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Bombing (Sabotage:Cassia)[Solo]

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#1Miyamoto Akuma † 

Bombing (Sabotage:Cassia)[Solo] Empty Fri Jul 23, 2021 6:50 pm

Miyamoto Akuma †
Sabotaging Cassia is needed in this situation, the condition and support differences between Hildegard and Cassia is getting further, adding more support for Hildegard is not enough and they need to do some sabotation to Cassia and her supporters. This little group of five that Akuma made by gathering some people from Hildegard’s supporters that have the same thinking with him, and ended up gathering other four people and creating this group. This group is really created to do the “dirty job” for Hildegard, this is the group that is willing to do sabotation to other heirs in order to support Hildegard. They believe that since other heirs did sabotage Hildegard and her supporters, those people need to feel the counter attack from Hildegard’s supporters, even though this group never reveals their identity to anyone. They make sure to move in secrets because they know that if the news about this group gets to Hildegard’s ears, Hildegard will be mad about this since Hildegard doesn’t like her supporters to do sabotation to the other heirs which are her siblings. So the existence, the activity, the identity of this group and it’s members need to be classified for the safety of its members.


#2Miyamoto Akuma † 

Bombing (Sabotage:Cassia)[Solo] Empty Fri Jul 23, 2021 6:51 pm

Miyamoto Akuma †
But it’s not that easy to get information about Cassia’s supporters and their towns, since to get in their town and gather information without looking suspicious wouldn’t be an easy task to do as a scouter. Plus the guards that Cassia places on her supporter's town are really dedicated to protect the town and the storage that they are assigned to. The people of the town are not a problem, but being an outsider who just gets in town and asks too much details might cause a trouble. That's why it takes time for Akuma to come up with a perfect plan to scout, sabotage, and leave safely. Just like last time, how Akuma and the others are basically sleeping, getting treatment from the local doctor until the chaos can be started in that town. Or the time before that where Akuma and the other have faked out bad stomach condition after eating something from that town to spread bad news and also destroying their food storage that has been used to keep food for Casais's supporters before it get distributed. This time Akuma comes up with the plan idea and work out that plan with everyone from that group to make a better plan.


#3Miyamoto Akuma † 

Bombing (Sabotage:Cassia)[Solo] Empty Fri Jul 23, 2021 6:51 pm

Miyamoto Akuma †
This time, their plan is to attack the food storage in this one town that supports Cassia, Akuma makes the plan to destroy the storage by bombing it from the inside. Since it's hard to get close to the food storage, Akuma sends his scouter to gather information about the supplies distribution, and find out when they will come and go. After he got that information, Akuma make a plan to put bomb on the cart when those people get here to get more supplies to be distributed. Akuma make sure of the routes and timing, and Akuma know exactly how and where to do that plan. Akuma and the other 2 start making holes on the street where the cart will pass to make the cart stuck on purpose, while Cassia's people are busy taking care of the cart, Akuma put bombs under the cart. Akuma and the others the go to the out side of the town where they can see the food storage. Not just that, they can see that the cart that moving from the entrance of the town to the food storage. When they can clearly see that the cart inside the storage, Akuma press a button and no causing an explosion in that food storage and destroy that food storage.


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