turn the ground white. The sky was drained of its orange till it was grey. Finally, bam!

Tempris hit the ground. The damaged bar was spinning. An arrow flew out of what was the werewolf towards someone in front of her. Her eyes bounced around the room, loosing site of the trajectory. Tempris covered her head with her arms hoping to force her eyes to settle. "Where did... Wolfie go." The girl into a ball, hoping to build her foundation, but there was no hope in getting up. She was glued to the cold dirty floor forsaken. To have so much warm only for it to be snatched away. She hated it. She wanted to scream but the cold was stealing her strength.

Suddenly something warm pulled her off the ground. Tempris opened her eyes as she she felt her feet  touch the ground. The woman introduced herself as Rinni and smiled. However, this was not the wolf that held Illumin's warmth. This wasn't the tail she longed for. "I am... Tempris... I neverminded." She dropped her head, disappointed that the warmth was gone. She allowed Rinni to guide her out of the building.

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366
#15The King 

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Empty Wed Apr 28, 2021 4:13 am

The King
As the King listen's to Gunter and Erebus's  conversation, The King couldn't help but laugh at the comment Gunter made, about the gods being less then dog shit. As Rinni comes out of the bathroom, The King would listen to Rinni and Kratos's banter, once Rinni draws her bow, The King would follow Gunter, Isabella, and Erebus, out of the bar. Once The King is outside he begin's survaying his surrounding's to make sure no one else is around. As he is Survaying, he is offerd to smoke from a pipe by Erebus. As he accept's the pipe, the King would look at Erebus and say "thank you." As The King brings the pipe to his teeth, He trys to inhale, however since he dosen't have lungs, he hands the pipe back too Erebus while saying, "I tried but i don't have lungs." The King would then listen too Erebus talk about the mission, However The King would interrupt by raising his hand, he would say to Erebus "Im not Odin, never met the guy personally, apparently he looks like me, The only reason I know his name, Is because some archer in a field told me I look like him." The King would listen to Erebus's reaction, In the hopes he may learn more about Odin. Though it wasn't that important any info could help. He would also listen too Isabella's response too Erebus, After she tells him the location The King would start heading there and not wait for the others. He knew they would catch up, not that it mattered, he didnt want too wait, besides he had no intention on actually helping them. The King just wanted information, he walked down the road toward the outskirts, then took a sharp turn when he was out of eyesight. The King knew now where he had to go. The remenents of Penumbral Guard.


#16Günter Von Wolf 

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Empty Wed Apr 28, 2021 6:29 am

Günter Von Wolf

As Rinni aim's her bow at Kratos, he cant help but smile. As Rinni releases her arrow into Kratos he dosen't bother dodging, instead he will take the hit and counter her by using Dardian Destruction. As Kratos slams his fist onto the ground and causes earth spikes to shoot out of the ground in an 8 meter diameter region around him, after rinnis reaction Kratos will use Dardian Dig. As Kratos makes his way outside, he will come out of the ground 5 meters to the left of Gunter, and 8.5 meters away from the front door. 

As This happen's, Gunter would hear the sound stone bursting through wood, along with the smell of blood. Suddenly Tempris and Rinni's companion Candy, would be thrown out of the front door. After that Kratos would look at Gunter and say "Hey Boss I'm out, im not working with that little bitch, next time i see her she is dead. If she want's me, tell her she can find me in the woods, where she can suck my fat cock." With that out of the way, Kratos would head into the woods, where he would await Rinni. Gunter would still be able to smell the blood flowing in her vains, so he knew she was alive but he could tell something was off. Gunter would say to Erebus "try to go non lethal" while drawing his sword.




Isabella Vivadichi:

#17Rinni Faithe 

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Empty Wed Apr 28, 2021 10:03 am

Rinni Faithe
Rinni should have expected it. In fact, she did. She knew attacking Kratos would start a war between her and him. Then again, that war started the day Winter died. And this bastard had been provoking her and pushing her and prodding her all day just to get a reaction. And when he finally gets one?

Rinni paused and turned around at the sudden noise behind her. The sound was Kratos punching the ground. As the magic circle appeared, the teen's eyes widened. Fuck. She had mere seconds to react. Her first instinct was to grab Candy in her right hand while grabbing Tempris with her left. She tossed both of them through the bar's still open door and into the outside just as the spikes jutted up beneath her and pierced her flesh, leaving cuts on her arms, legs, and torso.

She watched as drops of blood hit the ground. Her blood. The fucking prick actually drew first blood. And then had the nerve to dig to safety like a fucking coward. Rinni went into a low growl, seeing red at this point, and she felt her body changing. Her muscles expanded, ripping her clothing. The shape of her body began to change shape, becoming more canine than human. A long, large, bushy tail protruded from her tail bone, her ears growing into massive wolf ears. Her nose and mouth became a large muzzle. Her body, in general, began to grow, along with the brown fur growing from every inch of her now. She had now reached a height of around 8'7", her clothing ripping to shreds rendering her completely naked, her fur replacing the purpose of her clothing.

She howled loudly and a few seconds later burst through the doorway, busting down the wall and creating a bigger hole to fit her new body through. She scanned the area around her, instinctively searching for Kratos. However, when she couldn't find him her rage only grew upon his escape from her wrath. Her amber eyes went between Gunter, Erebus, Tempris, Isabella, and Candy. She noticed at least one of the silhouettes had a weapon. However, she couldn't recognize anyone. Dropping to all fours, she paced in a wide circle snarling at the group.

The massive Werewolf suddenly lunged at Isabella, the woman she was supposed to protect. If Tempris, Erebus, or Gunter were between her and the woman (or if they tried to stop her) she would snarl loudly and swipe her claws at them, aiming to draw blood. Aiming to end lives. Everything about her in this moment implied she was a savage, bloodthirsty, monster.



F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Format,gif
Fiorian #00ffcc, Encan #ffcc66, Candy #ff99ff
Theme Song

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Empty Thu Apr 29, 2021 6:51 am


The Rogue became curious after the Lich knew exactly what he was thinking, he must have been compared to Odin already. Interesting, and the Lich himself seemed absorbed in his own affairs. He left before shit hit the fan fully, Tempris came out just as chaos was beginning to ensue. He wanted to offer the child help, but more importantly the beast that Rinni has become was already making over to the group. Kratos was taking for the forest momentarily. Erebus couldn’t help but think the companion Dardian was more trouble than aide... a lot. Then again, it wasn’t his ally, so he kept his mouth shut.

Erebus listened to Gunter as King took for the hills at that point, the sound of wood breaking and glasses busting inside, alerted Erebus and Gunter simultaneously. Just as Gunter urged Erebus not to kill, he would nod, scarlet pink daggers were then unsheathed from his backside instantly. They were jagged in the shape of a kris, with purple and red decor’d-hearts at the epicenter, the blades spun from their handles in his fingertips, and suddenly the scent of blood and the thrill of adventure picked up. Erebus felt himself smile. These were his favorite times.

Finally, another chance to escrita something had presented itself. Though, with this set of daggers, Erebus could play a brutal game and make sure his opponents suffered whilst undying. The Daggers had the magical ability to both return the endurance to destroyed limbs, and debuff his opposition. Not waiting for the chance to have a target snuck from him, Erebus  flipped one of his daggers around, so that the sharpened side pointed back towards his elbows. The blunt end of the handles would keep him from outright taking out vital organs. Both daggers were now in ice-pick mode, so as to fight with the handles only.

He then launched— moving past Isabella and defending her a few feet from her location, with a speed that would likely dwarf the werewolves multiple times over. He then brought the blunt end of his passionate-weapon to the side of Rinni’s jaw, This would appear as if he were hovering a foot over the ground after a jump; between her jaw and the muscles keeping her bottom half mouth up, Erebus simply trained himself to fit the handle between these locations. And ‘rock’ her, with one mighty stinger shot. His superhuman strength would prove Erebus was far more than the average rogue off the block, using his hands and weapons, Erebus was a timed Ninja on his feet. More than enough time to completely take the wolf off its back-legs and then slam it against the ground in a fell one-move takedown, all he did was throw his hand into a desired place after a jump scare surpise— so it wasn’t as if the wolf couldn’t react, however Erebus was a challenge all on his own.

To protect himself, the left arm holding the still back-facing dagger, with the blade extended up his forearm would create a shield, should any of the Werewolve’s appendages try to attack him, he would attempt meeting those blows head on with a block from this dagger, and in this case, that meant having to run a full-arm through his scarlett-tinted blade and allowing an intelligent technical fighter another counter opportunity to escrita at wicked pace.

Meanwhile, if his initial attack had landed at all, Erebus would use the force to push himself back and flip, where he’d land on his feet in a crouch state; level himself into a defensive stance and await for the wolf to charge, where he’d saw it down from the ankles up.

“Listen, I urge you to control yourself before things get worse for you. This is a quest, you’re asking for a lot from us if you make this continue.“ Erebus said, level-headed. There was almost a pitiful tone in his voice, as a Human. Erebus did pity those who had their humanity ripped away, but that wasn’t his problem. Finishing them afterwards, that was his problem.

Erebus wondered how Gunter was prepping his own defense. Though, his full attention was trained on Rinni. None of his shots were lethal, but at least one was mighty enough to disorientate the Wolf for the next few seconds.

Name: Bad Romance
Rank: S
Mana Cost: 500
Requirements: Valentine's Daggers of Passion
Type: Supplementary
Element: Arcane
Range: Attack
Cooldown: 5 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user lands a hit with the weapon on a target to activate this spell. Upon harming a target, the user can sustain a Debuff to an attribute of their choice on the target.

500MP expended, -80 SPEED against Rinni

2,050MP Remaining

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] 100.webp?cid=6c09b952bwi1jgil2kmv5n82sxu3sx9ovp53hok0mlqpnaiq&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=100

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Empty Thu Apr 29, 2021 7:29 am


Tempris suddenly felt herself peeled from the sticky cold floor. A sudden jolt of energy woke her body enough to open her eyes and take in a spinning room. She was unsure how much of this was Illumin's work and how much of it was from the girl who replace her precious doggie. This much was sure, she needed to brace herself.

She flew out the door and landed on the ground. Her instincts kicked in just in time to get her body rolling, but something was still robbing her dexterity. In the end, she stopped, landing on her back with heretical dirt covering her cloak and dress while her arms and legs where bruised and scratched up. A combination of warm burning and cold stinging kept her heart beating enough to fight the ground. Tempris was at her feet. The world was on tilt but at least she did not feel like she was on a never ending merry-go-round at the Illumin's county fair.

Feeling confident in divorce from the every clingy ground, Tempris looked back at the bar to see a blurry creature lunging out at seemed to be the woman who forced one of the girls to drink that weird drink. However another blur just ran in front of her in hopes to stop the creature. Soon all the blurs were fighting. 3 to 4 heretics gathered in one place. Tempris grew a wide grin. She had a great opportunity purge so many sins. Stumbling at first, she managed to adapted to tilted world and make her way to the many blurs. The closer she got, the more she was able to recognize appearances.

The aggressive woman of sin. The heretic Erebus. The mysterious heathen whos name she didn't know. Finally was a... large... dog? Tempris rubbed her eyes. But the image didn't get any clearer. However, the snarling and howling made it very obvious. It was a large fluffy dog. Tempris's eyes lit up. Her fluffy warmth of Illumin's love was back. She advance to the group and attempted to slip behind the werewolf and pounce on its tail.

"Tail. I, Tempris Ashflare. Have found you! Dont leave me anymore. I Told you. You are under Illumin's Protection... wait.. I mean, me. My protection."

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366
#20Günter Von Wolf 

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Empty Thu Apr 29, 2021 7:01 pm

Günter Von Wolf

Gunter stands in a ready position, waiting as the sound of broken glass shuffles on the floor, as claws rip into wood, after a few seconds Gunter can hear growling coming from inside the bar. Immediately after he see's Rinni in werewolf form, she charge's out at Isabella. Gunter would immediately act, he would see erebus blitz by as nothing more then a blur and hit Rinni in the jaw. As Rinni staggers from his hit, Gunter dashes in, smacking Rinni in the face with his sword, followed by a kick too her chest. Gunter made sure to put in enough power into his kick, to send Rinni flying through the wall behind her. If Rinni dodges and counters Gunter, he will take the hit. If she goes after someone else, Gunter will get in between Rinni and her new intended target to defend his new comrad's. As this is going on Gunter will yell at Rinni, saying "get ahold of yourself, i dont want to hurt you but if you keep this up i will."

As this is going on, Isabella begins backing up from the Teen Wolf, to get some distance for her and the angry teenager. Once she is safely behind a tree and out of the way, she would yell to Rinni "calm yourself girl, your better then this."




Isabella Vivadichi:

#21Rinni Faithe 

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Empty Thu Apr 29, 2021 8:07 pm

Rinni Faithe
Erebus was fast. Faster than the Werewolf expected. She barely had time to blink and the Rogue was on her, leaping into the air and slamming the blunt head of his dagger into her jaw causing her to yelp and stagger backward shaking her head. During this, Tempris somehow maneuvered herself behind the massive wolf and latched herself onto her tail. Surprised, Rinni turned toward the child and growled. She started running in circles chasing her tail, her jaws snapping viciously trying to grab the pest that was weighing down her tail.

During all this, Gunter charged toward Rinni and smacked her across the face with his sword, effectively stopping her from pursuing the child. Growling at her attacker, Rinni prepared to lunge only to be kicked in the gut, and with a loud yelp of pain, she was sent flying into what used to be the bar... now a pile of rubble as it collapsed on top of her and Tempris. Rinni sat up, the rumble falling off her head and shoulders as she shook her head and blinked a few times. Poor Tempris was now not only buried in the aftermath but had a massive wolf sitting on top of her.

"What happened? Where am I?" Rinni asked, her vision clearing as she looked at Erebus and Gunter. She then noticed two people were missing. "Wait! Where's Kratos? Where's Tempris? Did he eat her?!"

It took her longer than it should have to realize what was going on. Looking down, she spotted the child laying unconscious under her. Rinni gasped and quickly returned to her human form so as to not crush the girl. Realizing instantly that she was naked in the presence of men, Rinni blushed and quickly activated her POcket Dimension Ring to clothe herself.

Nothing happened.

"What the...? Fuck! He broke my ring!" Completly flushed red and flustered, Rinni jumped off Tempris and grabbed her cloak, and wrapped it around herself. It was a bit small on her, so she also grabbed Candy and had to Moogle hover in front of her lower half to hide the rest of her. "Uh... S-so... who gets to carry the kid so we can umm ... where are we going again?'


F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Format,gif
Fiorian #00ffcc, Encan #ffcc66, Candy #ff99ff
Theme Song

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Empty Thu Apr 29, 2021 9:21 pm


Erebus was in a crouch so the arrival of Gunter's combination allowed him to prospect what happened next, Tempris. oh, the poor kid... Gunter booted the absolute fuck out of her. Erebus would be eager to heal her endurance. He thought, or perhaps he could effectively meet the character later and see what her role in all of this chaos was. What happened next didn't come as a shock, Rinni was naked, cool. Now they all knew what Rinni looked like. Erebus would discipline himself later for such a unique privilege. Perhaps he would bleach his eyes under the sun or something along those lines. Rinni was underage after all.

"Hey Gunter. What happens next man. Are we helping this bombshell titty bitch or what."

Also, where the hell did King run off too, Erebus instantly recalled. Perhaps they should follow that dude, if King knew how to look exactly like Odin, maybe Erebus could look exactly like this super sexy mage that use to be a shitbag with a bounty like has now. What was his name? Noel Raion, damn what Erebus could do with a face like that.

"What about the Lich, is that guy important. Should we search for him?
2,050MP Remaining

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] 100.webp?cid=6c09b952bwi1jgil2kmv5n82sxu3sx9ovp53hok0mlqpnaiq&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=100

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Empty Thu Apr 29, 2021 10:10 pm


"Warmth" Tempris hummed as she clung on the the tail. She was obvious to anything around her except for the cool breeze that attempted to rob her from her connection with Illumin. Finding this treasure was not something she was willing to give up a second time. She would fight the urge to fall asleep. She would fight her turning stomach. She would fight the noise which try to rob her of her attention. Nothing was stopping this girl nor keeping her away from her connection with her god. That was until a sudden force completely shook the girl out of her stupor.

For a brief moment Tempris was able to process the situation. She was riding the tail of a revenging werewolf that was trying to kill them. In fact, she was recently just the target. The heathen struck the creature sending it flying and Tempris was on a collision course with the wall behind her. She tried to let go in hopes of slipping away but there was just no time. So Tempris felt the full brunt being slammed into the wall, then having a werewolf crush her. She felt her breathe leave her then everything went black.


F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366
#24Günter Von Wolf 

F.R.I.E.N.D.S? [Gunter/Rinni/Erebus/The King/Tempris] Empty Fri Apr 30, 2021 3:40 pm

Günter Von Wolf

After the fight Gunter use's his ring, too spawn a jacket for Rinni. He walks over too Rinni and put's it around her too cover her up. He would then walk over to Tempris and hand her too Rinni, then he would say "run on ahead, fix your ring, we will catch up." Gunter watches as Rinni run's off ahead, he then turnes to Erebus, as Isabella begins laughing do too his comment about her.

Gunter says "sorry about that, I appolagize for my companion and Friend's actions." Gunter would give an elegant bow that would be customary in bosco nobility. He would then say "you where very impressive back there, im glad your on our side, I have to admit, I'd probably have trouble beating you, If you where my opponent." Gunter once again extend his hand too Erebus, to shake hands. If Erebus accepts, he would say "Thank you for not seriously Harming my friend. I appreciate it, your a good man Erebus."

Right after Isabella say's "Alright boy's thets get moving, you have bandits too deal with." She walkes over to Gunter and Erebus, giving them both a kiss on the cheek before heading down the road. Gunter follow's behind, he had a job too do.


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